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Список вопросов базы знанийАнглийский язык. Бизнес курс.
Вопрос id:1697143 Give the Russian equivalent to the term: PAYE ?) система сбора подоходного налога путем вычета из заработной платы ?) расходование запасов в порядке поступления ?) расходы наличности ?) расходование запасов в обратном порядке Вопрос id:1697144 Give the Russian equivalent to the term: Premium ?) страховая премия ?) выплата налога ?) премия за перевыполнение плана ?) возмещение ущерба Вопрос id:1697145 Give the Russian equivalent to the term: Public liability ?) страхование гражданской ответственности ?) страхование общества ?) социальное страхование ?) страхование жизни Вопрос id:1697146 Give the Russian equivalent to the term: Receivables ?) инвестиции ?) дебиторская задолженность ?) кредиторская задолженность ?) аккредитив Вопрос id:1697147 Give the Russian equivalent to the term: Reinsurance ?) страхование страховки ?) возобновляемая страховка ?) страхование ?) новая страховка Вопрос id:1697148 Give the Russian equivalent to the term: Relief ?) средство судебной защиты ?) облегчение ?) освобождение ?) доверие Вопрос id:1697149 Give the Russian equivalent to the term: Results budget ?) итоговый бюджет ?) баланс ?) основной бюджет ?) начальный бюджет Вопрос id:1697150 Give the Russian equivalent to the term: Road haulage ?) загруженные дороги ?) грузовые перевозки ?) дорожная погрузка ?) транзитный груз Вопрос id:1697151 Give the Russian equivalent to the term: Schedule ?) налоговая ставка ?) прейскурант, шкала ?) расписание ?) страховые выплаты Вопрос id:1697152 Give the Russian equivalent to the term: Service delivery ?) оказание услуги ?) доставка услуги ?) получение услуги ?) посылка услуги Вопрос id:1697153 Give the Russian equivalent to the term: Slump ?) стагнация ?) резкий экономический спад ?) инфляция ?) экономический подъем Вопрос id:1697154 Give the Russian equivalent to the term: Start-up ?) старт ?) запуск в производство ?) финиш ?) завершение производства Вопрос id:1697155 Give the Russian equivalent to the term: Tax allowance ?) разрешение платить налоги ?) налоговая скидка ?) налоговая декларация ?) налоговая служба Вопрос id:1697156 Give the Russian equivalent to the term: Temporal employee ?) гастарбайтер ?) частично занятый работник ?) сезонный работник ?) временный работник Вопрос id:1697157 Give the Russian equivalent to the term: Term insurance ?) страхование на срок ?) условия страхования ?) страхование на учебный семестр ?) страхование жизни Вопрос id:1697158 Give the Russian equivalent to the term: Throughput ?) пропускная способность ?) рентабельность ?) затраты ?) доходность Вопрос id:1697159 Give the Russian equivalent to the term: Venture capitalist ?) капиталистическое предприятие ?) капитальный предприниматель ?) предприниматель, идущий на риск ?) владелец предприятия Вопрос id:1697160 Give the Russian equivalent to the term: Waiver ?) получение возмещения ущерба ?) выплата возмещения ущерба ?) выплата штрафа ?) освобождение от ответственности Вопрос id:1697161 Give the Russian equivalent to the term: Аdvice ?) советник ?) авизо ?) виза ?) аккредитив Вопрос id:1697162 Give the Russian equivalent to the term: Рolicyholder ?) страховая компания ?) страховщик ?) страховой брокер ?) держатель страхового полиса Вопрос id:1697163 Give the Russian equivalent to the term: Рroduct liability ?) социальное страхование ?) страхование гражданской ответственности ?) страхование жизни ?) страхование ответственности за качество продукта Вопрос id:1697164 Give the Russian equivalent to the term: Сash with order ?) наличный расчет при выдаче заказа ?) контокоррент ?) вексель ?) аккредитив Вопрос id:1697165 Give the synonym to the term: Capital expenditure ?) pricing ?) insurance ?) investment ?) taxation Вопрос id:1697166 Give the synonym to the term: Insurance certificate ?) shareholder certificate ?) share ?) tax return ?) insurance policy Вопрос id:1697167 Give the synonym to the term: Life assurance ?) term insurance ?) life insurance ?) personal insurance ?) professional insurance Вопрос id:1697168 Give the synonym to the term: Tax inspector ?) insurance broker ?) stock broker ?) investor ?) taxman Вопрос id:1697169 Give the synonym to the term: Вill of exchange ?) draft ?) bill of landing ?) commercial invoice ?) bill of rights Вопрос id:1697170 Choose the right definition to the term: bill of lading ?) a document that shows where goods come from ?) list of goods and shipping instructions ?) a document that is sent with goods to show that they have been checked ?) a letter from a bank authorising a person to draw money from another bank Вопрос id:1697171 Choose the right definition to the term: certificate of origin ?) a document that shows where goods come from ?) a document that is sent with goods to show that they have been checked ?) list of goods and shipping instructions ?) a letter from a bank authorising a person to draw money from another bank Вопрос id:1697172 Choose the right definition to the term: Consulate ?) A division within a foreign government's representation that has a specific purpose, one which is responsible for the issuance of visas ?) Traveller whose sole purpose is to sight see in the country of destination ?) The states for whose residents a particular consulate has the responsibility for issuing of visas ?) The official representation of a foreign government in Washington, which is staffed by an ambassador and his personnel Вопрос id:1697173 Choose the right definition to the term: Length of Stay ?) The duration of stay permitted in the country of destination, as designated by the visa ?) The length of time from the date of issue that the passport may be used by the bearer for travel abroad for which it can be used. ?) The number of times the passport bearer may enter and reenter the country of destination on one visa ?) An entry in a passport made by a consular official of a government giving permission to the bearer to enter the country concerned Вопрос id:1697174 Choose the right definition to the term: Number of Entries ?) The number of times the passport bearer may enter and reenter the country of destination on one visa ?) An entry in a passport made by a consular official of a government giving permission to the bearer to enter the country concerned ?) The duration of stay permitted in the country of destination, as designated by the visa ?) The length of time from the date of issue that the passport may be used by the bearer for travel abroad for which it can be used. Вопрос id:1697175 Choose the right definition to the term: packing list ?) a document that shows where goods come from ?) a document that is sent with goods to show that they have been checked ?) list of goods and shipping instructions ?) a letter from a bank authorising a person to draw money from another bank Вопрос id:1697176 Choose the right definition to the term: Validity of a Passport ?) The number of times the passport bearer may enter and reenter the country of destination on one visa ?) The duration of stay permitted in the country of destination, as designated by the visa ?) The length of time from the date of issue that the passport may be used by the bearer for travel abroad for which it can be used ?) An entry in a passport made by a consular official of a government giving permission to the bearer to enter the country concerned Вопрос id:1697177 Choose the right term to fill in the gap: A comparison of total visible exports and total visible imports gives us the ___ for a particular country ?) Balance of payment ?) Invisible trade ?) Balance of trade ?) Visible trade Вопрос id:1697178 Choose the right term to fill in the gap: At the latest, the bill of lading is issued 24 hours after the loading of the goods onto the ship, in general on presentation of the ___. ?) Bill of landing ?) Loading certificate ?) Certificate of origin ?) Inspection certificate Вопрос id:1697179 Choose the right term to fill in the gap: Exporters and importers then use the ___; payment is made against the (presentation of) the documents, which represent the goods ?) Bill of exchange ?) Certificate of loading ?) Bill of landing ?) Letter of credit Вопрос id:1697180 Choose the right term to fill in the gap: Have these goods already gone through ___? ?) Warehouse ?) Terminal ?) Boarder ?) Customs Вопрос id:1697181 Choose the right term to fill in the gap: How does the exporting company ship its merchandise: in ___ or as less-than-carload freight? ?) Carload units ?) Conteinerloads ?) Partial carloads ?) Loads Вопрос id:1697182 Choose the right term to fill in the gap: If the designated port of entry is often affected by strikes, it is more advantageous for the seller to use the CIF condition rather than "delivered ex-ship," for with the latter he risks having to pay ___. ?) Transportation costs ?) Demurrage charges ?) Additional costs ?) Freight costs Вопрос id:1697183 Choose the right term to fill in the gap: In a confirming business, the ___ buys drafts on the foreign buyer and pays the exporter cash and without redress ?) Buying house ?) Confirming house ?) Confirmation house ?) Franchising house Вопрос id:1697184 Choose the right term to fill in the gap: In case of litigation concerning inter national contracts, the International Chamber of Commerce takes over the ___. ?) Settlement ?) Solving ?) Arbitration ?) Proceedings Вопрос id:1697185 Choose the right term to fill in the gap: In order to protect the national industry, ___ have been established for manufactured products ?) Export restrictions ?) Import subsidies ?) Export quotas ?) Import quotas Вопрос id:1697186 Choose the right term to fill in the gap: In the ___, the sender agrees to deliver the goods, well packed and with the papers necessary for transport, to the freight carrier and, in the case of freight-free shipment, to discharge the freight costs ?) Freight contract ?) Bill of landing ?) Factoring contract ?) Agency agreement Вопрос id:1697187 Choose the right term to fill in the gap: The exporter makes up a ___ at the request of the bank ?) Loading certificate ?) Pro-forma invoice ?) Certificate of inspection ?) Forwarding agent’s receipt Вопрос id:1697188 Choose the right term to fill in the gap: The exporter ships the ordered goods: the ___ are delivered to him ?) Inspection certificate ?) Shipping papers ?) Loading papers ?) Unloading papers Вопрос id:1697189 Choose the right term to fill in the gap: The freight carrier is responsible in case of damage, partial or total loss, or ___. ?) Late delivery ?) Default of delivery ?) Demurrage ?) Partshipment Вопрос id:1697190 Choose the right term to fill in the gap: The incoterms are optional, but if a condition is mutually agreed upon in a ___, it is binding on both the buyer and the seller ?) Sales contract ?) Franchising contract ?) Factoring contract ?) Agency agreement Вопрос id:1697191 Choose the right term to fill in the gap: The name of the ___ is listed on the shipping documents ?) Customer ?) Consigning company ?) Shipping line ?) Freight company Вопрос id:1697192 Choose the right term to fill in the gap: The package was in our ___ for several days as undeliverable ?) Premises ?) Terminal ?) Warehouse ?) Customs |
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