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Список вопросов базы знаний

Английский язык. Бизнес курс

Вопрос id:1499404
The number of ajectives in the sentence:The taxi driver Chung Chi-cheong said that he heard a long conversation while he was under local anaesthetic at the hospital is............. (ответ дать словом)
Вопрос id:1499405
The number of articles in the sentence: A 50-year-old Japanese manager, or a Greek or Italian or Chilean one, would quite simply be offended by having to negotiate with an aggressive, well-educated, but inexperienced American or German 20 years his junior is ....(ответ дать цифрой)
Вопрос id:1499406
The number of articles in the sentence: A Japanese would also want to take the time to get to know the person with whom he was negotiating, and would not appreciate an assertive American who wanted to sign a deal immediately and take the next plane home is ....(ответ дать цифрой)
Вопрос id:1499407
The number of articles in the sentence: A young, dynamic, aggressive manager with an MBA (a Master in Business Administration degree) can quickly rise in the hierarchy is ....(ответ дать цифрой)
Вопрос id:1499408
The number of articles in the sentence: He was also desperate not to earn more than his boss, which he thought would be an unthinkable humiliation that would force the boss to resign immediately is ....(ответ дать цифрой)
Вопрос id:1499409
The number of articles in the sentence: However, they may be less honest with someone higher up in the hierarchy – for fear of prejudicing their position in the company is ....(ответ дать цифрой)
Вопрос id:1499410
The number of articles in the sentence: In Japanese companies, for example, it is usual for all staff to wear the same uniform is ....(ответ дать цифрой)
Вопрос id:1499411
The number of articles in the sentence: Many companies have a common dining area for all staff is ....(ответ дать цифрой)
Вопрос id:1499412
The number of articles in the sentence: One way of reducing social distance is to cut down the ways in which employees can indicate higher status is ....(ответ дать цифрой)
Вопрос id:1499413
The number of articles in the sentence: Open-plan offices, for example, are designed to encourage quick and easy communication is ....(ответ дать цифрой)
Вопрос id:1499414
The number of articles in the sentence: People of the same rank may talk frankly to one another about how things are going is ....(ответ дать цифрой)
Вопрос id:1499415
The number of articles in the sentence: Physical surroundings and distance can affect how well people communicate is ....(ответ дать цифрой)
Вопрос id:1499416
The number of articles in the sentence: The farther away people are from each other, the less often they communicate is ....(ответ дать цифрой)
Вопрос id:1499417
The number of articles in the sentence: The largely Protestant cultures on both sides of the North Atlantic (Canada, the USA, Britain, the Netherlands, Germany, Scandinavia) are essentially individualist is ....(ответ дать цифрой)
Вопрос id:1499418
The number of articles in the sentence: The more you sell, the more you get paid is ....(ответ дать цифрой)
Вопрос id:1499419
The number of articles in the sentence: This compares with 25% for people less than 5 metres apart is ....(ответ дать цифрой)
Вопрос id:1499420
The number of articles in the sentence: This is particularly true in Japan, where companies traditionally have a policy of promotion by seniority is ....(ответ дать цифрой)
Вопрос id:1499421
The number of articles in the sentence: Trompenaars gives the example of a sales rep in an Italian subsidiary of a US multinational company who was given a huge quarterly bonus under a new policy imposed by head office is ....(ответ дать цифрой)
Вопрос id:1499422
The number of articles in the sentence:: Some research has shown that when the distance is more than 10 meters, the probability of communicating at least once a week is only 8% is ....(ответ дать цифрой)
Вопрос id:1499423
The number of articles in the sentence:: The physical layout of an office should therefore be carefully planned is ....(ответ дать цифрой)
Вопрос id:1499424
The number of articles in the sentence:: They alter the facts to tell the boss what she wants to hear is ....(ответ дать цифрой)
Вопрос id:1499425
The number of nouns in the sentence: An analysis of negotiating language shows that, for example, indirect and impersonal forms are used is............. (ответ дать словом)
Вопрос id:1499426
The number of nouns in the sentence: Both parties will benefit more in the long run in friendship and co-operation even if they make some concessions is............. (ответ дать словом)
Вопрос id:1499427
The number of nouns in the sentence: But the more you know of the culture of the country you are dealing with, the less likely you are to get into difficulties is............. (ответ дать словом)
Вопрос id:1499428
The number of nouns in the sentence: Consequently, each group thinks that the other is corrupt is............. (ответ дать словом)
Вопрос id:1499429
The number of nouns in the sentence: French managers would rather see an organization die than tolerate a system in which a few subordinates have to report to two bosses is............. (ответ дать словом)
Вопрос id:1499430
The number of nouns in the sentence: In negotiating you can use either a co-operative style or a competitive one is............. (ответ дать словом)
Вопрос id:1499431
The number of nouns in the sentence: In reality most negotiations are a complex blend of co-operative and competitive mode is............. (ответ дать словом)
Вопрос id:1499432
The number of nouns in the sentence: In the co-operative style the basic principle is that both parties can gain something from the negotiation without harming the interests of the other is............. (ответ дать словом)
Вопрос id:1499433
The number of nouns in the sentence: Language varies according to the negotiating style is............. (ответ дать словом)
Вопрос id:1499434
The number of nouns in the sentence: Needless to say, the language in this type of discussion may become hostile and threatening even if it remains formal is............. (ответ дать словом)
Вопрос id:1499435
The number of nouns in the sentence: Negotiating successfully implies dealing appropriately with the four main components of any negotiaton: facts, people, competition, co-operation is............. (ответ дать словом)
Вопрос id:1499436
The number of nouns in the sentence: Negotiators see each other as opponents is............. (ответ дать словом)
Вопрос id:1499437
The number of nouns in the sentence: Skilled negotiators are sensitive to the linguistic signals, as the non-verbal ones of facial expressions, gesture and behaviour, which show the type of negotiating mode they are in is............. (ответ дать словом)
Вопрос id:1499438
The number of nouns in the sentence: There can be a danger in adopting a co-operative mode, as unscrupulous people may take advantage of co-operative people is............. (ответ дать словом)
Вопрос id:1499439
The number of nouns in the sentence: This necessity to be hard on the facts and soft on the people can result in the sometimes complex, almost ritualistic, style of negotiating language is............. (ответ дать словом)
Вопрос id:1499440
The number of nouns in the sentence: This type of negotiation is likely to take place between colleagues and departments is............. (ответ дать словом)
Вопрос id:1499441
The number of nouns in the sentence: Universalists say that particularists “cannot be trusted because they will always help their friends” is............. (ответ дать словом)
Вопрос id:1499442
The number of nouns in the sentence: You can’t have two bosses any more than you can have two fathers is............. (ответ дать словом)
Вопрос id:1499443
The number of prepositions in the sentence: Agendas are standard equipment for most meetings – add a new twist by setting timeframes (and sticking to them) is ....(ответ дать цифрой)
Вопрос id:1499444
The number of prepositions in the sentence: An analysis of negotiating language shows that, for example, indirect and impersonal forms are used is ....(ответ дать цифрой)
Вопрос id:1499445
The number of prepositions in the sentence: As an outsider, it is often difficult to know whether colleagues have been working together for 30 years or have just met in the lift is ....(ответ дать цифрой)
Вопрос id:1499446
The number of prepositions in the sentence: Determine what specific issues you want to cover in the meeting (remember, only one purpose!) and how much time you think you’ll need to do it in is ....(ответ дать цифрой)
Вопрос id:1499447
The number of prepositions in the sentence: Determine what specific issues you want to cover in the meeting is ....(ответ дать цифрой)
Вопрос id:1499448
The number of prepositions in the sentence: Give the most important issues the largest chunk of time and remember to leave time for introductions and opening and closing comments is ....(ответ дать цифрой)
Вопрос id:1499449
The number of prepositions in the sentence: How you prepare your participants – voice mail, fax, e-mail, memo, in person, etc. – will depend on your corporate culture is ....(ответ дать цифрой)
Вопрос id:1499450
The number of prepositions in the sentence: If you are used to calling people by their first names, this can be a little strange is ....(ответ дать цифрой)
Вопрос id:1499451
The number of prepositions in the sentence: In Italy the question of title is further confused by the fact that everyone with a university degree can be called Dottore is ....(ответ дать цифрой)
Вопрос id:1499452
The number of prepositions in the sentence: Most meeting facilitators expect too much from their meetings is ....(ответ дать цифрой)
Вопрос id:1499453
The number of prepositions in the sentence: Participants need to know why they will be at the meeting and what their benefit will be before they can buy into the purpose and get motivated about attending is ....(ответ дать цифрой)
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