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Список вопросов базы знанийАнглийский язык. Бизнес курсВопрос id:1497254 Give the right term to this definition: accompanying that document ?) herewith ?) hereby ?) thereby ?) therewith Вопрос id:1497255 Give the right term to this definition: accompanying this document ?) hereinafter ?) hereinunder ?) herewith ?) thereby Вопрос id:1497256 Give the right term to this definition: additional or supplementary material at end of contract, book etc ?) agreement ?) article ?) clause ?) appendix Вопрос id:1497257 Give the right term to this definition: an arrangement between two or more people, countries etc ?) appendix ?) article ?) clause ?) contract Вопрос id:1497258 Give the right term to this definition: appearing somewhere in that document ?) herein ?) herewith ?) therewith ?) therein Вопрос id:1497259 Give the right term to this definition: appearing somewhere in this document ?) hereunder ?) hereinafter ?) herein ?) herewith Вопрос id:1497260 Give the right term to this definition: following that document ?) thereby ?) hereto ?) hereby ?) thereto Вопрос id:1497261 Give the right term to this definition: following this document ?) hereafter ?) hereto ?) hereander ?) heretofore Вопрос id:1497262 Give the right term to this definition: for that reason or purpose ?) therefore ?) hertofore ?) thereto ?) theretofore Вопрос id:1497263 Give the right term to this definition: from the production of that document until now ?) thereof ?) thereafter ?) hereof ?) hereafter Вопрос id:1497264 Give the right term to this definition: in the future - from the production of this document on ?) heretofore ?) hereinafter ?) hereto ?) hereafter Вопрос id:1497265 Give the right term to this definition: in the time before that document was produced ?) thereinbefore ?) theretofore ?) thereto ?) heretofore Вопрос id:1497266 Give the right term to this definition: listed later in that document ?) hereinafter ?) hereinunder ?) thereinunder ?) thereinafter Вопрос id:1497267 Give the right term to this definition: listed later in this document ?) hereto ?) hereinafter ?) hereafter ?) heretofore Вопрос id:1497268 Give the right term to this definition: mentioned in that section of that document ?) theretofore ?) thereinbefore ?) thereinafter ?) thereinunder Вопрос id:1497269 Give the right term to this definition: mentioned in this same section of this document ?) hereafter ?) hereunder ?) thereby ?) heretofore Вопрос id:1497270 Give the right term to this definition: mentioned previously in that document ?) hereto ?) heretofore ?) theretofore ?) therinbefore Вопрос id:1497271 Give the right term to this definition: previous to the production of this document ?) hereto ?) hereafter ?) thereby ?) heretofore Вопрос id:1497272 Give the right term to this definition: relating to that document ?) thereby ?) thereof ?) hereby ?) whereby Вопрос id:1497273 Give the right term to this definition: relating to this document or part of it ?) thereto ?) hereto ?) thereof ?) hereof Вопрос id:1497274 Give the right term to this definition: resulting from that document or decision ?) thereof ?) thereby ?) whereby ?) hereby Вопрос id:1497275 Give the right term to this definition: resulting from this document ?) hereto ?) thereby ?) hereby ?) thereto Вопрос id:1497276 Give the right term to this definition: settlement of a dispute by a person chosen by both parties ?) equity cort ?) arbitration ?) civil law court ?) common law court Вопрос id:1497277 Give the right term to this definition: superior, power; unforeseeable event excusing one party from fulfilling contract ?) clause ?) penalty ?) force majeure ?) arbitration Вопрос id:1497278 Give the right term to this definition: “a particular statement or stipulation in a contract etc” ?) appendix ?) force majeure ?) clause ?) agreement Вопрос id:1497279 Give the synonym to the term: article ?) contract ?) clause ?) appendix ?) agreement Вопрос id:1497280 Give the synonym to the term: force majeure ?) accordance ?) contingency ?) conformity ?) claim Вопрос id:1497281 Give English equivalent to the term: Шкала заработной платы ?) Salary scale ?) Wage schedule ?) Wage scale ?) Remuneration scale Вопрос id:1497282 Give Russian equivalent to the term: Publish (v) accounts ?) публиковать счета ?) публиковать номер счета ?) публиковать расчеты ?) публиковать отчет Вопрос id:1497283 Give the American variant of the word: Go-slow ?) come-slow ?) moving-slow ?) working-to-rules ?) slowdown Вопрос id:1497284 Give the English equivalent to the term: Акт о товариществе ?) memorandum of partnership ?) deed of partnership ?) statute of partnership ?) articles of partnership Вопрос id:1497285 Give the English equivalent to the term: Бросовая облигация ?) litter bond ?) garbage bond ?) junk bond ?) trash bond Вопрос id:1497286 Give the English equivalent to the term: Внести капитал ?) contribute (v) capital ?) capital (v) contribution ?) sell (v) shares ?) raise (v) money Вопрос id:1497287 Give the English equivalent to the term: Временная работа ?) minute job ?) unskilled job ?) time job ?) casual job Вопрос id:1497288 Give the English equivalent to the term: Вторая по величине ведущая компания ?) market follower ?) market secondary ?) market challenger ?) market leader Вопрос id:1497289 Give the English equivalent to the term: Долговое обязательство ?) debentures ?) bad debt ?) indebtedness ?) divestiture Вопрос id:1497290 Give the English equivalent to the term: Забастовка ?) stake ?) strike ?) stroke ?) stock Вопрос id:1497291 Give the English equivalent to the term: Заместитель менеджера ?) manager assistant ?) assistant to manager ?) assistant manager ?) manager to the assistant Вопрос id:1497292 Give the English equivalent to the term: Массовое производство ?) job production ?) massive production ?) batch production ?) flow-line production Вопрос id:1497293 Give the English equivalent to the term: Материнская компания ?) mother company ?) relative company ?) parent company ?) daughter company Вопрос id:1497294 Give the English equivalent to the term: Наименование фирмы ?) name (n) of the business ?) business nomination ?) nomination of the firm ?) nomination of the business Вопрос id:1497295 Give the English equivalent to the term: Негласный партнер ?) walking partner ?) sleeping partner ?) silent partner ?) dead partner Вопрос id:1497296 Give the English equivalent to the term: Неквалифицированная работа ?) casual job ?) bad-skilled job ?) unskilled job ?) dirty job Вопрос id:1497297 Give the English equivalent to the term: Неплатежеспособность ?) impayment ?) solvency ?) insolvency ?) incapacity Вопрос id:1497298 Give the English equivalent to the term: Переговоры о заключении коллективного договора ?) job agreement ?) collective bargaining ?) collective dispute ?) collective agreement Вопрос id:1497299 Give the English equivalent to the term: Покупка контрольного пакета акций с помощью кредита ?) leveraged buyout ?) takeover bid ?) management buyout ?) acquisition Вопрос id:1497300 Give the English equivalent to the term: Потенциал роста ?) growth potential ?) probability of growth ?) potential growth ?) growth probability Вопрос id:1497301 Give the English equivalent to the term: Правление ?) administration board ?) managing board ?) board of directors ?) government Вопрос id:1497302 Give the English equivalent to the term: Принудительная ликвидация ?) forcible liquidation ?) compulsory liquidation ?) obligatory liquidation ?) voluntary liquidation Вопрос id:1497303 Give the English equivalent to the term: Производительность ?) profitability ?) manufacturebility ?) rentability ?) capacity |
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