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Список вопросов базы знаний

Английский язык. Бизнес курс

Вопрос id:1498654
Choose two possible answers: We are a well-known international manufacturer, … in the UK, and we are expanding our export marketing activities in our European headquarters in London
?) grounded
?) located
?) landed
?) based
Вопрос id:1498655
Choose two possible answers: We are looking for a lively and intelligent person to join our team as … as possible
?) big
?) far
?) soon
?) quick
Вопрос id:1498656
Choose two possible answers: You might … more interested in paychecks or time-off than the actual job
?) seem
?) hear
?) look
?) see
Вопрос id:1498657
Choose two possible answers: Your questions should … your interest in these subjects and that you have read and thought about them
?) give
?) demonstrate
?) indicate
?) betray
Вопрос id:1498658
Choose two possible answers: At most interviews, you … be invited to ask questions of your interviewer
?) have to
?) must
?) will
?) may
Вопрос id:1498659
Choose two possible answers: Clarify. It’s OK to ask a question to … something the interviewer said. Just make sure you are listening
?) dust
?) clean
?) clear up
?) clarify
Вопрос id:1498660
Choose two possible answers: Here are some … for asking questions
?) lifeguards
?) guidelines
?) bloodlines
?) directives
Вопрос id:1498661
Choose two possible answers: Let him … that you are ambitious enough to plan ahead
?) realise
?) know
?) hear
?) get
Вопрос id:1498662
Choose two possible answers: Prepare five good questions. Understand that you may not have time to … them all. Ask questions concerning the job, the company, and the industry or profession
?) pose
?) give
?) be
?) ask
Вопрос id:1498663
Choose two possible answers: Also, the interviewer might simply be curious as to … you have a life outside of work
?) whether
?) why
?) if
?) weather
Вопрос id:1498664
Choose two possible answers: Applicants should be fluent in at least one foreign language. Experience in marketing would be an … but not essential
?) good thing
?) plus
?) asset
?) advantage
Вопрос id:1498665
Choose two possible answers: If you are available, … your question
?) make
?) rephrase
?) paraphrase
?) change
Вопрос id:1498666
Choose two possible answers: …examples describing how you have worked in both situations
?) Provide
?) Take
?) Look
?) Give
Вопрос id:1498667
Chose three possible answers: Her address is 214 Gower Road (that’s G-O-W-E-R), Swansea (S-W-A-N-S-E-A), SA2 4PJ. Her … number is 0792 98762
?) concentration camp
?) phone
?) telephone
?) mobile phone
Вопрос id:1498668
Chose three possible answers: . She’s only 20 but she has really good …
?) ability
?) prospective
?) potential
?) potency
Вопрос id:1498669
Chose three possible answers: ... I think she’d be a real find and you should get in touch with her right …
?) now
?) up
?) here
?) away
Вопрос id:1498670
Chose three possible answers: But if you want to … him, his address is 145 Pentland (I’ll spell that, that’s P-E-N-T-L-A-N-D) Pentland Gardens, Glasgow, and the postcode is G5 8TG, and his phone number is 041 667 8092
?) stay with
?) deal with
?) get in touch with
?) contact
Вопрос id:1498671
Chose three possible answers: Do you know, he claimed to speak German, but when I … talking to him in German, he couldn’t understand
?) finished
?) commenced
?) started
?) began
Вопрос id:1498672
Chose three possible answers: Good afternoon. This is Gus Morrison … from Glasgow
?) coming
?) speaking
?) phoning
?) calling
Вопрос id:1498673
Chose three possible answers: He speaks fluent French and his German is … good too
?) cute
?) quite
?) pretty
?) rather
Вопрос id:1498674
Chose three possible answers: Hello, this is Terry Williams … from Cardiff
?) phoning
?) kidding
?) calling
?) speaking
Вопрос id:1498675
Chose three possible answers: Her qualifications on paper are not all that good, she left school at 16 to do a secretarial course, but she’s a very … young woman – she impressed me very much
?) intellectual
?) clever
?) intelligent
?) smart
Вопрос id:1498676
Chose three possible answers: He’s a very pleasant lad, he seems a bit shy when you first talk to him, but when you get to know him he’s got a lovely sense of humour, and I think he’s very …, he’s very eager and I think he’d fit in well with your people down in London
?) blunt
?) smart
?) bright
?) sharp
Вопрос id:1498677
Chose three possible answers: He’s got an MA and it’s in … languages
?) slavic
?) strange
?) old
?) modern
Вопрос id:1498678
Chose three possible answers: He’s … young, he’s only 21 and he’s a graduate of Edinburgh...Edinburgh University
?) rather
?) pretty
?) handsome
?) quite
Вопрос id:1498679
Chose three possible answers: I’ve just finished a very … day interviewing people for you
?) fruitful
?) frustrating
?) depressing
?) upsetting
Вопрос id:1498680
Chose three possible answers: I’ve spent this morning interviewing four candidates and the best one is a Mrs. Sylvia Sabbatini (that’s S-Y-L-V-I-A S-A-B-B-A-T-I-N-I)
?) players
?) competitors
?) applicants
?) candidates
Вопрос id:1498681
Chose three possible answers: Now, he’s been working for the publicity department of Glasgow City Council for … a year
?) above
?) around
?) about
?) over
Вопрос id:1498682
Chose three possible answers: Now, she’s 25, she’s married and has been working for Johnson Brothers, in Marketing since … school
?) quitting
?) finishing
?) graduating from
?) accomplishing
Вопрос id:1498683
Chose three possible answers: Now, …of the people I’ve talked to today have been pretty hopeless
?) much
?) most
?) many
?) some
Вопрос id:1498684
Chose three possible answers: She had all the … exam results to get into university when she left school, but decided to go into industry
?) good
?) wrong
?) sufficient
?) right
Вопрос id:1498685
Chose three possible answers: She has a lovely … – very cheerful and bright
?) person
?) personality
?) female
?) woman
Вопрос id:1498686
Chose three possible answers: She has no … here, and she could start next week if you wanted
?) connections
?) bonds
?) contacts
?) ties
Вопрос id:1498687
Chose three possible answers: She is full of …, makes friends easily and she would work well in a team
?) confidence
?) certainty
?) dignity
?) determination
Вопрос id:1498688
Chose three possible answers: She speaks Italian … (her father is Italian, her mother is English)
?) unclearly
?) fluently
?) fast
?) well
Вопрос id:1498689
Chose three possible answers: She speaks Spanish and French, though she’s not exactly fluent in either, but she’s so … I don’t think that matters
?) determined
?) self-assured
?) confident
?) narcissistic
Вопрос id:1498690
Chose three possible answers: She’s been married for two years, no children, and her husband has just got a job in London, so she’d be able to … work in London more or less right away
?) begin
?) commence
?) start
?) quit
Вопрос id:1498691
Chose three possible answers: So the only … I have to tell you about is Miss Emma Harris (that’s E-M-M-A H-A-R-R-I-S)
?) lady
?) man
?) woman
?) person
Вопрос id:1498692
Chose three possible answers: There were … only two applicants that you should have invited for interview and I discovered after half an hour that one of them isn’t available
?) really
?) virtually
?) eventually
?) actually
Вопрос id:1498693
Chose three possible answers: …, this is Laura Steele, I’m calling from Sheffield
?) Hey
?) Hi
?) Good morning
?) Hello
Вопрос id:1498694
Chose three possible answers: She’s been working in marketing for a small light engineering … and she had just become their Export Marketing Manager when the firm was taken over and she was made redundant because they decided to close her department
?) firm
?) enterprise
?) company
?) office
Вопрос id:1498695
Chose three possible answers: The firm was taken over and she was made redundant … they decided to close her department
?) so
?) because
?) as
?) since
Вопрос id:1498696
Correspond the left and right parts
Левая частьПравая часть
Employees replied they wanted better training, better communications with their supervisors and, above all, wanted their bosses
to “make me feel like I make a difference”
Marriott Corporation, a hotels and restaurants group, has also
to recruit and keep better staff
Cole National, a Cleveland-based firm which owns Child World, Things Remembered and other speciality shops, declared a “war for people” in an effort
thousands of people in low-paid, dead-end jobs, are discovering that high labour turnover rates resulting from the indiscriminate hiring of “cheap” workers can be extremely costly
Hotel, shop and restaurant chains, which employ
decided to spend more money on retaining employees in the hope of spending less on finding and training new ones
Вопрос id:1498697
Correspond the left and right parts
Левая частьПравая часть
Labour turnover declined by
to “make me feel like I make a difference”
Employees replied they wanted better training, better communications with their supervisors and, above all, wanted their bosses
thousands of people in low-paid, dead-end jobs, are discovering that high labour turnover rates resulting from the indiscriminate hiring of “cheap” workers can be extremely costly
Hotel, shop and restaurant chains, which employ
to recruit and keep better staff
Cole National, a Cleveland-based firm which owns Child World, Things Remembered and other speciality shops, declared a “war for people” in an effort
more than half; for full time sales assistants, it declined by about a third
Вопрос id:1498698
Correspond the left and right parts
Левая частьПравая часть
Hotel, shop and restaurant chains, which employ
thousands of people in low-paid, dead-end jobs, are discovering that high labour turnover rates resulting from the indiscriminate hiring of “cheap” workers can be extremely costly
Labour turnover declined by
to hire no fewer than 27,000 workers to fill 8,800 hourly-paid job slots
Cole National, a Cleveland-based firm which owns Child World, Things Remembered and other speciality shops, declared a “war for people” in an effort
more than half; for full time sales assistants, it declined by about a third
In one year, it had
to recruit and keep better staff
Вопрос id:1498699
Correspond the left and right parts
Левая частьПравая часть
Labour turnover declined by
to hire no fewer than 27,000 workers to fill 8,800 hourly-paid job slots
Hotel, shop and restaurant chains, which employ
more than half; for full time sales assistants, it declined by about a third
To slow its labour turnover, Marriott had to get a simple message accepted throughout its operating divisions: loyal, well motivated employees make customers happy and that, in turn, creates
fatter profits and happier shareholders
In one year, it had
thousands of people in low-paid, dead-end jobs, are discovering that high labour turnover rates resulting from the indiscriminate hiring of “cheap” workers can be extremely costly
Вопрос id:1498700
Correspond the left and right parts
Левая частьПравая часть
Improved training of middle
managers helped. So did a change in bonus arrangements
To slow its labour turnover, Marriott had to get a simple message accepted throughout its operating divisions: loyal, well motivated employees make customers happy and that, in turn, creates
more than half; for full time sales assistants, it declined by about a third
In one year, it had
to hire no fewer than 27,000 workers to fill 8,800 hourly-paid job slots
Labour turnover declined by
fatter profits and happier shareholders
Вопрос id:1498701
Correspond the left and right parts
Левая частьПравая часть
At the same time, Marriott became more fussy about the people it recruited. It screened out job applicants motivated mainly by money: applicants which the company
pejoratively described as “pay first people”
To slow its labour turnover, Marriott had to get a simple message accepted throughout its operating divisions: loyal, well motivated employees make customers happy and that, in turn, creates
to hire no fewer than 27,000 workers to fill 8,800 hourly-paid job slots
Improved training of middle
fatter profits and happier shareholders
In one year, it had
managers helped. So did a change in bonus arrangements
Вопрос id:1498702
Correspond the left and right parts
Левая частьПравая часть
To slow its labour turnover, Marriott had to get a simple message accepted throughout its operating divisions: loyal, well motivated employees make customers happy and that, in turn, creates
fatter profits and happier shareholders
Such people form a surprisingly small, though apparently disruptive, part of the service-industry workforce. Marriott found
pejoratively described as “pay first people”
Improved training of middle
in its employee-attitude surveys that only about 20% of its workers at Roy Rogers restaurants and about 30% of its workers at Marriott hotels regarded pay as their primary reason for working there
At the same time, Marriott became more fussy about the people it recruited. It screened out job applicants motivated mainly by money: applicants which the company
managers helped. So did a change in bonus arrangements
Вопрос id:1498703
Correspond the left and right parts
Левая частьПравая часть
Many middle managers in service industries are more comfortable coping with demands for more money than with demands for increased recognition and
better communications
At the same time, Marriott became more fussy about the people it recruited. It screened out job applicants motivated mainly by money: applicants which the company
managers helped. So did a change in bonus arrangements
Improved training of middle
in its employee-attitude surveys that only about 20% of its workers at Roy Rogers restaurants and about 30% of its workers at Marriott hotels regarded pay as their primary reason for working there
Such people form a surprisingly small, though apparently disruptive, part of the service-industry workforce. Marriott found
pejoratively described as “pay first people”
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