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Список вопросов базы знаний

Английский язык. Бизнес курс

Вопрос id:1497154
Give English equivalent to the term: Анализ предложения
?) Concept analysis
?) Offer consideration
?) Offer analys
?) Consept negotiation
Вопрос id:1497155
Give English equivalent to the term: арбитражная проба
?) arbitration sample
?) arbitration taste
?) arbitration survey
?) arbitration try
Вопрос id:1497156
Give English equivalent to the term: Безпроцентный заем
?) interest-rate pledge
?) interest-free loan
?) interest-rate loan
?) interest-free pledge
Вопрос id:1497157
Give English equivalent to the term: в размере
?) on the interest of
?) at the rate of
?) at the interest of
?) on the rate of
Вопрос id:1497158
Give English equivalent to the term: Внутрифирменная норма окупаемости капиталовложений
?) Average rate of return
?) External rate of return
?) Net value rate of return
?) Internal rate of return
Вопрос id:1497159
Give English equivalent to the term: выполнить свои обязательства
?) to execute obligations
?) to meet one's obligations
?) to meet with obligations
?) to exercise obligations
Вопрос id:1497160
Give English equivalent to the term: Доклад о техническо-экономических обоснованиях выполнимости проекта
?) Survey report
?) Technical-economic applicability report
?) Technical-economic feasibility report
?) Technical-economic grounding report
Вопрос id:1497161
Give English equivalent to the term: достижение
?) aim
?) result
?) goal
?) achievement
Вопрос id:1497162
Give English equivalent to the term: Доход от коммерческой деятельности
?) Sales income
?) Trading income
?) Traffic income
?) Selling costs
Вопрос id:1497163
Give English equivalent to the term: Доходы в будущем
?) Future earnings
?) Profit margin
?) Return on investment
?) Average earnings
Вопрос id:1497164
Give English equivalent to the term: Затраты основного капитала
?) Investment costs
?) Expenditure costs
?) Labour costs
?) Capital costs
Вопрос id:1497165
Give English equivalent to the term: Иметь право на…
?) To title to
?) Be (v) entitled to
?) To have title on
?) To title on
Вопрос id:1497166
Give English equivalent to the term: Индекс рентабельности
?) Profitability index
?) Quick ration
?) Contribution ration
?) Profit margin
Вопрос id:1497167
Give English equivalent to the term: Информационная поддержка
?) Informational supply
?) Information feedback
?) Information supply
?) Informational sport
Вопрос id:1497168
Give English equivalent to the term: Исключительные права на
?) Force majeure rights to
?) Exclusive rights to
?) Extraordinary rights to
?) Exceptional rights to
Вопрос id:1497169
Give English equivalent to the term: книга отзывов
?) reply book
?) visitors book
?) guests book
?) answer book
Вопрос id:1497170
Give English equivalent to the term: Конкурирующий проект
?) Competing project
?) Competing partner
?) Concurrent partner
?) Concurrence project
Вопрос id:1497171
Give English equivalent to the term: Краткий отчет
?) Profit and loss account
?) Consolidated accounts
?) Abbreviated account
?) Balance sheet
Вопрос id:1497172
Give English equivalent to the term: Кредитное соглашение
?) Pledge agreement
?) Mortgage contract
?) Loan treaty
?) Loan contract
Вопрос id:1497173
Give English equivalent to the term: Материальные ценности
?) Equipment
?) Health
?) Materials
?) Wealth
Вопрос id:1497174
Give English equivalent to the term: Месторождение
?) Mine
?) Credit
?) Plot
?) Deposit
Вопрос id:1497175
Give English equivalent to the term: Минимальная уплата роялти
?) minimum royalty commission
?) minimum royalty payment
?) minimum dividend payment
?) minimum royalty fee
Вопрос id:1497176
Give English equivalent to the term: Не имеющий законной силы
?) voidable
?) null and void
?) non biding
?) illegal
Вопрос id:1497177
Give English equivalent to the term: непредвиденное обстоя­тельство
?) conthnget
?) consideration
?) contingency
?) confomity
Вопрос id:1497178
Give English equivalent to the term: неустойка
?) penalty
?) fee
?) fine
?) penal point
Вопрос id:1497179
Give English equivalent to the term: Оговаривать
?) deliberate
?) draft
?) stipulate
?) negotiate a deal
Вопрос id:1497180
Give English equivalent to the term: Оплатить
?) settle (v) in
?) settle (v) on
?) settle (v) down
?) settle (v) up
Вопрос id:1497181
Give English equivalent to the term: Отношение капитала компании к заемным средствам
?) Margine
?) Gearing
?) Margin
?) Giring
Вопрос id:1497182
Give English equivalent to the term: Отношение ликвидности фирмы к долговым обязательствам
?) Quick ratio
?) Profitability ratio
?) Current ration
?) Net value ration
Вопрос id:1497183
Give English equivalent to the term: Отношение оборотного капитала к краткосрочным обязательствам
?) Profitability ratio
?) Unit contribution
?) Current ratio
?) Profit margin
Вопрос id:1497184
Give English equivalent to the term: плата за зафрахтованный, но неиспользованный тоннаж
?) deadweight
?) demurrage
?) dead freight
?) royalty
Вопрос id:1497185
Give English equivalent to the term: плата за простой (судна)
?) pledge
?) deadfreight
?) demurrage
?) deadweight
Вопрос id:1497186
Give English equivalent to the term: Правительственные и предпринимательские круги
?) Governmental and business rounds
?) Government and entreprises circles
?) Governmental and business circles
?) Government and entreprises rounds
Вопрос id:1497187
Give English equivalent to the term: Предварительная оценка коммерческого предложения
?) Cost a project
?) Technical-economic feasibility report
?) Preliminary estimate of commercial offer
?) Draft an offer
Вопрос id:1497188
Give English equivalent to the term: Предмет договора
?) Theme of contract
?) Base of contract
?) Object of contract
?) Subject of contract
Вопрос id:1497189
Give English equivalent to the term: предъявить требова­ние к кому-л. о чём-л
?) to claim on somebody for something
?) to make a claim on somebody for something
?) to make a demand on somebody for something
?) to demand on somebody for something
Вопрос id:1497190
Give English equivalent to the term: Приз за лучшее качество
?) Best Quality Prize
?) Good quality prize
?) Better quality price
?) Better Quality Prize
Вопрос id:1497191
Give English equivalent to the term: Принимая во внимание вышесказанное
?) In conformity of the aforesaid
?) In consideration of the aforesaid
?) In conformity with the aforesaid
?) In consideration with the aforesaid
Вопрос id:1497192
Give English equivalent to the term: Протокол дискуссий
?) Minutes of deliberations
?) Minutes of the board
?) Meeting minutes
?) Protocol of negotiations
Вопрос id:1497193
Give English equivalent to the term: Разработка деловых контрактов
?) Contract negotiation
?) Draft of business contract
?) Contract deliberation
?) Development of business contracts
Вопрос id:1497194
Give English equivalent to the term: Расходы на зарплату
?) Salary costs
?) Wages costs
?) Labour costs
?) Remuneration costs
Вопрос id:1497195
Give English equivalent to the term: решение арбитров
?) sentence
?) award
?) reward
?) decision verdict
Вопрос id:1497196
Give English equivalent to the term: Свидетельство о регистрации в налоговых органах
?) Certificate of tax authorities registration
?) Certificate of a taxpayer
?) Certificate of entrepreneurship
?) Certificate of tax registration
Вопрос id:1497197
Give English equivalent to the term: Сводный отчет
?) Abbreviated accounts
?) Consolidated account
?) Profit and loss account
?) Balance sheet
Вопрос id:1497198
Give English equivalent to the term: Собственный капитал
?) Shares
?) Equity
?) Owner’s capital
?) Stock
Вопрос id:1497199
Give English equivalent to the term: Соглашение о сотрудничестве
?) Partnership deeds
?) Cooperation agreement
?) Memorandum of association
?) Cooperation treaty
Вопрос id:1497200
Give English equivalent to the term: справочное бюро
?) enquiry desk
?) enquiry table
?) enquiry bureau
?) enquiry counter
Вопрос id:1497201
Give English equivalent to the term: Статья
?) Appendix
?) Book
?) Clause
?) Entry
Вопрос id:1497202
Give English equivalent to the term: стенд
?) counter
?) strand
?) desk
?) stand
Вопрос id:1497203
Give English equivalent to the term: Уплата комиссионных
?) interest payment
?) commision payment
?) royalty payment
?) fee payment
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