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Список вопросов базы знаний

Английский язык. Бизнес курс

Вопрос id:1498804
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: I have arranged to have my file of references (to mail) from the Career Services Center at the University of California, Riverside
Вопрос id:1498805
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: It’s been a long time since I (to waste) stamp money this way
Вопрос id:1498806
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Journalist, temp, company director, wife and mother, market researcher, and now, at thirty-something, I’m (to try) to use my Cambridge degree in criminology
Вопрос id:1498807
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Please (to consider) my enclosed curriculum vitae and supporting materials in application for the position of Assistant Professor in Special Education, as announced in July 10, 2000 issue of the Chronicle of Higher Education
Вопрос id:1498808
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: The main requirements are a willingness to work as a member of a team, to cope with pressure, to use the telephone in a foreign language and in English and to be prepared occasionally to (work) long hours when necessary
Вопрос id:1498809
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: There are several posts available and long-term prospects are good, though initially all successful applicants will be (to contract) for a maximum of 9 months
Вопрос id:1498810
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Unfortunately it’s not all (to relate) to a single-strand career structure
Вопрос id:1498811
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: During the past summers I (to have) taught Education 116, “The Exceptional Child,” our state-required survey of special education
Вопрос id:1498812
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: I am particularly (to interest)in your announced position because of your stated desire for “a researcher-teacher with a strong background in the area of education for gifted students.”
Вопрос id:1498813
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Please apply in your own handwriting, (to enclose) your resume, to Charles Fox, European Sales Office, ACME Atlantic Ltd, 45 Pentonville Road, London EC2 4AC
Вопрос id:1498814
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Yet I’m the ideal employee: stable, good-humoured, child-bearing behind me, (to look) for 25-plus years of steady pensionable employment
Вопрос id:1498815
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: I may be (to reach) at my home (909–788–9999) until October 5, and then at my office (909–787–5228) during the remainder of the year
Вопрос id:1498816
Choose the right preposition: . Instruction is given ... the shop floor, often supplemented by the worker’s attendance at a technical college
Вопрос id:1498817
Choose the right preposition: Apprenticeships have to be provided … the employer, and both employer and employee are bound by the apprenticeship indentures
Вопрос id:1498818
Choose the right preposition: Companies can profitably manage the ebb and flow of demand over the business cycle if they reduce their core staff … a minimum and hire additional workers on contracts which will allow them to be shed quickly if times get rough
Вопрос id:1498819
Choose the right preposition: If they allow their wage costs to rise … the industry average, they face loss of market share and financial distress
Вопрос id:1498820
Choose the right preposition: In the latter case many of the qualifications are, in Britain, degrees rather than qualifications from professional bodies, such degrees being awarded by the universities or colleges … the auspices of the Council for National Academic Awards (CNAA)
Вопрос id:1498821
Choose the right preposition: Indeed, in Britain … recent legislation polytechnics have been elevated to university status, though their courses remain in the main, vocational rather than academic as is the tradition of the older universities
Вопрос id:1498822
Choose the right preposition: Many employers, however, do expect some skill to be present … other recruits and attendance at college is encouraged for the improvement of these skills
Вопрос id:1498823
Choose the right preposition: Market testing, contracting-out, downsizing and delayering are steadily transferring workers into much less secure work patterns. … the year 2000, full-time tenured employment, around which stable family life has been constructed along with the capacity to service 25 year mortgages, will be a minority form of work.
Вопрос id:1498824
Choose the right preposition: National newspapers such as “The Guardian” focus … different areas of employment such as media, education, social work and information technology on different days
Вопрос id:1498825
Choose the right preposition: Some of the areas involved are mechanical engineering, accountancy, statistics, computer science, production engineering and so on
Вопрос id:1498826
Choose the right preposition: Such degrees rank equally . status with those awarded by the older universities
Вопрос id:1498827
Choose the right preposition: The famous example is of Burger King, where young workers clocked on when customers appeared; this reduced their wages to a derisory level but ensured that they were only paid … the minutes they were needed
Вопрос id:1498828
Choose the right preposition: The new universities and colleges of higher education provide most of the training and education for such areas, either on the basis of day-release or on a ‘sandwich course’ basis where the worker spends a period, say a term, in college followed by a period … the employer, again followed by another period in university or college
Вопрос id:1498829
Choose the right preposition: The rapid growth … the number of part-timers without any formal job security, contract workers, workers sacked and then rehired as self-employed, temporary, part-time self-employed and agency workers is the true indicator that employment conditions have changed
Вопрос id:1498830
Choose the right preposition: The risk is borne … their fluctuating labour force
Вопрос id:1498831
Choose the right preposition: There has been a marked growth in forms … work that are not ‘tenured’
Вопрос id:1498832
Choose the right preposition: They can be laid off within two years as easily …they were hired
Вопрос id:1498833
Choose the right preposition: They too can be left partially or completely excluded … their social networks
Вопрос id:1498834
Choose the right preposition: This is … less skilled workers and for those trades where no formal apprenticeship schemes exist
Вопрос id:1498835
Choose the right preposition: Unemployment and low pay are no longer the sole measures of inequality and lack of social well-being; with the rise of new forms of casualized, temporary and contract forms of employment, even those on average incomes and above can become victims of pressures … their control
Вопрос id:1498836
Choose the right preposition: Where the latter occurs the worker is normally given a day off each week to attend college... what is termed a ‘day-release course’
Вопрос id:1498837
Choose the right preposition: With full-time workers only qualifying … tenure after two years, the recent pick-up in full-time work means little
Вопрос id:1498838
If you did not have any problems, simply … a reason, such as: relocated away from job; company went out of business; laid off; temporary job; no possibility of advancement; wanted a job better suited to your skills
?) show
?) give
?) get
?) take
Вопрос id:1498839
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: On top of the long-standing concerns about the growing gap between rich and poor, there is an increasing awareness of a new range of risks that are (to bring) fresh patterns of social distress and exclusion
Вопрос id:1498840
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: The administrative grade of the Civil Service (to assume) the rot sets in at 32
Вопрос id:1498841
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: The armed services and police, perhaps, could (to think) about strenuous aptitude and fitness tests rather than imposing a blanket upper limit on entrants which is arbitrarily and variously fixed between 28 and 33
Вопрос id:1498842
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: The British (to be) increasingly at risk
Вопрос id:1498843
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: The chances of their jobs disappearing, of their incomes falling, of their homes (to be) repossessed or being impossible to sell, of their families breaking up, of their networks of friendships disintegrating, have not been higher since the war
Вопрос id:1498844

Which of the two assertions are true and which are false?

A) At some levels and in some situations, wage levels are partially controllable by the personnel management

B) The most senior management aren’t responsible for ‘the bottom line’, that is, they are accountable for the end-result, be it profit or loss

?) А- false, В- true
?) А- true, В- true
?) А-true, В-false
?) А- false, В- false
Вопрос id:1498845

Which of the two assertions are true and which are false?

A) The rapid collapse of the joint-stock company and the decreasing size of the capital investment required to operate competitively in the face of ever more complex manufacturing and other techniques eventually led to the position where the true owners of an enterprise were not personally involved in its management.

B) It has also led to the curious situation that the true owners, or shareholders, are not in a technical legal sense, in fact, the owners since a limited liability company is a corporate entity in its own right

?) А- false, В- true
?) А-true, В-false
?) А- true, В- true
?) А- false, В- false
Вопрос id:1498846

Which of the two assertions are true and which are false?

A) A budget fulfils various functions: it is both a tool and a compass for management

B) By periodically comparing the budget plan with the actual results (‘feedback’) company processes can be controlled

?) А- true, В- true
?) А- false, В- true
?) А-true, В-false
?) А- false, В- false
Вопрос id:1498847

Which of the two assertions are true and which are false?

A) A budget is also a means of pocketing funds for private purposes

B) The staff member responsible for a section of the budget (‘un budget, c’est un monsieur’) is authorized to make expenditures to the extent given in the budget without the further consent of higher management

?) А- false, В- false
?) А-true, В-false
?) А- false, В- true
?) А- true, В- true
Вопрос id:1498848

Which of the two assertions are true and which are false?

A) A budget might be given to the head of the Police Department if he or she is not in a position to influence the prices of the materials to be purchased

B) A quantity budget is also ultimately converted to financial consequences, so that it can be integrated into another company’s budget

?) А-true, В-false
?) А- true, В- true
?) А- false, В- true
?) А- false, В- false
Вопрос id:1498849

Which of the two assertions are true and which are false?

A) A business can never be changed to a taxable entity later, when profits are up and the benefits of the tax system can be better realized as a full corporation

B) Other tax considerations also apply to the initial business. Some of the following nuances illustrate the complexity of the decision process

?) А-true, В-false
?) А- false, В- false
?) А- false, В- true
?) А- true, В- true
Вопрос id:1498850

Which of the two assertions are true and which are false?

A) A good broker can develop a plan in which venture capital proceeds will be used to pay him for his efforts and illegally trick so much money out of his partners

B) Standard scales for these services can run as high as 5% of the capital raised, with lower percentages on larger funding amounts

?) А- false, В- true
?) А-true, В-false
?) А- true, В- true
?) А- false, В- false
Вопрос id:1498851

Which of the two assertions are true and which are false?

A) A good rule of thumb is to include in a budget only those elements which are controllable by the mafia

B) The budget must be an accountability standard

?) А- false, В- true
?) А- false, В- false
?) А-true, В-false
?) А- true, В- true
Вопрос id:1498852

Which of the two assertions are true and which are false?

A) A new business requires sufficient capital to endure unexpected hardships

B) Without sufficient funding to get the business off the ground, to persevere through business slumps, to carry receivables, and meet inventory and staffing needs, a business most certainly will fail

?) А- true, В- true
?) А- false, В- false
?) А- false, В- true
?) А-true, В-false
Вопрос id:1498853

Which of the two assertions are true and which are false?

A) A professional loan broker, who has been provided the pertinent business plan and documents, is usually a Russian or Chinese spy

B) The time spent going “door to door” to find your needed capital must be the happiest time of your life

?) А- true, В- true
?) А- false, В- false
?) А-true, В-false
?) А- false, В- true
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