Список вопросов базы знанийАнглийский язык. Бизнес курсВопрос id:1498104 Two pictures should be stapled to the copy of the passport page and one to the marked space at the upper right-… corner of the application form ?) foot ?) leg ?) hand ?) arm Вопрос id:1498105 Unless the parties decide otherwise, earlier versions of Incoterms - like Incoterms 1990 - are still binding if incorporated in contracts that are unfulfilled and date from ___ 1 January 2000 ?) under ?) after ?) over ?) before Вопрос id:1498106 Versions of Incoterms preceding the 2000 edition may still be incorporated into future contracts if the ___ so agree ?) receptions ?) balls ?) parties ?) meetings Вопрос id:1498107 Visa documents are accepted until 12:15 p.m. … ?) just ?) sure ?) alone ?) only Вопрос id:1498108 Visa section is open for visitors Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. ___ 12:30 p.m. only ?) till ?) from ?) for ?) by Вопрос id:1498109 We ___ $40 for visa extension and correction of each mistake which we are not responsible for ?) charge ?) pay ?) steal ?) take Вопрос id:1498110 “FROM” is the date upon which the Certificate becomes applicable to the good covered by the ___ Certificate (it may be prior to the date of signing (his Certificate). ?) pillow ?) cloth ?) blanket ?) bedding Вопрос id:1498111 “TO” is the date upon which the blanket period expires. The importation of a good for which preferential tariff treatment is claimed based on this Certificate must occur Between these … ?) appointments ?) days ?) weeks ?) dates Вопрос id:1498112 … introduced the first version of Incoterms - short for “International Commercial Terms” - in 1936 ?) CIC ?) ICC ?) CCC ?) CCI Вопрос id:1498113 Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? А) They can go to sources such as the clearing banks, merchant banks and even pension funds В) In all three cases they will usually secure their debt over the fixed assets of the business and, of course, interest must be paid, usually linked to bank base rate ?) А- false, В- true ?) А- true, В- true ?) А- false, В- false ?) А-true, В-false Вопрос id:1498114 Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) The important point is not to speak in the same, flat, monotonous voice throughout your presentation – this is the voice that hypnotists use to put their patients’ into trance! B) What you do not say is at least as important as what you do say ?) А- true, В- true ?) А-true, В-false ?) А- false, В- false ?) А- false, В- true Вопрос id:1498115 Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) A good source of equity finance is the unlisted securities market – sometimes called the second or third market B) This has the advantage of allowing a company to raise money from outside investors without having to return the debt. ?) А- true, В- true ?) А- false, В- true ?) А-true, В-false ?) А- false, В- false Вопрос id:1498116 Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) A successful presentation is one of the most effective ways of communicating your message B) . And because English is so widely used in international business, the working knowledge of the vocabulary and techniques used in the English language presentation is a valuable asset ?) А- true, В- true ?) А-true, В-false ?) А- false, В- true ?) А- false, В- false Вопрос id:1498117 Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) Again, it’s a good idea to carry a spare set of markers in case you are given some used ones which do not write well B) The flipchart consists of several leaves of paper that you ‘flip’ or tear off ?) А- false, В- false ?) А- false, В- true ?) А- true, В- true ?) А-true, В-false Вопрос id:1498118 Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) All presentations have a common objective-to sell anything to anybody for a high price B) People give presentations because they want to communicate ?) А- false, В- true ?) А-true, В-false ?) А- false, В- false ?) А- true, В- true Вопрос id:1498119 Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) An owner need not rely on his or her own funds. He can always ask his powerful prime-minister for help. B) She/he can go to KGB sources of equity finance ?) А- true, В- true ?) А- false, В- false ?) А-true, В-false ?) А- false, В- true Вопрос id:1498120 Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) Another example of efficiency measurement is to calculate the average collection period on debts B) This is found by dividing debtors by age and gender. This can vary tremendously from industry to industry ?) А- false, В- false ?) А- true, В- true ?) А-true, В-false ?) А- false, В- true Вопрос id:1498121 Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) At presentation talk about concrete facts rather than abstract ideas B) Use active verbs instead of passive verbs. Active verbs are much easier to understand. They are much more powerful. You can use cursing verbs as well. ?) А- false, В- false ?) А-true, В-false ?) А- true, В- true ?) А- false, В- true Вопрос id:1498122 Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) At the presentation you can pause. Pausing for 45-50 min. is a very good technique for gaining your audience’s attention B) Intonation: you can change the pitch of your voice. You can speak in a high tone. You can speak in a low tone. Or you can get hysterical and start breaking the projector. Everything goes. ?) А- false, В- true ?) А- false, В- false ?) А- true, В- true ?) А-true, В-false Вопрос id:1498123 Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) Basically, sales are compared with investment in various assets B) For example, in the retail sector, an important ratio which indicates efficiency is sales divided by stock – the resulting figure should be much higher than in the manufacturing sector where stock tends to show a much slower turnover ?) А- false, В- false ?) А-true, В-false ?) А- true, В- true ?) А- false, В- true Вопрос id:1498124 Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) Be aware, too, that the movement of your body is one of your methods of dancing at presentation B) When you move to or from the whiteboard, for example, you can move fast or slowly, raising or reducing the dynamism within the audience ?) А- false, В- false ?) А- true, В- true ?) А-true, В-false ?) А- false, В- true Вопрос id:1498125 Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) Be careful to establish eye contact with each member of your audience B) Each person should feel that you are speaking directly to him, her or his or her guardian-angel ?) А- true, В- true ?) А-true, В-false ?) А- false, В- true ?) А- false, В- false Вопрос id:1498126 Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) Because English is so widely used around the world, it is quite possible that many members of your audience will not be native English-speakers B) In other words, they will not have any education at all ?) А- false, В- false ?) А- true, В- true ?) А-true, В-false ?) А- false, В- true Вопрос id:1498127 Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) Control your audience and your presentation. Use terrorism if you can. B) Your audience, too, must be confident and agressive ?) А- true, В- true ?) А- false, В- false ?) А-true, В-false ?) А- false, В- true Вопрос id:1498128 Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) Cultural differences can also be seen in body language and in the colour of banknotes from different currencies. B) To a Latin from Southern France or Italy, a presenter who uses his hands and arms when speaking may seem dynamic and friendly ?) А- true, В- true ?) А- false, В- false ?) А-true, В-false ?) А- false, В- true Вопрос id:1498129 Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) Do not use jargon, unless you are certain that your audience understands it B) If you want your audience to understand your message, your language must be simple and clear ?) А- false, В- true ?) А- false, В- false ?) А- true, В- true ?) А-true, В-false Вопрос id:1498130 Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) During this time, try to speak slowly and calmly B) You should perhaps learn your introduction by heart. After a few moments, you will relax and gain confidence ?) А-true, В-false ?) А- false, В- false ?) А- false, В- true ?) А- true, В- true Вопрос id:1498131 Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) During your introduction, you should hide from your audience what the structure of your presentation will be B) Use short words and short sentences ?) А- true, В- true ?) А- false, В- true ?) А- false, В- false ?) А-true, В-false Вопрос id:1498132 Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) Duster is used for painting the whiteboard B) It is essential that the duster be clean to start with ?) А-true, В-false ?) А- true, В- true ?) А- false, В- false ?) А- false, В- true Вопрос id:1498133 Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) Each town has a name B) And each house has a number ?) А- false, В- true ?) А-true, В-false ?) А- true, В- true ?) А- false, В- false Вопрос id:1498134 Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) Easily your most important piece of equipment is YOU B) Make sure you’re in full working order, and check your personal presentation carefully – if you don’t, your audience will ?) А-true, В-false ?) А- true, В- true ?) А- false, В- true ?) А- false, В- false Вопрос id:1498135 Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) For prepared material, diafilm projector might be most suitable B) You may consider carrying your own home cinema to your presentation just in case ?) А- false, В- true ?) А-true, В-false ?) А- true, В- true ?) А- false, В- false Вопрос id:1498136 Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) Foreign visitors are interested both in the exhibits and the Russian way of life in general B) These fairs and exhibitions do a lot to establish contacts and to promote trade, and trade, as we know, promotes peace ?) А- false, В- false ?) А- true, В- true ?) А-true, В-false ?) А- false, В- true Вопрос id:1498137 Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) From a shareholder’s point of view, the return on owner’s equity will be an important ratio; this is calculated by dividing the profit before taxes by the owner’s equity and expressing it as a percentage B) If the company does not earn a reasonable return, the share price will increase and thus make it easier to attract additional capital ?) А- false, В- true ?) А-true, В-false ?) А- false, В- false ?) А- true, В- true Вопрос id:1498138 Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) Generally speaking, it is better to lie rather than sit when making a presentation B) Be aware of and avoid any repetitive and irritating gestures or verbal expression ?) А- false, В- true ?) А- false, В- false ?) А-true, В-false ?) А- true, В- true Вопрос id:1498139 Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) Handouts are any documents or samples that you ‘hand out’ or distribute to your audience B) Handouts must have comics on them. ?) А-true, В-false ?) А- false, В- true ?) А- true, В- true ?) А- false, В- false Вопрос id:1498140 Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) Highly geared companies generally represent a lesser risk for investors B) The balance sheet and the profit and loss account can be used to assess how efficiently a company manages its assets ?) А- false, В- true ?) А-true, В-false ?) А- true, В- true ?) А- false, В- false Вопрос id:1498141 Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) If a company gains a listing on the Stock Exchange, this will provide the long-term opportunity of raising capital by issuing fake stocks and bonds B) Companies prepared to increase their gearing can raise capital through long-term loans ?) А- false, В- true ?) А- true, В- true ?) А- false, В- false ?) А-true, В-false Вопрос id:1498142 Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) If a company gains a listing on the Stock Exchange, this will provide the long-term opportunity of raising capital by issuing fake stocks and bonds B) The current ratio measures the current assets against the current liabilities ?) А-true, В-false ?) А- false, В- true ?) А- false, В- false ?) А- true, В- true Вопрос id:1498143 Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) If we hypothetically imagine a German working for an Israeli company making a presentation in English to a Japanese audience in Korea, we can see that there are still less possibilities for cultural misunderstanding, then between a Russian in Moscow and a Russian in Tula. B) You should try to ignore any particular cultural matters that may affect your audience ?) А- false, В- false ?) А- true, В- true ?) А-true, В-false ?) А- false, В- true Вопрос id:1498144 Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) If you are at house N° 100, you can go back to N° 50 or forward to N° 150 B) You can look at the signposts for directions, but the directions will be false ?) А- true, В- true ?) А- false, В- true ?) А- false, В- false ?) А-true, В-false Вопрос id:1498145 Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) In an extreme case – bankruptcy – the owner’s equity will be repaid only after everyone else, including employees, creditors, banks etc., has received what they are owed B) On the other hand, in successful times, the owners have a claim on all the net profit of the company and sometimes all the net profit in the world ?) А- false, В- false ?) А- true, В- true ?) А-true, В-false ?) А- false, В- true Вопрос id:1498146 Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) In general, you should try to vary your voice B) Your voice will then be more interesting for your audience ?) А- false, В- false ?) А- false, В- true ?) А- true, В- true ?) А-true, В-false Вопрос id:1498147 Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) In most cases, a healthy company would show a ratio above 1, in other words more current assets than current liabilities B) Another method of measuring liquidity is the so-called quick ratio – this is particularly appropriate in manufacturing industries where stock levels can disguise the company’s true liquidity ?) А- true, В- true ?) А- false, В- true ?) А-true, В-false ?) А- false, В- false Вопрос id:1498148 Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) In September, 1999 one of the biggest international exhibitions of chemical machinery and equipment was held in Moscow B) Many foreign firms took part in it as they were interested in introducing their goods to new markets. Some of them were later nationalized by the Russian government ?) А-true, В-false ?) А- false, В- true ?) А- false, В- false ?) А- true, В- true Вопрос id:1498149 Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) In the retail sector the average collection period on debts may well be as low as one or two days, whereas in the heavy manufacturing and service sectors it can range from thirty to ninety days B) Profitability ratios show the manager’s success in stealing the company’s resources ?) А-true, В-false ?) А- true, В- true ?) А- false, В- true ?) А- false, В- false Вопрос id:1498150 Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) In times of prosperity, a high gearing will give the owners a much better return as net profits will be a much higher percentage of equity even after interest payments on the long-term debt B) In harder times, the owner’s earnings will grow dramatically as interest payments increase most of the company’s profits ?) А- false, В- true ?) А- false, В- false ?) А- true, В- true ?) А-true, В-false Вопрос id:1498151 Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) Income gearing is also important and shows the ratio between profit and interest paid illegally B) Relatively high borrowings would indicate increase to an interest rate rise ?) А- false, В- false ?) А- true, В- true ?) А-true, В-false ?) А- false, В- true Вопрос id:1498152 Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) It is well worth spending time in the creation of good visual aids B) But it is equally important not to overload your audience’s brains ?) А-true, В-false ?) А- false, В- false ?) А- false, В- true ?) А- true, В- true Вопрос id:1498153 Which of the two assertions are true and which are false? A) It is, of course, important that your audience be able to hear you clearly throughout your presentation and during the following lunch break B) Remember that if you turn away from your audience, for example towards the whiteboard, you have to speak a little more loudly ?) А- false, В- true ?) А-true, В-false ?) А- false, В- false ?) А- true, В- true |