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Список вопросов базы знанийАнглийский язык. Бизнес курсВопрос id:1498254 Choose the right preposition: Surely the way to fix this is for me to give you a discount on the shipments that I send you. I appreciate that if I don’t pay you cash … the first of the month, that may increase your overdraft Вопрос id:1498255 Choose the right preposition: The operating profit is reached …deducting other operating expenses, sometimes called fixed costs (in this case Ј15.5 million) to reach a figure of Ј19.5 million as an operating profit Вопрос id:1498256 Choose the right preposition: The profit figure now reached (Ј14.1 million) is taxable … whatever rate of corporation tax is applicable Вопрос id:1498257 Choose the right preposition: They are travelling in a car from her hotel toll Fashionpark offices, to start their second session …talks Вопрос id:1498258 Choose the right preposition: To compensate you … that, I’ll give you a discount on the price of tin clothes. Your accountant will tell you it’s the same in the end, either way Вопрос id:1498259 Choose the right preposition: Well, in case … emergency, I’m sure we could stretch a point Вопрос id:1498260 Choose the right preposition: … theory, maybe, but it’s too complicated Вопрос id:1498261 Choose the right preposition: … this case, Ј5.4 million is due to the minority shareholders in the company’s subsidiaries and associated companies Вопрос id:1498262 Choose three possible answers: All the expenses incurred in this connection are to be … by the Sellers ?) borne ?) made ?) carried ?) paid Вопрос id:1498263 Choose three possible answers: Copy of the Buyers’ Inspector’s Release Note for Shipment issued in accordance with the Test Report or any other document as to the quality of the goods ?) put ?) created ?) issued ?) made Вопрос id:1498264 Choose three possible answers: If neither party can eliminate the defects, the Buyers have the … either to demand from the Sellers a proportionate decrease in the price of the equipment delivered or to cancel the contract and on this case the Sellers are to be compensate the Buyers for the losses sustained by them ?) right ?) privilege ?) wrong ?) discretion Вопрос id:1498265 Choose three possible answers: If the elimination of the defects is effected by the Buyers by mutual agreement between the parties, the Sellers are to compensate the Buyers for all the … incurred by them in connection with this elimination ?) expenditures ?) spendings ?) expenses ?) salaries Вопрос id:1498266 Choose three possible answers: If the test is carried out in the presence of Buyers’ Inspector and no defects have been found, the Inspector will … a Release Note for Shipment. ?) issue ?) take ?) write ?) give Вопрос id:1498267 Choose three possible answers: In case the elimination of defects or the replacement of … equipment or parts takes place, the guarantee period is to be prolonged for the period used for such elimination or replacement ?) defecated ?) faulty ?) defected ?) broken Вопрос id:1498268 Choose three possible answers: Level and the highest standards existing in the Sellers’ country for the equipment in question at the moment of the … of the contract ?) realisation ?) fulfilment ?) implementation ?) commitment Вопрос id:1498269 Choose three possible answers: Proper material and first-rate workmanship have been used in the … of the goods ?) working ?) creation ?) making ?) manufacture Вопрос id:1498270 Choose three possible answers: Sellers’ letter about the despatch of the technical documentation in … with clause 6 of the present contract ?) accordance ?) agreement ?) cooperation ?) compliance Вопрос id:1498271 Choose three possible answers: Technical conditions for testing the equipment; erection, maintenance and … instructions, lubrication schemes, etc. ?) functioning ?) standing ?) operation ?) working Вопрос id:1498272 Choose three possible answers: The capacity of the delivered equipment and the quality of its operation are in all respects in … with the Technical Conditions of the contract ?) relience ?) compliance ?) accordance ?) conformity Вопрос id:1498273 Choose three possible answers: The date of the Report issued after the test of the equipment at the Buyers’ factory is … to be the date of putting the equipment into operation ?) taken ?) understood ?) considered ?) thought Вопрос id:1498274 Choose three possible answers: The delivered equipment is complete in accordance with the conditions of the contract which provides for its normal and uninterrupted … ?) functioning ?) work ?) operation ?) surgery Вопрос id:1498275 Choose three possible answers: The final … and test of the equipment are to take place at the Buyers’ plant in Russia after erection ?) control work ?) inspection ?) check ?) examination Вопрос id:1498276 Choose three possible answers: The quality of the delivered equipment is to correspond to the technical … stipulated in the contract or in the Appendix to it ?) specifications ?) conditions ?) activities ?) standarts Вопрос id:1498277 Choose three possible answers: The Release Note for Shipment as well as the Test Certificates do not … the Sellers from their obligations stipulated by the Guarantee clause ?) free ?) remake ?) relieve ?) liberate Вопрос id:1498278 Choose three possible answers: The remaining 10 per cent. of the value of the equipment delivered is to be paid after putting the equipment into … on condition that it reaches the capacity and quality of operation guarantied by the Sellers ?) theory ?) action ?) operation ?) practice Вопрос id:1498279 Choose three possible answers: The technical documents and drawings are complete, accurate and sufficient for the … and operation of the equipment ?) building ?) tension ?) erection ?) construction Вопрос id:1498280 Choose two possible answers: No claim shall be considered by Sellers after … of the above period ?) the beginning ?) expiration ?) perspiration ?) the end Вопрос id:1498281 Choose two possible answers: 2 samples are to be handed over through the Captain of the tanker at the port of unloading to Buyers or to another person according to Buyers’ instructions and the other 2 samples are to be …by Sellers ?) torn ?) retained ?) kept ?) left Вопрос id:1498282 Choose two possible answers: After the handing over of the goods to the Buyers’ Forwarding Agents all the … connected with the storage of the goods up to the moment of loading them on board ship are to be borne by the Buyers ?) expenses ?) expenditures ?) senses ?) pencills Вопрос id:1498283 Choose two possible answers: And in all the … cases demurrage and dead freight paid by Sellers in connection with the delay in the opening of the Letter of Credit are to be repaid by Buyers ?) hereby ?) above ?) mentioned ?) below Вопрос id:1498284 Choose two possible answers: Both … shall keep these samples for 2 months from the date of delivery ?) concerts ?) tours ?) sides ?) parties Вопрос id:1498285 Choose two possible answers: But in such a case the Sellers are to defray cranage and stevedoring expenses in … with clause 2 of the present contract ?) accordance ?) relience ?) commitment ?) compliance Вопрос id:1498286 Choose two possible answers: Demurrage is to be paid at the rate … in the Charter Party per day ?) conditioned ?) stimulated ?) converted ?) stipulated Вопрос id:1498287 Choose two possible answers: Expenses in …. the opening, amendment and utilization of the Letter of Credit to be paid by Buyers ?) connection with ?) contact with ?) respect of ?) collaboration with Вопрос id:1498288 Choose two possible answers: Furthermore, the Captain is to advise Buyers or their agent by cable of the forthcoming arrival of the tanker at the port of discharge 4 days before her … ?) coming ?) sailing ?) arrival ?) sinking Вопрос id:1498289 Choose two possible answers: If during several days from the date of the readiness of the goods for shipment the equipment cannot be loaded on board ship … circumstances beyond the Sellers’ control (no shipping facilities available) the Sellers have the right to hand over the goods to the Buyers’ Forwarding Agents. ?) owing to ?) as to ?) due to ?) applying to Вопрос id:1498290 Choose two possible answers: If the above circumstances … for more than 20 days, any delivery or deliveries which are to be made under the contract within that period may be cancelled on the declaration of any of the parties ?) last ?) continue ?) provide ?) expire Вопрос id:1498291 Choose two possible answers: If the goods are not ready for shipment by the date of arrival of the …, the Sellers are to compensate the Buyers for the losses they may sustain in connection with the underloading of the ship (dead freight) ?) ship ?) vehicle ?) sheep ?) vessel Вопрос id:1498292 Choose two possible answers: In case of a dispute on the quality of the goods in connection with divergencies in the analyses of the arbitration samples made by the Sellers’ and Buyers’ laboratories, an analysis which is to be final and binding upon both parties is to be … by a neutral laboratory agreed upon by the parties ?) made ?) carried out ?) done ?) given Вопрос id:1498293 Choose two possible answers: In case of non-conformity of the quality of the goods actually delivered by Sellers with the contract specification, any … concerning the quality of the goods may be presented within two months of the date of delivery ?) complaint ?) eggplant ?) clone ?) claim Вопрос id:1498294 Choose two possible answers: In case of the opening of the Letter of Credit with another Bank, payment is to be made against a telegram of the Bank for Foreign Trade of Russia, Moscow, … the receipt of the above documents ?) declaring ?) arguing ?) denying ?) acknowledging Вопрос id:1498295 Choose two possible answers: In case of … in delivery exceeding 3 months the Buyers have the right to cancel the order in whole or in part ?) move ?) delay ?) postponement ?) cancelation Вопрос id:1498296 Choose two possible answers: In this … the date of the Forwarding Agents’ receipt is to be considered the delivery date ?) condition ?) situation ?) case ?) state Вопрос id:1498297 Choose two possible answers: No claim … for one lot of the goods shall be regarded by Buyers as a reason for rejecting any other lot or lots of the goods to be delivered under the present contract ?) preserved ?) taken ?) presented ?) given Вопрос id:1498298 Choose two possible answers: On arrival of the tanker at the port of discharge, the Captain is to give Buyers’ representative at this port a written notice of readiness of the tanker for discharging ?) make ?) write ?) provide ?) give Вопрос id:1498299 Choose two possible answers: Payment for the goods sold under the present contract … be effected out of an irrevocable confirmed Letter of Credit ?) to do ?) has to ?) to have ?) is to Вопрос id:1498300 Choose two possible answers: Payment out of the Letter of Credit is to be made … presentation by Sellers to the Bank for Foreign Trade of Russia in Moscow of the following documents ?) against ?) without ?) according to ?) for Вопрос id:1498301 Choose two possible answers: Sellers are to insure the goods for their account against usual marine risks … risks of leakage exceeding 1% with Ingosstrakh of Russia in accordance with the Transport Insurance Rules of Ingosstrakh for the amount of the invoice value of the goods plus 10 per cent ?) including ?) unloading ?) amending ?) involving Вопрос id:1498302 Choose two possible answers: Sellers are to … Buyers by telegraph or by telex not later than 5 days before the starting of loading of the name and capacity of the tanker, the date and port of shipment of the goods ?) inform ?) tell ?) say ?) speak Вопрос id:1498303 Choose two possible answers: Sellers have the right to substitute one tanker for … informing Buyers thereof by cable or telex ?) anothers ?) other ?) another ?) others |
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