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Английский язык. Бизнес курс

Вопрос id:1498904

Which of the two assertions are true and which are false?

A) Start-ups usually require much less cash than anticipated by even the most conservative expectations

B) It is well-established fact that most businesses start off under funded

?) А- false, В- false
?) А- false, В- true
?) А- true, В- true
?) А-true, В-false
Вопрос id:1498905

Which of the two assertions are true and which are false?

A) Stores are under-capitalized and under-managed

B) Margins are squeezed as they compete against the chains, in a competition based on price more than on service and support

?) А- true, В- true
?) А-true, В-false
?) А- false, В- false
?) А- false, В- true
Вопрос id:1498906

Which of the two assertions are true and which are false?

A) Sub “S” corporations and service ( PC) corporations may have a chinese as opposed to light year ends

B) However, cautions must be made to not make calculations of income on one fiscal year for the company and never ever pay any taxes

?) А- false, В- true
?) А- false, В- false
?) А- true, В- true
?) А-true, В-false
Вопрос id:1498907

Which of the two assertions are true and which are false?

A) The budget makes ‘management by exception’ possible

B) Intervention in the actual course of business is then only necessary if there are (significant) deviations in the actual results as compared to the plan

?) А- false, В- true
?) А- false, В- false
?) А- true, В- true
?) А-true, В-false
Вопрос id:1498908

Which of the two assertions are true and which are false?

A) The budgeting stages don’t determine the internal cohesion and necessary harmonizing of company activities which may be functionally divided between various departments

B) In this sense, a budget can’t be an important means of co-ordination

?) А-true, В-false
?) А- false, В- false
?) А- true, В- true
?) А- false, В- true
Вопрос id:1498909

Which of the two assertions are true and which are false?

A) The business person who thinks he has everything “in his head” and not on paper, often does not have as much of it as he believes

B) The actual written document can’t help either

?) А- false, В- false
?) А- false, В- true
?) А- true, В- true
?) А-true, В-false
Вопрос id:1498910

Which of the two assertions are true and which are false?

A) The high-end home office business is a business, not a hobby

B) It generates enough money to merit the owner’s paying real attention to the quality of information technology management, meaning that there is both budget and concerns that warrant working with our level of quality service and support

?) А- false, В- false
?) А- false, В- true
?) А-true, В-false
?) А- true, В- true
Вопрос id:1498911

Which of the two assertions are true and which are false?

A) The home offices in Tintown are an important growing market segment

B) Nationally, there are approximately 30 million home offices, and the number is growing at 10% per year

?) А- false, В- false
?) А-true, В-false
?) А- false, В- true
?) А- true, В- true
Вопрос id:1498912

Which of the two assertions are true and which are false?

A) The long term implications of any choice are that often the IRS will not allow a change, or may only allow for a gradual phasing-in of a change

B) This is not true when tax advantages are made available to the business person as a result of the change

?) А-true, В-false
?) А- false, В- false
?) А- true, В- true
?) А- false, В- true
Вопрос id:1498913

Which of the two assertions are true and which are false?

A) The market is served increasingly by mail order businesses that offer aggressive pricing of boxed product

B) For the purely price-driven buyer, who buys boxes and expects no service, these are very good options

?) А- true, В- true
?) А- false, В- true
?) А-true, В-false
?) А- false, В- false
Вопрос id:1498914

Which of the two assertions are true and which are false?

A) The modern investor is almost entirely interested in the financial returns that his capital will bring, either by way of income or by way of capital growth

B) His contribution to industry and commerce, in financial terms, is just as great, or greater, than ever it was, but he is no longer in a position to exert very much influence on the actual management of the company, part of which he owns

?) А- false, В- true
?) А- false, В- false
?) А- true, В- true
?) А-true, В-false
Вопрос id:1498915

Which of the two assertions are true and which are false?

A) The most important, for our plan’s focus, are the home offices that are the only offices of real businesses, from which people make their primary living

B) These are likely to be professional services such as graphic artists, writers, and consultants, some accountants and the occasional lawyer, doctor, or dentist

?) А- false, В- true
?) А- true, В- true
?) А- false, В- false
?) А-true, В-false
Вопрос id:1498916

Which of the two assertions are true and which are false?

A) The national chains are a growing presence

B) CompUSA, Computer City, Incredible Universe, Babbages, Egghead, and others. They benefit from national advertising, economies of scale, volume buying, and a general trend toward name-brand loyalty for buying in the channels as well as for products

?) А- false, В- true
?) А- false, В- false
?) А- true, В- true
?) А-true, В-false
Вопрос id:1498917

Which of the two assertions are true and which are false?

A) The only way is through direct international experience either by participating in international task forces or, more importantly, by working and living abroad

B) Such experiences open people’s minds to the fact that things are done differently elsewhere and encourage them to think in a wider context

?) А- false, В- false
?) А-true, В-false
?) А- false, В- true
?) А- true, В- true
Вопрос id:1498918

Which of the two assertions are true and which are false?

A) The only way to get proper experience in international management is through direct international experience either by participating in international task forces or, more importantly, by working and living abroad

B) Such experiences open people’s minds to the fact that in fact international management is nothing but a game and has no serious implications

?) А- false, В- true
?) А-true, В-false
?) А- true, В- true
?) А- false, В- false
Вопрос id:1498919

Which of the two assertions are true and which are false?

A) The projected balance sheet, results budget, liquidity budget, and explanatory statements are together described as the master budget

B) The master budget never includes budgets for separate sub-units of an organization (sales, production, distribution and finance) to give a single budget for the whole organization

?) А- true, В- true
?) А- false, В- false
?) А-true, В-false
?) А- false, В- true
Вопрос id:1498920

Which of the two assertions are true and which are false?

A) The segmentation allows some room for estimates and nonspecific definitions

B) We focus on a small-medium level of small business, and it is hard to find information to make an exact classification

?) А-true, В-false
?) А- false, В- true
?) А- false, В- false
?) А- true, В- true
Вопрос id:1498921

Which of the two assertions are true and which are false?

A) The small business buyers understand the concept of service and support, and are much more likely to pay for it when the offering is clearly stated

B) There is no doubt that we compete much more against all the box pushers than against other service providers

?) А- false, В- false
?) А- false, В- true
?) А-true, В-false
?) А- true, В- true
Вопрос id:1498922

Which of the two assertions are true and which are false?

A) There is usually a lot of leakage in ad-hoc purchasing through local chain stores and mail order

B) Often the administrators try to discourage this, but are only partially successful

?) А- false, В- false
?) А-true, В-false
?) А- false, В- true
?) А- true, В- true
Вопрос id:1498923

Which of the two assertions are true and which are false?

A) They think about price because that’s all they ever see

B) We have very good indications that many would rather pay 10-20% more for a relationship with a long-term vendor providing back-up and quality service and support; they end up in the box-pusher channels because they aren’t aware of the alternatives

?) А- false, В- true
?) А-true, В-false
?) А- false, В- false
?) А- true, В- true
Вопрос id:1498924

Which of the two assertions are true and which are false?

A) Those who act on their ideas don’t care very much about bringing them into reality

B) Many successful business people have applied the old adage, “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try, try again.”

?) А- false, В- true
?) А- true, В- true
?) А-true, В-false
?) А- false, В- false
Вопрос id:1498925

Which of the two assertions are true and which are false?

A) To be successful, entrepreneurs usually need to meditate and just pray to god for a successful outcome

B) If the venture is going to need outside capital, either as a start-up or later for expansion, it’ll never get it and they know it

?) А- false, В- true
?) А-true, В-false
?) А- false, В- false
?) А- true, В- true
Вопрос id:1498926

Which of the two assertions are true and which are false?

A) Unfortunately our home office target buyers may not expect to buy from us

B) Many of them turn immediately to the superstores (office equipment, office supplies, and electronics) and mail order to look for the best price, without realizing that there is a better option for them at only a little bit more

?) А- false, В- false
?) А- true, В- true
?) А- false, В- true
?) А-true, В-false
Вопрос id:1498927

Which of the two assertions are true and which are false?

A) We can assume that we aren’t talking about home offices used only part-time by people who work elsewhere during the day

B) Our target market home office wants to have powerful technology and a lot of links between computing, telecommunications, and video

?) А- true, В- true
?) А- false, В- true
?) А- false, В- false
?) А-true, В-false
Вопрос id:1498928

Which of the two assertions are true and which are false?

A) We need to effectively compete against the idea that businesses should buy computers as plug-in appliances that don’t need ongoing service, support, and training

B) Our focus group sessions indicated that our target Home Offices think about price but would buy based on quality service if the offering were properly presented

?) А- true, В- true
?) А- false, В- false
?) А-true, В-false
?) А- false, В- true
Вопрос id:1498929
A business can ... set up as an unincorporated partnership, a proprietorship, or limited liability company (LLC)
?) will
?) were
?) been
?) be
Вопрос id:1498930
A ... .-basis accounting system is good for businesses who recognize that cash flow is more important than showing accrued earnings
?) money
?) currency
?) cash
?) paper
Вопрос id:1498931
A business can also be set up ... a corporation, which has its own tax consequences, but limits personal liability of the owner
?) then
?) as
?) so
?) if
Вопрос id:1498932
A business can always be changed to a taxable entity ..., when profits are up and the benefits of the tax system can be better realized as a full corporation
?) today
?) earlier
?) later
?) tomorrow
Вопрос id:1498933
A good broker can ... a plan in which venture capital proceeds will be used to pay him for his efforts, and include that information in the offering brochure
?) develop
?) revalue
?) envelop
?) devalue
Вопрос id:1498934
A new business requires ... capital to endure unexpected hardships
?) sufficient
?) intentional
?) efficient
?) defficient
Вопрос id:1498935
A professional loan ..., who has been provided the pertinent business plan and documents, is a very wise choice
?) taker
?) maker
?) broker
?) breaker
Вопрос id:1498936
Accrual-based accounting methods must be used if ... are kept in the form of inventory
?) classes
?) cassettes
?) asses
?) assets
Вопрос id:1498937
Additionally an “S” corporation may be set up ... passes the tax liability through to the owners, but protects them from personal liabilities in other areas
?) where
?) when
?) who
?) which
Вопрос id:1498938
After the new entrepreneur decides what form of a business entity to establish, he must decide on accounting methods and financial recording methods the company will ... .
?) tranquilize
?) civilize
?) equalize
?) utilize
Вопрос id:1498939
An investment ..., professionally made and distributed, is often the only difference between a well-funded project and one that fails, simply because sufficient operating capital was not available
?) dictionary
?) bible
?) brochure
?) lieflet
Вопрос id:1498940
As a general rule however, only corporations have ... .. in deciding the fiscal year
?) flexibility
?) credibility
?) susseptability
?) instability
Вопрос id:1498941
Bank loans, investors, … of credit, and government programs may be used singularly or in combination to fund a business
?) lines
?) years
?) times
Вопрос id:1498942
Building ... in holdings such as antiques or collectables, in which the enterprise will gradually increase its numbers, is usually best utilizing “LI-FO.”
?) equity
?) puberty
?) poverty
?) property
Вопрос id:1498943
Cash-... .allows the owner of the business to treat accounts receivable as assets after they are collected, likewise debts are not counted until they are paid
?) thesis
?) axes
?) crisis
?) basis
Вопрос id:1498944
Choose the right preposition: A projected balance sheet: a balance sheet ... a date in the future
Вопрос id:1498945
Choose the right preposition: A results budget: a review ... costs and revenues for a future period
Вопрос id:1498946
Choose the right preposition: Budgeting is the changing of operational plans (for example, for purchasing, production, research, or sales) ... financial results
Вопрос id:1498947
Choose the right preposition: Elsewares will rely ...on part time help for its imprinting, warehousing & shipping labor requirements
Вопрос id:1498948
Choose the right preposition: Finally, the management makes its choice from the policy options so that the objectives will be realized ... the maximum possible extent
Вопрос id:1498949
Choose the right preposition: Focus … small business and high-end home office as key target markets
Вопрос id:1498950
Choose the right preposition: Good use can be made ...computerized spread-sheet programs for this ‘ what-if analysis
Вопрос id:1498951
Choose the right preposition: If a plan has been expressed ... financial terms, we speak of a budget
Вопрос id:1498952
Choose the right preposition: If, ... the basis of this projection, undesirable positions come to light, the management can readjust its policy
Вопрос id:1498953
Choose the right preposition: Inspite… the logic behind this, the market doesn’t support this concept
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