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Список вопросов базы знанийАнглийский язык. Бизнес курсВопрос id:1499004 Choose two possible answers: Often the ... make the difference ?) participant ?) person ?) participants ?) people Вопрос id:1499005 Choose two possible answers: Sound financial management is one of the best ways to ... .solvent ?) stay ?) have ?) remain ?) take Вопрос id:1499006 Choose two possible answers: The Appendix is where related documents and support materials … included ?) be ?) can are ?) are ?) can be Вопрос id:1499007 Choose two possible answers: The following should be discussed in the Operating Requirements ... . ?) district ?) region ?) section ?) chapter Вопрос id:1499008 Choose two possible answers: These same teams ... even turn around a struggling company ?) may ?) need ?) must ?) can Вопрос id:1499009 Choose two possible answers: They make it possible to better ... your product or service ?) do ?) outline ?) have ?) define Вопрос id:1499010 Choose two possible answers: This ... of a business plan describes both the strategy and tactics one will use to get customers to buy their products or services ?) part ?) town ?) region ?) section Вопрос id:1499011 Choose two possible answers: This is also where ... familiarizes the reader with how their product is created or services sold ?) one ?) a man ?) two ?) men Вопрос id:1499012 Choose two possible answers: This is the section in which one makes the case in words, and backs up what … says with financial statements and forms that document the viability of the business and its soundness as an investment ?) two ?) one ?) a person ?) people Вопрос id:1499013 Choosing the ... year is another important decision the owner of a small business must make ?) fecal ?) focal ?) fiscal ?) feral Вопрос id:1499014 Chose three possible answers: All business plans should however address the following major … and contain the following sections ?) fields ?) questions ?) answers ?) areas Вопрос id:1499015 Chose three possible answers: Information will be repeated in different sections and explained to different … within sections ?) parts ?) extends ?) degrees ?) details Вопрос id:1499016 Chose three possible answers: The right amount of detail should be included in each section ?) section ?) zone ?) chapter ?) part Вопрос id:1499017 Chose three possible answers: While all business plans contain key ... , the content and organization varies from industry to industry, and also may differ based on the goal of the plan ?) questions ?) points ?) holes ?) elements Вопрос id:1499018 Chose three possible answers: . A business without ... is a business that will not know what it is doing ?) plan ?) vision ?) understanding ?) eyes Вопрос id:1499019 Chose three possible answers: A poorly prepared or unattractive ... may not even get a second look ?) lady ?) document ?) paper ?) plan Вопрос id:1499020 Chose three possible answers: All pages of your business plan should be ... numbered and the table of contents should include page numbers ?) easily ?) precisely ?) carefully ?) correctly Вопрос id:1499021 Chose three possible answers: An executive summary may also be used singularly to attract potential ... in your company and can be “followed up” with a complete plan if investors are interested ?) attention ?) interest ?) hippies ?) curiosity Вопрос id:1499022 Chose three possible answers: Be sure to list headings for the major sections as well as for important ... ?) subsections ?) subparts ?) subdivisions ?) submarines Вопрос id:1499023 Chose three possible answers: Business Plans contain ... elements that function to define the endeavours of a business enterprise ?) key ?) main ?) small ?) major Вопрос id:1499024 Chose three possible answers: Fonts used should be easily read, and colour ... should be pleasant to the eye ?) pencils ?) details ?) contrasts ?) marks Вопрос id:1499025 Chose three possible answers: Getting your document looked at is a key … in the hunt for investment and support ?) stage ?) phase ?) stairs ?) step Вопрос id:1499026 Chose three possible answers: In many cases, the introductory ... , especially the executive summary, will influence whether readers read the rest of the plan at all ?) moments ?) elements ?) nuances ?) words Вопрос id:1499027 Chose three possible answers: Investors and venture capitalists may be presented with several ... per day ?) proposals ?) rubles ?) offerings ?) ideas Вопрос id:1499028 Chose three possible answers: It is an abstract of the ... essentials of your business plan ?) pertinent ?) unnesessary ?) important ?) significant Вопрос id:1499029 Chose three possible answers: It is one of the most important parts of the plan, taking into account current market size and ... , and may require extensive professional level research ?) orientation ?) tendencies ?) trends ?) analysis Вопрос id:1499030 Chose three possible answers: Lenders in particular read executive summaries before looking at the rest of a ... to determine whether or not they want to learn more about a business ?) document ?) presentation ?) concert ?) plan Вопрос id:1499031 Chose three possible answers: The ... of a cover is to tell the reader what the document is about ?) target ?) aim ?) goal ?) purpose Вопрос id:1499032 Chose three possible answers: The business description is the “Business Vision”, and includes: who the company is, what it will do, what market needs it will address, and why the ... will work ?) young girl ?) idea ?) design ?) plan Вопрос id:1499033 Chose three possible answers: The cover of a business document should be … and professional looking. ?) erotic ?) nice ?) attractive ?) pleasant Вопрос id:1499034 Chose three possible answers: The cover of the document is often the “First Impression” of a business for any interested parties or investors ?) parties ?) partners ?) sides ?) parents Вопрос id:1499035 Chose three possible answers: The cover page, executive summary, and table of contents will determine what ... of first impression one makes on readers ?) sort ?) kind ?) type ?) breed Вопрос id:1499036 Chose three possible answers: The executive summary is the first ... of your plan, but it should be written last ?) chapter ?) part ?) district ?) section Вопрос id:1499037 Chose three possible answers: The executive summary should be ... , attention getting, and understandable ?) concise ?) brief ?) short ?) hypothetical Вопрос id:1499038 Chose three possible answers: The wording ……chosen very carefully ?) should ?) must ?) has ?) has to be Вопрос id:1499039 Chose three possible answers: They can not, and … not, read them all ?) would ?) will ?) did ?) do Вопрос id:1499040 Chose three possible answers: This ... is designed to provide enough facts to convince an investor, or potential partner ?) neighbourhood ?) section ?) chapter ?) part Вопрос id:1499041 Chose three possible answers: Thumb tabs for the documents headings are a nice feature and indicate a professional ... ?) approach ?) typist ?) paper ?) document Вопрос id:1499042 Correspond the left and right parts
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