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Список вопросов базы знанийАнглийский язык. Бизнес курсВопрос id:1499354 May I ___. myself? ?) seduce ?) introduce ?) induce ?) suffuse Вопрос id:1499355 Most people ___ happy with the present system. ?) is ?) are ?) was ?) will Вопрос id:1499356 Nice to see you, face to ___ isn’t the same as on the phone. How are you? ?) butt ?) nose ?) head ?) face Вопрос id:1499357 One way of reducing ___ distance is to cut down the ways in which employees can indicate higher status ?) civil ?) sexual ?) social ?) similar Вопрос id:1499358 People can have difficulty communicating with other employees of higher job ___. ?) basis ?) status ?) crisis ?) thesis Вопрос id:1499359 People in Britain ___ hands just as much as people in Germany. ?) twist ?) break ?) dislocate ?) shake Вопрос id:1499360 People perceive things in different ___. ?) days ?) ways ?) bays ?) rays Вопрос id:1499361 So the message ___ get distorted. ?) tray ?) may ?) pay ?) say Вопрос id:1499362 Social ___ may affect how openly employees speak about their work. ?) instance ?) resistance ?) stance ?) distance Вопрос id:1499363 The number of adverbs in the sentence: A 50-year-old Japanese manager, or a Greek or Italian or Chilean one, would quite simply be offended by having to negotiate with an aggressive, well-educated, but inexperienced American or German 20 years his junior is....(ответ дать цифрой) Вопрос id:1499364 The number of adverbs in the sentence: A Japanese would also want to take the time to get to know the person with whom he was negotiating, and would not appreciate an assertive American who wanted to sign a deal immediately and take the next plane home is....(ответ дать цифрой) Вопрос id:1499365 The number of adverbs in the sentence: A young, dynamic, aggressive manager with an MBA (a Master in Business Administration degree) can quickly rise in the hierarchy is....(ответ дать цифрой) Вопрос id:1499366 The number of adverbs in the sentence: According to Trompenaars’ data, there are more particularists in Latin and Asian countries than in Australia, the USA, Canada, or northwest Europe is....(ответ дать цифрой) Вопрос id:1499367 The number of adverbs in the sentence: Consequently, each group thinks that the other is corrupt is....(ответ дать цифрой) Вопрос id:1499368 The number of adverbs in the sentence: Don’t try to be funny – you may be misunderstood is....(ответ дать цифрой) Вопрос id:1499369 The number of adverbs in the sentence: He was also desperate not to earn more than his boss, which he thought would be an unthinkable humiliation that would force the boss to resign immediately is....(ответ дать цифрой) Вопрос id:1499370 The number of adverbs in the sentence: In most Latin and Asian cultures status is automatically accorded to the boss, who is more likely to be in his fifties or sixties than in his thirties is....(ответ дать цифрой) Вопрос id:1499371 The number of adverbs in the sentence: It was later discovered that he was deliberately trying not to sell more than any of his colleagues, so as not to reveal their inadequacies is....(ответ дать цифрой) Вопрос id:1499372 The number of adverbs in the sentence: Management is largely based on analysis, rationality, logic and systems is....(ответ дать цифрой) Вопрос id:1499373 The number of adverbs in the sentence: Managing a truly global multinational company would obviously be much simpler if it required only one set of corporate objectives, goals, policies, practices, products and services is....(ответ дать цифрой) Вопрос id:1499374 The number of adverbs in the sentence: Meetings can run smoothly and stay on track is....(ответ дать цифрой) Вопрос id:1499375 The number of adverbs in the sentence: The former believe that rules are extremely important; the latter believe that personal relationships and friendships should take precedence is....(ответ дать цифрой) Вопрос id:1499376 The number of adverbs in the sentence: The largely Protestant cultures on both sides of the North Atlantic (Canada, the USA, Britain, the Netherlands, Germany, Scandinavia) are essentially individualist is....(ответ дать цифрой) Вопрос id:1499377 The number of adverbs in the sentence: The other person hasn’t got all day, so make sure you call briefly is....(ответ дать цифрой) Вопрос id:1499378 The number of adverbs in the sentence: The other person is getting an impression of your firm while talking with you, so make sure that you sound efficient is....(ответ дать цифрой) Вопрос id:1499379 The number of adverbs in the sentence: This is particularly true in Japan, where companies traditionally have a policy of promotion by seniority is....(ответ дать цифрой) Вопрос id:1499380 The number of adverbs in the sentence: Trompenaars also reports that Singaporean and Indonesian managers objected that pay-for-performance caused salesmen to pressure customers into buying products they didn’t really need, which was not only bad for long term business relations, but quite simply unfair and ethically wrong is....(ответ дать цифрой) Вопрос id:1499381 The number of adverbs in the sentence: You don’t automatically respect people just because they’ve been in a company for 30 years is....(ответ дать ифрой) Вопрос id:1499382 The number of ajectives in the sentence: A 30 year old real estate salesman was fined after answering his phone while he was watching a movie is............. (ответ дать словом) Вопрос id:1499383 The number of ajectives in the sentence: A committee has been set up so that local people who have been fined may appeal against the fine is............. (ответ дать словом) Вопрос id:1499384 The number of ajectives in the sentence: A student aged 25 in a language class was fined after his phone rang twice during class is............. (ответ дать словом) Вопрос id:1499385 The number of ajectives in the sentence: A young couple were fined when the wife’s mobile phone rang during a concert at the art Center is............. (ответ дать словом) Вопрос id:1499386 The number of ajectives in the sentence: Each of these steps takes relatively little time compared to the amount of time and frustration they can avoid is............. (ответ дать словом) Вопрос id:1499387 The number of ajectives in the sentence: His three year old child is at home with a new nanny is............. (ответ дать словом) Вопрос id:1499388 The number of ajectives in the sentence: How you prepare your participants – voice mail, fax, e-mail, memo, in person, etc. – will depend on your corporate culture is............. (ответ дать словом) Вопрос id:1499389 The number of ajectives in the sentence: However, your government accepts that there may be certain times when someone has to use their mobile phone is............. (ответ дать словом) Вопрос id:1499390 The number of ajectives in the sentence: I was surprised because the conversation had nothing to do with my medical condition is............. (ответ дать словом) Вопрос id:1499391 The number of ajectives in the sentence: If a participant has a reason for attending and that reason is beneficial, they will be an active responsive participant rather than a resentful one is(словом) Вопрос id:1499392 The number of ajectives in the sentence: Isn’t that a novel idea is............. (ответ дать словом) Вопрос id:1499393 The number of ajectives in the sentence: Numerous things can happen during a busy day is............. (ответ дать словом) Вопрос id:1499394 The number of ajectives in the sentence: Other people may not understand you easily, so try to speak slowly and clearly is............. (ответ дать словом) Вопрос id:1499395 The number of ajectives in the sentence: People who are caught using their mobile phones in public places where silence is expected will have to pay a fine is............. (ответ дать словом) Вопрос id:1499396 The number of ajectives in the sentence: Send a follow-up fax or letter to confirm the important details is............. (ответ дать словом) Вопрос id:1499397 The number of ajectives in the sentence: She was expecting medical test results and had asked the doctor to phone her as soon as they became available is............. (ответ дать словом) Вопрос id:1499398 The number of ajectives in the sentence: The most important items to convey to a participant are why they were asked to come to the meeting and the purpose of the meeting is............. (ответ дать словом) Вопрос id:1499399 The number of ajectives in the sentence: The other person can’t see what a nice person you are, so make sure you speak politely and pleasantly is............. (ответ дать словом) Вопрос id:1499400 The number of ajectives in the sentence: The other person can’t see your reactions, so always CONFIRM that you have understood is............. (ответ дать словом) Вопрос id:1499401 The number of ajectives in the sentence: The poor girl pulled out of the bag her mobile phone and dialled the long number is............. (ответ дать словом) Вопрос id:1499402 The number of ajectives in the sentence: Time is money and he needs to be available to take business calls at all times is............. (ответ дать словом) Вопрос id:1499403 The number of ajectives in the sentence: Your country has decided to pass a similar law but has decided to make the law even stronger is............. (ответ дать словом) |
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