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Список вопросов базы знаний

Английский язык. Бизнес курс

Вопрос id:1497304
Give the English equivalent to the term: Производить сборку продуктов
?) assemble (v) products
?) make components
?) gather products
?) make assembly of products
Вопрос id:1497305
Give the English equivalent to the term: Производство точно в срок
?) unit production
?) batch production
?) just-in-time production
?) lead time
Вопрос id:1497306
Give the English equivalent to the term: Промышленный конфликт
?) administration dispute
?) production action
?) industrial action
?) manufacturing conflict
Вопрос id:1497307
Give the English equivalent to the term: Работа строго по правилам
?) working rules
?) working claims
?) working conditions
?) working-to-rules
Вопрос id:1497308
Give the English equivalent to the term: Реализация актива путем продажи
?) Debenture
?) flotation
?) Indebtedness
?) Divestiture
Вопрос id:1497309
Give the English equivalent to the term: Регистр компаний
?) registrer of the Companies
?) firm book
?) registre of the companies
?) firms list
Вопрос id:1497310
Give the English equivalent to the term: Резерв денежной наличности
?) cash reserves
?) reserves
?) equity reserves
?) money reserves
Вопрос id:1497311
Give the English equivalent to the term: Решение о собственном производстве
?) produce by oneself decision
?) make-or-buy decision
?) individual production decision
?) buy-or-make decision
Вопрос id:1497312
Give the English equivalent to the term: Родственная компания
?) sister company
?) son company
?) brother company
?) daughter company
Вопрос id:1497313
Give the English equivalent to the term: Розничная торговля
?) sole trading
?) retailing
?) wholesaling
?) piece selling
Вопрос id:1497314
Give the English equivalent to the term: Сдельная оплата труда
?) unit wage
?) piecework wages
?) unitwork wage
?) component wage
Вопрос id:1497315
Give the English equivalent to the term: Серийное производство
?) unit production
?) batch production
?) mass production
?) flow production
Вопрос id:1497316
Give the English equivalent to the term: Специальный сберегательный счет, освобожденный от налогов
?) tax exempt special saving account
?) tax exemption open account
?) tax source saving account
?) tax allowance saving account
Вопрос id:1497317
Give the English equivalent to the term: Товарищество
?) friendship
?) s-corporation
?) partshipment
?) partnership
Вопрос id:1497318
Give the English equivalent to the term: Устав акционерного общества
?) the Memorandum of Association
?) the status of the company
?) the statute of the association
?) the deeds of partnership
Вопрос id:1497319
Give the English equivalent to the term: Установленная номинальная стоимость
?) fixed nominal price
?) fixed name price
?) fixed nominal value
?) fixed name value
Вопрос id:1497320
Give the English equivalent to the term: Устойчивый спрос
?) permanent sales
?) gross sales
?) stable sales
?) hard sales
Вопрос id:1497321
Give the English equivalent to the term: Частная акционерная компания
?) sole limited company
?) private limited company
?) public limited company
?) individual limited company
Вопрос id:1497322
Give the English equivalent to the term: Эксплуатация
?) service
?) Exploitation
?) Slavery
?) Maintenance
Вопрос id:1497323
Give the English equivalent to the term: Юридическое лицо
?) judicial person
?) legal head
?) legal person
?) legal face
Вопрос id:1497324
Give the right term to this definition: A deliberate reduction in the rate of production, as a protest
?) strike
?) a working-to-rules
?) a go-slow
?) industrial action
Вопрос id:1497325
Give the right term to this definition: A large group, owning and controlling many companies
?) parent company
?) cartel
?) sister company
?) holding company
Вопрос id:1497326
Give the right term to this definition: A proportion of the total share capital of a company
?) stake
?) stuck
?) strike
?) stock
Вопрос id:1497327
Give the right term to this definition: A situation where workers or management buy all the equity (or more than 50%), or buy other assets, and so gain control of a business
?) acquisition
?) buyout
?) strike
?) takeover
Вопрос id:1497328
Give the right term to this definition: A stoppage of work, as a protest against working conditions, low pay, and so on
?) slowdown
?) stake
?) strike
?) go-slow
Вопрос id:1497329
Give the right term to this definition: A system of authority with different levels, one above the other
?) matrix authority
?) functional authority
?) staff authority
?) line authority
Вопрос id:1497330
Give the right term to this definition: An illegal agreement between two or more companies to fix high prices
?) cartel
?) parent company
?) holding company
?) monopoly
Вопрос id:1497331
Give the right term to this definition: An investment which earns interest at an agreed fixed rate
?) gross investment
?) fixed-interest investment
?) net investment
?) real investment
Вопрос id:1497332
Give the right term to this definition: An investment which gives the holder a right to receive a share in the profits, usually in the form of a dividend
?) real investment
?) net investment
?) gross investment
?) equity investment
Вопрос id:1497333
Give the right term to this definition: An offer to buy part of the share capital of a company
?) bid
?) buyout
?) takeover
?) amalgamation
Вопрос id:1497334
Give the right term to this definition: Any company that provides goods or services for another one
?) subproducer
?) subcontractor
?) supplier
?) subproducter
Вопрос id:1497335
Give the right term to this definition: Buying a majority of the shares in a company, and so winning control over the company
?) buyout
?) acquisition
?) merger
?) takeover
Вопрос id:1497336
Give the right term to this definition: Buying products or processed materials from other companies rather than manufacturing them
?) supplying
?) contracting out
?) buying
?) selling
Вопрос id:1497337
Give the right term to this definition: Combined production that is greater than the sum of the separate parts
?) horizontal integration
?) backward integration
?) a takeover bid
?) a raid synergy
Вопрос id:1497338
Give the right term to this definition: Deliberately obeying every regulation in an organization, which severely disrupts normal operations
?) slowdown
?) go-slow
?) working-to-rule
?) industrial action
Вопрос id:1497339
Give the right term to this definition: Dividing an organization into decision-making units that are not centrally controlled
?) authorisation
?) winding-up
?) splitting-up
?) decentralization
Вопрос id:1497340
Give the right term to this definition: Fixing low prices until a competitor goes out of business
?) tax allowance
?) price war
?) declining sales
?) price reduction
Вопрос id:1497341
Give the right term to this definition: investment in capital goods, such as machinery or buildings needed for the production process
?) equity investment
?) capital investment
?) real investment
?) gross investment
Вопрос id:1497342
Give the right term to this definition: Investment in goods and services needed for the benefit of the community, not for financial gain
?) real investment
?) speculative investment
?) net investment
?) capital investment
Вопрос id:1497343
Give the right term to this definition: Joining together of the stock of two companies, so they become part of the same company
?) synergy
?) takeover
?) merger
?) joint venture
Вопрос id:1497344
Give the right term to this definition: Negotiations between unions and employers about their members' wages and working conditions
?) working bargaining
?) collective agreement
?) collective bargaining
?) slowdown
Вопрос id:1497345
Give the right term to this definition: Selling equity capital in a company, and so ending ownership of the company
?) divestiture
?) synergy
?) takeover bid
?) debenture
Вопрос id:1497346
Give the right term to this definition: The action of winning ownership and control of another company
?) buyout
?) acquisition
?) merger
?) takeover
Вопрос id:1497347
Give the right term to this definition: The gross investment reduced by the amount of capital consumption
?) net investment
?) gross investment
?) real investment
?) speculative investment
Вопрос id:1497348
Give the right term to this definition: The open sale to private investors of shares in a company on the Stock Exchange
?) divestiture
?) acquisition
?) rationalization
?) flotation
Вопрос id:1497349
Give the right term to this definition: The time needed to perform an activity
?) just-on-time
?) lead time
?) just-in-time
?) working to rule
Вопрос id:1497350
Give the right term to this definition: The total equity capital of a company, held by shareholders in the form of shares
?) stock
?) stuck
?) stick
?) stake
Вопрос id:1497351
Give the right term to this definition: The use of money to buy a security or commodity with the intention of selling it at a profit
?) real investment
?) capital investment
?) speculative investment
?) fixed-rate investment
Вопрос id:1497352
Give the right term to this definition: To stop activities that do not make much money and to reduce the number of staff
?) restructure
?) split up
?) reduce
?) rationalize
Вопрос id:1497353
Give the right term to this definition: Two companies joining together to create one company
?) joint-stock company
?) cartel
?) merger
?) joint venture
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