Список вопросов базы знанийАнгл.язык: профессиональная терминология и основы перевода научных текстов (магистр)Вопрос id:881525 Соедините части предложений
Вопрос id:881526 Соедините части предложений
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Вопрос id:881550 Соедините части предложений
Вопрос id:881551 Соедините части предложений
Вопрос id:881552 A research design is a detailed plan or method___ obtaining data scientifically. Вопрос id:881553 A survey is a study, generally in the form of an interview or ___questionnaire, which provides sociologists with information concerning how people think and act. Вопрос id:881554 A scientific method is a systematic, organized series of steps that ensures maximum objectivity and consistency ___researching a problem. Вопрос id:881555 Participant observation. It is a research technique in ___an investigator collects information through direct participation in and observation of a group or a community under study. Вопрос id:881556 Social disorganization deals with the problems of maladjustment and malfunctioning, ___problems of crime and delinquency, poverty and dependency, population movements, physical and mental disease and vice. ?) together the ?) including ?) together ?) together with the Вопрос id:881557 Social psychology seeks___ understand human motivation and behavior as they are determined by society and its values. Вопрос id:881558 Social psychology ___to understand human motivation and behavior as they are determined by society and its values. ?) seek ?) tries ?) try ?) seeks Вопрос id:881559 Sociology of education studies the objectives of the school as a social institution, its curriculum and extracurricular activities and its relationship to___. ?) its other institution ?) the community ?) its other institutions ?) community Вопрос id:881560 Sociology of education studies the objectives of the school as ___social institution, its curriculum and extracurricular activities and its relationship to the community and its other institutions Вопрос id:881561 Sociology of education ___the objectives of the school as a social institution, its curriculum and extracurricular activities and its relationship to the community and its other institutions. ?) study ?) deals ?) studies ?) deals with Вопрос id:881562 Sociology of law concerns itself with formalized social control or with the processes whereby members of a group achieve uniformity in their behavior through the rules and regulations imposed upon them ___society. Вопрос id:881563 Sociology of law concerns itself with formalized social___ or with the processes whereby members of a group achieve uniformity in their behavior through the rules and regulations imposed upon them by society. ?) supervision ?) the control ?) the supervision ?) control Вопрос id:881564 Sociology of religion studies the church as a social institution inquiring into its origin, development and forms as well ___into changes in its structure and function. Вопрос id:881565 Sociology of religion studies the church as a social institution inquiring into its origin, development and forms___ into changes in its structure and function. ?) as well so ?) as well as ?) as well ?) and also Вопрос id:881566 Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях? A) Ginsberg has list the problems of sociology under four aspects- social morphology, social control, social processes and social pathology. B) Social morphology includes investigation of the quantity and quality of population, the study of social structure or the description and classification of the principal types of social group and institutions. ?) А - да, В - нет ?) А - нет, В - да ?) А - да, В - да ?) А - нет, В - нет Вопрос id:881567 Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях? A) According to Sorokin, some of the most developed sociologies are Sociology of population, rural sociology, sociology of law, sociology of religion, sociology of knowledge, sociology fine arts and many others. B) Social physiology is concern with such dynamics processes as religion, morals, law, economic and political aspects, each of which may be the subject matter of a special discipline. ?) А - да, В - да ?) А - нет, В - да ?) А - нет, В - нет ?) А - да, В - нет Вопрос id:881568 Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях? A) Analysis of mass persuasion or propaganda and of public opinion has been one of its major interests. B) General sociology is an attempt to discover the general social laws which may be derived from the specialized social processes. ?) А - нет, В - да ?) А - нет, В - нет ?) А - да, В - нет ?) А - да, В - да Вопрос id:881569 Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях? A) An experiment is a research design in which the researcher expose a group of subjects to a treatment and observes its effect usually in comparison to a similar control group that did not receive the treatment. B) Experiments can demonstrate clearly that a variable has a particular effect on the subject group because the researcher retains maximum control over the circumstances of the research. ?) А - нет, В - да ?) А - нет, В - нет ?) А - да, В - да ?) А - да, В - нет Вопрос id:881570 Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях? A) It is rightly said that we cannot understand and mend society without some knowledge of its mechanism and construction. B) Without the investigation carried out by sociology no real effective social planning would be possible. ?) А - нет, В - нет ?) А - нет, В - да ?) А - да, В - нет ?) А - да, В - да Вопрос id:881571 Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях? A) Sociologists also speak of yet another type, called post industrial society, which is emerging out of the industrial society. B) Sociologists also speak of yet another type, call post industrial society, which is emerging out of the industrial society. ?) А - нет, В - нет ?) А - да, В - да ?) А - да, В - нет ?) А - нет, В - да Вопрос id:881572 Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях? A) The conclusion of a research study represents both an end and a beginning. B) In many instances, a hypothesis is refuted, and researchers have to reformulate their conclusions, to reexamine their methodology and to make changes in the research design. ?) А - да, В - да ?) А - да, В - нет ?) А - нет, В - да ?) А - нет, В - нет Вопрос id:881573 Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях? A) These studies have been related to the general study of bureaucracy, but little has yet been done in the way of large scale comparative work of various complex organized societies. B) It is not enough, however, to characterize pre-British India as an irrigation civilization with a centralized bureaucracy and a village system of production. ?) А - да, В - да ?) А - нет, В - нет ?) А - нет, В - да ?) А - да, В - нет Вопрос id:881574 Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях? A) Why is the random sample frequently use by social scientists? B) What is a scientific method and why is planning its key element? ?) А - да, В - да ?) А - нет, В - да ?) А - нет, В - нет ?) А - да, В - нет |