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Список вопросов базы знаний

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Вопрос id:881321
Is the second function as important as ___first one?
Вопрос id:881322
Is the second function as important___ the first one?
?) as
?) so
?) like
?) -
Вопрос id:881323
Marxist sociology also has a history of mixing different meanings of social structure, ___it has done so by simply treating the cultural aspects of social structure as epiphenomena of its economic ones.
?) though
?) through
?) thorough
?) thought
Вопрос id:881324
Social structure is a term used in the social sciences to refer to patterned social arrangements in society that are both emergent from and determinant (определяющий фактор) of the actions___ the individuals.
Вопрос id:881325
Social structure is a term ___in the social sciences to refer to patterned social arrangements in society that are both emergent from and determinant (определяющий фактор) of the actions of the individuals.
?) which is used
?) is used
?) have used
?) used
Вопрос id:881326
The usage of the term "social structure" has changed over time and may reflect the___ levels of analysis within differing sub-fields of sociology.
?) vary
?) various
?) different
?) differ
Вопрос id:881327
What are the functions___ social systems?
Вопрос id:881328
What does a social system consist___?
?) from
?) -
?) of
?) in
Вопрос id:881329
What does the first function deal___?
?) in
?) from
?) with
?) -
Вопрос id:881330
What does the first function deal___?
Вопрос id:881331
Sociologists often reserve the term "institution" to describe normative systems that operate in five basic areas of life, which may be designated as___ institutions.
?) a main
?) a primary
?) the main
?) the primary
Вопрос id:881332
A family can be defined as a set of persons related ___blood, marriage (or some agreed-upon relationship) or adoption who share the primary responsibility for reproduction and caring for members of society.
Вопрос id:881333
A social institution is a complex, integrated set of social norms ___around the preservation of a basic societal value.
?) organized
?) will organize
?) organizing
?) organize
Вопрос id:881334
Although the organization ___the family can vary greatly, there are certain general principles concerning its composition, descent patterns, residence patterns, and authority patterns.
Вопрос id:881335
An understanding of the modern industrial society requires an understanding ___the secondary groups.
Вопрос id:881336
An understanding of the modern industrial society ___an understanding of the secondary groups.
?) demands
?) requires
?) require
?) demand
Вопрос id:881337
And ___patterns or relationships linking these units are values (ends or broad guides to action) and norms (rules governing role performance in the context of system values).
?) the main
?) main
?) major
?) the major
Вопрос id:881338
Apparently there are certain minimum tasks that must___ performed in all human groups. Unless these tasks are performed adequately, the group will cease to exist.
Вопрос id:881339
As social beings, individuals learn when and where it is appropriate to say___ things, to use certain words, to discuss certain topics or wear certain clothes, and when it is not.
?) certainly
?) any
?) certain
?) some
Вопрос id:881340
Contemporary capitalism also differs___ the early capitalist stage in another important respect - monopolistic practices.
Вопрос id:881341
Deference to social norms maintains one's acceptance and popularity___ a particular group.
?) within
?) outside
?) inside
?) with
Вопрос id:881342
Each group ___solidarity with all to other groups and other types of social systems.
?) maintains
?) maintain
?) have supported
?) supports
Вопрос id:881343
Each society establishes a political system___ which it is governed.
?) for
?) from
?) to
?) by
Вопрос id:881344
Especially selected persons act on behalf of all and hence arises a hierarchy of officials called ___(бюрократия).
Вопрос id:881345
Especially selected persons act on behalf of all and hence arises a hierarchy of officials ___bureaucracy.
?) call
?) name
?) called
?) named
Вопрос id:881346
For many sociologists the term social system is not by any means restricted to those situations where___binding normative regulation.
?) there is
?) its
?) there’s
?) it’s
Вопрос id:881347
For while some ___the appropriate standards of behaviour in most societies are written down, many of them are not that formal.
Вопрос id:881348
Frank D. Watson writes ___the secondary group is larger and more formal ,is specialized and direct in its contacts and relies more for unity and continuance upon the stability of its social organization than does the primary group.
?) which
?) that
?) what
?) -
Вопрос id:881349
Frequent interaction___ people to share values and beliefs.
?) leads
?) helps
?) lead
?) help
Вопрос id:881350
Further people spend ___their time in primary groups than in secondary groups.
?) most of
?) a lot
?) a lot of
Вопрос id:881351
Groups are among the most stable and enduring of social units. They are important both to their members and to ___society at large.
Вопрос id:881352
Groups are among the most stable and enduring of social units. They are important both___ their members and to the society at large.
Вопрос id:881353
Hobbes had maintained that man's fundamental motivation was the craving for power and that men were always basically in conflict with ___.
?) one another
?) each another
?) each other
?) one other
Вопрос id:881354
However, it is widely agreed that sociologists should operate with some clearly defined conception___ what constitutes a social system.
?) of
?) into
?) from
?) in
Вопрос id:881355
However, this is but one type of family, what sociologists refer ___as a nuclear family upon which larger family groups are built.
Вопрос id:881356
Identification and attachment, in turn, stimulate___ frequent and intense interaction.
?) few
?) most
?) least
?) more
Вопрос id:881357
Identification and attachment, in turn, stimulate___ and intense interaction.
?) more frequent
?) frequently
?) most frequent
?) frequent
Вопрос id:881358
If all groups are important to their members and to society, some groups are___(более) important than others.
Вопрос id:881359
If all groups are important to their members and to society, some___ are more important than others.
?) one
?) ones
?) groups
?) group
Вопрос id:881360
In human society the family has traditionally ___viewed in very narrow terms – as a married couple and their unmarried children living together.
Вопрос id:881361
In human society the family has traditionally___ in very narrow terms – as a married couple and their unmarried children living together.
?) been seen
?) been viewed
?) viewed
?) saw
Вопрос id:881362
In Marx's theory, the major units or components of the capitalist societies with which he was principally concerned were socio-economic classes, and the major relationships between classes ___economic and political power.
?) involves
?) involved
?) has involved
?) involve
Вопрос id:881363
In numerous industries, a few companies are monopolies because they ___the field and exclude new enterprises from entering the marketplace.
?) control
?) has dominated
?) has controlled
?) dominate
Вопрос id:881364
In practice, capitalist systems vary in the degree___ which private ownership and economic activity are regulated by government.
Вопрос id:881365
In shorthand form, or as concepts, these five basic institutions are called the family,___( правительство) , economy, education and religion.
Вопрос id:881366
It is widely___ that sociologists should operate with some clearly defined conception of what constitutes a social system.
?) know
?) agreed
?) agree
?) known
Вопрос id:881367
Knowledge about cultural norms ___important for impression management, which is an individual's regulation of their nonverbal behaviour.
?) will
?) will be
?) is
?) were
Вопрос id:881368
Lay persons are likely to use the term "institution" very loosely, for churches, hospitals, jails, and many ___(других) things.
Вопрос id:881369
Like with other social institutions ___different sociological perspectives on education.
?) these are
?) they are
?) there are
?) there’re
Вопрос id:881370
Many social norms are concerned with "should "; that is, there is some pressure on the individual ___conform but there is some leeway permitted also.
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