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Список вопросов базы знаний

Англ. язык. Практический курс общего перевода

Вопрос id:539769
Choose the correct English translation of the following: Международный банк реконструкции и развития.
?) The World Bank of Reconstruction and Development
?) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
?) The International Bank of Reconstruction and Development
?) The International Reconstruction and Development Bank
Вопрос id:539770
Choose the correct English translation of the following: Международный валютный фонд.
?) The World Currency Fund
?) The International Currency Fund
?) The International Monetary Fund
?) The World Monetary Fund
Вопрос id:539771
Choose the correct English translation of the following: Мировой банк.
?) The Bank of the World
?) The World Bank
?) The International Bank
?) The Global Bank
Вопрос id:539772
Choose the correct English translation of the following: На каких условиях?
?) What term?
?) At what conditions?
?) To what conditions?
?) On what terms?
Вопрос id:539773
Choose the correct English translation of the following: начальный капитал.
?) Beginning capital
?) Shared capital
?) Main capital
?) Seed capital
Вопрос id:539774
Choose the correct English translation of the following: неконвертируемая валюта.
?) Inconvertible currency
?) Hard currency
?) Convertless currency
?) Unconvertable currency
Вопрос id:539775
Choose the correct English translation of the following: облигация, выпущенная государственным органом.
?) State issue
?) State guarantee
?) Public obligation
?) Public bond
Вопрос id:539776
Choose the correct English translation of the following: оборотный капитал.
?) Shared capital
?) Basic capital
?) Securities
?) Authorised capital
Вопрос id:539777
Choose the correct English translation of the following: обслуживать клиентов.
?) To serve clients
?) To serve at clients
?) To grant a service
?) To clientele
Вопрос id:539778
Choose the correct English translation of the following: одобрить проект.
?) To approve a project
?) To appreciate a project
?) To attract a project
?) To encourage a project
Вопрос id:539779
Choose the correct English translation of the following: оказывать услуги.
?) To service
?) To offer services
?) To make service
?) To suggest servicing
Вопрос id:539780
Choose the correct English translation of the following: окупаемость (проекта).
?) Payment (of a project)
?) Recoupment (of a project)
?) Revenue (on a project)
?) Profitability (of a project)
Вопрос id:539781
Choose the correct English translation of the following: остальные (из них).
?) The existing (of them)
?) The rest (of them)
?) The other (of them)
?) The left (of them)
Вопрос id:539782
Choose the correct English translation of the following: осуществлять первоначальный платеж.
?) To pay initial part
?) To make an actual payment
?) To pay at first
?) To make a down payment
Вопрос id:539783
Choose the correct English translation of the following: отказаться от чего-либо.
?) To abandon smth
?) To expect from smth
?) To approve smth
?) To get rid of smth
Вопрос id:539784
Choose the correct English translation of the following: отставать от кого-либо.
?) To lag behind smb
?) To lag smb
?) To lag from smb
?) To lag smb off
Вопрос id:539785
Choose the correct English translation of the following: пассивы.
?) Liabilities
?) Bonds
?) Obligations
?) Credit
Вопрос id:539786
Choose the correct English translation of the following: переход к рыночной экономике.
?) Transition to market economy
?) Transferring into marketing relations
?) Transfer into market
?) Market relations transition
Вопрос id:539787
Choose the correct English translation of the following: платежный баланс.
?) Balance of payments
?) Balance sheet
?) Bookkeeping record
?) Active and passive balance
Вопрос id:539788
Choose the correct English translation of the following: платить в рассрочку.
?) To reimburse
?) To disburse
?) To install
?) To pay by instalment
Вопрос id:539789
Choose the correct English translation of the following: подписаться на акции.
?) To subscribe on shares
?) To subscribe for shares
?) To subscribe to a shares
?) To subscribe on stock
Вопрос id:539790
Choose the correct English translation of the following: получать выгоду от чего-либо.
?) To benefit off smth
?) To benefit of smth
?) To benefit smth
?) To benefit from smth
Вопрос id:539791
Choose the correct English translation of the following: получать убытки.
?) To receive an expense
?) To make a loss
?) To lower
?) To loss
Вопрос id:539792
Choose the correct English translation of the following: пособие по безработице.
?) Unemployment revenue
?) Unemployment loan
?) Unemployment benefit
?) Unemployment subsidy
Вопрос id:539793
Choose the correct English translation of the following: поставки и услуги.
?) Goods and services
?) Supplies and services
?) Principals
?) Profit and shares
Вопрос id:539794
Choose the correct English translation of the following: поставлять что-либо.
?) To deliver smth
?) To grant smth
?) To give smth up
?) To provide smth
Вопрос id:539795
Choose the correct English translation of the following: предоставлять деньги на срок 10 лет.
?) To grant money for 10 terms
?) To provide money for 10 years
?) To grant money at conditions of 10 years
?) 10-years credit
Вопрос id:539796
Choose the correct English translation of the following: предоставлять кредит.
?) To lend
?) To grant a creadit
?) To rent a credit
?) To loan
Вопрос id:539797
Choose the correct English translation of the following: прибыль и убыток.
?) GDP
?) Profit and loss
?) Return and cost
?) Gross and lost
Вопрос id:539798
Choose the correct English translation of the following: привлекать партнеров.
?) To encourage partners
?) To spur partners
?) To estimate partners
?) To attract partners
Вопрос id:539799
Choose the correct English translation of the following: призывать кого-либо (сделать что-либо).
?) To call off smb (to do smth)
?) To call on smb (to do smth)
?) To call smb over (to do smth)
?) To call at smb (to do smth)
Вопрос id:539800
Choose the correct English translation of the following: промышленный объект.
?) Sector
?) Project
?) Infrastructure
?) Real estate
Вопрос id:539801
Choose the correct English translation of the following: процентная ставка.
?) Norma
?) Rate of interest
?) Rate of percentage
?) Percent
Вопрос id:539802
Choose the correct English translation of the following: пятипроцентная скидка.
?) Five percentage
?) A discount of 5 percent
?) A discount to 5 percent
?) A five-percent’s discount
Вопрос id:539803
Choose the correct English translation of the following: расплатиться с долгом.
?) To call for credit
?) To be out of debt
?) To repay
?) To provide a payment
Вопрос id:539804
Choose the correct English translation of the following: рентабельность (проекта).
?) Profitability (of a project)
?) Benefit (of a project)
?) Repayment (of a project)
?) Recoupment (of a project)
Вопрос id:539805
Choose the correct English translation of the following: решать проблему безработицы.
?) To be unemployed
?) To tackle unemployment
?) To solve unemployment
?) To fight unemployment
Вопрос id:539806
Choose the correct English translation of the following: сберегательный банк.
?) Capital bank
?) Treasury
?) Security bank
?) Savings bank
Вопрос id:539807
Choose the correct English translation of the following: свободно конвертируемая валюта.
?) Exchange
?) Main currency
?) Free currency
?) Convert currency
Вопрос id:539808
Choose the correct English translation of the following: сильно задолжать.
?) To be in deep debt
?) To owe
?) To be in
?) To tighten credit
Вопрос id:539809
Choose the correct English translation of the following: совместное предприятие.
?) Joint venture
?) Enterprise
?) Foreign-owned company
?) Mutual company
Вопрос id:539810
Choose the correct English translation of the following: совместный фонд.
?) Shareholding
?) Mutual fund
?) Stock exchange
?) Joint venture
Вопрос id:539811
Choose the correct English translation of the following: сокращать бюджет.
?) To narrow budget
?) To get budget out
?) To down budget
?) To short budget
Вопрос id:539812
Choose the correct English translation of the following: соответствовать стандартам.
?) To comply with standards
?) To make standards
?) To establish standards
?) To appreciate standards
Вопрос id:539813
Choose the correct English translation of the following: списать (чей-то долг)
?) To write out
?) To set out
?) To call off
?) To write off
Вопрос id:539814
Choose the correct English translation of the following: срок, на который выдается ссуда.
?) Life of a loan
?) Terms of a credit
?) Credit terms
?) Time of a bond
Вопрос id:539815
Choose the correct English translation of the following: ссужать деньги под проценты.
?) To invest
?) To finance
?) To borrow
?) To lend
Вопрос id:539816
Choose the correct English translation of the following: страны «большой семерки».
?) Seven Countries
?) The Group of Seven
?) S-7
?) The Big Seven
Вопрос id:539817
Choose the correct English translation of the following: тепличные условия.
?) Term conditions
?) Warm-effect conditions
?) Hot terms
?) Hot-house conditions
Вопрос id:539818
Choose the correct English translation of the following: транспортные средства.
?) Auto means
?) Transportation facilities
?) Transport equipment
?) Transportation enterprise
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