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Список вопросов базы знаний

Английский язык. Практический курс перевода

Вопрос id:1616981
Choose the best translation for the underlined word or word combination: She married for love, and the love turned to dust.
?) воздух
?) грязь
?) прах
?) пыль
Вопрос id:1616982
Choose the best translation for the underlined word or word combination: The father went into town to some office. But though he had good prospects, these prospects never materialized.
?) цели
?) проспекты
?) достоинства
?) перспективы
Вопрос id:1616983
Choose the best translation for the underlined word or word combination: The father went into town to some office. But though he had good prospects, these prospects never materialized.
?) не исполнились
?) не материализовались
?) не выполнились
?) никогда не реализовались
Вопрос id:1616984
Choose the best translation for the underlined word or word combination: The mother had a small income, and the father had a small income, but not nearly enough for the social position which they had to keep up.
?) ступенька
?) позиция
?) социальная лестница
?) социум
Вопрос id:1616985
Choose the best translation for the underlined word or word combination: The mother had a small income, and the father had a small income, but not nearly enough for the social position which they had to keep up.
?) рассчитывать
?) поддерживать
?) полагать
?) считать
Вопрос id:1616986
Choose the best translation for the underlined word or word combination: The reader turns to his newspaper for news and opinion, entertainment, and the advertising it publishes.
?) читает
?) прочитывает
?) поворачивает
?) оборачивает
Вопрос id:1616987
Choose the best translation for the underlined word or word combination: The reader turns to his newspaper for news and opinion, entertainment, and the advertising it publishes.
?) она знакомит
?) она публикует
?) она пишет
?) которые в ней печатаются
Вопрос id:1616988
Choose the best translation for the underlined word or word combination: The Russian-language tourist brochure produced by Essex County Council for Soviet seamen who come ashore at Tilbury has had to be rewritten.
?) советские мореплаватели
?) советские матросы
?) советские моряки
?) советские мореходы
Вопрос id:1616989
Choose the best translation for the underlined word or word combination: The uncle was delighted to find that his small nephew was posted with all the racing news.
?) доволен
?) поражен
?) восхищен
?) удивлен
Вопрос id:1616990
Choose the best translation for the underlined word or word combination: The uncle was delighted to find that his small nephew was posted with all the racing news.
?) деточка
?) племянник
?) мальчик
?) племянница
Вопрос id:1616991
Choose the best translation for the underlined word or word combination: There is no land uninhabitable, nor sea unnavigable.
?) остров
?) суша
?) земля
?) материк
Вопрос id:1616992
Choose the best translation for the underlined word or word combination: There must be more money, there must be more money. The father, who was always very handsome and expensive in his tastes, seemed as if he never would be able to do anything worth doing. And the mother, who had a great belief in herself, did not succeed any better, and her tastes were just as expensive.
?) большая вера в нее
?) большая вера в себя
?) доверие к ней
?) доверие к себе
Вопрос id:1616993
Choose the best translation for the underlined word or word combination: There was a woman who was beautiful, who started with all the advantages, yet she had no luck.
?) удачливая
?) усидчивая
?) восхитительная
?) красивая
Вопрос id:1616994
Choose the best translation for the underlined word or word combination: There was a woman who was beautiful, who started with all the advantages, yet she had no luck.
?) она полагала
?) которая имела
?) у которой были
?) она считала
Вопрос id:1616995
Choose the best translation for the underlined word or word combination: There was always the grinding sense of the shortage of money, though the style was always kept up.
?) отсутствие денег
?) неполучение денег
?) несдача денег
?) нехватка денег
Вопрос id:1616996
Choose the best translation for the underlined word or word combination: There was always the grinding sense of the shortage of money, though the style was always kept up.
?) ступени
?) уровни
?) ступенька
?) уровень жизни
Вопрос id:1616997
Choose the best translation for the underlined word or word combination: There were a boy and two little girls. They lived in a pleasant house, with a garden, and they had discreet servants, and felt themselves superior to anyone in the neighborhood.
?) выше
?) удачливее
?) красивее
?) умнее
Вопрос id:1616998
Choose the best translation for the underlined word or word combination: There were a boy and two little girls. They lived in a pleasant house, with a garden, and they had discreet servants, and felt themselves superior to anyone in the neighborhood.
?) близко
?) по соседству
?) рядом
?) дальше
Вопрос id:1616999
Choose the best translation for the underlined word or word combination: These doors must be kept clear at all times.
?) во все времена
?) временно
?) вечно
?) всегда
Вопрос id:1617000
Choose the best translation for the underlined word or word combination: These premises are protected by guard-dogs.
?) сторожевые собаки
?) собака-сторож
?) охотничьи собаки
?) собаки
Вопрос id:1617001
Choose the best translation for the underlined word or word combination: They all hate uniforms so much that they all wear a special uniform of their own.
?) ненавидят
?) презирают
?) пренебрегают
?) игнорируют
Вопрос id:1617002
Choose the best translation for the underlined word or word combination: They all hate uniforms so much that they all wear a special uniform of their own.
?) комплект
?) униформу
?) спецформу
?) особую форму
Вопрос id:1617003
Choose the best translation for the underlined word or word combination: They looked at her coldly, as if they were finding fault with her.
?) сухо
?) решительно
?) холодно
?) презрительно
Вопрос id:1617004
Choose the best translation for the underlined word or word combination: They looked at her coldly, as if they were finding fault with her.
?) как
?) будто
?) если
?) когда
Вопрос id:1617005
Choose the best translation for the underlined word or word combination: They require only knowledge of morpheme boundaries, including sentence junctures and other morphemic intonations.
?) границы морфем
?) морфемные границы
?) пограничные морфемы
?) граничащие морфемы
Вопрос id:1617006
Choose the best translation for the underlined word or word combination: To be a good teacher, you need to make the material varied, interesting, and understandable to your students.
?) различный
?) различающийся
?) разный
?) разнообразный
Вопрос id:1617007
Choose the best translation for the underlined word or word combination: Who are the English? They are the descendants of Celts, Romans, Saxons. Jutes, Angles, Vikings, Normans.
?) последователи
?) идущие
?) потомки
?) предки
Вопрос id:1617008
Choose the best translation for the underlined word or word combination: Wise compromise is one of the basic principles and virtues of the English.
?) основа
?) основные принципы
?) базисные принципы
?) базис
Вопрос id:1617009
Choose the best translation for the underlined word or word combination: Wise compromise is one of the basic principles and virtues of the English.
?) порок
?) добродетель
?) добродетили
?) пороки
Вопрос id:1617010
The underlined word in the sentence should be translated as: Already experience had taught him how far their minds reflected each other.
?) он имел жизненный опыт
?) он уже знал
?) его научили
?) он был обучен
Вопрос id:1617011
The underlined word in the sentence should be translated as: In your sentences use different word order.
?) при написании
?) при работе
?) при переводе
?) в предложениях
Вопрос id:1617012
The underlined word in the sentence should be translated as: It amused him to imagine that it was himself whom he watched, the same hair, the same eyes, the same lips and line of cheek.
?) ему стало смешно
?) он засмеялся
?) его позабавило
?) он подавил в себе смешок
Вопрос id:1617013
The underlined word in the sentence should be translated as: Through the window he could see a bare bough dropping across a frame of silver.
?) через окно
?) в окно
?) в окне
?) сквозь окно
Вопрос id:1617014
The underlined word in the sentence should be translated as: Wherever possible, offer two translations.
?) никогда
?) всегда
?) если
?) старайтесь
Вопрос id:1617015
The underlined word in the sentence should be translated as: Культура США считается вербальной - американцы предпочитают вербально реагировать на то, что слышат.
?) Culture of the USA
?) American culture
?) Peoples in America
?) People in America
Вопрос id:1617016
The underlined word in the sentence should be translated as: Любопытно, что наиболее распространенная дистанция американского общения - 1 - 1,5 м.
?) I wonder
?) Interesting
?) Interestingly
?) It is interesting
Вопрос id:1617017
The underlined word in the sentence should be translated as: Светское общение представляет собой преимущественно обмен краткими эмоциональными фразами.
?) Round talk
?) Family talk
?) Small talk
?) Informal talk
Вопрос id:1617018
The underlined word in the sentence should be translated as: “I can’t remember,” Francis said, and his eyes turned with relief to the silver of day, as he allowed the fragmentary memories to fade.
?) не помню
?) не могу вспоминать
?) не хочу вспоминать
?) не напоминай
Вопрос id:1617019
The underlined word in the sentence should be translated as: Already experience had taught him how far their minds reflected each other.
?) как далеко
?) насколько
?) как рядом
?) насколько далеко
Вопрос id:1617020
The underlined word in the sentence should be translated as: But the thought soon palled, and the mind went back to the fact which lent the day importance.
?) решение
?) мысль
?) решительность
?) идея
Вопрос id:1617021
The underlined word in the sentence should be translated as: But he was the elder, by a matter of minutes, and that brief extra interval of light, while his brother still struggled in pain and darkness, had given him self-reliance and an instinct of protection towards the other who was afraid of so many things.
?) сию минуту
?) минутное дело
?) на несколько минут
?) дело в минутах
Вопрос id:1617022
The underlined word in the sentence should be translated as: But he was the elder, by a matter of minutes, and that brief extra interval of light, while his brother still struggled in pain and darkness, had given him self-reliance and an instinct of protection towards the other who was afraid of so many things.
?) протекция
?) отчаяние
?) защита
?) самозащита
Вопрос id:1617023
The underlined word in the sentence should be translated as: But the thought soon palled, and the mind went back to the fact which lent the day importance.
?) решение
?) вернулся
?) возврат
?) решился
Вопрос id:1617024
The underlined word in the sentence should be translated as: Francis rubbed his eyes.
?) протер
?) вытер
?) потер
?) смахнул
Вопрос id:1617025
The underlined word in the sentence should be translated as: Francis Morton was still asleep, and Peter lay down again with his eyes on his brother.
?) сонный
?) спящий
?) по-прежнему лежал
?) все еще спал
Вопрос id:1617026
The underlined word in the sentence should be translated as: Francis Morton was still asleep, and Peter lay down again with his eyes on his brother.
?) с глазами на брата
?) поглядев на брата
?) глядя на брата
?) взглянув на брата
Вопрос id:1617027
The underlined word in the sentence should be translated as: Francis turned suddenly upon his back and threw an arm across his face, blocking his mouth.
?) вниз
?) спина
?) назад
?) возврат
Вопрос id:1617028
The underlined word in the sentence should be translated as: Francis turned suddenly upon his back and threw an arm across his face, blocking his mouth.
?) закрывая (рукой) рот
?) задерживая дыхание
?) подавляя зевок
?) зевая
Вопрос id:1617029
The underlined word in the sentence should be translated as: Francis’s shoulders shook and he waved a clenched fist in the air, but his eyes remained closed.
?) махал
?) грозил
?) взмахнул
?) тряс
Вопрос id:1617030
The underlined word in the sentence should be translated as: Francis’s shoulders shook and he waved a clenched fist in the air, but his eyes remained closed.
?) руку
?) хватаясь
?) сжатый кулак
?) сжимая пальцы
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