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Список вопросов базы знаний

Английский язык. Практикум по культуре речевого общения

Вопрос id:1255547
Give the right transcription: cinnamon
?) [ˈkInəmən]
?) [ˈsIˈnemən]
?) [ˈsInəmən]
?) [ ˈkInəˈmen]
Вопрос id:1255548
Give the right transcription: cucumber
?) [kjuːˈkʌmbə]
?) [ kjuːkʌmbə]
?) [ˈkjuːkumbə]
?) [kjuːˈkumbə]
Вопрос id:1255550
Give the right transcription: margarine
?) [margɑːˈrIn]
?) [mʌʤəˈrIn]
?) [mæʤəˈriːn]
?) [mɑːʤəˈriːn]
Вопрос id:1255551
Give the right transcription: salmon
?) [ˈsælmən]
?) [ˈsæmən]
?) [ˈselmOn]
?) [sælˈmen]
Вопрос id:1255552
Give the right transcription: sardine
?) [sɑːˈdiːn]
?) [ˈsæ:dIn]
?) [sæ:ˈdiːn]
?) [ˈsɑːdiːn]
Вопрос id:1255555
Give the right translation: cauliflower
?) цветная капуста
?) брюссельская капуста
?) капуста
?) спаржа
Вопрос id:1255556
Give the right translation: eggplant
?) цикорий
?) фасоль
?) баклажан
?) чеснок
Вопрос id:1255557
Give the right translation: ginger
?) имбирь
?) душистый горошек
?) корица
?) мускатный орех
Вопрос id:1255558
Give the right translation: joint
?) грудка
?) лопатка
?) крылышко
?) ножка
Вопрос id:1255559
Give the right translation: lamb
?) телятина
?) баранина
?) ягнятина
?) свинина
Вопрос id:1255560
Give the right translation: lard
?) оливковое масло
?) свиное сало
?) растительное масло
?) маргарин
Вопрос id:1255561
Give the right translation: lettuce
?) репа
?) лук-порей
?) салат-латук
?) шпинат
Вопрос id:1255562
Give the right translation: parsley
?) розмарин
?) эстрагон
?) шалфей
?) петрушка
Вопрос id:1255563
Give the right translation: partridge
?) перепел
?) куропатка
?) фазан
?) кабан
Вопрос id:1255564
Give the right translation: shrimps
?) креветки
?) устрицы
?) лобстер
?) лангуст
Вопрос id:1255565
Give the right translation: sole
?) треска
?) палтус
?) щука
?) хек
Вопрос id:1255566
Give the right translation: stew
?) отварное мясо
?) тушеное мясо
?) сырое мясо
?) жареное мясо
Вопрос id:1255567
Give the right translation: wild boar
?) куропатка
?) лось
?) кабан
?) медведь
Вопрос id:1255568
Give the right translation: Восхитительный аромат жарящегося цыпленка наполнил квартиру.
?) The delicious smell of frying chicken filled the flat.
?) Delicious smell of the fried chicken filled the flat.
?) The delicious smell of fried chicken has filled the flat.
?) A delicious smell of the frying chicken has filled the flat.
Вопрос id:1255569
Give the right translation: Она приготовила себе кофе.
?) She made herself coffee.
?) She did some coffee to herself.
?) She did herself a coffee.
?) She made herself a coffee.
Вопрос id:1255570
Give the right translation: У него кончились продукты, и он питался рыбой и кокосовыми орехами.
?) He came to the finish of his meals and lived at fish and coconuts.
?) He went to the finish of his provisions and lived at fish and coconuts.
?) He came to an end to his food and lived on the fish and the coconuts.
?) He came to the end of his provisions and lived on fish and coconuts.
Вопрос id:1255571
Give the right translation: Энн пила крепкий черный кофе, намазывая джем на кусок черствого хлеба.
?) Ann drank strong black coffee, spreading jam over a slice of stale bread.
?) Ann was drinking a strong black coffee, putting jam over a piece of brown bread.
?) Ann drank the strong black coffee, spread jam over the slice of the stale bread.
?) Ann was drinking strong black coffee, spreading a jam over a piece of a stale bread.
Вопрос id:1255572
Give the right variant of the translation: Девушки заказали кока-колу, а я пиво.
?) Girls ordered Coke and I - beer.
?) The girls ordered Cokes and I - the beer.
?) The girls ordered Cokes and I - a beer.
?) Girls ordered the Coke and I - a beer.
Вопрос id:1255573
Give the right variant of the translation: Мери намазала куски свежего хлеба маслом и разрезала помидоры.
?) Mary put butter on the pieces of a fresh bread and chopped tomatoes.
?) Mary put butter on pieces of fresh bread and cut tomatoes.
?) Mary spread butter on slices of fresh bread and sliced tomatoes.
?) Mary spread the butter on the slices of the fresh bread and sliced the tomatoes.
Вопрос id:1255574
Give the right variant of translation: Когда они съели консервированные абрикосы, которыми заканчивали обед, Пол принес им по чашке чая.
?) When they had eaten the canned apricots with which the meal finished Paul brought them a cup of tea.
?) When they had eaten the canned apricots with which the meal was finishing Paul brought them the cup of tea.
?) When they ate the tinned apricots with which a meal was finishing Paul brought them cups of tea.
?) When they ate the boiled apricots with which meal finished Paul brought them a cup of tea.
Вопрос id:1255575
How would you translate the phrase “to pay Dutch”?
?) заплатить датской валютой
?) платить каждый за себя
?) заплатить голландской валютой
?) платить одному за всех
Вопрос id:1255576
Look at the word and say what language it is are originated from: hamburger
?) Russian
?) German
?) English
?) Welsh
Вопрос id:1255577
Look at the word and say what language it is originated from: paprika
?) Hungarian
?) Dutch
?) Arabic
?) Finnish
Вопрос id:1255578
Look at the words and say what language they are originated from: coffee, yoghurt
?) Greek
?) Turkish
?) Spanish
?) Italian
Вопрос id:1255579
Look at the words and say what language they are originated from: ketchup, tea
?) German
?) Indian
?) French
?) Chinese
Вопрос id:1255580
Put in the missing word: Does James take one … of sugar in his coffee or two?
?) dab
?) spoonful
?) drop
?) pinch
Вопрос id:1255581
Put in the missing word: She put a … of sandwiches on the table and told the quests to … themselves.
?) plate, help
?) row, take
?) saucepan, make
?) bowl, do
Вопрос id:1255582
Translate into English: кусок мяса.
?) a loaf of meat
?) a roll of meat
?) a bar of meat
?) a joint of meat
Вопрос id:1255583
Translate into English: плитка шоколада.
?) a sheet of chocolate
?) a tin of chocolate
?) a bar of chocolate
?) a tube of chocolate
Вопрос id:1255584
Translate into English: щепотка соли.
?) a plot of salt
?) a clap of salt
?) a pinch of salt
?) a gust of salt
Вопрос id:1255585
What can be found in the kitchen? Choose the proper word.
?) pulpit
?) sink unit
?) port holes
?) horn
Вопрос id:1255586
What can be found in the kitchen? Choose the proper word.
?) cullery
?) aisle
?) crew
?) ward
Вопрос id:1255587
What does Vitamin A protect the body against?
?) loss of hair, muscle cramps
?) infection, keeps the eyes in good condition
?) diseases of the heart, muscular system
?) destruction of the red blood cells, circulatory system
Вопрос id:1255588
What vitamin can be found in grains, cereals, pulses, green vegetables and fruit?
?) vitamin B
?) vitamin D
?) vitamin C
?) vitamin A
Вопрос id:1255589
What vitamin can be found in liver, milk, curd, peanuts and beans?
?) Vitamin B
?) Vitamin D
?) Vitamin E
?) Vitamin A
Вопрос id:1255590
What vitamin can be found in unrefined vegetable oils, milk and some fish?
?) vitamin C
?) vitamin K
?) vitamin A
?) vitamin E
Вопрос id:1255591
Which of the following is an example of crockery?
?) a cup
?) a frying pan
?) a car
?) a knife
Вопрос id:1255592
Which of the following is not a fish?
?) haddock
?) mackerel
?) a gannet
?) skate
Вопрос id:1255593
Which word does not go with the others: Food can be …
?) frozen
?) starving
?) tasty
?) disgusting
Вопрос id:1255594
Answer the question: In what order did these hames become popular?
?) a gramophone, a musical box, a record-deck, a phonograph
?) a record deck, a musical box, a gramophone, a phonograph
?) a phonograph, a gramophone, a musical box, a record deck
?) a musical box, a phonograph, a gramophone, a record-deck
Вопрос id:1255595
Choose the correct item. "___ me help you choose the best leather coat,' shopassistant said.
?) Let
?) Accept
?) Allow
?) Permit
Вопрос id:1255596
Choose the correct item. I bought a ___ of grapes at the fruit market today.
?) set
?) stack
?) bunch
?) pile
Вопрос id:1255597
Choose the correct item. I tried to get exactly the same colour, but I'm afraid it doesn't ___ your skirt at all.
?) put
?) fit
?) suit
?) match
Вопрос id:1255598
Choose the correct item. I tried ___ a skirt when I was shopping but I didn't buy it because it was too big.
?) put on
?) tried on
?) dressed up
?) tried out
Вопрос id:1255599
Choose the correct item. I was hungry after University so I had to have a ___ to eat at a deli.
?) bite
?) part
?) piece
?) helping
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