Тесты онлайн, бесплатный конструктор тестов. Психологические тестирования, тесты на проверку знаний.

Список вопросов базы знаний

Английский язык. Практикум по культуре речевого общения

Вопрос id:1256100
Match the equivalents.
?) 1-c, 2-a, 3-d, 4-e
?) 1-e, 2-b, 3-c, 4-a
?) 1-d, 2-c, 3-a, 4-b
?) 1-b, 2-d, 3-e, 4-c
Вопрос id:1256101
Match the equivalents.
?) 1-a, 2-d, 3-c, 4-e
?) 1-e, 2-d, 3-c, 4-a
?) 1-a, 2-e, 3-c, 4-b
?) 1-e, 2-d, 3-b, 4-a
Вопрос id:1256102
Match the equivalents.
?) 1-a, 2-c, 3-b, 4-d
?) 1-a, 2-b, 3-c, 4-d
?) 1-d, 2-e, 3-b, 4-a
?) 1-d, 2-b, 3-a, 4-c
Вопрос id:1256103
Match the equivalents.
?) 1-d, 2-e, 3-b, 4-a
?) 1-a, 2-e, 3-b, 4-c
?) 1-c, 2-e, 3-a, 4-d
?) 1-d, 2-a, 3-b, 4-c
Вопрос id:1256104
Match the equivalents.
?) 1-a, 2-e, 3-c, 4-b
?) 1-a, 2-c, 3-b, 4-e
?) 1-c, 2-e, 3-b, 4-a
?) 1-b, 2-c, 3-a, 4-d
Вопрос id:1256105
Match the equivalents.
?) 1-e, 2-d, 3-a, 4-c
?) 1-b, 2-c, 3-e, 4-d
?) 1-b, 2-a, 3-e, 4-d
?) 1-c, 2-a, 3-e, 4-b
Вопрос id:1256106
Match the equivalents.
?) 1-c, 2-b, 3-a, 4-d
?) 1-d, 2-a, 3-e, 4-b
?) 1-e, 2-d, 3-b, 4-c
?) 1-b, 2-a, 3-e, 4-d
Вопрос id:1256107
Match the equivalents.
?) 1-b, 2-e, 3-a, 4-d
?) 1-a, 2-d, 3-c, 4-b
?) 1-d, 2-e, 3-b, 4-a
?) 1-c, 2-b, 3-e, 4-a
Вопрос id:1256108
Match the equivalents.
?) 1-b, 2-c, 3-a, 4-d
?) 1-a, 2-d, 3-e, 4-b
?) 1-e, 2-c, 3-a, 4-b
?) 1-e, 2-b, 3-a, 4-d
Вопрос id:1256109
Match the equivalents.
?) 1-d. 2-c, 3-a, 4-b
?) 1-a, 2-e, 3-b, 4-d
?) 1-c, 2-a, 3-b, 4-d
?) 1-d, 2-e, 3-b, 4-a
Вопрос id:1256110
Match the terms with similar meanings.
?) 1-c, 2-b, 3-e, 4-d
?) 1-a, 2-e, 3-d, 4-b
?) 1-e, 2-d, 3-a, 4-b
?) 1-b, 2-e, 3-a, 4-c
Вопрос id:1256111
Match the terms with similar meanings.
?) 1-d, 2-e, 3-b, 4-a
?) 1-e, 2-a, 3-b, 4-c
?) 1-c, 2-e, 3-d, 4-b
?) 1-a, 2-c, 3-b, 4-d
Вопрос id:1256112
Match the word combination with the right phase of the meeting:
?) 1-b, 2-d, 3-e, 4-a
?) 1-a, 2-c, 3-d, 4-e
?) 1-d, 2-c, 3-e, 4-b
?) 1-e, 2-d, 3-b, 4-a
Вопрос id:1256113
Match the word combination with the right phase of the meeting:
?) 1-b, 2-a, 3-d, 4-c
?) 1-e, 2-c, 3-a, 4-d
?) 1-e, 2-b, 3-a, 4-d
?) 1-d, 2-e, 3-a, 4-b
Вопрос id:1256114
Match the word combination with the right phase of the meeting:
?) 1-a, 2-e, 3-c, 4-b
?) 1-c, 2-a, 3-e, 4-b
?) 1-b, 2-d, 3-e, 4-a
?) 1-e, 2-d, 3-c, 4-b
Вопрос id:1256115
Match the word combination with the right phase of the meeting:
?) 1-e, 2-c, 3-b, 4-a
?) 1-d, 2-e, 3-b, 4-a
?) 1-c, 2-a, 3-e, 4-d
?) 1-a, 2-b, 3-c, 4-d
Вопрос id:1256116
Match the word combination with the right phase of the meeting:
?) 1-d, 2-c, 3-a, 4-b
?) 1-e, 2-b, 3-c, 4-d
?) 1-b, 2-c, 3-d, 4-e
?) 1-a, 2-e, 3-c, 4-b
Вопрос id:1256117
Match the word combination with the right phase of the meeting:
?) 1-b, 2-c, 3-d, 4-e
?) 1-d, 2-e, 3-a, 4-c
?) 1-e, 2-d, 3-a, 4-b
?) 1-e, 2-d, 3-c, 4-a
Вопрос id:1256118
Match the word combination with the right phase of the meeting:
?) 1-c, 2-a, 3-d, 4-b
?) 1-e, 2-c, 3-b, 4-d
?) 1-b, 2-d, 3-e, 4-a
?) 1-a, 2-e, 3-c, 4-b
Вопрос id:1256119
Match the word combination with the right phase of the meeting:
?) 1-e, 2-a, 3-d, 4-b
?) 1-a, 2-e, 3-b, 4-c
?) 1-b, 2-e, 3-d, 4-a
?) 1-d, 2-e, 3-c, 4-b
Вопрос id:1256120
Match the word combination with the right phase of the meeting:
?) 1-b, 2-d, 3-e, 4-a
?) 1-c, 2-e, 3-a, 4-b
?) 1-b, 2-e, 3-d, 4-a
?) 1-d, 2-b, 3-a, 4-c
Вопрос id:1256121
Match the word combination with the right phase of the meeting:
?) 1-a, 2-c, 3-e, 4-b
?) 1-e, 2-d, 3-b, 4-c
?) 1-c, 2-a, 3-e, 4-b
?) 1-b, 2-e, 3-d, 4-a
Вопрос id:1256122
Match the word combination with the right phase of the meeting:
?) 1-c, 2-a, 3-b, 4-e
?) 1-e, 2-d, 3-a, 4-b
?) 1-e, 2-c, 3-a, 4-b
?) 1-b, 2-d, 3-c, 4-a
Вопрос id:1256123
Match the word combination with the right phase of the meeting:
?) 1-d, 2-e, 3-b, 4-a
?) 1-e, 2-d, 3-b, 4-c
?) 1-a, 2-e, 3-c, 4-b
?) 1-b, 2-e, 3-d, 4-a
Вопрос id:1256124
Match the word combination with the right phase of the meeting:
?) 1-e, 2-c, 3-b, 4-d
?) 1-a, 2-e, 3-c, 4-b
?) 1-b, 2-a, 3-d, 4-e
?) 1-e, 2-b, 3-c, 4-b
Вопрос id:1256125
Match the word combination with the right phase of the meeting:
?) 1-c, 2-e, 3-b, 4-a
?) 1-e, 2-b, 3-d, 4-c
?) 1-d, 2-a, 3-c, 4-e
?) 1-e, 2-a, 3-b, 4-c
Вопрос id:1256126
Match the word with its definition.
?) 1-a, 2-e, 3-d, 4-c
?) 1-d, 2-e, 3-b, 4-c
?) 1-c, 2-a, 3-b, 4-e
?) 1-c, 2-b, 3-e, 4-d
Вопрос id:1256127
Put in the right word: Because of technical advances, the workers in production have become___.
?) white-collar workers
?) red-collar workers
?) black-collar-workers
?) blue-collar workers
Вопрос id:1256128
Put in the right word: During my internship I worked in different ___.
?) factories
?) companies
?) firms
?) departments
Вопрос id:1256129
Put in the right word: If the advertisement is not specific enough, hundreds of people will send in their___; but if it demands too much, they may be discouraged from applying at all.
?) applications
?) job advertisement
?) job descriptions
?) acceptance
Вопрос id:1256130
Put in the right word: If your qualifications and abilities match the job description, you might be short-listed, i.e. selected to attend ___.
?) an application
?) a meeting
?) an interview
?) a negotiation
Вопрос id:1256131
Put in the right word: In some committee meetings the members have to take a vote before a decision can be made: formal proposals or ___ may have to be tabled, seconded and discussed before a vote can be taken.
?) minutes
?) motions
?) agenda
?) notes
Вопрос id:1256132
Put in the right word: In the event of litigation, we turn to our ___ department.
?) purchasing
?) mailroom
?) legal
?) sales
Вопрос id:1256133
Put in the right word: Management trainees are supposed to make themselves familiar with every department of the company so it might be useful for them to write a company___.
?) file
?) picture
?) photo
?) profile
Вопрос id:1256134
Put in the right word: Management ___ are supposed to make themselves familiar with every department of the company.
?) directors
?) trainers
?) trainees
?) officers
Вопрос id:1256135
Put in the right word: Many people looking for work read the ___advertised in newspapers by companies and apply.
?) job descriptions
?) job applications
?) job letters
?) job vacancies
Вопрос id:1256136
Put in the right word: More than 2,000 letters are received at our ___ daily.
?) administration
?) boardroom
?) typing pool
?) mailroom
Вопрос id:1256137
Put in the right word: Pages with job ___ are usually headed job opportunities.
?) letters
?) cv
?) applications
?) vacancies
Вопрос id:1256138
Put in the right word: So how do managers ___ people in their jobs?
?) secure
?) foster
?) stimulate
?) motivate
Вопрос id:1256139
Put in the right word: Thanks for your draft of the ___ - it looks OK to me - what we need to do now is to draft the advertisement.
?) job application
?) job vacancy
?) job opportunity
?) job description
Вопрос id:1256140
Put in the right word: The aim is to attract a small number of well-qualified applicants, so that it is fairly easy to make a shortlist of the people you actually want to___.
?) appoint
?) call
?) apply
?) interview
Вопрос id:1256141
Put in the right word: The larger the___, the longer it may take to reach a decision.
?) meeting
?) negotiation
?) survey
?) discourse
Вопрос id:1256142
Put in the right word: The successful applicant is likely to be under 35 and to have an outstanding ___ in the field of software engineering (not necessarily relating to the chemical industry).
?) quality record
?) track record
?) degree record
?) time record
Вопрос id:1256143
Put in the right word: The way a committee operates often depends on the___: he or she may control the proceedings very strictly, or let everyone speak whenever they want.
?) chairperson
?) participant
?) managing director
?) secretary
Вопрос id:1256144
Put in the right word: They contain descriptions or specifications of the sort of people the advertiser is looking for qualifications (degrees, diplomas, certificates) are obviously important, but ___ may count for much more.
?) references
?) experience
?) education
?) degree
Вопрос id:1256145
Put in the right word: They have recently set up a ___ department because there were too many defective products.
?) purchasing
?) production
?) quality control
?) marketing
Вопрос id:1256146
Put in the right word: To reply to an advertisement is to ___ for a job.
?) apply
?) appoint
?) nominate
?) call
Вопрос id:1256147
Put in the right word: To start a business, you need ___ that is, money.
?) profit
?) capital
?) earnings
?) dividend
Вопрос id:1256148
Put in the right word: Well, to start with, a ___ in computing - preferably a postgraduate qualification - plus at least three years' experience.
?) skill
?) knowledge
?) degree
?) can-do
Вопрос id:1256149
Put in the right word: Who is ___ for production in this medium-sized company?
?) charged
?) guilty
?) responsible
?) liable
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