Тесты онлайн, бесплатный конструктор тестов. Психологические тестирования, тесты на проверку знаний.
Список вопросов базы знанийAǵychlshychn tiliВопрос id:2069962 Sóılemdi tolychqtychrychńychz: The architect is someone... designs buildings. ?) this ?) when ?) where ?) who ?) what Вопрос id:2069963 Zat esimniń táýeldilik formasychnychń durychs nusqasychn tańdańychz: Arman Bolatovich is our friend. ?) Familyys. ?) Familys. ?) Families. ?) Familiees. ?) Family. Вопрос id:2069964 Durychs jaýaptych tańdańychz: This child for his classes. ?) often are late ?) is late often ?) often is late ?) often late is ?) is often late Вопрос id:2069965 Sózdiń túrin anychqtańychz: To have gone. ?) Participle II. ?) Perfect Infinitive Active. ?) Gerund. ?) Indefinite Infinitive Active. ?) Participle I. Вопрос id:2069966 Tómendegi sózge sınonımdes sózdi tabychńychz: "Solid" ?) Straight. ?) Big. ?) Large. ?) Firm. ?) Heavy. Вопрос id:2069967 Durychs aýdarmasychn tabychńychz: He was seen entering the house. ?) Ol úıge kiretin jerdi kórdi. ?) Onychń úıge kiretin jerdi izdep júrgenin kórdi. ?) Ol úıge qalaı kirý ekenin kórdi. ?) Onychń úıge kirgenin kórdi. ?) Ol úıge kiretin jerdi kórip qaldych. Вопрос id:2069968 Sóılemge sáıkes keletin sóz: What you have got in your mind is your... ?) ...report. ?) ...employer. ?) ... article. ?) ... issue. ?) ... decision. Вопрос id:2069969 Maǵychnasych uqsas maqaldych tańdańychz: Arychńdych jasychńnan saqta. ?) A man can die but once. ?) A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. ?) Honesty is the best policy. ?) Appetite comes with eating. ?) A good beginning makes good ending. Вопрос id:2069970 Do etistiginiń Past Participle túri: ?) Did. ?) To do. ?) To have done. ?) Done. ?) Doing. Вопрос id:2069971 Mátindi oqychp, suraqqa jaýap berińiz: The majority of the British population live in small houses built close together. A typical house of this kind is built with two floors. The front door, which faces the street, opens into a hall with two rooms, one on each side of the hall. One of them is the dining-room, the other is the sitting-room. The rooms upstairs are bedrooms. They are often small. Often the dining-room is the most comfortable room in the house and the one that is used all the time. Very many houses of this type were built in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Today the land on which they stand has become very valuable so the houses are very expensive. Where do the majority of the British people live in? ?) In small towns. ?) In small houses. ?) In the country. ?) In big houses. ?) In comfortable flats. Вопрос id:2069972 Orfografııaǵa nazar aýdara otychrychp, aǵychlshychn sózin tabychńychz. Kórme ?) exbihition. ?) exitionhibi. ?) exhibition. ?) exhitionib. ?) exhitbioni. Вопрос id:2069973 Durychs sózdi tańdańychz: >wants to work in the garden. ?) somewhere ?) everything ?) nobody ?) something ?) anything Вопрос id:2069974 Durychs sózdi tańdańychz People wait for buses at the .. ?) booking-office ?) railway ?) cinema ?) bus stop ?) park Вопрос id:2069975 Tıisti artıkldi qoıychńychz. The highest building in our city is "Kazakhstan". ?) An. ?) -. ?) The. ?) On. ?) A. Вопрос id:2069977 Frazeologızmge kerekti sózdi qoıychńychz: > is power. Kúsh - Bilimde. ?) Poverty. ?) Money. ?) Pleasure. ?) A policemen. ?) Knowledge. Вопрос id:2069978 Happy sóziniń týychndych sózi: ?) Happeless. ?) Happiation. ?) Happic. ?) Rehappy. ?) Happiness. Вопрос id:2069979 Rettik san esimniń durychs oqychlý nusqasychn tabychńychz: "the 35-th" ?) The thirty and fifth. ?) The thirty fiveth. ?) The thirty fifth. ?) The thirtieth fifth. ?) The thirty five. Вопрос id:2069980 Big sychn esiminiń salychstychrmalych shychraıych: ?) Bigest. ?) Biggest. ?) Biger. ?) Bigger. ?) More big. Вопрос id:2069981 Esimdiktiń durychs nusqasychn tańdańychz: My friend lives in Astana, is the capital of Kazakhstan. ?) Whom. ?) What. ?) Who. ?) Whose. ?) Which. Вопрос id:2069982 Zat esimniń kópshe túriniń durychs nusqasychn tańdańychz: Tooth ?) Toothes. ?) Teethes. ?) Tooth. ?) Teeth. ?) Tooths. Вопрос id:2069983 Etistiktiń durychs nusqacychn tabychńychz: They in Europe all summer. ?) Stayed. ?) Stays. ?) Has stayed. ?) Was stayed. ?) Is staying. Вопрос id:2069984 Durychs nusqasychn tańdańychz: Helen didnnt say that, ? ?) didnnt Helen ?) said she ?) did she ?) didnnt she ?) did Helen Вопрос id:2069985 Durychs jaýabychn tabychńychz: "Ulster" is another name for ?) Scotland. ?) Republic of Ireland. ?) Britain. ?) Wales. ?) Northern Ireland. Вопрос id:2069986 III tıpti býychnmen oqychlatychn sózdi tańdańychz. ?) Bird ?) Seed ?) Please ?) Match ?) Wind Вопрос id:2069987 Durychs predlogtych tańdańychz: I look my little brother when my parents are out. ?) after; ?) at; ?) for; ?) over; ?) through. Вопрос id:2069988 Zat esimdi tabychńychz ?) large ?) slowly ?) uncomfortable ?) changeable ?) physicist Вопрос id:2069989 Sóılemdi aıaqtańychz: It is her violin. It is.... ?) our. ?) hers. ?) her. ?) mine. ?) his. Вопрос id:2069990 Zat esimniń jekeshe túrindegi táýeldilik formasychn tańdańychz: ?) Peoplees ?) Womenns ?) Friendss ?) Sisterss ?) Picturees Вопрос id:2069991 Aýdarmanychń durychs nusqasychn tabychńychz. She cannt come. ?) Ol keledi ?) Ol kelmese de boladych ?) Oǵan kelýge ruqsat bermeıdi ?) Ol kele aladych ?) Ol kele almaıdych Вопрос id:2069992 Etistiktiń durychs nusqasychn tańdańychz: He asked me how I about learning French. ?) Will feel. ?) Felt. ?) Feel. ?) Feels. ?) Did felt. Вопрос id:2069993 Etistiktiń durychs nusqasychn tańdańychz: If I in the country house I would have a dog and a cat. ?) Have live. ?) Will live. ?) Lived. ?) Live. ?) Lives. Вопрос id:2069994 Keler shaqtychń etistigi bar sóılemdi tabychńychz. ?) They arennt doing homework now. ?) IIm going home now. ?) What is he going to do? ?) What are they doing now? ?) He is playing chess now. Вопрос id:2069995 Aǵychlshychn tilinde ústeýdiń qasıetteri: ?) etistik pen san esim ?) sychn esim, ústeý ?) esimdik pen ústeý ?) predlogtych sychn esim ?) zat esim men etistik Вопрос id:2069996 To suffer from aýdarychńychz: ?) Birnársege ózińdi arnaý ?) Bireý úshin ýaıychmdaý ?) Bir nárseden zardap shegý ?) Bireýmen bólisý ?) Bireýdiń qupııalarychn saqtaý Вопрос id:2069997 Durychs aýdarmasychn tabychńychz: Keshikkenime keshirim suraımychn. ?) Excuse me for being late. ?) Excuse me being for late. ?) Excuse my being late. ?) Excuse me being late. ?) Excuse me be late. Вопрос id:2069998 To have good results in something bildiredi: ?) To have special tasks. ?) To have education. ?) To have a success. ?) To have an opportunity. ?) To have a chance. Вопрос id:2069999 Etistiktiń durychs túrin tabychńychz. Natalie college next year. ?) will enter ?) has entered ?) is entered ?) has been entering ?) have entered Вопрос id:2070000 Aýdarychńychz: Shetel tilin jetildirý ýaqycht pen shychdamdychlychqtych talap etedi. ?) Mastering a foreign languages take time and patience. ?) Mastering a foreign language takes time and patience. ?) Having mastering a foreign language takes time and patience. ?) In mastering a foreign language takes time and patience. ?) To master a foreign language took time and patience. Вопрос id:2070001 Mátindi oqychp, suraqqa jaýap berińiz: A traveller who had been riding in rain and was wet through, arrived at a small hotel in the country. There was only one fireplace in the hall and a lot of people around it. The traveller thought of a plan how to get warm. He asked the hotel owner to give some fish to his horse. The hotel owner was surprised but the traveller insisted and the hotel owner did as he was asked. All the people rushed out to see the horse eat fish. The traveller had the fireplace all to himself and felt comfortable. When the hotel owner had returned he said, "I was sure horses do not eat fish". - "Then why did you give it to my horse?". Why did the traveller ask the hotel owner to feed his horse with fish? ?) because he was tired; ?) because he wanted to get warm; ?) because he was hungry; ?) because he wanted to see the horse eat fish. ?) because he wanted to sleep; Вопрос id:2070002 Erekshelingen árip tirkesi basqasha oqychlatychn sózdi tańdańychz ?) follow ?) brown ?) grow ?) snow ?) yellow Вопрос id:2070003 Kóp núkteniń ornychna tıisti sózdi qoıychńychz. Smoking in a public building is . ?) Unlegal. ?) Illegal. ?) Legal. ?) Inlegal. ?) Imlegal. Вопрос id:2070004 There is/are qurychlychmychnychń durychs aýdarmasychn tabychńychz Bizdiń bólmeniń ishinde jańa televızor tur. ?) There is no TV set in our room. ?) There is a new TV set in our room. ?) There arennt new TV set in our room. ?) There are new TV set in our room. ?) There no TV set in our room. Вопрос id:2070005 Maqaldych tolychqtychrychńychz: Tastes . ?) Spoil. ?) Go. ?) Differ. ?) Come. ?) Change. Вопрос id:2070006 Predlogtychń durychs nusqasychn tańdańychz: You can fish the river. ?) In. ?) Without. ?) To. ?) For. ?) With. Вопрос id:2070007 Sózdiń durychs aýdarmasychn tańdańychz: Múmkin emes ?) Impossible. ?) Dispossible. ?) Unpossible. ?) Possible. ?) Inpossible. Вопрос id:2070008 Durychs jaýaptych tańdańychz: twenty-five plus thirty-nine is.... ?) twenty-nine; ?) sixty-four; ?) fifty; ?) eighty. ?) seventy-two; Вопрос id:2070009 Sychn esimniń shychraılarychnychń durychs nusqasychn tabychńychz: He can speak English than you. ?) Good. ?) Gooder. ?) The best. ?) Better. ?) Goodest. Вопрос id:2070010 Etistiktiń durychs nusqacychn tabychńychz: The meeting two hours. ?) Were lasted. ?) Were lasting. ?) Have lasted. ?) Lasted. ?) Are lasting. Вопрос id:2070011 Sóılemge qajet modaldych etistikti qoıychńychz Sorry, I am late. I come in? ?) may ?) should to ?) ought to ?) must ?) could Вопрос id:2070012 Durychs jaýaptych tańdańychz: The American flag has: ?) thirteen stripes. ?) fifty stripes. ?) thirty stripes. ?) fifty one stripes. ?) fifteen stripes. |
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