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Список вопросов базы знанийAǵychlshychn tiliВопрос id:2071280 To be etistigin qoldanychp, sóılemdi tolychqtychrychńychz. My friends here. ?) Isnnt. ?) Am not. ?) Am. ?) Is. ?) Are. Вопрос id:2071281 Tıisti artıkldi qoıychńychz. > cup, sand, bucket, mushroom. ?) A, -, a, a. ?) An, a, -, the. ?) -, the, a, an. ?) An, -, a, the. ?) The, a, an, -. Вопрос id:2071282 Aýdarmanychń durychs nusqasychn tabychńychz. Ol úıge baraıychn dep jatychr. ?) He isnnt going home now. ?) He is going home now. ?) He is going to go home. ?) He should go home soon. ?) Heell go home soon. Вопрос id:2071283 Esimdiktiń durychs nusqasychn tańdańychz: She burnt cooking dinner. ?) Himself. ?) She. ?) Herself. ?) Hers. ?) Herselves. Вопрос id:2071284 Qazaq tilindegi nusqasychmen sáıkestendirý. The more we learn the more we know. ?) Neǵurlychm kóp oqychsaq, soǵurlychm kóp bilemiz. ?) Biz bilgenimizden kóp oqımychz. ?) Biz bilgenimizden kóp bilemiz. ?) Kóp oqychsaq, kóp bilemiz. ?) Kóp oqımychz, kóp bilemiz Вопрос id:2071285 Frazalychq etistigi bar sóılem: ?) I have lunch at 12 ooclock. ?) I get up at seven every morning. ?) I usually read books in the evening. ?) I go to work by bus. ?) I come home at 7 ooclock. Вопрос id:2071286 Maǵychnasych uqsas maqaldych tańdańychz: Búgingi isti erteńge qaldychrma. ?) Custom is a second nature. ?) Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. ?) Every dog has its day. ?) are killed the cat. ?) Fortune favours the brave. Вопрос id:2071287 Neighbour sóziniń anychqtamasych: ?) A person who is interested in sport. ?) A person who lives near you. ?) A person whom you like. ?) A person who is fond of reading. ?) A person who study at the institute. Вопрос id:2071288 Etistikti Present Indefinite Passive-ke koıychńychz: How... Victory Day usually... in your country? (to celebrate) ?) to be celebrated ?) was celebrated ?) were celebrated ?) are celebrated ?) is celebrated Вопрос id:2071289 Mátindi oqychp, tapsychrmanych orychndańychz: London parks are the most beautiful areas of the city. In the summer you can sit in St. Jamesss Park by the side of the lake and listen to the band playing music. Green Park is a different kind of park. It is a quiet, wooden place. Hyde Park was once part of a forest. In our days, Speakerss Corner of the park is always a centre of activity. Sunday is the most popular day and you will usually find some people standing on their soap-boxes and making speeches. There is a boating lake, and skating in the winter if the ice is 10 centimetres thick. There is an open-air theatre where plays are put on in the summer, and rose garden and a restaurant. Suraqqa jaýap berińiz: Where do the speakers usually stand making speeches? ?) At the open-air theatre. ?) In a rose garden. ?) In a wooden place. ?) On the soap-boxes. ?) At the boating lake. Вопрос id:2071290 Astych sychzychlǵan sózdiń ornychna sınonım qoıychńychz. We do English at school. ?) Draw. ?) Know. ?) Talk. ?) Work. ?) Learn. Вопрос id:2071291 Sanalmaıtychn zat esim. ?) chair. ?) sand. ?) sofa. ?) picture. ?) bed. Вопрос id:2071292 Orfografııaǵa nazar aýdara otychrychp, aǵychlshychn sózin tabychńychz. Qoıychlychm ?) perfrancemo. ?) permofrance. ?) perfomrance. ?) perfomarnce. ?) performance. Вопрос id:2071293 Durychs artıkldi tańdańychz: We often go to river in summer. ?) in ?) a ?) the ?) an ?) Вопрос id:2071294 Sóılemdi aıaqtańychz. My aunt is . ?) My fatherrs sister. ?) My fathers sister. ?) My daughterrs sister. ?) My sonns sister. ?) My sisterrs sister. Вопрос id:2071295 Prefıks arqychlych jasalǵan etistikti tabychńychz ?) understand ?) intensify ?) decorate ?) unpack ?) develop Вопрос id:2071296 Sychn esimniń shychraılarychnychń durychs nusqasychn tabychńychz: I need to get flat than I have now. ?) More cheap. ?) The much cheapest. ?) The cheapest. ?) A cheaper. ?) Cheap. Вопрос id:2071297 Predlogtychń durychs nusqasychn tańdańychz: Go reading the story. I want to know its end. ?) Through. ?) Out. ?) In ?) On. ?) About. Вопрос id:2071298 Durychs jaýaptych tańdańychz: In which month is Thanksgiving Day celebrated? ?) november ?) february ?) may ?) march ?) december Вопрос id:2071299 Predlogtychń durychs nusqasychn tańdańychz: We have lunch the restaurant every day. ?) Up. ?) Off. ?) At. ?) To. ?) On. Вопрос id:2071300 Above predlogychnychń antonımin tabychńychz: ?) With. ?) Under. ?) At. ?) Of. ?) In. Вопрос id:2071301 Berilgen nusqadan durychsychn tańdańychz. It was a very difficult text. I look up a lot of words in the dictionary. ?) Have to ?) Must ?) Ought to ?) Had to ?) Must to Вопрос id:2071302 Tóleý sózi bar sóılemniń durychs nusqasychn tabychńychz: She asks, "Is Scotland situated on the British Isles?" ?) She asks why Scotland is situated on the British Isles. ?) She asks if Scotland situated on the British Isles. ?) She asks is Scotland situated on the British Isles? ?) She asks if Scotland is situated on the British Isles. ?) She asks if is Scotland situated on the British Isles. Вопрос id:2071303 Tıisti esimdikti qoıychńychz: We live in Wales.... parents live with.... ?) Mine | me. ?) Our | us. ?) Ours | we. ?) Our | them. ?) Their | us. Вопрос id:2071304 Sychn esimdi jurnaq arqychlych túrlendirý. Atom ?) ous ?) ic ?) ly ?) ness ?) word Вопрос id:2071305 Sóılemniń durychs aýdarmasychn tabychńychz: He is known to be a good Head-teacher. ?) Qalaı jaqsych dırektor bolý kerek ekeni oǵan belgili ?) Onychń basych jaqsych jumychs isteıtini belgili. ?) "Jaqsych dırektor" bolý qalaı ekeni oǵan belgili ?) Onychń jaqsych dırektor ekeni belgili. ?) Onychń jaqsych dırektor ekeni oǵan belgili. Вопрос id:2071306 Mátindi oqychp, suraqtychń durychs jaýabychn tabychńychz: A very rich man asked a famous artist to draw something for him in his album. The artist did so, and asked for one hundred dollars. "Why!" cried the rich man. "It took you only five minutes to do it!" "Yes, " answered the artist. "But it took me twenty years to learn how to do it in five minutes." Why did the famous artist ask for money for his work? ?) It took him five minutes to learn how to draw. ?) It had taken him twenty years to learn how to draw. ?) It had taken him twenty years to draw money. ?) It had taken him five minutes to learn how to do albums. ?) It had taken him twenty minutes to learn how to ask for money. Вопрос id:2071307 Maǵychnasych uqsas maqaldych tańdańychz: Ómir bar jerde, úmit bar. ?) Honesty is the best policy. ?) To kill two birds with one stone. ?) You cannot eat your cake and have it. ?) While there is life there is a hope. ?) Still waters run deep. Вопрос id:2071308 Etistiktiń durychs túrin tabychńychz. Tomorrow I... with my friends ?) will ski ?) skied ?) have skied ?) ski ?) will be skiing Вопрос id:2071309 Etistiktiń durychs ychrychqsychz etis formasychn tańdańychz: The excursion (to organize) by the guide very well. ?) Were organized. ?) Is organize. ?) Was organized. ?) Are organized. ?) Was organize. Вопрос id:2071310 Durychs jaýaptych tańdańychz: I thought you so I tried to be quiet. ?) were sleeping ?) was sleeping ?) had slept ?) slept ?) had been sleeping Вопрос id:2071311 Jaqshadaǵych sózdi qoldanychp sóılemge jaýap berińiz. Whose T-shirt is this? (Andy) ?) Theyyre Andyys. ?) Its Andys. ?) Itts Andyys. ?) Its Andy. ?) Itts Andys. Вопрос id:2071312 Tıisti artıkldi qoıychńychz. Almaty was capital of Kazakhstan. ?) At. ?) An. ?) A. ?) -. ?) The. Вопрос id:2071313 Berilgen sózderge antonımderdi tańdańychz. To be late - Bring - ?) Close, shut. ?) To be early, take away. ?) Finish, arrive. ?) Put, carry. ?) Go, come. Вопрос id:2071314 Sychzychqshalardychń ornychna tıisti áripterdi qoıychńychz. I - a -. ?) r, q. ?) m, n. ?) s, r. ?) r, k. ?) r, c. Вопрос id:2071315 pretty sóziniń sınonımych: ?) fresh ?) difficult ?) happy ?) long ?) lovely Вопрос id:2071316 Esimdiktiń durychs nusqasychn tańdańychz: Today is very cold outside. ?) Itself. ?) Its. ?) It. ?) They. ?) That. Вопрос id:2071317 Kúrdeli cóz jasańychz birth ?) yard ?) room ?) paper ?) book ?) day Вопрос id:2071318 Durychs jaýap tańdańychz: Who was the first president of the USA? ?) Franklin D.Roosevelt. ?) Christopher Columbus. ?) Abraham Lincoln. ?) Thomas Jefferson. ?) George Washington. Вопрос id:2071319 Suraý esimdiginiń durychs nusqasychn tabychńychz: > of you speaks English? ?) When. ?) What. ?) Whom. ?) Which. ?) Whose. Вопрос id:2071320 Durychs predlogtych tańdańychz: I would take... my jacket if I felt hot. ?) up ?) off ?) on ?) in ?) down Вопрос id:2071321 Orychndaý maǵychnasych bar tirkes etistikti tańdańychz: ?) To carry weight ?) To carry off ?) To carry on ?) To carry away ?) To carry out Вопрос id:2071322 Know etistigi Gerund Simple-de: ?) To have known. ?) Knowing. ?) To know. ?) To be knowing. ?) To be known. Вопрос id:2071323 Durychs modaldychq etistikti tańdańychz. When I was five I _____ read. ?) May ?) Mustnnt ?) Could ?) Can ?) Must Вопрос id:2071324 Zat esimniń jasalý jalǵaýych: ?) -less. ?) -al. ?) -able. ?) -ing. ?) -ful. Вопрос id:2071325 Tek jekeshe túrde qoldanychlatychn zat esim: ?) Money. ?) Scarf. ?) Dollar. ?) Table. ?) Leaf. Вопрос id:2071326 Etistikti durychs túrde qoıychńychz: Tom was surprised (see) you last week. ?) saw ?) to see ?) having seen ?) to saw ?) see |
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