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Список вопросов базы знанийAǵychlshychn tiliВопрос id:2071129 Sóılemdi tolychqtychrychńychz: What do you think of the woman... played the part of Cleopatra? ?) who ?) this ?) when ?) where ?) what Вопрос id:2071130 Tooth sóziniń kópshe túri: ?) Teeths ?) Teethes ?) Toothes ?) Tooths ?) Teeth Вопрос id:2071131 Zat esimniń jekeshe túrindegi táýeldilik formasychn tańdańychz: ?) Bedroomss ?) Bakerss ?) Babyys ?) Beess ?) Bachelorss Вопрос id:2071132 Berilgen sózderden antonımderdi tańdańychz. Stand, leave, sit, borrow. ?) Borrow leave. ?) Stand sit. ?) Leave sit. ?) Stand leave. ?) Sit borrow. Вопрос id:2071133 Sóılemdi Past Continuous-te tolychqtychrychńychz. He a phone call when she entered. ?) are making. ?) were making. ?) was making. ?) is making. ?) am making. Вопрос id:2071134 Datanychń durychs oqychlý nusqasychn tabychńychz: "25/10" ?) The twenty-fifth of October. ?) The twenty and fifth of October. ?) The twentieth and fifth of October. ?) The twentieth fifth of October. ?) The twenty-fiveth of October. Вопрос id:2071135 Esimdiktiń durychs nusqasychn tańdańychz: This is the manncaused all that trouble. ?) This. ?) Whom. ?) Whose. ?) Who. ?) What. Вопрос id:2071136 Etistiktiń durychs túrin tabychńychz. Our economical progress very much. ?) Is. ?) Are. ?) Am. ?) Were. ?) Be. Вопрос id:2071137 Modal etistiktiń durychs nusqasychn tabychńychz: You stop writing at the end of the exam. ?) Must. ?) Can be. ?) Donnt have. ?) Need to. ?) May to. Вопрос id:2071138 Durychs nusqasychn tańdańychz: >apple do you want: the red one or the green one? ?) what kind ?) how ?) that ?) an ?) which Вопрос id:2071139 Durychs predlogtych tańdańychz: I havennt seen my friend Friday. ?) at ?) of ?) over ?) since ?) for Вопрос id:2071140 Keri maǵychnasych bar sychn esimdi tabychńychz ?) happy ?) helpful ?) unhappy ?) important ?) simple Вопрос id:2071141 Sóılemge qoıychlatychn jalpych suraqtychń durychs nusqasychn tabychńychz: Nick used to be interested in collecting cactuses. ?) Did Nick used to be interested in collecting cactuses? ?) Did Nick use to be interested in collecting cactuses? ?) Used Nick be interested in collecting cactuses? ?) Use Nick to be interested in collecting cactuses? ?) Would Nick use to be interested in collecting cactuses? Вопрос id:2071142 Frazeologızmge kerekti sózdi qoıychńychz: To be (turn) upside Astan-kesten. ?) Down. ?) Up. ?) On. ?) In. ?) Under. Вопрос id:2071143 Mátindi oqychp, suraqtychń durychs jaýabychn tabychńychz: Mark Twain once said, "When I was a boy of 14, I thought that my father was the most ignorant of all men. But when I got to be 21, I was surprised at how much the old man had learned in seven years." What was Mark Twain surprised at when he was 21? ?) How much his father had learned in seven years. ?) How easily he could teach the ignorant. ?) How ignorant his father was. ?) All men of 14 were ignorant. ?) How many ignorant men he had seen in his life. Вопрос id:2071144 Berilgen salychstychrmalych shychraıdaǵych sózderge antonımderdi tańdańychz. Cheaper - Better - ?) Higher, worse. ?) More expensive, worse. ?) Expensive, bad. ?) Faster, stronger. ?) Slower, longer. Вопрос id:2071145 Sychn esimniń shychraılarychnychń durychs nusqasychn tabychńychz: A tiger is as as a lion. ?) Much stronger. ?) Strong. ?) The strongest. ?) More strong. ?) Stronger. Вопрос id:2071146 Sóılemdegi sózderdiń orychn tártibiniń durychs varıantychn tabychńychz: ?) She sees often him cross the street. ?) The street often sees him cross she. ?) Often she sees him cross the street. ?) She often sees him cross the street. ?) She often cross him sees the street. Вопрос id:2071147 Durychs jaýaptych tańdanychz What is the capital of Australia? ?) New York. ?) Los Angeles. ?) Sydney. ?) Canberra. ?) Melbourne. Вопрос id:2071148 Erekshelengen árpi basqasha oqychlatychn sózdi tańdańychz. ?) Gem ?) Gear ?) Garret ?) Gash ?) Gauge Вопрос id:2071149 Sóılemdi aıaqtańychz: He used his hands and feet to... to the mountains. ?) unite ?) trade ?) climb ?) fly ?) borrow Вопрос id:2071150 Etistikten jasalǵan sychn esimdi tabychńychz. ?) strong ?) hatless ?) explainable ?) healthy ?) easy Вопрос id:2071151 Sóılemdi bolychmsychz túrge aınaldychrychńychz: She was playing the piano when her Mother came. ?) She not was playing the piano when her Mother came. ?) She didnnt playing the piano when her Mother came. ?) She was not play the piano when her Mother came. ?) She was not playing the piano when her Mother came. ?) She not playing the piano when her Mother came. Вопрос id:2071152 For predlogychmen ınfınıtıvti aınalychmdych tabychńychz: ?) They were asked not to make much noise. ?) He is said to be a great inventor. ?) He seems to know English. ?) The father bought two books for his son to read. ?) The weather is said to be changing. Вопрос id:2071153 Artychq sózdi tabychńychz: ?) Happy. ?) Award. ?) Wonderful. ?) Important. ?) Favourite. Вопрос id:2071154 Frazeologızmge kerekti sózdi qoıychńychz: To in money. Aqshanychń býychna pisý. ?) Sing. ?) Dance. ?) Swim. ?) Skate. ?) Roll. Вопрос id:2071155 Etistiktiń durychs nusqasychn tańdańychz: If you your bus, you wouldnnt have been late for school. ?) Havennt missed. ?) Not missed. ?) Hasnnt missed. ?) Hadnnt missed. ?) Missed. Вопрос id:2071156 Mátindi oqychp, sáıkes taqychrychp tańdańychz: There are many cinemas in London. Some cinemas show lots of comedies and long epic films. Other cinemas show a large number of continental films or films for young people. All daily newspapers have a short list of films and shows and the time they begin. Some cinemas show films in the afternoon, early evening and late evening. Others have continuous programmes from about two ooclock in the afternoon. If you cannt get to the cinema early enough to buy the tickets, you can buy them in most large stores and hotels. ?) Cultural Life. ?) The Capital of London. ?) Cinemas in London. ?) Films and actors. ?) Where to buy tickets. Вопрос id:2071157 Artıklderdiń durychs nusqasychn qoıychńychz. > English summer is never very hot, and winter is very cold. ?) a/an. ?) the/the. ?) an/the. ?) -/an. ?) the/a. Вопрос id:2071158 Sózdiń durychs aýdarmasychn tańdańychz: Ótirik ?) Untruth. ?) Distruth. ?) Truth. ?) Imtruth. ?) Intruth. Вопрос id:2071159 Sóılemge jalǵaýlychq suraǵychn qosychńychz: You want to know Kazakh well, ? ?) Want you. ?) Want not you. ?) Do you. ?) You donnt. ?) Donnt you. Вопрос id:2071160 Sóılemge sáıkes keletin sóz: A stopping place for trains is a... ?) city. ?) village. ?) station. ?) stop. ?) field. Вопрос id:2071161 Predlogtychń durychs nusqasychn tańdańychz: The girl objected what her younger brother did. ?) In. ?) To. ?) Of. ?) From. ?) About. Вопрос id:2071162 Esimdikti qoıychńychz: They did not pick... flowers. ?) something ?) any ?) nothing ?) anything ?) somebody Вопрос id:2071163 Zat esimniń kópshe túriniń durychs nusqasychn tańdańychz: Piano ?) Pianoes. ?) Pianos. ?) Pianoies. ?) Pianoss. ?) Piano. Вопрос id:2071164 Etistiktiń durychs nusqasychn tańdańychz: If Dan had liked the picture he would it, I am sure. ?) Has bought. ?) Buys. ?) Had bought. ?) Have bought. ?) Buy. Вопрос id:2071165 Etistiktiń durychs túrin tabychńychz. My hair short last year. ?) are ?) is ?) was ?) am ?) were Вопрос id:2071166 Erekshe belgilengen sózge durychs suraqtych tabychńychz: Birds eat worms. ?) What birds eat? ?) Who birds eat? ?) Whom do worms eat? ?) Who do birds eat? ?) What do birds eat? Вопрос id:2071167 Sóılemdi aıaqtańychz: She... from her illness. ?) enjoys ?) suffers ?) likes ?) is fond of ?) is interesting Вопрос id:2071168 Maqaldych tolychqtychrychńychz: A watched never boils. ?) Pan. ?) Sauce-pan. ?) Frying-pan. ?) Pot. ?) Kettle. Вопрос id:2071169 Zat esimniń táýeldilik formasych bar sóılemdi tańdańychz: ?) My sisterrs moving in another flat ?) Sashaas the most interesting person in this group ?) Petees help was very useful for me ?) Shees made this dress herself ?) Hees done much to help his friend Вопрос id:2071170 Aýdarmanychń durychs nusqasychn tabychńychz. She couldnnt come. ?) Ol kelýge májbúr boldych ?) Ol kele almadych ?) Ol kelýge tıisti ?) Oǵan kelýge boladych ?) Oǵan kelý qajet emes Вопрос id:2071171 Sózdiń túrin anychqtańychz: Closed. ?) Participle II. ?) Participle I. ?) Indefinite Infinitive Active. ?) Infinitive Passive. ?) Gerund. Вопрос id:2071172 Fault degen sózdiń sınonımin tabychńychz: ?) Liar ?) Gust ?) Jug ?) Level ?) Guilt Вопрос id:2071173 fine sóziniń sınonımych ?) important ?) different ?) beautiful ?) great ?) near Вопрос id:2071174 Kúrdeli sóz: ?) Graduation. ?) Beautiful. ?) Expensive. ?) Airport. ?) Demonstration. Вопрос id:2071175 Old sychn esiminiń salychstychrmalych shychraıych: ?) More old. ?) Most old. ?) Older. ?) The older. ?) Oldest. Вопрос id:2071176 Etistiktiń durychs nusqacychn tabychńychz: Sue her cousin to the party last night. ?) Were brought. ?) Brings. ?) Bring. ?) Have brought. ?) Brought. Вопрос id:2071177 Durychs nusqasychn kórsetińiz: Please, Mikeethose books here. ?) take ?) take do ?) takes ?) take does ?) does take Вопрос id:2071178 Jaýaptychń durychs nusqasychn tańdańychz: What is the name of the Londonns residence of Queen Elizabeth II? ?) White Palace ?) Winter Palace ?) Kensington Palace ?) Windsor Palace ?) Buckingham Palace |
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