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Список вопросов базы знанийAǵychlshychn tiliВопрос id:2070114 Etistiktiń durychs nusqacychn tabychńychz: Harry never home late. ?) Do come. ?) Comes. ?) Come. ?) Would come. ?) Does come. Вопрос id:2070115 To draw back bildiredi: ?) Tartý ?) Qurastychrý ?) Alychp ketý ?) Qychsqartý ?) Sheginý Вопрос id:2070116 Maqaldych tolychqtychrychńychz: It is never too late to . ?) Think. ?) Earn. ?) Read. ?) Live. ?) Learn. Вопрос id:2070117 Sychn esimniń shychraılarychnychń durychs nusqasychn tabychńychz: That was case in his life. ?) The less difficult. ?) The least difficult. ?) The less difficulter. ?) Difficult. ?) The least difficultiest. Вопрос id:2070118 Tıisti esimdikti qoıychńychz: IIve bought the book. Shall I give... to you? ?) they ?) their ?) it ?) its ?) them Вопрос id:2070119 Zat esimniń táýeldilik formasychnychń durychs nusqasychn tańdańychz: He is best high-jumper. ?) The worldess. ?) The worldes. ?) The worlds. ?) The worldds. ?) The worldss. Вопрос id:2070120 Sóılemdegi sózderdiń orychn tártibiniń durychs nusqasychn tabychńychz: ?) I get a lift to my never office. ?) I get never a lift to my office. ?) I get a lift never to my office. ?) I never get a lift to my office. ?) I get a lift to my office never. Вопрос id:2070121 Infınıtıv pychsychqtaýychshtychń qychzmetin atqarychp turǵan sóılemdi tabychńychz: ?) I can read and write since I was seven. ?) This book is worth reading. ?) To know a foreign language is useful for your mind. ?) I know him long enough to ask for help. ?) He was happy after the holiday. Вопрос id:2070122 Durychs jaýaptych tańdańychz: In football "0" is said as ?) Love. ?) Nought. ?) Zero. ?) The letter "o". ?) Nil. Вопрос id:2070123 Etistiktiń durychs túrin tabychńychz. Michael Jackson a lot of records. ?) have made ?) is made ?) has made ?) making ?) make Вопрос id:2070124 Past Indefinite Passive-tegi etistik: ?) Has been finished. ?) Were finished. ?) Is finished. ?) Are finished. ?) Will be finished. Вопрос id:2070125 Berilgen sóılemniń tól sózin tabychńychz: She said she had worked at the cafe. ?) She said: "I work at the cafe." ?) She said: "I worked at the cafe." ?) She said: "Have I worked at the cafe?" ?) She said: "Do I work at the cafe?" ?) She said: "She works at the cafe." Вопрос id:2070126 Mátindi oqychp, sáıkes taqychrychp tańdańychz: The majority of the British population live in small houses built close together. A typical house of this kind is built with two floors. The front door, which faces the street, opens into a hall with two rooms, one on each side of the hall. One of them is the dining-room, the other is the sitting-room. The rooms upstairs are bedrooms. They are often small. Often the dining-room is the most comfortable room in the house and the one that is used all the time. Very many houses of this type were built in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Today the land on which they stand has become very valuable so the houses are very expensive. ?) Population in the UK. ?) Cities and Villages. ?) The price of the houses. ?) British Houses. ?) Kinds of rooms. Вопрос id:2070127 Erekshelingen árip tirkesi basqasha oqychlatychn sózdi tańdańychz ?) powder ?) down ?) blow ?) town ?) brown Вопрос id:2070128 Bir sózben aıtychńychz People go shopping there ?) school ?) stadium ?) mountains ?) supermarket ?) forest Вопрос id:2070129 Tıisti artıkldi qoıychńychz. Letts meet at main square. ?) A. ?) An. ?) The. ?) On. ?) -. Вопрос id:2070130 Help sóziniń týychndych sózi: ?) Imhelp. ?) Helpless. ?) Helply. ?) Helpiation. ?) Rehelp. Вопрос id:2070131 Belgilengen sózge suraý esimdigin tańdańychz: I am interested in sport. ?) Where. ?) Why. ?) When. ?) Who. ?) What. Вопрос id:2070132 Etistiktiń durychs túrin tabychńychz. Pet... a tame animal that... kept at home. ?) Is / are. ?) Is / am. ?) Are / is. ?) Is / is. ?) Am / is. Вопрос id:2070133 Etistiktiń durychs nusqasychn tańdańychz: Tony and Alice a bigger flat. ?) Would buy. ?) Has bought. ?) Are going to buy. ?) Is going to buy. ?) Am going to buy. Вопрос id:2070134 To cut off bildiredi: ?) Kemitý ?) Alý ?) Pishý ?) Shabý ?) Kesý Вопрос id:2070135 Jeke menshik mektepter aýdarychńychz: ?) Private schools ?) Primary schools ?) Infant schools ?) Boarding schools ?) Junior schools Вопрос id:2070136 Maǵychnasych uqsas maqaldych tańdańychz: Jańalychq joq bolsa-sol jaqsych jańalychq. ?) Business before pleasure. ?) Everything is good in its season. ?) East or West, home is best. ?) No news is good news. ?) Custom is a second nature. Вопрос id:2070137 Ústeýdi tabychńychz ?) traditional ?) agree ?) shangeable ?) heavily ?) twenty Вопрос id:2070138 Sóılemdi ilik septigindegi zat esimmen tolychqtychrychńychz: Where is yourrumbrella? ?) Fathersss ?) Fathers ?) Fatherrs ?) Father ?) Fatherss Вопрос id:2070139 Erekshe belgilengen modaldik etistikti onychń ekvıvalentine aýychstychrychńychz. We are to stay here. ?) must ?) could ?) can't ?) can ?) might Вопрос id:2070140 Infınıtıv kúrdeli baıandaýychsh fýnktııasychnda tur: ?) They were asked to come earlier. ?) The text is easy enough for you to read. ?) I want to read you my new story. ?) This is for you to prepare ?) I want you to come to me. Вопрос id:2070141 Durychs esimshe tańdańychz: A... ring ?) Stealed. ?) Stole. ?) Stoling. ?) Stolen. ?) Stealing. Вопрос id:2070142 San esimdi oqychńychz: 150, 235 ?) One hundred and fifty thousands two hundreds and thirty five. ?) One hundreds and fifty thousands two hundred and thirty five. ?) One hundred and fifty thousand two hundred and thirty five. ?) One hundred and fifty thousand and two hundreds and thirty five. ?) One hundred fifty thousand two hundred thirty five. Вопрос id:2070143 Sóılemdi bolychmsychz túrine qoıychńychz: I usually get to work by bus. ?) I usually wonnt get to work by bus. ?) I usually donnt get to work by bus. ?) I usually not get to work by bus. ?) I usually didnnt get to work by bus. ?) I usually doesnnt get to work by bus. Вопрос id:2070144 Etistiktiń durychs nusqasychn tańdańychz: He the fence when the rain started. ?) Was painting. ?) Have been painting. ?) Had painting. ?) Has been painting. ?) Had been painting. Вопрос id:2070145 Kúrdeli tolychqtaýychshtychń durychs nusqasychn tabychńychz: Children would like their parents ?) Understood them. ?) Have understanding. ?) To understand them. ?) Understanding them. ?) Understand them. Вопрос id:2070146 Mátindi oqychp, tapsychrmanych orychndańychz: There are more than fifty theatres in the West End of London. And many other small theatres and theatre clubs are in Greater London. Some of the plays last for a few weeks. Some go on for years. Many of the shows are light comedies but some theatres put on more serious plays. One of the Englandds leading companies is the Royal Shakespeare Company. They put on new and old plays and Shakespearian plays. The National Theatre is also one of Londonns most famous theatres. The building is modern, and the plays are classic and new productions. The theatres are mainly concentrated in London. Sóılemdi tolychqtychrychńychz: The theatres are mainly concentrated... ?) in Greater London. ?) in villages. ?) in the Royal Company. ?) in the West End of London. ?) all over the country. Вопрос id:2070147 Orfografııaǵa nazar aýdara otychrychp, aǵychlshychn sózin tabychńychz. Jetistik ?) achevement. ?) achievement. ?) achmenviet. ?) achnemviet. ?) acheivement. Вопрос id:2070148 old sóziniń antonımi. ?) elder. ?) youth. ?) child. ?) people. ?) young. Вопрос id:2070149 an artıkli mychna sózben jazychladych: ?) sofa ?) glove ?) onion ?) rose ?) driver Вопрос id:2070150 Erekshelengen árpi basqasha oqychlatychn sóz. ?) Sock ?) Mother ?) Top ?) Rock ?) Dog Вопрос id:2070151 Predlogtychń durychs nusqasychn tańdańychz: The town he comes is very small. ?) To. ?) On. ?) For. ?) From. ?) With. Вопрос id:2070152 San esimniń durychs oqychlý nusqasychn tabychńychz: "1997" ?) One hundreds nine hundreds ninety seven. ?) Nineteen and ninety-seven. ?) Nineteen ninety-seven. ?) One thousands and nine hundred and ninety-seven. ?) One thousand nine hundred ninety seven. Вопрос id:2070153 Sychn esimniń shychraılarychnychń durychs nusqasychn tabychńychz: This house is of all the houses in the street. ?) As new as. ?) Newer. ?) The newer. ?) The newest. ?) New. Вопрос id:2070154 Etistiktiń durychs nusqacychn tabychńychz: We always early. ?) Doesnnt get up. ?) Would got up. ?) Do get up. ?) Gets up. ?) Get up. Вопрос id:2070155 Sóılemge jalǵaýlychq suraǵychn qosychńychz: I donnt meet her at 5, ? ?) Donnt I. ?) Do I not. ?) Do I. ?) I do. ?) I donnt. Вопрос id:2070156 Etistiktiń durychs nusqasychn tańdańychz: If you to Paris youull see Eiffel Tower. ?) Went. ?) Go. ?) Will be going. ?) Will go. ?) Would go. Вопрос id:2070157 Durychs jaýaptych tańdańychz: Who was the first president of the United States? ?) George Bush ?) Bill Clinton ?) Thomas Jefferson ?) George Washington ?) Abraham Lincoln Вопрос id:2070158 Predlogtychń durychs varıantychn tańdańychz: I haven`t read this newspaper yet. I only looked it. ?) Up. ?) In. ?) After. ?) Out. ?) Through. Вопрос id:2070159 Hurry sóziniń anychqtamasych: ?) To do something very quickly. ?) To play with friends. ?) To go to the cinema with your friends. ?) To be late. ?) To catch a train. Вопрос id:2070160 Sychn esim men ústeýdi prıstavkalar arqychlych túrlendirý. Possible ?) mis ?) un ?) in ?) im ?) re Вопрос id:2070161 Kúrdeli cóz jasańychz note ?) port ?) room ?) shop ?) tree ?) book Вопрос id:2070162 Esimdiktiń durychs nusqasychn tańdańychz: Nobody can find money. ?) Her. ?) Mine. ?) Hers. ?) Ours. ?) She. Вопрос id:2070163 Etistiktiń durychs nusqasychn tańdańychz: There a lot of salt in this soup. ?) Is. ?) Am. ?) Be. ?) Been. ?) Are. |
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