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Список вопросов базы знанийAǵychlshychn tiliВопрос id:2070164 Turý, ornychnan turý maǵychnasych bar tirkes etistikti tańdańychz: ?) To get up ?) To get off ?) To get together ?) To get on together ?) To get over Вопрос id:2070165 Frazalychq etistiktiń aýdarmasychnychń durychs nusqasychn tańdańychz: To give up ?) Qaıtarychp berý. ?) Kóný. ?) Tastaý. ?) Berý. ?) Kóterip alý. Вопрос id:2070166 Maǵychnasych uqsas maqaldych tańdańychz: Aıtychlǵan sóz atychlǵan oqpen teń. ?) Neck or nothing. ?) No pains, no gains. ?) A man can die but once. ?) First think, then speak. ?) A cat in gloves catches no mice. Вопрос id:2070167 Durychs predlogtych tańdańychz: Do you know the man... the picture? ?) of. ?) in. ?) on. ?) for. ?) at. Вопрос id:2070168 Ilik septigindegi zat esim bar sóılem: ?) Hees read all the books by this author ?) My motherrs hair is fair ?) My wifees cooking the dinner now ?) Itts just for me ?) Shees worked all the day Вопрос id:2070169 Modal etistiktiń durychs nusqasychn tabychńychz: Youuve worked very hard. You tired. ?) Could to be. ?) Had to be. ?) Ought to. ?) Must be. ?) Shouldnnt. Вопрос id:2070171 Realize etistigi Infinitive Simple-de: ?) To have realize. ?) To be realizing. ?) To be realized. ?) To have been realized. ?) To realize. Вопрос id:2070172 Etistiktiń durychs túrin tabychńychz. I them on the table a minute ago. ?) have putting ?) had put ?) would put ?) was putting ?) put Вопрос id:2070173 Etistiktiń durychs túrin tabychńychz. > you... part in our play? Youure a really good actor, we need you! ?) shall / take ?) will / be taking ?) has / taken ?) do / take ?) does / take Вопрос id:2070174 Etistiktiń durychs ychrychqsychz etis formasychn tańdańychz: He often at. ?) Are laughed. ?) Am laughed. ?) Were laughed. ?) Is laughed. ?) Have been laughed. Вопрос id:2070175 Sóılemge jalpych suraq qoıychńychz: She was at the party yesterday. ?) Where was she yesterday? ?) Why was she at the party yesterday? ?) Was she at the party yesterday? ?) Did she was at the party yesterday? ?) Was she at home or at the party yesterday? Вопрос id:2070176 Aýdarychńychz: Ol stol basychnda gazet oqychp otychrdych. ?) He is sitting at the table is reading a newspaper. ?) He was sitting at the table being reading a newspaper. ?) He was sitting at the table reading a newspaper. ?) He was sitting at the table having read a newspaper. ?) He is sitting at the table reading a newspaper. Вопрос id:2070177 Mátindi oqychp, tapsychrmanych orychndańychz: Many years ago a rich man named Llewellyn lived in the mountains in Wales.He had a little son two years old. Gelert, a large dog, was always near the boy. He was ready to protect him at any moment. One morning Llewellyn went hunting without Gelert. But the hunt was not good. When Llewellyn came back home, Gelert came running to meet him. There was blood on his face and head. Llewellyn hurried to the room where the child slept. The child could not be seen in the room. The bed, chairs and tables were overturned. Here and there he could see blood on the floor. Llewellyn turned to Gelert and said:" You have killed my child". So he killed the dog. But a few minutes later he found his son in his overturned bed. He was all right. Then he saw the body of a large grey wolf in the dark corner of the room. Then Llewellyn understood everything. Gelert had killed the wolf before it attacked the child. Sóılemdi aıaqtańychz: Llewellynns dog was... ?) a good pet. ?) not very brave. ?) afraid of wolf. ?) clever and strong. ?) small and kind. Вопрос id:2070178 Sychzychqshalardychń ornychna tıisti áripterdi qoıychńychz. R - - d, r - ad, r - ad. ?) ee, i, i. ?) ee, e, e. ?) ea, i, e. ?) ea, e, e. ?) ea, e, i. Вопрос id:2070179 pleasant sóziniń sınonımych: ?) short ?) great ?) big ?) enjoyable ?) long Вопрос id:2070180 Dark sóziniń antonımi. ?) bright. ?) clean. ?) black. ?) light. ?) clear. Вопрос id:2070181 Artıklderdiń durychs nusqasychn qoıychńychz. Maira has brown skirt and white blouse on. ?) a/an. ?) the/a. ?) a/a. ?) a/the. ?) the/the. Вопрос id:2070182 Tıisti sózdi qoıychńychz: Flying is quite... compared with driving. More people die on the roads. ?) cheap ?) dirty ?) bad ?) safe ?) difficult Вопрос id:2070183 Etistiktiń durychs nusqasychn tańdańychz: There only one cloud in the sky. ?) Is. ?) Are. ?) Be. ?) Been. ?) Were. Вопрос id:2070184 Laıychqtych sózdi tańdańychz: Great Britain England, Scotland and Wales. ?) separate ?) points ?) contribute ?) includes ?) excludes Вопрос id:2070185 Jınaý maǵychnasych bar tirkes etistikti tańdańychz: ?) To clear ?) To away ?) To clear up ?) To clear off ?) To clear out Вопрос id:2070186 Orta mektep aýdarychladych: ?) State school ?) Grammar school ?) Secondary school ?) Comprehensive school ?) Private school Вопрос id:2070187 Durychs predlogtych tańdańychz: Tom is very proud his father. ?) of ?) by ?) on ?) at ?) after Вопрос id:2070188 Sychn esimdi tabychńychz: ?) Sunshine. ?) Son. ?) Sun. ?) Song. ?) Sunny. Вопрос id:2070189 Jurnaq arqychlych sychn esimdi qurychńychz. hero ?) ic ?) able ?) ful ?) y ?) al Вопрос id:2070190 a man sóziniń kópshe túri: ?) Manes ?) Mens ?) Men ?) Mans ?) Man Вопрос id:2070191 Ilik septigindegi zat esimdi tabychńychz: ?) The boyys written with his both hands. ?) The boyys reading a book on the sofa. ?) Hees my favourite writer. ?) Jackks clothes are too big for him. ?) Shees read this book just now. Вопрос id:2070192 Modal etistiktiń durychs nusqasychn tabychńychz: You eat fruit every day. ?) Need. ?) Should. ?) Ought. ?) Must to. ?) Are. Вопрос id:2070193 Sóılemdegi sózderdiń orychn tártibiniń durychs nusqasychn tabychńychz: ?) Boys wear to have ties in Britain at school. ?) At school boys have ties to wear in Britain. ?) In Britain boys wear to have ties at school. ?) In Britain boys have to wear ties at school. ?) To have ties boys wear at school in Britain. Вопрос id:2070194 Mátindi oqychp, suraqtychń durychs jaýabychn tabychńychz: It was a dark night. A traveller was riding a horse. At last he came to a cross-road and did not know which way to turn. There was a pole in front of him with a board on top of it. Something was written on the board. He looked for a match and found only one in the match-box. Then he climbed to the top of the pole, lit his only match and read: "Wet paint." Why did the traveller climb the pole? ?) He didnnt know where to turn. ?) He wanted to sleep there. ?) He didnnt know how to read without matches. ?) He wanted to be painted. ?) He wanted to learn his horse to read. Вопрос id:2070195 Tómendegi sózge antonım tabychńychz: "Dark" ?) White. ?) Black. ?) Fair. ?) Green. ?) Red. Вопрос id:2070196 Sóılemniń mazmunychna sáıkes keletin durychs nusqasychn tabychńychz: Bringing cats into school is prohibited. ?) You neednnt bring cats into school. ?) You havennt to bring cats into school. ?) You must bring cats into school. ?) You mustnnt bring cats into school. ?) You donnt have to bring cats into school. Вопрос id:2070197 Maǵychnasych uqsas maqaldych tańdańychz: Qorychqqanǵa qos kórinedi. ?) The devil is not so black as he is painted. ?) Where there is a will there is a way. ?) A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. ?) A man can die but once. ?) Appetite comes with eating. Вопрос id:2070198 Maqaldych tolychqtychrychńychz: A good makes a good ending. ?) Beginning. ?) Scientist. ?) Man. ?) Woman. ?) Ending. Вопрос id:2070199 Zat esimnen jasalǵan sychn esimdi tabychńychz. ?) lifeless ?) readable ?) impossible ?) unhappy ?) correct Вопрос id:2070200 Esimdiktiń durychs nusqasychn tańdańychz: I have a pet. We call Murka. ?) Its. ?) Hers. ?) She. ?) Her. ?) Itts. Вопрос id:2070201 Zat esimniń jekeshe túrindegi táýeldilik formasychn tańdańychz: ?) Parentss ?) Motherrs ?) Boyss ?) Brotherss ?) Childrenns Вопрос id:2070202 Durychs modaldych etistikti tańdańychz. > I speak to Jane, please? ?) Must ?) Shall ?) Ought ?) Have to ?) Could Вопрос id:2070203 Sóılemdi bolychmsychz túrge aınaldychrychńychz: She would catch the train then. ?) She would no catch the train then. ?) She not catch the train then. ?) She not would catch the train then. ?) She wouldnnt catch the train then. ?) She didnnt catch the train then. Вопрос id:2070204 Lose etistiginiń Participle II túri: ?) To lose. ?) To lost. ?) Losed. ?) Lost. ?) Losing. Вопрос id:2070205 Ekinshi jáne úshinshi túri jasalý jaǵychnan etistik bólinedi: ?) Irregular and Participle 1. ?) Infinitive and Regular. ?) Regular and Irregular. ?) Participle 1 and Infinitive. ?) Participle 1 and Participle 2. Вопрос id:2070206 Etistiktiń durychs túrin tabychńychz. Good luck with the exam. We of you. ?) will think ?) will be thought ?) thinked ?) have been thinking ?) thought Вопрос id:2070207 Etistiktiń durychs ychrychqsychz etis formasychn tańdańychz: The window (to leave) open by somebody. ?) Has been leaved. ?) Was leaved. ?) Has been left. ?) Were left. ?) Was leave. Вопрос id:2070208 Shaqtychń qıychsýychnychń durychs nusqasychn tabychńychz: He wondered if she the article by noon. ?) Translated. ?) Would have translated. ?) Would be translating. ?) Would be translated. ?) Would translate. Вопрос id:2070209 Etistikti durychs túrde qoıychńychz: Seeing Nick enter the room I rose (greet) him. ?) to greeting ?) to greet ?) greeted ?) to greeted ?) greet Вопрос id:2070210 Mátindi oqychp, sáıkes taqychrychp tańdańychz: London is a very musical centre. Every evening you can see or hear opera, classical music, ballet or rock music. The Royal Opera House is famous all over the world for its productions and singers. But seat prices are very high. There are three concert halls near the National Theatre. In the summer there are one or two free open-air rock concert in Hyde Park. An audience of a quarter of a million people is a usual thing. Every summer concerts are held in the Royal Albert Hall. The largest provincial centres have orchestras which gave regular concerts. All these orchestras sometimes visit other places to give concerts. ?) Music in Great Britain. ?) Famous singers. ?) Free time in London. ?) Concerts in London. ?) Cultural Life in Lindon. Вопрос id:2070211 Erekshelingen árip basqasha oqychlatychn sózdi tańdańychz ?) kept ?) knife ?) kitchen ?) keen ?) keep Вопрос id:2070212 Durychs sózdi tańdańychz People can buy food and clothes at the..... ?) supermarket ?) theatre ?) post-office ?) cinema ?) gallery Вопрос id:2070213 Tıisti artıklderdi qoıychńychz. My sister is teacher in school near Astana. ?) The, -. ?) An, a ?) The, the. ?) A, a. ?) -, a. Вопрос id:2070214 Berilgen zat esimderden kópshe túrin jasańychz. Dish, bank, glass. ?) Dishes, banks, glasses. ?) Dishes, banks, glassies. ?) Dishes, banks, glassis. ?) Dishen, banks, glasses. ?) Dishies, banks, glasses. |
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