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Список вопросов базы знанийAǵychlshychn tiliВопрос id:2071230 Ústeýdiń shychraılarychnychń durychs nusqasychn tabychńychz: He always comes for the classes. ?) More late. ?) Late. ?) Lately. ?) More lately. ?) Much lately. Вопрос id:2071231 Rettik san esimdi tabychńychz: ?) Hundreds. ?) Ninth. ?) Ten. ?) Oneth. ?) Twenty. Вопрос id:2071232 Foot sóziniń kópshe túri: ?) Footes ?) Feats ?) Feat ?) Foots ?) Feet Вопрос id:2071233 Belgilengen árip basqasha oqychlatychn sóz: ?) Butter. ?) Bus. ?) Brush. ?) Button. ?) Bush. Вопрос id:2071234 Punish etistiginen zat esim jasańychz: ?) Punishise. ?) Punish. ?) Punishment. ?) Unpunish. ?) Repunish. Вопрос id:2071235 Tómendegi sózge sınonımdes sózdi tabychńychz: An overture ?) Organization. ?) Introduction. ?) Explanation. ?) Conclusion. ?) Consolidation. Вопрос id:2071236 Mátindi oqychp, tapsychrmanych orychndańychz: People from Europe began to settle in America many years ago. The first colonists landed in the South of the USA in the late sixteenth century. They called the place Virginia. But these people did not like living there and they went back to England. The first colonists who stayed in Virginia founded the settlement of Jamestown. In the 1620s and 1630s leaders of the religious groups from England established new colonies in what they called New England. These settlers came with their wives and children and to make a new better life for themselves. Soon colonists from almost all the countries of Europe began to make their homes in the New World. By 1790 after the War of Independence, four million colonists lived in the USA. Only half of them spoke the English language. Sóılemdi aıaqtańychz: The first colonists landed in America... ?) ... by 1790. ?) ... about 500 years ago. ?) ... in 6200s. ?) ... in 6300s ?) ... three hundred years ago. Вопрос id:2071237 Belgilengen sóz sóılemde Gerund: ?) The reading of the article took him only a few minutes. ?) Be careful at the street crossing. ?) He was fond of reading books about travels. ?) He took part in the second meeting. ?) There was a lot of snow lying on the ground. Вопрос id:2071238 Durychs qurychlmaǵan sóılem: ?) They could do it. ?) Harry can plays the guitar. ?) They have to go to school tomorrow. ?) I can play the piano. ?) She must help me with this work. Вопрос id:2071239 Erekshe belgilengen sózge durychs suraqtych tabychńychz: There was someone in the room. ?) Was there someone in the room? ?) Was there anyone in the room? ?) Who there was in the room? ?) What was in the room? ?) Who was in the room there? Вопрос id:2071240 Maqaldych tolychqtychrychńychz: Never till tomorrow what you can do today. ?) Look for. ?) Put off. ?) Run across. ?) Look after. ?) Put on. Вопрос id:2071241 Berilgen zat esimderden kópshe túrin jasańychz. Book, man, room, wolf, child. ?) Books, mens, rooms, wolves, children. ?) Books, men, rooms, wolves, children. ?) Books, mans, rooms, wolves, children. ?) Books, men, rooms, wolfs, children. ?) Books, men, rooms, wolves, childs. Вопрос id:2071242 Durychs artıkldi tańdańychz: Have you ever been to USA? ?) the ?) any ?) a ?) _ ?) an Вопрос id:2071243 Kóp núkteniń ornychna tıisti sózdi qoıychńychz. You must.. to your child about his homework. ?) Speak. ?) Say. ?) Tell. ?) Talk. ?) Chat. Вопрос id:2071244 To be etistigin qoldanychp, sóılemdi tolychqtychrychńychz. What you doing at 5 ooclock yesterday? ?) Were. ?) Are. ?) Am. ?) Arennt. ?) Is. Вопрос id:2071245 Orfografııaǵa nazar aýdara otychrychp, aǵychlshychn sózin tabychńychz. Qorqychnychshtych ?) hirroble. ?) horible. ?) horibile. ?) horrebli. ?) horrible. Вопрос id:2071246 Basqalardan erekshe sózdi tabychńychz: ?) three ?) twenty-five ?) seventeen ?) second ?) ten Вопрос id:2071247 Durychs predlogtych tańdańychz: What is your favourite programme... TV? ?) at ?) off ?) on ?) over ?) for Вопрос id:2071248 Maǵychnasych uqsas maqaldych tańdańychz: Ónimdi is- ychrychs. ?) Better late than never. ?) Appetite comes with eating. ?) No pains, no gains. ?) A stitch in time saves nine. ?) Bad news travels fast. Вопрос id:2071249 Aýdarmanychń durychs nusqasychn tabychńychz. She isnnt allowed to come. ?) Ol kele aladych ?) Oǵan kelýge ruqsat berilmeıdi ?) Ol kelemedi ?) Ol kelmese de boladych ?) Ol kele almaıdych Вопрос id:2071250 Zat esimnen jasalǵan sychn esimdi tabychńychz. ?) countless ?) large ?) homeless ?) buyable ?) sleepy Вопрос id:2071251 Sóılemdi tolychqtychrychńychz: ... is your fatherrs profession? ?) Where ?) What ?) Who ?) When ?) How Вопрос id:2071252 Sózdiń túrin anychqtańychz: To be going. ?) Indefinite Infinitive Active. ?) Continuous Infinitive Active. ?) Gerund. ?) Participle II. ?) Participle I. Вопрос id:2071253 Mátindi oqychp, suraqqa jaýap berińiz: London is famous as a city where businessmen carry umbrellas and wear bowler hats. But do you know how the umbrella came to England? The word "umbrella" is Italian, meaning "a little shade". The Italians did not invent the umbrella, however, it was used many centuries ago in the East as a protection against the sun. In England it was used more as a protection against the rain and the first man to appear in the streets of London with an umbrella more than a hundred and fifty years ago was Jonas Hanway. But the first umbrella user did not have an easy time: he got into trouble with coachmen. They did not want people to use umbrellas in rainy weather, they wanted them to ride in their coaches. But the Londoners were so grateful to Jonas Hanway that when he died they erected a monument to his memory in Westminster Abbey, where it may still be seen to this days. What does the word "umbrella" mean? ?) A bad weather. ?) To ride a coach. ?) A little shade. ?) Jonas Hanway. ?) A trouble with coachmen. Вопрос id:2071254 Etistiktiń durychs ychrychqsychz etis formasychn tańdańychz: His adventures (to describe) in his book. ?) Describes. ?) Was describe. ?) Was described. ?) Were described. ?) Were describe. Вопрос id:2071255 Sóılemdegi sózderdiń orychn tártibiniń durychs nusqasychn tabychńychz: Murat is ?) A brilliant young man. ?) A young brilliant man. ?) A young man brilliant. ?) A man brilliant young. ?) Abrilliant man a young. Вопрос id:2071256 Berilgen zat esimderden kópshe túrin jasańychz. Window, book, bench. ?) Windows, books, benchis. ?) Windows, books, benches. ?) Windowes, books, benches. ?) Windows, books, benchies. ?) Windows, books, benchen. Вопрос id:2071257 Zat esimniń táýeldenýi. Alımanychń sheshesi óte jaqsych adam ?) Alimaas mother very nice woman. ?) Alimaas mother nice woman. ?) Alimaas mother is a very nice woman. ?) Alimaas mother nice very woman. ?) Alimaas nice very mother. Вопрос id:2071258 Berilgen sózderden antonımderdi tańdańychz. Cheap, unfinished, expensive, complete, plain. ?) Cheap unfinished, plain complete. ?) Plain cheap, expensive unfinished. ?) Plain unfinished, complete cheap. ?) Cheap expensive, unfinished complete. ?) Complete cheap, plain expensive. Вопрос id:2071259 Sychzychqshalardychń ornychna tıisti áripterdi qoıychńychz. S - -, s - w, s - - n. ?) ee, a, ei. ?) ea, a, ee. ?) ee, a, ea. ?) ea, o, ee. ?) ee, a, ee. Вопрос id:2071260 Jaýaptychń durychs nusqasychn tańdańychz: What Beautiful waterfall is situated in the USA? ?) Boyoma ?) Niagara ?) Victoria ?) Saterland ?) Anchel Вопрос id:2071261 Sózdiń durychs aýdarmasychn tańdańychz: Súıkimsiz ?) Pleasant. ?) Unpleasant. ?) Mispleasant. ?) Repleasant. ?) Displeasant. Вопрос id:2071262 Sózderdiń taqychrychbychn ashatychn sóz: ?) Rain. ?) Snow. ?) Ice. ?) Climate. ?) Cloud. Вопрос id:2071263 Shopping taqychrychbychna sáıkes keletin sóz: ?) School. ?) Price. ?) Match. ?) Snow. ?) Score. Вопрос id:2071264 Sóılemge jalǵaýlychq suraǵychn qosychńychz: There was a car near the bus, ? ?) Was there. ?) Is there. ?) Wasnnt there. ?) There was. ?) Wasnnt it. Вопрос id:2071265 Have etistiginen Gerund jasańychz: ?) To have. ?) To be having. ?) To have had. ?) Having. ?) To have been having. Вопрос id:2071266 To be going to do tirkesimen sóılemdi tolychqtychrychńychz: What... to wear to the party tonight? ?) you are going ?) are you going ?) was you going ?) is you going ?) going you are Вопрос id:2071267 Esimdiktiń durychs nusqasychn tańdańychz: I always take some money with . ?) I. ?) Me. ?) Myself. ?) Him. ?) Her. Вопрос id:2071268 Predlogtychń durychs nusqasychn tańdańychz: Are you aware how this might affect your work? ?) Of. ?) From. ?) By. ?) On. ?) At. Вопрос id:2071269 Etistikti tabychńychz: ?) stony ?) soldly ?) darkness ?) thirteen ?) find Вопрос id:2071270 Berilgen sóılemde ınfınıtıv: I have come here to explain the situation. ?) pychsychqtaýychsh ?) bastaýychsh ?) kúrdeli baıandaýychshtychń quramych ?) anychqtaýychsh ?) tolychqtaýychsh Вопрос id:2071271 Salychstychrmalych shychraılarych ereje boıychnsha jasalmaıtychn sychn esim: ?) Little. ?) Interesting. ?) Large. ?) Happy. ?) Smart. Вопрос id:2071272 Sychn esimdi jurnaqtar arqychlych túrlendirý. Centre ?) in ?) un ?) im ?) al ?) able Вопрос id:2071273 Etistiktiń durychs nusqasychn tańdańychz: If you had seen the film, you it. ?) Will enjoy. ?) Would have enjoyed. ?) Would enjoy. ?) Enjoy. ?) Have enjoyed. Вопрос id:2071274 Sóılemniń durychs aýdarmasychn tabychńychz: He was seen to cross the street. ?) Ol kósheden ótý kerek ekenin kórdi. ?) Onychń kósheden ótkenin kórdi. ?) Ol kósheden qalaı ótý kerek ekenin kórdi. ?) Onych kóshede kórdi. ?) Ol kóshede kórindi. Вопрос id:2071275 Aýdarmanychń durychs nusqasychn tabychńychz: I expect her to do it. ?) Men munych oǵan isteımin dep senemin. ?) Meniń senimim onychń isteýinde. ?) Ol men isteıdi dep senedi. ?) Ol munych isteıdi dep senemin. ?) Men munych istep oǵan senemin. Вопрос id:2071276 Etistiktiń durychs túrin tabychńychz. The childrennsnowballs when they saw an accident ?) throw ?) throws ?) were throwing ?) was throwing ?) threw Вопрос id:2071277 Erekshelingen árip basqasha oqychlatychn sózdi tańdańychz ?) tube ?) cut ?) plus ?) nut ?) shut Вопрос id:2071278 return sóziniń sınonımych: ?) to live ?) to come back ?) to go away ?) to wait ?) to find Вопрос id:2071279 Day sóziniń antonımi. ?) before. ?) night. ?) afternoon. ?) evening. ?) morning. |
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