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Список вопросов базы знанийАнглийский язык. Домашнее чтение.Вопрос id:1702879 Define in what tense the verb is used in the following sentence: “How do you do? ” ?) Present Perfect ?) Present Indefinite ?) Past Continuous ?) Present Continuous Вопрос id:1702880 Define in what tense the verb is used in the following sentence: “How do you like those ears?” ?) Present Indefinite ?) Present Continuous ?) Past Continuous ?) Present Perfect Вопрос id:1702881 Define in what tense the verb is used in the following sentence: “I understand how you feel.” ?) Past Continuous ?) Present Perfect ?) Present Continuous ?) Present Indefinite Вопрос id:1702882 Define in what tense the verb is used in the following sentence: “I’ll ask Oz to do all possible for you.” ?) Present Continuous ?) Future Indefinite ?) Present Indefinite ?) Future Continuous Вопрос id:1702883 Define in what tense the verb is used in the following sentence: “I’ll make the other a little bigger.” ?) Future Indefinite ?) Present Indefinite ?) Future Continuous ?) Present Continuous Вопрос id:1702884 Define in what tense the verb is used in the following sentence: “I’m pretty well, thank you.” ?) Present Continuous ?) Past Continuous ?) Present Perfect ?) Present Indefinite Вопрос id:1702885 Define in what tense the verb is used in the following sentence: “My life has been so short.” ?) Present Indefinite ?) Present Perfect ?) Past Continuous ?) Present Continuous Вопрос id:1702886 Define in what tense the verb is used in the following sentence: “Now I’ll make the eyes.” ?) Present Indefinite ?) Future Continuous ?) Present Continuous ?) Future Indefinite Вопрос id:1702887 Define in what tense the verb is used in the following sentence: “She’s washing dishes.” ?) Past Continuous ?) Present Continuous ?) Present Perfect ?) Present Indefinite Вопрос id:1702888 Define in what tense the verb is used in the following sentence: “The second eye was done.” ?) Present Indefinite ?) Past Continuous ?) Past Indefinite ?) Past Perfect Вопрос id:1702889 Define in what tense the verb is used in the following sentence: “Then he made my nose and my mouth.” ?) Past Continuous ?) Past Indefinite ?) Past Perfect ?) Present Indefinite Вопрос id:1702890 Define in what tense the verb is used in the following sentence: “Then she climbed down from the fence.” ?) Present Indefinite ?) Past Continuous ?) Past Perfect ?) Past Indefinite Вопрос id:1702891 Define in what tense the verb is used in the following sentence: “There is no place like home.” ?) Past Continuous ?) Present Indefinite ?) Present Perfect ?) Present Continuous Вопрос id:1702892 Define in what tense the verb is used in the following sentence: “They are monstrous beasts with bodies like bears and heads like tigers.” ?) Present Indefinite ?) Past Continuous ?) Present Perfect ?) Present Continuous Вопрос id:1702893 Define in what tense the verb is used in the following sentence: “they have been talking for an hour.” ?) Future Continuous ?) Present Perfect Continuous ?) Present Continuous ?) Present Perfect Вопрос id:1702894 Define in what tense the verb is used in the following sentence: “They walked back to the road.” ?) Present Indefinite ?) Past Indefinite ?) Past Continuous ?) Past Perfect Вопрос id:1702895 Define in what tense the verb is used in the following sentence: “Toto did not like this addition to the party, at first.” ?) Present Indefinite ?) Past Perfect ?) Past Indefinite ?) Past Continuous Вопрос id:1702896 Define in what tense the verb is used in the following sentence: “What will you be doing at that time?” ?) Future Indefinite ?) Future Perfect Continuous ?) Future Continuous ?) Present Continuous Вопрос id:1702897 Find the right definition to the following word: “to perish” ?) strength, energy ?) flames ?) be destroyed, come to an end, die ?) length of time Вопрос id:1702898 Find the right definition to the following word: “a path” ?) line of people ?) road ?) queue ?) excellent example Вопрос id:1702899 Find the right definition to the following word: “a piper” ?) large hole in earth ?) a person who plays pipe or bagpipe ?) a person who plays guitar ?) thin tube Вопрос id:1702900 Find the right definition to the following word: “a shed” ?) a piece of wood ?) a terrace ?) a house for people to live ?) a small building used for sheltering animals Вопрос id:1702901 Find the right definition to the following word: “above” ?) in the middle of ?) higher than ?) lower than ?) beyond Вопрос id:1702902 Find the right definition to the following word: “awkward” ?) monstrous ?) skilful ?) clumsy, having little skill ?) sound Вопрос id:1702903 Find the right definition to the following word: “brave” ?) courageous ?) fearful ?) scared ?) jovial Вопрос id:1702904 Find the right definition to the following word: “cow” ?) person unable to control his fears ?) animal of the ox family, kept by the farmers for producing milk ?) playing-card ?) horse Вопрос id:1702905 Find the right definition to the following word: “edge” ?) outer limit or boundary of a surface ?) result; outcome ?) attempt ?) substance Вопрос id:1702906 Find the right definition to the following word: “fence” ?) barrier made of wood or metal one puts round a field or garden ?) gate ?) sack ?) pole Вопрос id:1702907 Find the right definition to the following word: “fire” ?) wee ?) place ?) flame ?) condition of burning Вопрос id:1702908 Find the right definition to the following word: “glimpse” ?) dark look ?) clear view ?) long look ?) short look Вопрос id:1702909 Find the right definition to the following word: “growl” ?) (of animals, men) to make a low, threatening sound ?) bite ?) bark ?) scream Вопрос id:1702910 Find the right definition to the following word: “journey” ?) travelling to a distant place ?) walk ?) full of fun ?) act of jumping Вопрос id:1702911 Find the right definition to the following word: “lodging” ?) room, place (not in a hotel) rented to live ?) a sum of money ?) small case for a portrait ?) place used for storing things Вопрос id:1702912 Find the right definition to the following word: “mishap” ?) false ?) wrong ?) unfortunate ?) unlucky accident Вопрос id:1702913 Find the right definition to the following word: “proud” ?) having or showing a proper pride or dignity ?) fearless ?) restful ?) afraid Вопрос id:1702914 Find the right definition to the following word: “rough” ?) anxious ?) not calm or gentle, acting violently, rude ?) rusty ?) mighty Вопрос id:1702915 Find the right definition to the following word: “shriek” ?) whistling ?) scream ?) wail ?) barking Вопрос id:1702916 Find the right definition to the following word: “to find out” ?) to open ?) to supply, provide ?) to get back ?) to learn by study, calculation, inquiry Вопрос id:1702917 Find the right definition to the following word: “to gaze” ?) to watch ?) to look after ?) to look long and steadily and attentively ?) to see Вопрос id:1702918 Find the right definition to the following word: “to paint” ?) to make a picture with paint ?) a person who paints ?) colours ?) flat dish for paints Вопрос id:1702919 Find the right definition to the following word: “uneven” ?) not smooth, not similar in size, not of the same level ?) not constant ?) rough ?) altogether Вопрос id:1702920 Find the right definition to the following word: “wee” ?) edge ?) very big ?) danger ?) very small Вопрос id:1702921 Find the right definition to the following word: “ye” ?) it ?) you ?) we ?) he Вопрос id:1702922 Find the right translation for the following phrase: “on the way” ?) по пути ?) мороз ?) между прочим ?) на обочине Вопрос id:1702923 Find the right translation for the following phrase: “were tied” ?) были привязаны ?) были запутаны ?) ушли ?) были подвешены Вопрос id:1702924 Find the right translation for the following phrase: “what should I do” ?) как дальше жить ?) что мне следует делать ?) куда мне идти ?) что со мной будет Вопрос id:1702925 Find the right translation for the following phrase: “была заперта на засов” ?) was bolted ?) is locked ?) was locked ?) is bolted Вопрос id:1702926 Find the right translation for the following phrase: “вовсе не” ?) not near ?) not nearly ?) near not ?) nearly not Вопрос id:1702927 Find the right translation for the following phrase: “держаться подальше” ?) stretch down ?) take off ?) keep out ?) keep away Вопрос id:1702928 Find the right translation for the following phrase: “должно быть, она ошиблась” ?) she must be mistaken ?) she had to be mistaken ?) she must have been mistaken ?) she is mistaken |
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