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Список вопросов базы знаний

Английский язык. Домашнее чтение.

Вопрос id:1703229
Find the right word that corresponds to the following definition: a man servant (a person who works in someone else's house)
?) maid
?) butler
?) counter
?) mark
Вопрос id:1703230
Find the right word that corresponds to the following definition: a mark made by something pressing on something else.
?) path
?) print
?) net
?) phosphorus
Вопрос id:1703231
Find the right word that corresponds to the following definition: a mark on the ground made by a foot or shoe.
?) net
?) path
?) footprint
?) scent
Вопрос id:1703232
Find the right word that corresponds to the following definition: a musical instrument with strings, held under the chin.
?) violin
?) mark
?) lion
?) maid
Вопрос id:1703233
Find the right word that corresponds to the following definition: a narrow road or path
?) alley
?) scent
?) net
?) street
Вопрос id:1703234
Find the right word that corresponds to the following definition: a narrow way for people to walk on.
?) throat
?) path
?) mark
?) net
Вопрос id:1703235
Find the right word that corresponds to the following definition: a small building made of stone or wood, with one room.
?) scent
?) terror
?) hut
?) marsh
Вопрос id:1703236
Find the right word that corresponds to the following definition: a small gun, which is held in the hand.
?) revolver
?) maid
?) path
?) net
Вопрос id:1703237
Find the right word that corresponds to the following definition: a woman servant (a person who works in someone else's house).
?) marsh
?) mark
?) scent
?) maid
Вопрос id:1703238
Find the right word that corresponds to the following definition: an insect with large white or coloured wings
?) sheet
?) ant
?) butterfly
?) net
Вопрос id:1703239
Find the right word that corresponds to the following definition: feeling unhappy or worried about something.
?) terror
?) scent
?) sink
?) upset
Вопрос id:1703240
Find the right word that corresponds to the following definition: frightening and unwelcoming.
?) heaven(s)
?) grim
?) hedge
?) hell
Вопрос id:1703241
Find the right word that corresponds to the following definition: frightening, terrible; causing horror.
?) hound
?) phosphorus
?) horrible
?) scent
Вопрос id:1703242
Find the right word that corresponds to the following definition: happy
?) maid
?) cheerful
?) phosphorus
?) scent
Вопрос id:1703243
Find the right word that corresponds to the following definition: not bright; with a light or weak colour.
?) net
?) pale
?) maid
?) scent
Вопрос id:1703244
Find the right word that corresponds to the following definition: not moving
?) net
?) still
?) terror
?) path
Вопрос id:1703245
Find the right word that corresponds to the following definition: not strong
?) scent
?) terror
?) weak
?) sink
Вопрос id:1703246
Find the right word that corresponds to the following definition: open, rough, windy land, usually on hills and without trees.
?) net
?) path
?) terror
?) moor
Вопрос id:1703247
Find the right word that corresponds to the following definition: past tense of "to sink''.
?) sunk
?) sinkt
?) sank
?) sinked
Вопрос id:1703248
Find the right word that corresponds to the following definition: past tense of 'to tear'.
?) teart
?) trick
?) tore
?) teared
Вопрос id:1703249
Find the right word that corresponds to the following definition: past tense of “to creep”
?) creept
?) crep
?) creeped
?) crept
Вопрос id:1703250
Find the right word that corresponds to the following definition: the end of a marriage by law.
?) sink
?) scent
?) terror
?) divorce
Вопрос id:1703251
Find the right word that corresponds to the following definition: the front of the neck.
?) net
?) path
?) throat
?) scent
Вопрос id:1703252
Find the right word that corresponds to the following definition: the strongest evil spirit (Satan), and the enemy of God.
?) lion
?) devil
?) divorce
?) Devil
Вопрос id:1703253
Find the right word that corresponds to the following definition: the study of nature.
?) phosphorus
?) path
?) science
?) net
Вопрос id:1703254
Find the right word that corresponds to the following definition: to become unconscious for a short time.
?) sink
?) sleep
?) faint
?) maid
Вопрос id:1703255
Find the right word that corresponds to the following definition: to do something that is not honest or truthful to somebody else.
?) net
?) path
?) trick
?) mark
Вопрос id:1703256
Find the right word that corresponds to the following definition: to go down under water (or a marsh).
?) sink
?) terror
?) throat
?) scent
Вопрос id:1703257
Find the right word that corresponds to the following definition: to move slowly along close to the ground
?) run
?) creep
?) sit
?) path
Вопрос id:1703258
Find the right word that corresponds to the following definition: to pull something out very quickly and roughly
?) maid
?) tear out
?) mark
?) net
Вопрос id:1703259
Find the right word that corresponds to the following definition: to put some kind of sign on something.
?) path
?) marsh
?) mark
?) net
Вопрос id:1703260
Find the right word that corresponds to the following definition: to shoot a gun.
?) fire
?) phosphorus
?) scent
?) terror
Вопрос id:1703261
Find the right word that corresponds to the following definition: to spend or use something (e.g. time) in a useless way
?) to waste
?) to sink
?) to mark
?) scent
Вопрос id:1703262
Find the right word that corresponds to the following definition: to stop being angry with someone about something.
?) hedge
?) forgive
?) hell
?) heaven
Вопрос id:1703263
Find the right word that corresponds to the following definition: very bad; harmful.
?) faint
?) terror
?) evil
?) path
Вопрос id:1703264
Find the right word that corresponds to the following definition: very big; enormous.
?) sink
?) terror
?) lion
?) huge
Вопрос id:1703265
Find the right word that corresponds to the following definition: very great fear.
?) terror
?) lion
?) scent
?) sink
Вопрос id:1703266
Find the right word that corresponds to the following definition: very large or strong.
?) hell
?) hedge
?) hound
?) great
Вопрос id:1703267
Find the right word that corresponds to the following definition: very wet, soft ground.
?) marsh
?) phosphorus
?) maid
?) terror
Вопрос id:1703268
Find the right word that corresponds to the following definition: a kind of dog used for chasing, catching and sometimes killing wild animals.
?) mark
?) maid
?) lion
?) hound
Вопрос id:1703269
Find the right word that corresponds to the following definition: a long instrument with special glass that makes distant things look bigger and closer.
?) path
?) maid
?) telescope
?) net
Вопрос id:1703270
Find the right word that corresponds to the following definition: a message that can be sent very quickly by electric wires or radio.
?) telegram
?) net
?) maid
?) path
Вопрос id:1703271
Find the right word that corresponds to the following definition: powder that is left after something (e.g. a cigarette) has been burnt
?) phosphorus
?) dust
?) maid
?) ash
Вопрос id:1703272
Find the right word that corresponds to the following definition: somebody's written wishes that say who will inherit their money, house, lands, etc. after they die
?) path
?) terror
?) sink
?) will
Вопрос id:1703273
Find the right word that corresponds to the following definition: something (a problem or a crime) investigated by the police or detectives
?) path
?) net
?) case
?) mark
Вопрос id:1703274
Find the right word that corresponds to the following definition: something made of pieces of string (or wire, etc.) joined together used for catching insects, fish, etc.
?) lion
?) maid
?) net
?) sink
Вопрос id:1703275
Find the right word that corresponds to the following definition: that cannot be explained by the laws of nature (e.g. ghosts and spirits)
?) maid
?) scent
?) phosphorus
?) supernatural
Вопрос id:1703276
Find the right word that corresponds to the following definition: the "person'' who (in some religions) created the world.
?) God
?) terror
?) Devil
?) maid
Вопрос id:1703277
Find the right word that corresponds to the following definition: the place where God is believed to live; often used in expressions of surprise or fear.
?) hedge
?) hound
?) heaven(s)
?) hell
Вопрос id:1703278
Find the right word that corresponds to the following definition: the place where the Devil is believed to live, and where bad people are punished after they die.
?) hound
?) hell
?) terror
?) path
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