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Список вопросов базы знанийАнглийский язык. Домашнее чтение.Вопрос id:1703329 Find the right definition to the following word: “queue.” ?) tail ?) row of people ?) line of people waiting for their turn ?) people sitting in a row Вопрос id:1703330 Find the right definition to the following word: “responsible.” ?) condition of being free from activity, movement, disturbance ?) legally or morally having to carry out a duty, care for a person or thing; in position where one may be blamed for loss, failure ?) never still or quiet ?) of good character and fair social position; having the qualities associated with such social position Вопрос id:1703331 Find the right definition to the following word: “rhythm.” ?) recompense for service or merit ?) regular succession of weak and strong stresses, accents, sounds or movements ?) sameness of sound of the endings of two or more words at the ends of lines of verse ?) using words impressively in speech or writing Вопрос id:1703332 Find the right definition to the following word: “rogue.” ?) robber ?) murderer ?) scoundrel; rascal ?) criminal Вопрос id:1703333 Find the right definition to the following word: “scatterbrain.” ?) part cut off ?) person who can’t keep his thoughts on one subject for long ?) person who before the invention of printing, made copies of writings ?) list or statement of details, especially of times for doing things Вопрос id:1703334 Find the right definition to the following word: “slave.” ?) person who is the property of another and must serve him ?) servant ?) person ready to die for somebody ?) person working for nothing Вопрос id:1703335 Find the right definition to the following word: “sober.” ?) calm ?) man with a hang-over ?) drunk ?) not drunk Вопрос id:1703336 Find the right definition to the following word: “to criticize.” ?) form and give a judgement of; find fault with ?) take and keep a firm hold of; seize firmly ?) move (the body) back or down in fear ?) complain Вопрос id:1703337 Find the right definition to the following word: “to discuss.” ?) look on with contempt ?) refuse to believe or have confidence in ?) examine and argue about ?) see clearly Вопрос id:1703338 Find the right definition to the following word: “to find out.” ?) supply, provide ?) get back ?) learn by study, calculation, inquiry ?) open Вопрос id:1703339 Find the right definition to the following word: “to gaze.” ?) to look after ?) to see ?) watch ?) look long and steadily Вопрос id:1703340 Find the right definition to the following word: “to steal.” ?) take (a person’s property) secretly, without right ?) to take something unwillingly ?) to be punished ?) to offer something to somebody Вопрос id:1703341 Find the right definition to the following word: “to stroll.” ?) to walk fast ?) to walk quietly, unhurriedly ?) to go not knowing where ?) to hurry Вопрос id:1703342 Find the right definition to the following word: “unique.” ?) same as ?) having no like or equal; being the only one of its sort ?) being united ?) belonging to, done by, affecting, all Вопрос id:1703343 Find the right definition to the following word: “wane” ?) looking brave, healthy ?) looking ill, sad, tired, anxious, pale ?) rosy ?) good-tempered Вопрос id:1703344 Find the right definition to the following word: “weapon.” ?) ammunition ?) swords, guns ?) a strike by workmen ?) something designed for, or used in, fighting or struggling Вопрос id:1703345 Find the right translation for the following phrase: “вглядываться в”. ?) observe ?) look ?) gaze into ?) watch Вопрос id:1703346 Find the right translation for the following phrase: “им все равно”. ?) they don’t stare ?) to care ?) they don’t care ?) have enough to do Вопрос id:1703347 Find the right translation for the following phrase: “необходимо было запирать”. ?) have locked ?) be locked ?) is locked ?) was to be locked Вопрос id:1703348 Find the right translation for the following phrase: “письменный стол”. ?) desk ?) table ?) bar ?) board Вопрос id:1703349 Find the right translation for the following phrase: “семейная фотография”. ?) family album ?) family portrait ?) family picture ?) family tree Вопрос id:1703350 Find the right translation for the following sentence: “Oн, должно быть, обсуждает (что-то)”. ?) he is discussing ?) he must be discussing ?) he must have discussed ?) he must discuss Вопрос id:1703351 Find the right translation for the following word: “adieu.” ?) отъезд ?) расставание ?) прощание ?) отлет Вопрос id:1703352 Find the right translation for the following word: “beneath.” ?) перед ?) внизу ?) над ?) под Вопрос id:1703353 Find the right translation for the following word: “chide.” ?) восхвалять ?) критика ?) упрекать ?) укор Вопрос id:1703354 Find the right translation for the following word: “courage.” ?) храбрость ?) дерзость ?) безрассудство ?) отчаяние Вопрос id:1703355 Find the right translation for the following word: “enemy.” ?) друг ?) партнер ?) соперник ?) враг Вопрос id:1703356 Find the right translation for the following word: “enterprise.” ?) смелость ?) инициатива ?) проба ?) храбрость Вопрос id:1703357 Find the right translation for the following word: “flame.” ?) костер ?) пламя ?) огонь ?) пожар Вопрос id:1703358 Find the right translation for the following word: “forgery.” ?) подкоп ?) подлог ?) поджег ?) проказа Вопрос id:1703359 Find the right translation for the following word: “nocturnal.” ?) давешний ?) ночной ?) недавний ?) ноктюрн Вопрос id:1703360 Find the right translation for the following word: “pit.” ?) шахта ?) колодец ?) яма ?) край Вопрос id:1703361 Find the right translation for the following word: “plough.” ?) плуг ?) коса ?) борона ?) кочерга Вопрос id:1703362 Find the right translation for the following word: “posterity.” ?) улов ?) урожай ?) потомство ?) приплод Вопрос id:1703363 Find the right translation for the following word: “sour.” ?) соленый ?) кислый ?) горький ?) сладкий Вопрос id:1703364 Find the right translation for the following word: “steal.” ?) железо ?) металл ?) сталь ?) красть Вопрос id:1703365 Find the right translation for the following word: “stroll.” ?) бродить ?) стрелять ?) бросать ?) бежать Вопрос id:1703366 Find the right translation for the following word: “tears.” ?) осадки ?) дождь ?) слезы ?) капли Вопрос id:1703367 Find the right translation for the following word: “treasure.” ?) сокровище ?) горечь ?) упрек ?) слава Вопрос id:1703368 Find the right translation for the following word: “tune.” ?) ритм ?) тон ?) музыка ?) мелодия Вопрос id:1703369 Find the right translation for the following word: “will.” ?) сила ?) воля ?) разум ?) подлог Вопрос id:1703370 Find the right translation for the following word: “в соответствии”. ?) accordance ?) instead ?) according ?) opposite Вопрос id:1703371 Find the right translation for the following word: “вместо”. ?) in spite ?) versus ?) despite ?) instead Вопрос id:1703372 Find the right translation for the following word: “гладить”. ?) beat ?) rub ?) smooth ?) dry Вопрос id:1703373 Find the right translation for the following word: “дóма”. ?) outside ?) outdoors ?) indoors ?) inside Вопрос id:1703374 Find the right translation for the following word: “колено”. ?) let ?) lap ?) lot ?) lip Вопрос id:1703375 Find the right translation for the following word: “лапы”. ?) legs ?) feet ?) arms ?) paws Вопрос id:1703376 Find the right translation for the following word: “несомненно”. ?) undoubtedly ?) obviously ?) evidently ?) apparently Вопрос id:1703377 Find the right translation for the following word: “нетерпеливый”. ?) designed ?) impatient ?) improper ?) patient Вопрос id:1703378 Find the right translation for the following word: “нечестный”. ?) irregular ?) injustice ?) unfair ?) affair |
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