Список вопросов базы знанийАнглийский язык. Домашнее чтение.Вопрос id:1704284 Match each word with its translation Левая часть | Правая часть | coyly | дерзкий | saucy | застенчиво | brusquely | недоверчиво | suspiciously | редко |
Вопрос id:1704285 Match each word with its translation Левая часть | Правая часть | resignation | жалоба | plaints | доступ | access | смирение | pallor | бледность |
Вопрос id:1704286 Match each word with its translation Левая часть | Правая часть | desperation | мелодия | air | отчаяние | fan | веер | insect | насекомое |
Вопрос id:1704287 Match each word with its translation Левая часть | Правая часть | irritation | достоинство | merit | упрек | reproach | красть | steal | раздражение |
Вопрос id:1704288 Match each word with its translation Левая часть | Правая часть | gratif | листва | weariness | нелепый | ridiculous | усталость | foliage | доставлять удовольствие |
Вопрос id:1704289 Match each word with its translation Левая часть | Правая часть | innocence | достоинство | disgust | невинность | envy | отвращение | dignity | зависть |
Вопрос id:1704290 Match each word with its translation Левая часть | Правая часть | rave | около | toss | бредить | beside | кроме | besides | швырять |
Вопрос id:1704291 Match each word with its translation Левая часть | Правая часть | feign | смущать | confuse | притворяться | gain | получать | confess | сознаться |
Вопрос id:1704292 Match each word with its translation Левая часть | Правая часть | annoy | пронзительно кричать | yell | раздражать | transfix | плакать | weep | парализовать |
Вопрос id:1704293 Match the antonyms Левая часть | Правая часть | better | light | few | short | long | worse | dark | many |
Вопрос id:1704294 Match the antonyms Левая часть | Правая часть | absent | present | dirty | empty | full | strong | weak | clean |
Вопрос id:1704295 Match the antonyms Левая часть | Правая часть | enemy | false | true | married | evil | good | single | friend |
Вопрос id:1704296 Match the antonyms Левая часть | Правая часть | back | front | sadness | marry | divorce | top | bottom | joy |
Вопрос id:1704297 Match the antonyms Левая часть | Правая часть | ancient | different | wet | very small | similar | dry | tiny | modern |
Вопрос id:1704298 Match the antonyms Левая часть | Правая часть | clever | dirty | cruel | beautiful | ugly | stupid | clean | kind |
Вопрос id:1704299 Match the synonyms Левая часть | Правая часть | aid | help | borough | manners | speculation | theory | deportment | region |
Вопрос id:1704300 Match the synonyms Левая часть | Правая часть | arduous | large and wide | huge | difficult | responsible | big | vast | legally or morally having to carry out a duty, care for a person or thing; in position where |
Вопрос id:1704301 Match the synonyms Левая часть | Правая часть | to possess | to get | to obtain | to start | to initiate | to have |
Вопрос id:1704302 Match the synonyms Левая часть | Правая часть | allow | to talk with him | converse | permit | to put away | to take apart | call upon someone | to visit him |
Вопрос id:1704303 Match the synonyms Левая часть | Правая часть | beneath | under | luckily | fortunately | often | rapidly | hurriedly | frequently |
Вопрос id:1704304 Match the synonyms Левая часть | Правая часть | pistol | shake | tremble | a great deal | a lot | drawer | store | revolver |
Вопрос id:1704305 Match the synonyms Левая часть | Правая часть | to face | to imagine | to worry | to mask | to think | to annoy | to pretend | to dare |
Вопрос id:1704306 Match the synonyms Левая часть | Правая часть | common | Universal | audible | aural | compulsory | obligatory | dear | expensive |
Вопрос id:1704307 Match the synonyms Левая часть | Правая часть | nonsense | surprise | tenancy | use of land | intention | twaddle | wonder | purpose |
Вопрос id:1704308 Match the synonyms Левая часть | Правая часть | aural | audible | evident | obligatory | compulsory | obvious | divine | Excellent |
Вопрос id:1704309 Match the synonyms Левая часть | Правая часть | to pretend | to walk wearily | to utter | to mask | to dare | to say | to trudge | to face |
Вопрос id:1704310 Match the synonyms Левая часть | Правая часть | purpose | intention | creature | true worth | dignity | living animal | nonsense | twaddle |
Вопрос id:1704311 Match the synonyms Левая часть | Правая часть | you peer (at) | When you take all your attention so that attention is not given to other matters | you do something properly | a person, walking in a street. | you are occupied | when you do something in a right, correct, suitable way | A pedestrian is | When you look closely, as if unable to see well. |
Вопрос id:1704312 Match the words with their definitions Левая часть | Правая часть | person or thing that serves the same purpose or has the same position as another | marriage | a woman whose husband has died, and who has not married again | widow | a startingPoint | counterpart | the union of a man and woman by a ceremony in law | origin |
Вопрос id:1704313 Match the words with their definitions Левая часть | Правая часть | the state of being very poor | symbol | an outer area of town or city | suburb | a sign or object which represents a person, idea, etc. | poverty | reason for action | purpose |
Вопрос id:1704314 Match the words with their definitions Левая часть | Правая часть | a longer, thicker, brown 'cigarette' | county | to be happy | cigar | something (a problem or a crime) investigated by the police or detectives | cheerful | a large area or part of a country | case |
Вопрос id:1704315 Match the words with their definitions Левая часть | Правая часть | a living animal or person | creep | to become unconscious for a short time | crept | past tense of "to creep" | creature | to move slowly along close to the ground | faint |
Вопрос id:1704316 Match the words with their definitions Левая часть | Правая часть | the end of a marriage by law | divorce | to shoot a gun | forgive | a mark on the ground made by a foot or shoe | to fire | to stop being angry with someone about something | footprint |
Вопрос id:1704317 Match the words with their definitions Левая часть | Правая часть | frightening and unwelcoming | devil | the strongest evil spirit (Satan), and the enemy of God | evil | very big; huge a living animal or person | grim (of a place) | very bad; harmful | enormous |
Вопрос id:1704318 Match the words with their definitions Левая часть | Правая часть | a 'wall' of small trees which have been planted close together | hedge | the place where the Devil is believed to live | great | the place where God is believed to live | hell | very large or strong | heaven |
Вопрос id:1704319 Match the words with their definitions Левая часть | Правая часть | a narrow road or path | ash | a man servant (a person who works in someone else's house) | butterfly | powder that is left after something (e.g. a cigarette) has been burnt | alley | an insect with large white or coloured wings | butler |
Вопрос id:1704320 Match the words with their translation Левая часть | Правая часть | grave | стрела | arrow | сено | hay | изморозь | mizzle | могила |
Вопрос id:1704321 The author of As You Like It is ___ ___ (print the first name and the surname). Вопрос id:1704322 The author of Macbeth is ___ ___ (print the first name and the surname). Вопрос id:1704323 The author of «Impressions from an Office» is ___ (print the surname). Вопрос id:1704324 The author of «John Barleycorn» ___ (print the surname). Вопрос id:1704325 The author of «London Days and New York Nights» ___ (print the surname). Вопрос id:1704326 The author of «The Cat» ___ (print the surname). Вопрос id:1704327 The author of Pygmalion is ___ (print the first name and the surname) Вопрос id:1704328 The English proverb equivalent to the Russian one: Все кошки серы в темноте. Вопрос id:1704329 The English proverb equivalent to the Russian one: Ночью все кошки серы. Вопрос id:1704330 The genre of Pygmalion is a ___ Вопрос id:1704331 The heroine of Pygmalion is ___ ___ (print the first name and the surname)