Тесты онлайн, бесплатный конструктор тестов. Психологические тестирования, тесты на проверку знаний.

Список вопросов базы знаний

Английский язык. Домашнее чтение.

Вопрос id:1703691
Choose the correct Russian equivalent of the following: groan
?) вздыхать, стонать
?) рвать
?) нюхать
?) доставлять удовольствие
Вопрос id:1703692
Choose the correct Russian equivalent of the following: hold-up
?) убирать
?) приближаться
?) избегать
?) грабить
Вопрос id:1703693
Choose the correct Russian equivalent of the following: keep off
?) избегать
?) охранять
?) приближаться
?) преследовать с целью нападения
Вопрос id:1703694
Choose the correct Russian equivalent of the following: lust
?) нюхать
?) рвать
?) страстно желать
?) вздыхать, стонать
Вопрос id:1703695
Choose the correct Russian equivalent of the following: mind
?) кивать
?) определять
?) возражать
?) вздыхать, стонать
Вопрос id:1703696
Choose the correct Russian equivalent of the following: move in on
?) приближаться
?) охранять
?) въезжать
?) избегать
Вопрос id:1703697
Choose the correct Russian equivalent of the following: nod
?) вздыхать, стонать
?) кивать
?) определять
?) нюхать
Вопрос id:1703698
Choose the correct Russian equivalent of the following: offend
?) преуспеть
?) вздыхать, стонать
?) обижать
?) доставлять удовольствие
Вопрос id:1703699
Choose the correct Russian equivalent of the following: put up with
?) запить
?) кивать
?) терпеть
?) упаковывать
Вопрос id:1703700
Choose the correct Russian equivalent of the following: set down
?) кивать
?) стонать
?) определять
?) упаковывать
Вопрос id:1703701
Choose the correct Russian equivalent of the following: sniff
?) доставлять удовольствие
?) рвать
?) нюхать
?) обижать
Вопрос id:1703702
Choose the correct Russian equivalent of the following: succeed
?) вздыхать, стонать
?) нюхать
?) рвать
?) преуспеть
Вопрос id:1703703
Choose the correct Russian equivalent of the following: suppose
?) предполагать
?) кивать
?) вздыхать, стонать
?) определять
Вопрос id:1703704
Choose the correct Russian equivalent of the following: take away
?) избегать
?) приближаться
?) убирать
?) охранять
Вопрос id:1703705
Choose the correct Russian equivalent of the following: take out
?) охранять
?) избегать
?) приближаться
?) удалять, вырывать
Вопрос id:1703706
Choose the correct Russian equivalent of the following: tear
?) обижать
?) доставлять удовольствие
?) преуспеть
?) рвать
Вопрос id:1703707
Choose the correct Russian equivalent of the following: wrap up
?) упаковывать
?) вздыхать, стонать
?) определять
?) кивать
Вопрос id:1703708
Complete the sentence: "THE ZOO STORY" is written by ...
?) Mark Twain
?) Edward Albee
?) Sean O'Casey
?) Bradbery
Вопрос id:1703709
Complete the sentence: "THE ZOO STORY" is written by ...
?) an Irish writer
?) an American writer
?) an English writer
?) an Australian writer
Вопрос id:1703710
Complete the sentence: ... body has begun to go to fat
?) the servant
?) Jerry
?) Jerry's
?) the Peter's
Вопрос id:1703711
Complete the sentence: ... dress and manner would suggest a man younger
?) the servant's
?) the waiter's
?) Peter's
?) Jerry's
Вопрос id:1703712
Complete the sentence: ... fall from physical grace should not suggest debauchery
?) the Peter's
?) Jerry's
?) Jerry
?) the servant
Вопрос id:1703713
Complete the sentence: ... has a great weariness
?) the waiter
?) the servant
?) Jerry
?) Peter
Вопрос id:1703714
Complete the sentence: ... he is moving into middle age, his dress and his manner would suggest a ma younger
?) if
?) when
?) although
?) as
Вопрос id:1703715
Complete the sentence: ... I mean is: animals are indifferent to me - like people
?) that
?) it
?) this
?) what
Вопрос id:1703716
Complete the sentence: ... I see no reason why 1 should give up this bench
?) besides
?) exept
?) beside
?) althought
Вопрос id:1703717
Complete the sentence: ... is neither fat nor gaunt
?) the servant
?) Peter
?) the waiter
?) Jerry
Вопрос id:1703718
Complete the sentence: ... is neither handsome nor homely
?) the servant
?) the waiter
?) Peter
?) Jerry
Вопрос id:1703719
Complete the sentence: ... is no longer handsome
?) Jerry
?) servant
?) waiter
?) Peter
Вопрос id:1703720
Complete the sentence: ... not poorly dressed, but carelessly
?) the Peter's
?) Jerry's
?) Jerry
?) the servant
Вопрос id:1703721
Complete the sentence: ... was once a trim and lightly muscled body has begun to go to fat
?) these
?) that
?) what
?) this
Вопрос id:1703722
Complete the sentence: ... wears tweeds, smokes a pipe and has horn-rimmed glasses
?) Peter
?) Jerry
?) the servant
?) the waiter
Вопрос id:1703723
Complete the sentence: ... you'll probably get is cancer of the mouth
?) this
?) -
?) that
?) what
Вопрос id:1703724
Complete the sentence: A person ... some way of dealing with something
?) has have
?) has to have
?) have to have
?) have had
Вопрос id:1703725
Complete the sentence: He is ... fat ... gaunt
?) nor; nor
?) neither; nor
?) nor; neither
?) neither; neither
Вопрос id:1703726
Complete the sentence: He is ... handsome ... homely
?) neither; neither
?) nor; nor
?) neither; nor
?) nor; neither
Вопрос id:1703727
Complete the sentence: He is ... himself now
?) beside
?) exept
?) althought
?) besides
Вопрос id:1703728
Complete the sentence: He stops ... cleans his glasses then resumes reading
?) read
?) to reading
?) reading
?) to read
Вопрос id:1703729
Complete the sentence: I ... talk about these things
?) would rather not
?) not hadn't rather
?) had rather
?) wouldn't rather
Вопрос id:1703730
Complete the sentence: I decided to try it for ... more days
?) a few
?) few
?) a little
?) little
Вопрос id:1703731
Complete the sentence: I have learned that ... kindness ... cruelty by themselves, independent of each other, creates any effect beyond themselves
?) nor; nor
?) neither; neither
?) nor; neither
?) neither; nor
Вопрос id:1703732
Complete the sentence: I took the ... down to the Village so I could walk all the way up Fifth Avenue to the Zoo
?) river
?) house
?) forest
?) subway
Вопрос id:1703733
Complete the sentence: I tried to explain it ... as I went along
?) to you
?) for you
?) you
?) with you
Вопрос id:1703734
Complete the sentence: If a policeman ... his quota he ... you in as a nut
?) did fill; would take
?) did fill; take
?) fill; would take
?) felt; will take
Вопрос id:1703735
Complete the sentence: If you ... move on, I .. .get a policeman here and make you go
?) don't; shall
?) won't; shall
?) will not; will
?) will not; shall
Вопрос id:1703736
Complete the sentence: It's one of those things a person ....
?) has to do
?) have do
?) has do
?) have to do
Вопрос id:1703737
Complete the sentence: Peter is in his
?) early thirties
?) late twenties
?) late forties
?) early forties
Вопрос id:1703738
Complete the sentence: Sometimes a person has to go a very long distance out of his way to come back a short distance ....
?) correctly
?) corrective
?) correctable
?) correct
Вопрос id:1703739
Complete the sentence: The action takes place
?) a Sunday afternoon in winter
?) late in the evening in winter
?) on a Sunday afternoon in summer
?) late in the evening in summer
Вопрос id:1703740
Complete the sentence: The action takes place in
?) New-York
?) London
?) Deli
?) Paris
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