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Список вопросов базы знанийАнгл.яз. Теоретическая грамматика (курс 1)Вопрос id:868190 Определите коммуникативный тип предложения Do what you want and be damned to it! That’s what I say. ?) побудительно-повествовательное ?) повествовательное ?) повествовательно-побудительное ?) побудительное Вопрос id:868191 Определите коммуникативный тип предложения Then be remembered his purpose and his lips set back in a grim line. ?) повествовательно-побудительное ?) побудительно вопросительное ?) повествовательное ?) повествовательно-вопросительное Вопрос id:868192 Определите коммуникативный тип предложения Why not go and lay the Bogy once and for all? ?) вопросительно-повествовательное ?) вопросительно-побудительное ?) побудительно-вопросительное ?) вопросительное Вопрос id:868193 Определяющим фактором разделения предложений по уровню сложности является ?) валентность глагола-сказуемого ?) количество предикативных центров ?) количество знаменательных членов ?) эксплицитная выраженность главных членов предложения. Вопрос id:868194 По категориальной семантике подлежащего предложения делятся на ?) анимальные и инанимальные ?) личные и безличные ?) глагольные и именные ?) субъектные и объектные Вопрос id:868195 Подлежащее определяет сказуемое в том смысле, что ?) служит определителем адресованности предложения. ?) служит предметным определителем сказуемого ?) выражает процессное ядро события предикации ?) выражает лицо предикации Вопрос id:868196 Предельная элементарная единица текста второго порядка, служащая переходным звеном между предложением и текстом называется ?) диктемой ?) пропоземой ?) лексемой ?) семемой Вопрос id:868197 Предельной единицей текста, “минимальным речевым произведением” является ?) слово ?) предложение ?) синтагма ?) сверхфразовое единство Вопрос id:868198 Предикативная нагрузка предложения определяется ?) числом соответствующих предложений - репрезентатов с однозначной предикативной нагрузкой ?) возможностью двойного выражения одного и того же синтаксико-категориального предикативного признака ?) возможностью включения предложения в наибольшее число синтаксических парадигм ?) суммой положительных значений выраженных в предложении синтаксико-категориальных предикативных признаков Вопрос id:868199 Предложение ?) создается в речи ?) изначально существует в языке ?) входит в язык всей своей лексической конкретностью ?) строится независимо от формальных правил сочетания лексем Вопрос id:868200 Предложение как единица языка выполняет две существенные знаковые функции ?) предметно-оценочную и номинативную ?) предикативную и модальную ?) назывную и номинативную. ?) номинативную и предикативную Вопрос id:868201 Предложение представляет собой ?) абстрактную модель минимального речевого акта ?) минимальную единицу сообщения, обладающую собственной синтаксической и семантической структурой и интонационным оформлением ?) расширенную номинативную единицу ?) формальное соположение лексем Вопрос id:868202 Предложение, в отличие от слова, является ?) коммуникативно-предикативной единицей ?) строго полупредикативной единицей ?) единицей морфологического уровня языка ?) номинативной единицей Вопрос id:868203 При преобразовании предложения в именное словосочетание полного номинативного типа, предложение ?) сохраняет важность как коммуниктивная единица языка. ?) номинализируется, теряя процессно-предикативный характер ?) становится единицей морфологического уровня языка ?) становится односоставным Вопрос id:868204 Рема побудительного предложения ?) выражает запрос информации ?) программирует действия адресата ?) выражает информацию непосредственного сообщения ?) выражает информацию заявления о некотором факте Вопрос id:868205 Система конструкционных функций предложения связана с ?) актуальным членением предложения ?) отражением разных отнесений пропозитивной номинации к действительности ?) классификацией пропозитивной семантики ?) усложнением пропозитивной номинации Вопрос id:868206 Сложное предложение определяется как ?) монопредикативное предложение с комплексами вторичной предикации ?) полипредикативное предложение с раздельным выражением предикативных линий ?) полипредикативное со слитным выражением предикативных линий ?) монопредикативное предложение Вопрос id:868207 Состав информационного ядра сообщения называется ?) семой ?) ремой ?) кумулемой ?) темой Вопрос id:868208 Центром предикации в предложении глагольного строя является ?) сочетание глагола-связки с именным предикативом. ?) одна из неличных форм глагола ?) глагол в личной форме ?) имплицитно выраженный вспомогательный глагол. Вопрос id:868209 Define what syntactic role the underlined word plays in the sentence: Where does the knowledge of how to divide up the world into parts come from? And what sort of reasons are there to favor one proposed category system over another? For there certainly are an abundance of them. ?) object ?) attribute ?) predicate ?) subject Вопрос id:868210 Continue the sentence: A completely intuitive or a completely ?) if the law changes so does who owns what. Secondly, ownership could be defined in terms of the popular or prevailing attitude, such that you would only own something if it was the consensus that you owned it. ?) ownership could be a matter of convention, such that to own something is to have ownership of it according to some rules (the conventions), which lay out in more detail what conditions, physical or otherwise, grant and transfer ownership. ?) commonsense philosophy is saying just that, that we are completely correct. ?) that in some way consciousness and the mind must reduce to or be explainable in terms of the physical; in other words, that materialism is essentially correct and dualism essentially mistaken. Вопрос id:868211 Continue the sentence: A philosophy that tells us that we are completely ?) does not come to the table with a fully developed and well supported theory of the mind and the mind-body connection which precludes a scientific theory. ?) argue that something can’t be done or can’t be explained by science requires some understanding of the things involved, and to show that this understanding rules out the proposal. ?) correct as we are is useless to us. ?) gives many forms of dualism their anti-scientific flavor; from the fact that science hasn’t yet explained that mind and the mind body connection it is concluded that science can’t explain the mind and the mind-body connection. Вопрос id:868212 Continue the sentence: Although if that were the case it would take only two contradictory authors to keep us busy, since after reading the first ?) gives many forms of dualism their anti-scientific flavor; from the fact that science hasn’t yet explained that mind and the mind body connection it is concluded that science can’t explain the mind and the mind-body connection. ?) are so many conventions, both existing and possible, that for any object we could find some convention under which I own it and another under which I don’t. ?) that in some way consciousness and the mind must reduce to or be explainable in terms of the physical; in other words, that materialism is essentially correct and dualism essentially mistaken. ?) the second would be a challenging new viewpoint to adopt, and then the first would be again, and so on. Вопрос id:868213 Continue the sentence: And it is through such options that our philosophy improves. Now this is certainly not to say that, every time we find something that challenges ?) to possess something that you do not own, and to lack possession over something that you do own; if it were impossible there would be no such thing as theft. ?) ownership could be a matter of convention, such that to own something is to have ownership of it according to some rules (the conventions), which lay out in more detail what conditions, physical or otherwise, grant and transfer ownership. ?) argue that something can’t be done or can’t be explained by science requires some understanding of the things involved, and to show that this understanding rules out the proposal. ?) what we currently think, we should change our minds. Вопрос id:868214 Continue the sentence: At best such a philosophy is useless, and harmful if we take it seriously, ?) argue that something can’t be done or can’t be explained by science requires some understanding of the things involved, and to show that this understanding rules out the proposal. ?) gives many forms of dualism their anti-scientific flavor; from the fact that science hasn’t yet explained that mind and the mind body connection it is concluded that science can’t explain the mind and the mind-body connection. ?) to possess something that you do not own, and to lack possession over something that you do own; if it were impossible there would be no such thing as theft. ?) since it erects barriers to revising our mistaken beliefs. Вопрос id:868215 Continue the sentence: But every time we are faced with a challenge that we take seriously it gives us something to think about, and if we are wise ?) argue that something can’t be done or can’t be explained by science requires some understanding of the things involved, and to show that this understanding rules out the proposal. ?) enough then we will change our views in response to these challenges exactly when doing so would better our philosophy. ?) to possess something that you do not own, and to lack possession over something that you do own; if it were impossible there would be no such thing as theft. ?) are so many conventions, both existing and possible, that for any object we could find some convention under which I own it and another under which I don’t. Вопрос id:868216 Continue the sentence: But the opposite is really the case. Philosophy that is intuitive is rarely worth reading; we are only bettered by philosophy that ?) ignorance is one that proceeds from the fact that we don’t know how to do or explain something to the conclusion that it can’t be done or can’t be explained. ?) gives many forms of dualism their anti-scientific flavor; from the fact that science hasn’t yet explained that mind and the mind body connection it is concluded that science can’t explain the mind and the mind-body connection. ?) arguments for dualism are, at their core, arguments from ignorance. ?) strikes us initially as unintuitive. Вопрос id:868217 Continue the sentence: But what does it mean to say that something is meaningless? To call something meaningless is not to leave it exactly as ?) that in some way consciousness and the mind must reduce to or be explainable in terms of the physical; in other words, that materialism is essentially correct and dualism essentially mistaken. ?) if the law changes so does who owns what. Secondly, ownership could be defined in terms of the popular or prevailing attitude, such that you would only own something if it was the consensus that you owned it. ?) ownership could be a matter of convention, such that to own something is to have ownership of it according to some rules (the conventions), which lay out in more detail what conditions, physical or otherwise, grant and transfer ownership. ?) it was, it is to look at it in a certain way. Вопрос id:868218 Continue the sentence: Everyone has places where their views need refinement or revision. It is because of this that we read, ?) and sometimes write, philosophy. ?) have no merit; our ignorance reveals nothing about the world, only our lack of knowledge about it. ?) not how dualism is argued for. ?) argue that something can’t be done or can’t be explained by science requires some understanding of the things involved, and to show that this understanding rules out the proposal. Вопрос id:868219 Continue the sentence: I said that the universe is meaningless – ?) the events in it are without significance – without us. ?) gives many forms of dualism their anti-scientific flavor; from the fact that science hasn’t yet explained that mind and the mind body connection it is concluded that science can’t explain the mind and the mind-body connection. ?) argue that something can’t be done or can’t be explained by science requires some understanding of the things involved, and to show that this understanding rules out the proposal. ?) to possess something that you do not own, and to lack possession over something that you do own; if it were impossible there would be no such thing as theft. Вопрос id:868220 Continue the sentence: In other words, “meaningless” is itself a ?) to possess something that you do not own, and to lack possession over something that you do own; if it were impossible there would be no such thing as theft. ?) meaning that can be given to things. ?) argue that something can’t be done or can’t be explained by science requires some understanding of the things involved, and to show that this understanding rules out the proposal. ?) that in some way consciousness and the mind must reduce to or be explainable in terms of the physical; in other words, that materialism is essentially correct and dualism essentially mistaken. Вопрос id:868221 Continue the sentence: It is in the places where it challenges us that ?) ownership could be a matter of convention, such that to own something is to have ownership of it according to some rules (the conventions), which lay out in more detail what conditions, physical or otherwise, grant and transfer ownership. ?) are so many conventions, both existing and possible, that for any object we could find some convention under which I own it and another under which I don’t. ?) we have a chance to grow. ?) gives many forms of dualism their anti-scientific flavor; from the fact that science hasn’t yet explained that mind and the mind body connection it is concluded that science can’t explain the mind and the mind-body connection. Вопрос id:868222 Continue the sentence: It is to deny the existence of meaningful ?) relationships between it and other things. ?) gives many forms of dualism their anti-scientific flavor; from the fact that science hasn’t yet explained that mind and the mind body connection it is concluded that science can’t explain the mind and the mind-body connection. ?) if the law changes so does who owns what. Secondly, ownership could be defined in terms of the popular or prevailing attitude, such that you would only own something if it was the consensus that you owned it. ?) argue that something can’t be done or can’t be explained by science requires some understanding of the things involved, and to show that this understanding rules out the proposal. Вопрос id:868223 Continue the sentence: It should challenge what ?) to possess something that you do not own, and to lack possession over something that you do own; if it were impossible there would be no such thing as theft. ?) that in some way consciousness and the mind must reduce to or be explainable in terms of the physical; in other words, that materialism is essentially correct and dualism essentially mistaken. ?) argue that something can’t be done or can’t be explained by science requires some understanding of the things involved, and to show that this understanding rules out the proposal. ?) we think to some extent. Вопрос id:868224 Continue the sentence: My point is that to be worth reading a piece of ?) if the law changes so does who owns what. Secondly, ownership could be defined in terms of the popular or prevailing attitude, such that you would only own something if it was the consensus that you owned it. ?) that in some way consciousness and the mind must reduce to or be explainable in terms of the physical; in other words, that materialism is essentially correct and dualism essentially mistaken. ?) gives many forms of dualism their anti-scientific flavor; from the fact that science hasn’t yet explained that mind and the mind body connection it is concluded that science can’t explain the mind and the mind-body connection. ?) philosophy should be at least a little unintuitive. Вопрос id:868225 Continue the sentence: Now certainly it is possible to improve without these external challenges, but in their absence I think it would be easy to rest content ?) with a defective philosophy, or simply to be blind to significant alternatives. ?) gives many forms of dualism their anti-scientific flavor; from the fact that science hasn’t yet explained that mind and the mind body connection it is concluded that science can’t explain the mind and the mind-body connection. ?) if the law changes so does who owns what. Secondly, ownership could be defined in terms of the popular or prevailing attitude, such that you would only own something if it was the consensus that you owned it. ?) ownership could be a matter of convention, such that to own something is to have ownership of it according to some rules (the conventions), which lay out in more detail what conditions, physical or otherwise, grant and transfer ownership. Вопрос id:868226 Continue the sentence: Personally I am an advocate of the idea that the universe is essentially a meaningless place, onto ?) are so many conventions, both existing and possible, that for any object we could find some convention under which I own it and another under which I don’t. ?) which we impose meaning. ?) argue that something can’t be done or can’t be explained by science requires some understanding of the things involved, and to show that this understanding rules out the proposal. ?) to possess something that you do not own, and to lack possession over something that you do own; if it were impossible there would be no such thing as theft. Вопрос id:868227 Continue the sentence: This looks very much like giving meaning to it, ?) ownership could be a matter of convention, such that to own something is to have ownership of it according to some rules (the conventions), which lay out in more detail what conditions, physical or otherwise, grant and transfer ownership. ?) if the law changes so does who owns what. Secondly, ownership could be defined in terms of the popular or prevailing attitude, such that you would only own something if it was the consensus that you owned it. ?) like taking up an attitude towards it, like interpreting it. ?) to possess something that you do not own, and to lack possession over something that you do own; if it were impossible there would be no such thing as theft. Вопрос id:868228 Continue the sentence: We create significance, ?) we constitute it – we don’t find it. However, there is a dangerous ambiguity lurking in this brief description. ?) gives many forms of dualism their anti-scientific flavor; from the fact that science hasn’t yet explained that mind and the mind body connection it is concluded that science can’t explain the mind and the mind-body connection. ?) that in some way consciousness and the mind must reduce to or be explainable in terms of the physical; in other words, that materialism is essentially correct and dualism essentially mistaken. ?) are so many conventions, both existing and possible, that for any object we could find some convention under which I own it and another under which I don’t. Вопрос id:868229 Continue the sentence: We know that we are far from perfect, and we seek ?) to find out how we are defective. ?) ownership could be a matter of convention, such that to own something is to have ownership of it according to some rules (the conventions), which lay out in more detail what conditions, physical or otherwise, grant and transfer ownership. ?) argue that something can’t be done or can’t be explained by science requires some understanding of the things involved, and to show that this understanding rules out the proposal. ?) to possess something that you do not own, and to lack possession over something that you do own; if it were impossible there would be no such thing as theft. Вопрос id:868230 Continue the sentence: Where it tells us that we are wrong is ?) if the law changes so does who owns what. Secondly, ownership could be defined in terms of the popular or prevailing attitude, such that you would only own something if it was the consensus that you owned it. ?) where we are presented with a new way of looking at things. ?) that in some way consciousness and the mind must reduce to or be explainable in terms of the physical; in other words, that materialism is essentially correct and dualism essentially mistaken. ?) are so many conventions, both existing and possible, that for any object we could find some convention under which I own it and another under which I don’t. Вопрос id:868231 Continue the sentence: It is commonly thought that being intuitive, ?) that in some way consciousness and the mind must reduce to or be explainable in terms of the physical; in other words, that materialism is essentially correct and dualism essentially mistaken. ?) dualism seems unscientific or anti-scientific; it takes one of the phenomena we find in the world and says that it is off limits to science, that science will never be able to explain it. ?) or agreeing with common sense, is a virtue in a philosophical theory. ?) in this paper are twofold: first to illustrate how I see the common arguments for dualism, and thus the common forms of dualism, as lacking; and secondly to describe a form of dualism that manages to avoid those problems. Вопрос id:868232 Define what syntactic role the underlined word plays in the sentence: Although some sculptors speak figuratively of their work already being present in the raw stone we know that this is not literally true. What art is adding is not something physical; science produces something new in this sense as well: new printed pages full of figures and theorems. ?) subject ?) predicate ?) object ?) attribute Вопрос id:868233 Define what syntactic role the underlined word plays in the sentence: An advocate of determinism can be supporting to one of two things. The first is a specific kind of physical laws, where each initial state has only a single possible successor state at any given future time. ?) object ?) predicate ?) subject ?) attribute Вопрос id:868234 Define what syntactic role the underlined word plays in the sentence: But before I can discuss that matter it is first necessary to talk a bit about what free will is. There are many definitions of free will. Some, including myself, take free will to be essentially the power of self-determination or self-causation. ?) predicate ?) attribute ?) subject ?) object Вопрос id:868235 Define what syntactic role the underlined word plays in the sentence: But neither can we assert that they lack such relationships, because that is a significant fact on its own, which is also to say that they have meaning intrinsically (the meaning of being “meaningless”). ?) attribute ?) subject ?) predicate ?) object Вопрос id:868236 Define what syntactic role the underlined word plays in the sentence: Class dismissed! But the problem isn’t so easily solved. The obvious answer simply raises more questions. Why do we want the things that we do? Should we desire them? ?) attribute ?) subject ?) predicate ?) object Вопрос id:868237 Define what syntactic role the underlined word plays in the sentence: Compatibilism in many ways is the antithesis of the determinism-indeterminism debate because it denies any significance to it. ?) attribute ?) object ?) predicate ?) subject Вопрос id:868238 Define what syntactic role the underlined word plays in the sentence: Despite my inclinations that is not the definition of free will that I will be using here. ?) object ?) attribute ?) predicate ?) subject Вопрос id:868239 Define what syntactic role the underlined word plays in the sentence: I have never been fond of dualism. I have confidence in the ability of science to explain the world, and so when I was first exposed to the mind-body problem it seemed plausible to me that science could explain consciousness. ?) subject ?) predicate ?) object ?) attribute |
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