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Список вопросов базы знаний

Английский язык. Домашнее чтение

Вопрос id:1425333
Ooth (ME); oath (NE) - по-русски означает "подарок"
?) no
?) yes
Вопрос id:1425334
Sir Thopas fell in love with a young peasant girl
?) yes
?) no
Вопрос id:1425335
Sir Thopas was born in the country of Fairye
?) yes
?) no
Вопрос id:1425336
The action of The Franklin's Tale takes place in France
?) yes
?) no
Вопрос id:1425337
The Canterbury tales is the only thing Chaucer ever wrote
?) no
?) yes
Вопрос id:1425338
The merchant held a worthy house
?) no
?) yes
Вопрос id:1425339
The merchant was quite poor
?) yes
?) no
Вопрос id:1425340
The Miller's tale is a "fabliau"
?) no
?) yes
Вопрос id:1425341
The tale of Sir Thopas is a burlesque of the metrical romances:
?) yes
?) no
Вопрос id:1425342
The tale of Sir Thopas is a tragic story of the young knight
?) yes
?) no
Вопрос id:1425343
Основная часть "Кентерберийских рассказов" написана пятистопным ямбом и парнорифмованным двустишием со свободным чередованием мужских и женских рифм
?) да
?) нет
Вопрос id:1425344
Тhinges (ME); devotions (NE) - по-русски означает "молитвы"
?) no
?) yes
Вопрос id:1425345
Aileen was tall, beautiful, liyely, gracious and learned in persiflage
?) нет
?) да
Вопрос id:1425346
Choose the correct answer. Bogle likes to chat with his customers about anything
?) yes
?) no
Вопрос id:1425347
Choose the correct answer. Delia was very talented in music
?) yes
?) no
Вопрос id:1425348
Choose the correct answer. Joe was painting in the class of the great Magister
?) no
?) yes
Вопрос id:1425349
Choose the correct answer. Seeders loved Tildy desperately
?) yes
?) no
Вопрос id:1425350
Choose the correct answer. The census-taker was much older than Samuel
?) yes
?) no
Вопрос id:1425351
Delia said she must give music lessons to keep the chafing dish bubbling
?) нет
?) да
Вопрос id:1425352
Delia was working in the big Twenty-Fourth Street Laundry
?) да
?) нет
Вопрос id:1425353
Joe and Delia met in an atelier where a number of art and music students had gathered
?) да
?) нет
Вопрос id:1425354
Joe liked the idea of Delia giving music lessons
?) нет
?) да
Вопрос id:1425355
Mr. Seeders was thin and had light hair, and he usually sat at one of Tildy's tables
?) да
?) нет
Вопрос id:1425356
O. Henry - современный американский писатель
?) да
?) нет
Вопрос id:1425357
Samuel's face was black, smooth, impenetrable; the eyes had seen too much
?) нет
?) да
Вопрос id:1425358
Tildy was dumpy, plain-faced, and too anxious to please to please
?) нет
?) да
Вопрос id:1425359
To make one*s living означает "давать средства к жизни"
?) да
?) нет
Вопрос id:1425360
When Mr. Seeders had finished his weakfish he got up, put his arm around Aileen's waist, and kissed her loudly and impudently
?) нет
?) да
Вопрос id:1425361
William Faulkner was born near Oxford, England, in 1897
?) да
?) нет
Вопрос id:1425362
As a result of his "interview" with the witches Macbeth is very angry because all the information he gets seems hopeless
?) yes
?) no
Вопрос id:1425363
At the start of the feast Macbeth tries to win popularity
?) no
?) yes
Вопрос id:1425364
Banquo fails to be present at the feast in person because he has been murdered
?) нет
?) да
Вопрос id:1425365
During the feast Macbeth has to speak with the murderer and so he leaves his guests
?) нет
?) да
Вопрос id:1425366
How now? - приветственное восклицание
?) да
?) нет
Вопрос id:1425367
Macbeth cannot take his seat at the table because all the seats are in fact occupied - "the table is full"
?) нет
?) да
Вопрос id:1425368
Macbeth is particularly disappointed that Fleance has managed to escape because that means that the witches' prophecy may still come true
?) no
?) yes
Вопрос id:1425369
Macduff is the Thane of Fife
?) да
?) нет
Вопрос id:1425370
Mirth переводится как "веселье"
?) да
?) нет
Вопрос id:1425371
None of woman born переводится как "никто, кого родила женщина"
?) нет
?) да
Вопрос id:1425372
Prithee - устаревшее поэтическое сокращение - I pray thee
?) да
?) нет
Вопрос id:1425373
Remembrancer переводится как "тот, кто помнит"
?) нет
?) да
Вопрос id:1425374
The apparitions and their prophecies may be interpreted only retrospectively when one has read the tragedy to the end
?) да
?) нет
Вопрос id:1425375
The prophecies of the first and of the second apparitions apparently contradict each other
?) yes
?) no
Вопрос id:1425376
The prophecy of the third apparition is that Macbeth will only be conquered when something impossible happens
?) no
?) yes
Вопрос id:1425377
Trammel up имеет значение "стреножить (коня)" и "опутать сетью"
?) нет
?) да
Вопрос id:1425378
Не is about it переводится как "Он делает свое дело"
?) да
?) нет
Вопрос id:1425379
Ernest Miller Hemingway was born in the end of the 18th century
?) yes
?) no
Вопрос id:1425380
Federico and Catherine were going to have a child:
?) yes
?) no
Вопрос id:1425381
Federico wished Catherine and he had gotten married
?) no
?) yes
Вопрос id:1425382
Recognition of Hemingway's position in contemporary literature came in the end of his life only
?) no
?) yes
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