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Список вопросов базы знаний

Английский язык

Вопрос id:95267
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Travel, journey, voyage
A ..... is any kind of movement by land, sea, or by air, often in foreign or remote parts.
?) voyage
?) travel
?) trip
?) journey
?) tour
Вопрос id:95268
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Travel, journey, voyage
A ..... is a short journey, voyage or tour, for either business or pleasure.
?) tour
?) voyage
?) travel
?) trip
?) journey
Вопрос id:95269
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Travel, journey, voyage
A ..... is a trip of considerable length, wholly or mainly by land.
?) travel
?) tour
?) trip
?) voyage
?) journey
Вопрос id:95270
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Travel, journey, voyage
A ..... is a long trip for pleasure and sightseeing often consisting of visits to different places.
?) journey
?) tour
?) travel
?) trip
?) voyage
Вопрос id:95271
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Travel, journey, voyage
A ..... is a travel made by water – sea or ocean.
?) journey
?) tour
?) trip
?) travel
?) voyage
Вопрос id:95272
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Travel, journey, voyage
Our ..... included England, France and Germany.
?) travel
?) tour
?) voyage
?) trip
?) journey
Вопрос id:95273
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Travel, journey, voyage
The children went on a short vacation ..... in July.
?) travel
?) journey
?) trip
?) voyage
?) tour
Вопрос id:95274
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Travel, journey, voyage
They set out on a long ..... through India and China.
?) trip
?) travel
?) tour
?) voyage
?) journey
Вопрос id:95275
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Travel, journey, voyage
The ..... across the Pacific was a stormy one.
?) travel
?) journey
?) trip
?) voyage
?) tour
Вопрос id:95276
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Travel, journey, voyage
In 1725 Bering made a ..... round Kamchatka and discovered the strait between Asia and America.
?) journey
?) voyage
?) trip
?) travel
?) tour
Вопрос id:95277
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Travel, journey, voyage
A great number of books have been written about ..... .
?) journeys
?) trips
?) voyages
?) travels
?) tours
Вопрос id:95278
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Travel, journey, voyage
It would be impossible to imagine modern life without ..... .
?) tripping
?) voyaging
?) touring
?) traveling
?) journeying
Вопрос id:95279
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Travel, journey, voyage
I’d love to go on a sea ..... , but my wife has never been a good sailor, she always feels seasick, so we can’t join you.
?) tour
?) travel
?) voyage
?) trip
?) journey
Вопрос id:95280
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Travel, journey, voyage
We made a ..... of England last summer starting from Liverpool and ending in Canterbury.
?) journey
?) voyage
?) tour
?) travel
?) trip
Вопрос id:95281
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Travel, journey, voyage
Many times during his long ..... in Eastern Africa Captain Cook faced danger and death.
?) voyage
?) tour
?) trip
?) travel
?) journey
Вопрос id:95282
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Travel, journey, voyage
The word ..... comes from the Latin word “journal” which means “day”.
?) travel
?) journey
?) voyage
?) tour
?) trip
Вопрос id:95283
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Travel, journey, voyage
Are you pleased with your ..... to the Caucasus?
?) tour
?) journey
?) travel
?) trip
?) voyage
Вопрос id:95284
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Travel, journey, voyage
..... was slow and sometimes very dangerous in old times.
?) Voyage
?) Trip
?) Journey
?) Travel
?) Tour
Вопрос id:95285
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Travel, journey, voyage
I remember my brother-in-law going for a short sea ..... once for the benefit of his health.
?) travel
?) journey
?) trip
?) voyage
?) tour
Вопрос id:95286
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Travel, journey, voyage
He who takes the wrong road must make his ..... again.
?) journey
?) travel
?) voyage
?) trip
?) tour
Вопрос id:95287
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Travel, journey, voyage
The ..... to the North Pole that was to have been for three years terminated at the end of six months.
?) journey
?) travel
?) tour
?) voyage
?) trip
Вопрос id:95288
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Travel, journey, voyage
On the weekends we used to make motoring ..... to the near-by forest.
?) journeys
?) tours
?) travels
?) trips
?) voyages
Вопрос id:95289
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Travel, journey, voyage
Though the distance was not great across the mountains, the railway ..... was very tiresome.
?) trip
?) tour
?) voyage
?) travel
?) journey
Вопрос id:95290
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Travel, journey, voyage
An early meaning of ..... was “the distance that a person can travel in one day”.
?) travel
?) journey
?) trip
?) voyage
?) tour
Вопрос id:95291
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Travel, journey, voyage
In 1912, the Titanic hit an iceberg on its first ..... across the Atlantic, and it sank four hours later.
?) voyage
?) journey
?) tour
?) trip
?) travel
Вопрос id:95292
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Travel, journey, voyage
Brighton is known to be a popular seaside resort; a lot of people come to Brighton on a day ..... .
?) travel
?) trip
?) journey
?) tour
?) voyage
Вопрос id:95293
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Travel, journey, voyage
At the beginning of the last century going to St.Petersburg from Moscow was considered to be a ..... .
?) trip
?) journey
?) travel
?) voyage
?) tour
Вопрос id:95294
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Travel, journey, voyage
Sea ..... can be very exciting, provided you are not seasick.
?) tours
?) journeys
?) trips
?) voyages
?) travels
Вопрос id:95295
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Travel, journey, voyage
You can ..... by train, by bus, by plane, by ship or in a car, and finally you can go on foot.
?) travel
?) trip
?) tour
?) voyage
?) journey
Вопрос id:95296
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Travel, journey, voyage
Unfortunately that ..... ended in a shipwreck, and Robinson Crusoe found himself on a deserted island.
?) tour
?) journey
?) trip
?) voyage
?) travel
Вопрос id:95297
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Travel, journey, voyage
Many musical groups go on ..... of various places during the summer.
?) journey
?) voyage
?) tour
?) trip
?) travel
Вопрос id:95298
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Travel, journey, voyage
It was a long and weary ..... , and when we got off the train, we gave a sigh of relief.
?) journey
?) voyage
?) travel
?) tour
?) trip
Вопрос id:95299
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Travel, journey, voyage
The young man took notes on everything he saw during his ..... to various countries.
?) tours
?) voyages
?) trips
?) travels
?) journeys
Вопрос id:95300
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Travel, journey, voyage
The acting company will ..... with their play starting next month.
?) voyage
?) tour
?) trip
?) journey
?) travel
Вопрос id:95301
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Travel, journey, voyage
..... is considered to be an important part of education.
?) tour
?) trip
?) voyage
?) journey
?) travel
Вопрос id:95302
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Travel, journey, voyage
We visited a number of wonderful towns in Italy on our ..... and then returned to Rome.
?) trip
?) journey
?) travel
?) voyage
?) tour
Вопрос id:95303
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Travel, journey, voyage
On summer weekends a lot of people take car ..... to the country.
?) journeys
?) travels
?) tours
?) trips
?) voyages
Вопрос id:95304
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Travel, journey, voyage
That year Byron took his seat in the House of Lords, but soon afterwards set out upon the Continental ..... .
?) trip
?) journey
?) tour
?) travel
?) voyage
Вопрос id:95305
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Travel, journey, voyage
Good company on a ..... is worth a coach.
?) trip
?) travel
?) voyage
?) tour
?) journey
Вопрос id:95306
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Travel, journey, voyage
George announced that he was going to sea for another ..... as soon as he was well rested.
?) tour
?) trip
?) travel
?) voyage
?) journey
Вопрос id:95307
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Travel, journey, voyage
We are going ..... New England’s towns next summer.
?) to go on a journey
?) to tour
?) to go on a trip
?) to go on a voyage
?) to travel
Вопрос id:95308
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Travel, journey, voyage
As far as I am concerned, I prefer ..... by air.
?) touring
?) going on a voyage
?) going on a journey
?) traveling
?) going on a trip
Вопрос id:95309
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Travel, journey, voyage
The first thing Felix wanted to do was to describe the ..... of the treasure-hunters.
?) travel
?) journey
?) voyage
?) trip
?) tour
Вопрос id:95310
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Travel, journey, voyage
“Happy ..... ,” my friends shouted, waving to me from the platform.
?) journey
?) voyage
?) trip
?) travel
?) tour
Вопрос id:95311
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Travel, journey, voyage
Mr. Dower has visited many countries and now he is writing a book about his ..... .
?) trips
?) tours
?) journeys
?) voyages
?) travels
Вопрос id:95312
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Travel, journey, voyage
When you plan a business ..... , it’s better to travel by air.
?) trip
?) travel
?) voyage
?) tour
?) journey
Вопрос id:95313
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Travel, journey, voyage
The writer of a successful book of ..... must take the reader with him.
?) journey
?) voyage
?) trip
?) travel
?) tour
Вопрос id:95314
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Travel, journey, voyage
One day I came back from a few days’ ..... made on foot through the island.
?) tour
?) trip
?) voyage
?) travel
?) journey
Вопрос id:95315
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Travel, journey, voyage
“Well”, said Harris, “we have had a pleasant ..... , and my hearty thanks for it to old Father Thames.”
?) travel
?) tour
?) journey
?) trip
?) voyage
Вопрос id:95316
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Little, small, tiny
Paul sitting on his ..... chair looked and talked like a little old man.
?) small
?) little
?) tiny
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