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Список вопросов базы знанийАнглийский язык
Вопрос id:95367 Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those Please remember ..... thousands of people rely on your work. ?) that ?) these ?) this ?) those Вопрос id:95368 Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those I will make sure ..... you have everything you need. ?) that ?) this ?) those ?) these Вопрос id:95369 Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those Speed of light is much higher than ..... of sound. ?) these ?) that ?) this ?) those Вопрос id:95370 Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those The problem is ..... you do not work as a team. ?) that ?) those ?) this ?) these Вопрос id:95371 Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those I saw a car in the distance. ..... was a grey minivan. ?) That ?) These ?) Those ?) This Вопрос id:95372 Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those Where's ..... cafe you told me about? ?) that ?) these ?) this ?) those Вопрос id:95373 Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those We saw an uncertain shape walking to us in the fog. ..... was our postman. ?) These ?) Those ?) This ?) That Вопрос id:95374 Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those David suggested ..... we should spend our vacation together, what do you think? ?) those ?) that ?) this ?) these Вопрос id:95375 Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those We had a very strong team last year, we won 9 matches in ..... season. ?) those ?) that ?) this ?) these Вопрос id:95376 Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those Let me introduce you to each other, ..... is Susan. ?) those ?) that ?) this ?) these Вопрос id:95377 Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those Monodactylus argenteus: ..... species is found in coastal waters around the Indian Ocean. ?) those ?) these ?) this ?) that Вопрос id:95378 Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those We are going to see a new performance in the theater. ..... is an adaptation of Samuel Richardson's novel. ?) Those ?) This ?) That ?) These Вопрос id:95379 Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those Have a look at this letter: is ..... your son’s writing? ?) those ?) these ?) this ?) that Вопрос id:95380 Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those Hey Melissa, where are you going to spend your vacation ..... year? ?) that ?) those ?) these ?) this Вопрос id:95381 Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those As long as you are live in ..... house you must do as I say! ?) this ?) that ?) those ?) these Вопрос id:95382 Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those Please get rid of the cheese, I can’t stand ..... smell. ?) those ?) this ?) that ?) these Вопрос id:95383 Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those Dear Ann, when you read ..... letter I will be already far away. ?) those ?) that ?) this ?) these Вопрос id:95384 Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those Wow, you look awesome, ..... dress really suits you. ?) these ?) that ?) those ?) this Вопрос id:95385 Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those – Where is Edward? – I did not see him since ..... morning. He looked unwell today. ?) those ?) this ?) that ?) these Вопрос id:95386 Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those Where did you spend all ..... years? ?) this ?) that ?) those ?) these Вопрос id:95387 Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those Periodic table of chemical elements divides them into several classes. Elements in ..... classes have similar properties. ?) These ?) That ?) This ?) Those Вопрос id:95388 Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those Kids are so happy to see you again, just look at ..... faces. ?) this ?) these ?) that ?) those Вопрос id:95389 Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those Look, your room is in total mess, do you even need all ..... CDs? ?) this ?) those ?) these ?) that Вопрос id:95390 Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those Please get acquainted, ..... 2 young men are your new assistants. ?) that ?) this ?) these ?) those Вопрос id:95391 Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those Our board of directors includes 7 members. ..... people control the work of a huge international corporation. ?) That ?) Those ?) This ?) These Вопрос id:95392 Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those When I was young, people loved their work. In ..... days everyone cares only about money. ?) this ?) that ?) these ?) those Вопрос id:95393 Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those I need several old issues of the Times for my dissertation but unfortunately ..... are hard to find. ?) This ?) These ?) Those ?) That Вопрос id:95394 Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those Drugs, crime, traffic, pollution – ..... problems are relevant for any city. ?) these ?) those ?) that ?) this Вопрос id:95395 Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those Modern car must be fast and safe. Our engineers have tried to meet both ..... requirements. ?) that ?) these ?) those ?) this Вопрос id:95396 Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those My grandfather still remembers his youth and everything that happened in ..... times. ?) that ?) those ?) this ?) these Вопрос id:95397 Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those I’ve been in Alaska but it was to hard to work under ..... weather conditions. ?) this ?) those ?) these ?) that Вопрос id:95398 Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those Police is working to find out what has made the clerk to murder his colleague and what he was thinking in ..... moments. ?) these ?) this ?) that ?) those Вопрос id:95399 Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those I liked Istanbul, I still remember ..... narrow streets where I got lost one time. ?) that ?) this ?) those ?) these Вопрос id:95400 Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those This big panda is called Meimei and ..... two behind are Tai Shan and Lili. ?) these ?) this ?) that ?) those Вопрос id:95401 Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those I think I buy ..... shoes I tried on before, these ones are too bright. ?) those ?) this ?) that ?) these Вопрос id:95402 Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those Who were ..... two women who left your house in the morning? ?) this ?) these ?) those ?) that Вопрос id:95403 Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those I remember how I crashed my husband’s car last year. We were close to a divorce in ..... days. ?) this ?) that ?) those ?) these Вопрос id:95404 Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those ..... problems we had 4 years ago are nothing in comparison with this crisis. ?) that ?) these ?) this ?) those Вопрос id:95405 Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those The only things that interested me back then were ..... connected with fun and alcohol. ?) these ?) that ?) those ?) this Вопрос id:95406 Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those What shall I do, this hat is too expensive and ..... one too big. ?) those ?) these ?) this ?) that Вопрос id:95407 Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those ..... narrow windows helped to defend the castle. ?) Those ?) That ?) These ?) This Вопрос id:95408 Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those I have teddy-bears from all over the world. ..... one in my hands is from Australia. ?) Those ?) These ?) This ?) That Вопрос id:95409 Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those The First Amendment was signed in 1791. ..... law guarantees civic rights for all American citizens. ?) These ?) That ?) Those ?) This Вопрос id:95410 Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those I think ..... I got ill. ?) these ?) this ?) that ?) those Вопрос id:95411 Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those ..... year's Oktoberfest starts on the 18th of September. ?) this ?) those ?) that ?) these Вопрос id:95412 Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those ..... month we're starting a new project which will increase our income by 30%. ?) this ?) these ?) those ?) that Вопрос id:95413 Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those Avoid watering your cactus too much, ..... may kill it. ?) this ?) those ?) these ?) that Вопрос id:95414 Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those Didn’t I tell you ..... playing on the street is dangerous? ?) these ?) that ?) this ?) those Вопрос id:95415 Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those ..... building on the opposite side of the street looks strangely familiar to me. ?) These ?) That ?) This ?) Those Вопрос id:95416 Тема/шкала: low-intermediate,Take, bring, carry At the hotel you can either ..... a single room or a double one. ?) take ?) carry ?) bring |
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