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Список вопросов базы знаний

Английский язык

Вопрос id:97267
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Note, notice, take notice, pay attention
I didn’t ..... how she was dressed.
?) notice
?) take notice
?) note
?) pay attention
Вопрос id:97268
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Note, notice, take notice, pay attention
The strange expression that he had ..... in the face of the portrait seemed to liger there.
?) taken notice
?) paid attention
?) noted
?) noticed
Вопрос id:97269
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Note, notice, take notice, pay attention
She ..... a worried expression on his face and wondered if anything had gone wrong.
?) noted
?) took notice
?) noticed
?) paid attention
Вопрос id:97270
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Note, notice, take notice, pay attention
Sam was trying to impress me, but I ..... .
?) took no notice
?) didn’t pay any attention
?) didn’t notice
?) didn’t note
Вопрос id:97271
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Note, notice, take notice, pay attention
As you may have ....., we base our rules and definitions on examples.
?) paid attention
?) noticed
?) took notice
?) noted
Вопрос id:97272
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Note, notice, take notice, pay attention
She paused for breath and ..... how Martin was receiving it.
?) to notice
?) to note
?) to pay attention
?) to take notice
Вопрос id:97273
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Note, notice, take notice, pay attention
He was exceptionally rude that day, but she decided ..... .
?) not to note
?) not to pay attention
?) not to notice
?) not to take any notice
Вопрос id:97274
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Note, notice, take notice, pay attention
Please ..... that late-comers will not be admitted to the auditorium until the interval.
?) pay attention
?) note
?) notice
?) take notice
Вопрос id:97275
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Note, notice, take notice, pay attention
The parents were engaged in a lively conversation and ..... the child leave the room.
?) didn’t take notice
?) didn’t pay attention
?) didn’t notice
?) didn’t note
Вопрос id:97276
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Note, notice, take notice, pay attention
Greater attention should be ..... preventive medicine.
?) paid to
?) noted
?) taken notice
?) noticed
Вопрос id:97277
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Note, notice, take notice, pay attention
She ..... a trickle of blood coming from the base of the man’s scull down his neck.
?) paid attention
?) noticed
?) noted
?) took notice
Вопрос id:97278
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Note, notice, take notice, pay attention
You might look daggers at him for an hour and he ..... and it would not trouble him at all.
?) wouldn’t take any notice
?) wouldn’t pay attention
?) wouldn’t note
?) wouldn’t notice
Вопрос id:97279
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Note, notice, take notice, pay attention
Nobody ..... his absence at the meeting.
?) took notice
?) paid attention
?) noticed
?) noted
Вопрос id:97280
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Note, notice, take notice, pay attention
Look at me and ..... how I am doing it.
?) pay attention
?) notice
?) take notice
?) note
Вопрос id:97281
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Note, notice, take notice, pay attention
..... what they are saying about you.
?) Don’t note
?) Don’t pay attention
?) Don’t notice
?) Take no notice
Вопрос id:97282
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Note, notice, take notice, pay attention
Did you ..... that his hands were shaking?
?) take notice
?) notice
?) pay attention
?) note
Вопрос id:97283
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Note, notice, take notice, pay attention
He was too proud ..... me.
?) to notice
?) to note
?) to take notice
?) to pay attention
Вопрос id:97284
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Note, notice, take notice, pay attention
Please ..... the difference between these words.
?) note
?) take notice
?) notice
?) pay attention
Вопрос id:97285
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Note, notice, take notice, pay attention
Please ..... my new phone number.
?) notice
?) take notice
?) note
?) pay attention
Вопрос id:97286
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Note, notice, take notice, pay attention
I ..... that he wasn’t wearing any socks.
?) paid attention
?) noted
?) took notice
?) noticed
Вопрос id:97287
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Note, notice, take notice, pay attention
Did you ..... where I had put my umbrella?
?) notice
?) pay attention
?) take notice
?) note
Вопрос id:97288
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Note, notice, take notice, pay attention
The mother began to scold the boy, but he ..... .
?) didn’t note
?) didn’t pay any attention
?) didn’t notice
?) didn’t take any notice
Вопрос id:97289
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Note, notice, take notice, pay attention
The teacher wanted the students ..... the spelling rules.
?) to notice
?) to pay attention to
?) to take notice
?) to note
Вопрос id:97290
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Note, notice, take notice, pay attention
Why don’t you ever ..... what I am telling you?
?) take any notice of
?) pay any attention to
?) notice
?) note
Вопрос id:97291
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Note, notice, take notice, pay attention
She ..... that his hand was covered with fresh abrasions.
?) paid attention
?) noted
?) noticed
?) took notice
Вопрос id:97292
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Note, notice, take notice, pay attention
I ..... a great difference between the new way of writing and the old one.
?) paid attention
?) noted
?) took notice
?) noticed
Вопрос id:97293
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Note, notice, take notice, pay attention
Did you ..... his excellent manners?
?) pay attention
?) note
?) take notice
?) notice
Вопрос id:97294
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Note, notice, take notice, pay attention
When he entered the room, he found the window wide open and ..... at once that the bust was gone.
?) noted
?) paid attention
?) noticed
?) took notice
Вопрос id:97295
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Note, notice, take notice, pay attention
She was busy writing down sums on the board and didn’t immediately ..... me.
?) notice
?) note
?) pay attention
?) take notice
Вопрос id:97296
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Note, notice, take notice, pay attention
He is the best dressed whose dress no one ..... .
?) notices
?) takes notice
?) notes
?) pays attention
Вопрос id:97297
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Note, notice, take notice, pay attention
We ..... a woman enter the house through the back door.
?) noticed
?) took notice
?) paid attention
?) noted
Вопрос id:97298
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Note, notice, take notice, pay attention
I ..... a cat carry a dead bird in its mouth.
?) noted
?) took notice
?) paid attention
?) noticed
Вопрос id:97299
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Note, notice, take notice, pay attention
Lucy ..... the child pick up something from the floor.
?) noticed
?) paid attention
?) noted
?) took notice
Вопрос id:97300
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Note, notice, take notice, pay attention
Stop fidgeting and ..... the exercise you are writing.
?) notice
?) take notice
?) pay attention to
?) note
Вопрос id:97301
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Modal Verbs
..… you speak any foreign language?
?) can
?) will
?) might
?) may
Вопрос id:97302
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Modal Verbs
Lisa ..… get bored in her job. Her job is so boring.
?) must
?) should
?) can’t
?) would
Вопрос id:97303
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Modal Verbs
Jack ..… go to hospital yesterday.
?) had to
?) must
?) should
?) has to
Вопрос id:97304
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Modal Verbs
We’ve got plenty of time. We ..… to hurry.
?) couldn’t
?) shouldn’t
?) don’t need
?) mustn’t
Вопрос id:97305
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Modal Verbs
You look tired. You ….. go to bed.
?) should
?) must
?) would
?) could
Вопрос id:97306
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Modal Verbs
..… you wait a moment, please?
?) can
?) should
?) need
?) must
Вопрос id:97307
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Modal Verbs
The situation was bad but it ….. worse.
?) could have been
?) would have been
?) should be
?) could
Вопрос id:97308
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Modal Verbs
You’ve been reading all day. You ….. be tired.
?) must
?) could
?) should
?) can
Вопрос id:97309
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Modal Verbs
It’s a secret. You ….. tell anyone.
?) needn’t
?) wouldn’t
?) mustn’t
?) shouldn’t
Вопрос id:97310
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Modal Verbs
I recommend you to apologize. You ..… apologize.
?) would
?) should
?) shall
?) must
Вопрос id:97311
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Modal Verbs
I was surprised that she ..… say such rude words.
?) must
?) would
?) should
?) will
Вопрос id:97312
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Modal Verbs
..… you like a cup of coffee?
?) would
?) should
?) will
?) could
Вопрос id:97313
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Modal Verbs
My grandfather ..… speak six languages many years ago.
?) could
?) need
?) shall
?) should
Вопрос id:97314
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Modal Verbs
What shall we do this evening? We ..… go out.
?) would
?) should
?) could
?) ought to
Вопрос id:97315
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Modal Verbs
I ….. to work tomorrow.
?) could
?) have
?) must
?) should
Вопрос id:97316
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Modal Verbs
I am so angry with them. I ..… kill them!
?) must
?) should
?) can
?) could
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