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Английский язык. Практикум по педагогической психологии

Вопрос id:628790
Such speech defect as stutter may be because of …
?) the only reason - jealousy of a younger sibling
?) hereditary pathology
?) the only reason - the child needs more toys, plays
?) hereditary pathology or a form of the child's neurotic reaction to a psycho - traumatic situation
Вопрос id:628791
Temper Tantrum means …
?) истерика
?) оскорбление
?) драка
?) ссора
Вопрос id:628792
The child will learn to speak more easily if adult's voice is …
?) even, quiet and tender, if the words are pronounced slowly and accurately enough
?) rough and loud
?) loud and the words are pronounced quickly and unclearly
?) sepulchral, loud, and the words are pronounced quickly and unclearly
Вопрос id:628793
The children's speech develops according to the principle of …
?) imitation
?) logic
?) unanimity
?) reaction
Вопрос id:628794
The choice of the parameters and type of diagnostogram depends on …
?) the areas of education and psychological practice
?) the area of activity and concrete task for which the solution of the psycodiagnosis is being conducted
?) the area of medical psychiatric psychodiagnostics
?) the development of clinical methods
Вопрос id:628795
The first part of coding is working with geometrical figures for children …
?) older than 8 years
?) 5 years old and younger
?) 10 years old and older
?) 8 years old and younger
Вопрос id:628796
The goal of Rene Gille's "Interpersonal Relations of the Child" is to study …
?) the child's fitness for tests meant for an adults
?) the strained relations between the parents and their child
?) the child's social fitness and his interrelations with his surroundings
?) the child's readiness for the most difficult tests and tasks
Вопрос id:628797
The Intelligence Quotient was received by …
?) dividing the chronological age by the mental age and multiplying it by 10
?) adding the mental and the chronological age together and multiplying it by 200
?) dividing the mental age by the chronological age and multiplying it by 100
?) subtracting the mental age from the chronological age and multiplying it by 50
Вопрос id:628798
The interrelations of the various parameters in a structured diagnosis are shown in …
?) diagrammatic view
?) diagnostic signs
?) diagnostograms
?) clinical methods
Вопрос id:628799
The IQ cofficient was proposed by …
?) W. Wundt
?) F. Galton
?) V. Stern
?) L.M. Thurman
Вопрос id:628800
The less show the child the possibility to feel safe …
?) the less he suffers from your emotional coldness, the more he is sure of himself and his future, the lower his aggressiveness
?) the less he suffers from your emotional coldness, the more he is sure of himself, the lower his aggressiveness
?) the more suffers from your emotional coldness, the less he is sure of himself and his future, the higher his aggressiveness
?) the less he suffers from your emotional coldness, the lower his aggressiveness
Вопрос id:628801
The main difficulty in psychological diagnostics is that …
?) there are no strict single ties between signs and categories
?) the scientists cannot distinguish signs from categories
?) signs and categories don't differ from each other
?) there is strict single tie between signs and categories
Вопрос id:628802
The methodological conception of behaviorism is based on the fact that …
?) the individual's behavior cannot be transformed
?) there is a slight difference between ill and bad behavior
?) there are identical causal relations between the organism and the environment
?) the individual's ill behavior must be transformed into good behavior
Вопрос id:628803
The modern understanding of "psychodiagnostics" is … connected to the concept of psychological testing
?) seldom
?) tightly
?) slightly
?) hardly
Вопрос id:628804
The new variant of Binet's Scale contained so many critical changes in it in comparison to the original that it was called the …
?) New Stanford Scale
?) new version of the old Binet's Scale
?) Scale of American University
?) Stanford-Binet Scale
Вопрос id:628805
The news variant of Binet's Scale was introduced in …
?) 1916
?) 1930
?) 1926
?) 1910
Вопрос id:628806
The purpose of Rene Gille's method is …
?) to uncover the suitability of behavior in various life situations which are important to the child and touches on his relation with other people
?) to reveal the child's hidden abilities
?) to examine the relationship between the children within the same age group
?) to study relations between the children of different ages
Вопрос id:628807
The second part of coding is working with …
?) geometrical figures and numbers for children older than 12 years
?) numbers for children younger than 8 years old
?) symbols and numbers for children older than 8 years
?) geometrical figures and numbers for children older than 10 years
Вопрос id:628808
The social-cultural type of norms is used for …
?) describing the individual's motivational characteristics
?) measuring one's desires by one's means
?) evaluating abilities and capabilities
?) evaluating stylistic characteristics
Вопрос id:628809
The Stanford-Binet Scale consists of …
?) the same tasks for different age categories
?) tasks of various difficulty grouped according to age categories
?) individual tasks for every child
?) tasks that children under 10 years old cannot solve
Вопрос id:628810
The Stanford-Binet Scale is used for children … years old
?) under 6
?) from 2.5 to 18
?) from 6 to 16
?) from 7 to 19
Вопрос id:628811
The statistical type of norms is more often used …
?) to emphasize the individual's skills, empirical knowledge and methods
?) te evaluate the full significance of individual's skills and traits
?) to evaluate the full significance of individual's knowledge
?) to measure the evaluation of stylistic and motivational characteristics
Вопрос id:628812
The structuring of a psychological diagnosis is understood through …
?) the development of clinical methods and psychological testing
?) the implementation of various parameters of an individual's psychological condition in a definite system
?) diagnostic categories
?) distinguished conceptions and different diagnostic categories
Вопрос id:628813
The tasks in Binet's Scale were grouped according to age …
?) from 2 to 19
?) from 2 to 18
?) from 3 to 13
?) from 6 to 9
Вопрос id:628814
The term "diagnostics" is created from the …
?) Greek
?) Arabic
?) Romanish
?) Roman
Вопрос id:628815
The term "diagnostics" means …
?) dia - inexorable logic, and gnosis - in faciae curiae
?) dia - infamous behavior, and gnosis - infelicitous occasion
?) dia - passing through, completely, and gnosis - seeking to know
?) dia - infantile, and gnosis - inevitable conflict
Вопрос id:628816
The term intellectual test became widely known after …
?) Cattell's article "Intellectual Tests and Measurements" published in "Mind" magazine
?) Binet's article "Intellectual Test" published in "Intellect" magazine
?) Wundt's article "Intellectual Tests, knowledge and actions" published in "Psychology" weekly
?) Galton's article "Intellectual Tests" published in "Psycology" magazine
Вопрос id:628817
The verb "stutter" means …
?) шептать
?) заикаться
?) лепетать
?) шепелявить
Вопрос id:628818
The word "aggression" is created from …
?) Latin meaning "attack"
?) Greek meaning "fight"
?) Greek meaning "quarrel"
?) Greek meaning "scandal"
Вопрос id:628819
The word "stubbornness" means …
?) упрямство
?) грубость
?) невнимательность
?) рассеянность
Вопрос id:628820
There were two major introductions to Binet's original: …
?) the clinical methods and social-cultural norms
?) the variable using the Intelligence Quotient and statistical testing norms
?) the statistical norms and social-cultural norms
?) the intellectual and standardizing tests
Вопрос id:628821
To make the child name the item he wants to expand his vocabulary instead of just pointing his finger at an object and saying "Give" you should …
?) accurately repeat the word several times so that it will be easier for the child to repeat it and remember it
?) be firm and insist on the child repeating the word without your help
?) pretend that you don't understand what the child wants
?) tell the child he is big enough to pronounce the word without anybody's help
Вопрос id:628822
Various tests in psychodiagnostics are used to …
?) cover the individual's different symptoms, reason and observations
?) cover the individual's different symptoms, tied with the hidden factor being tested
?) uncover the individual's different symptoms tied with the hidden factor being tested
?) distinguish hidden individual's symptoms
Вопрос id:628823
When we speak of psychodiagnostics, we mean …
?) sensitive nerves and blunt sensibility
?) the personal touch of self - denying ordinance
?) the particular type of objects in diagnostic understanding - the psyche of a certain group of people
?) the study of the self
Вопрос id:628824
When we talk about "norms" we mean …
?) what is accepted in a group of people
?) what is accepted in an ideal society
?) what is desirable in a society but does not exist
?) what is accepted and not accepted in a society, group of people
Вопрос id:628825
Wilhelm Wundt …
?) was born in 1832 and died in 1920
?) was born in 1810 and died in 1860
?) was born in 1870 and died in 1832
?) was born in 1800 and died in 1850
Вопрос id:628826
Within the pedagogical sphere the cycle of "influence-measured result" …
?) occurs quickly and takes some days of investigation
?) takes a couple of hours of investigation
?) occurs every day
?) cannot occur daily and takes months if not years of investigation
Вопрос id:628827
You should remember what is elementary to adults a child …
?) feels by nature and can understand without explanations
?) cannot understand without explanations
?) must understand without explanations
?) knows by nature
Вопрос id:628828
… founded the first laboratory for experimental psychology in Germany
?) J.M. Cattell
?) Binet
?) Wilhelm Wundt
?) Francis Galton
Вопрос id:628829
… is considered to be the beginning of experimental psychology
?) 1842
?) 1878
?) 1815
?) 1829
Вопрос id:628830
… psychodiagnostics has developed with different system of priorities
?) In different African countries
?) In Asiatic countries
?) In different psychological schools and different countries
?) In south American countries
Вопрос id:628831
… requested A. Binet to work out a method of identifying children capable of learning but lazy and not wanting to learn from those suffering from birth defects and not able to learn in ordinary schools.
?) In 1876, France's Ministry of Health
?) In 1855, Germany's Ministry of Health
?) In 1904, France's Ministry of Education
?) In 1850, British Prime Minister
Вопрос id:628832
А. В. Луначарский подчеркивал, что человек научается всесторонне понимать красоту лишь тогда, когда ...
?) овладевает всеми без исключения ценностями культурного наследия человечества
?) целиком и полностью освобождается от сковывающих его душу уз материального угнетения
?) сам принимает участие в ее создании в искусстве, труде, общественной жизни
?) она проникнута духом социальной справедливости
Вопрос id:628833
А. С. Макаренко в своей педагогической работе ... эстетизации быта.
?) не имел возможности уделять внимание
?) не считал нужным уделять внимание
?) не уделял особого внимания
?) уделял огромное внимание
Вопрос id:628834
Авторы программы «Театр-Творчество-Дети» в работе с детьми ...
?) добиваются того, чтобы дети предельно точно произносили реплики
?) не заучивают текст роли
?) особое внимание придают выстраиванию мизансцен
?) тщательно отрабатывают позы, жесты, движения
Вопрос id:628835
Аристотель отмечал, «что рисование изучают потому, что оно ...»
?) развивает глаз при определении физической красоты
?) развивает чувство внешней соразмерности и внутреннего ритма
?) развивает глазомер, необходимый для всех видов искусств
?) с самого раннего возраста развивает духовные и физические силы ребенка
Вопрос id:628836
Большинство детей третьего года жизни ...
?) могут чисто спеть всю песню без музыкального сопровождения
?) уже могут точно спеть мелодию
?) еще не проявляют интереса к песне
?) поют мелодию неточно
Вопрос id:628837
Буковые дощечки для учебных работ будущих художников были в X-XII заменены ...
?) бумагой
?) глиняными дощечками
?) берестой
?) холстом
Вопрос id:628838
В 1711 году при Петербургской типографии Петр I организует светскую школу ...
?) обучения началам деловой переписки
?) рисования
?) обучения грамоте
?) бальных танцев
Вопрос id:628839
В античном мире театр ...
?) был проникнут духом католической религии
?) только начинал зарождаться
?) имел дело с большой аудиторией
?) имел место с небольшой аудиторией
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