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Английский язык Практическая грамматика (курс 1)

Вопрос id:1746162

Верны ли предложения? (Обратите внимание на пунктуацию)

A) The Cornfords live in Rugby - at 35 Daisy Street.

B) John Cornford is - a rich businessman of about fifty.

?) А - нет, В - да
?) А - да, В - да
?) А - да, В - нет
?) А - нет, В - нет
Вопрос id:1746163
Выберите правильный вариант ответа: Grand weddings are popular on Grande Comore even though economic development ___ republic has been held back by coups d'etat, assassinations and military rule.
?) on the three-islands
?) in the three-islands
?) in the three-island
?) on the three-island
Вопрос id:1746164
Выберите правильный вариант ответа: Pelicans are sexually mature when they are two to four years old. ___ many birds, a male pelican makes no fuss of mating. He may do some head movements, inscribing a figure eight in the air to attract a female's attention.
?) Despite
?) Like
?) Unlike
?) As if
Вопрос id:1746165
Выберите правильный вариант ответа: The bedroom is a place where kids can reflect on what happened during the day, ___ they can sit down and read a book.
?) here
?) as
?) where
?) that
Вопрос id:1746166
Выберите правильный вариант ответа: ___ this was not possible, the case was dismissed
?) In
?) Since
?) During
?) For
Вопрос id:1746167
Выберите правильный вариант ответа: ___ the leader lifts its wings, each bird behind it also lifts, almost in unison.
?) As
?) While
?) Like
?) So
Вопрос id:1746168
Дополните предложение: A common variant of the nuclear
?) pathogen the next time it is encountered.
?) and somewhat difficult to define.
?) family is the one-parent family.
?) received a bone marrow transplant from her younger sister.
Вопрос id:1746169
Дополните предложение: A family is a group of persons united by the ties of marriage, blood, or adoption, constituting a single household and interacting with
?) lost her fight to receive the treatment for cancer that she needs.
?) each other in their respective social positions of husband and wife, mother and father, son and daughter, brother and sister.
?) transplant had already failed, there was little chance of a cure.
?) was given chemotherapy and the treatment, seemed to be successful.
Вопрос id:1746170
Дополните предложение: A much more common form of family
?) transplant had already failed, there was little chance of a cure.
?) received a bone marrow transplant from her younger sister.
?) would cost £75,000.
?) organization, one that is typical in parts of India, is the joint family.
Вопрос id:1746171
Дополните предложение: A young man might visit his intended bride in her parental home and bring gifts, discuss
?) common interests, and perhaps go for walks.
?) would cost £75,000.
?) lost her fight to receive the treatment for cancer that she needs.
?) transplant had already failed, there was little chance of a cure.
Вопрос id:1746172
Дополните предложение: About 10,000 years ago in the Neolithic Period, man achieved relatively fixed settlement, but for perhaps 5,000 years such living was confined to the semipermanent peasant village–semipermanent
?) if his behaviour is like that of a majority of his fellows.
?) because, when the soil had been exhausted by the relatively primitive methods of cultivation, the entire village was usually compelled to pick up and move to another location.
?) the conception of good health must involve some allowance for change in the environment.
?) was given chemotherapy and the treatment, seemed to be successful.
Вопрос id:1746173
Дополните предложение: As a household unit, the extended family is most common where ties between kinsmen
?) and somewhat difficult to define.
?) are important for economic reasons.
?) her father took her and her sister on holiday to Disneyland.
?) if his behaviour is like that of a majority of his fellows.
Вопрос id:1746174
Дополните предложение: As a type of community, the city may be regarded as a relatively permanent concentration of population, together withits diverse habitations, social arrangements, and supporting activities, occupying a
?) pathogen the next time it is encountered.
?) more or less discrete site, and having a cultural importance that differentiates it from other types of human settlement and association.
?) adopted at the University of Cambridge, has become widely popular.
?) her father took her and her sister on holiday to Disneyland.
Вопрос id:1746175
Дополните предложение: As human settlements increased in size, by reason of the technological advances in irrigation and cultivation,
?) was given chemotherapy and the treatment, seemed to be successful.
?) the latter practice generally being followed also by business organizations.
?) her father took her and her sister on holiday to Disneyland.
?) the need for improving the circulation of goods and people became ever more acute.
Вопрос id:1746176
Дополните предложение: As with marital roles, there seems to be a trend toward the reduction of differences in
?) parental roles among social classes.
?) caused considerable debate over priorities in the health service.
?) the latter practice generally being followed also by business organizations.
?) received a bone marrow transplant from her younger sister.
Вопрос id:1746177
Дополните предложение: At the same time, other young people in
?) these countries often seek employment and independence in urban areas.
?) pathogen the next time it is encountered.
?) and somewhat difficult to define.
?) caused considerable debate over priorities in the health service.
Вопрос id:1746178
Дополните предложение: By 3500 BC urban populations were distinguished by literacy, technological progress (notably in metals), social
?) controls, political organization, and emotional focus (formalized in religious-legal codes and symbolized in temples and walls).
?) would cost £75,000.
?) pathogen the next time it is encountered.
?) her father took her and her sister on holiday to Disneyland.
Вопрос id:1746179
Дополните предложение: Certainly there is no reason to exclude the entire Third World and equate
?) just one of many that are possible, has its drawbacks.
?) lost her fight to receive the treatment for cancer that she needs.
?) the latter practice generally being followed also by business organizations.
?) modern only with Western society.
Вопрос id:1746180
Дополните предложение: Childbirth, of course, is a biologic fact, but
?) and somewhat difficult to define.
?) transplant had already failed, there was little chance of a cure.
?) if his behaviour is like that of a majority of his fellows.
?) it is equally a social phenomenon.
Вопрос id:1746181
Дополните предложение: City government is almost everywhere the creation
?) her father took her and her sister on holiday to Disneyland.
?) of higher political authority, state or national.
?) the conception of good health must involve some allowance for change in the environment.
?) if his behaviour is like that of a majority of his fellows.
Вопрос id:1746182
Дополните предложение: City is a relatively permanent and highly organized centre of population, of greater size or
?) her father took her and her sister on holiday to Disneyland.
?) pathogen the next time it is encountered.
?) importance than a town or village.
?) from leukaemia since she was only six years old.
Вопрос id:1746183
Дополните предложение: During the 2nd millennium the Indus civilization was engulfed by an onslaught of Aryan nomads, while other peoples,
?) the conception of good health must involve some allowance for change in the environment.
?) if his behaviour is like that of a majority of his fellows.
?) was given chemotherapy and the treatment, seemed to be successful.
?) using horses and chariots, penetrated the urban heartland from Mesopotamia to Egypt.
Вопрос id:1746184
Дополните предложение: Even before marriage, they begin to assert their independence, which, arguably, was instilled in them by
?) to include substantial parts of the metropolitan county of Greater London, which was formed in 1965.
?) caused considerable debate over priorities in the health service.
?) their parents themselves in the socialization process.
?) transplant had already failed, there was little chance of a cure.
Вопрос id:1746185
Дополните предложение: Even so, cultural, subcultural, religious, and class differences create a variety of forms within the modern family,
?) transplant had already failed, there was little chance of a cure.
?) the conception of good health must involve some allowance for change in the environment.
?) of winter and the heralding of the rebirth of spring and summer.
?) and this variety cannot be overestimated.
Вопрос id:1746186
Дополните предложение: Eventually the same-sex groups come into contact with similar groups of the opposite sex at social occasions. In some societies young people go out with mixed-sex groups before they begin dating, but in other
?) pathogen the next time it is encountered.
?) transplant had already failed, there was little chance of a cure.
?) countries the practice of dating emerges from the same-sex group phase, as individual young people meet and pair off.
?) and somewhat difficult to define.
Вопрос id:1746187
Дополните предложение: Except for the ancient City of London (an area of about 677 acres in central London under the jurisdiction of the lord mayor),
?) the latter practice generally being followed also by business organizations.
?) was given chemotherapy and the treatment, seemed to be successful.
?) just one of many that are possible, has its drawbacks.
?) the title has no significance in local government in the United Kingdom.
Вопрос id:1746188
Дополните предложение: For example, people usually marry within their social class and often to those
?) the conception of good health must involve some allowance for change in the environment.
?) of the same ethnic group or religion.
?) transplant had already failed, there was little chance of a cure.
?) of winter and the heralding of the rebirth of spring and summer.
Вопрос id:1746189
Дополните предложение: For instance, before she will consent to marry him, a woman may want her intended husband
?) the latter practice generally being followed also by business organizations.
?) if his behaviour is like that of a majority of his fellows.
?) to show that he is capable of supporting her.
?) transplant had already failed, there was little chance of a cure.
Вопрос id:1746190
Дополните предложение: For most people, children are the key to
?) then the cancer returned in a much more serious form.
?) a happy family life.
?) the latter practice generally being followed also by business organizations.
?) the conception of good health must involve some allowance for change in the environment.
Вопрос id:1746191
Дополните предложение: For the purposes of the following discussion, the “modern family” may be taken generally
?) to include substantial parts of the metropolitan county of Greater London, which was formed in 1965.
?) to refer to family organization as it has existed since the early 20th century.
?) the latter practice generally being followed also by business organizations.
?) then the cancer returned in a much more serious form.
Вопрос id:1746192
Дополните предложение: Frequently the family is not differentiated from the marriage pair, but the essence of the family group is the parent-childrelationship,
?) if his behaviour is like that of a majority of his fellows.
?) lost her fight to receive the treatment for cancer that she needs.
?) would cost £75,000.
?) which may be absent from many marriage pairs.
Вопрос id:1746193
Дополните предложение: However, the extent to which it is
?) the latter practice generally being followed also by business organizations.
?) and somewhat difficult to define.
?) received a bone marrow transplant from her younger sister.
?) as successful as the traditional nuclear family is a matter of conjecture.
Вопрос id:1746194
Дополните предложение: If one person is designated as the family leader and another (normally his eldest son) as his successor,
?) this is often described as a stem family.
?) received a bone marrow transplant from her younger sister.
?) transplant had already failed, there was little chance of a cure.
?) if his behaviour is like that of a majority of his fellows.
Вопрос id:1746195
Дополните предложение: If the couple gets along welltogether, the phase sometimes
?) defined as courtship may begin.
?) as London exploded in size, becoming the prototype of the modern metropolis.
?) the latter practice generally being followed also by business organizations.
?) then the cancer returned in a much more serious form.
Вопрос id:1746196
Дополните предложение: In a narrower sense, sociologists usually think of the extended family as being larger and maintaining less control
?) over its members than does the joint family.
?) and somewhat difficult to define.
?) her father took her and her sister on holiday to Disneyland.
?) received a bone marrow transplant from her younger sister.
Вопрос id:1746197
Дополните предложение: In agricultural societies the nuclear family is often the primary unit of production, sharing tasks and taking collective
?) responsibility for the income that sustains them.
?) the latter practice generally being followed also by business organizations.
?) transplant had already failed, there was little chance of a cure.
?) the conception of good health must involve some allowance for change in the environment.
Вопрос id:1746198
Дополните предложение: In all societies, past and present, parents
?) transplant had already failed, there was little chance of a cure.
?) the conception of good health must involve some allowance for change in the environment.
?) have played a major part in caring for children.
?) and somewhat difficult to define.
Вопрос id:1746199
Дополните предложение: In both agricultural and other types of communities, the nuclear family is
?) caused considerable debate over priorities in the health service.
?) almost always the primary unit of economic consumption.
?) to include substantial parts of the metropolitan county of Greater London, which was formed in 1965.
?) if his behaviour is like that of a majority of his fellows.
Вопрос id:1746200
Дополните предложение: In India the joint family may have property held in common by male members of the small, coresident patrilineal kin
?) group, though joint families in other parts of the world (traditionally in China and in parts of Africa) do not necessarily have such collective rights.
?) if his behaviour is like that of a majority of his fellows.
?) from leukaemia since she was only six years old.
?) pathogen the next time it is encountered.
Вопрос id:1746201
Дополните предложение: In its institutional aspects the family is also frequently confused with the institution of marriage, the complex of
?) customs regulating the sexual relations between the cohabiting pair of adults within the family group.
?) of winter and the heralding of the rebirth of spring and summer.
?) transplant had already failed, there was little chance of a cure.
?) lost her fight to receive the treatment for cancer that she needs.
Вопрос id:1746202
Дополните предложение: In its strictest sense courtship usually refers to an activity,
?) if his behaviour is like that of a majority of his fellows.
?) to include substantial parts of the metropolitan county of Greater London, which was formed in 1965.
?) transplant had already failed, there was little chance of a cure.
?) such as dating, with intent to marry.
Вопрос id:1746203
Дополните предложение: In legal terms, in the United States, for example, a city is an urban area incorporated by special or
?) general act of a state legislature.
?) was given chemotherapy and the treatment, seemed to be successful.
?) of winter and the heralding of the rebirth of spring and summer.
?) and somewhat difficult to define.
Вопрос id:1746204
Дополните предложение: In many countries this type of
?) transplant had already failed, there was little chance of a cure.
?) arrangement is more socially acceptable than formerly.
?) the conception of good health must involve some allowance for change in the environment.
?) the latter practice generally being followed also by business organizations.
Вопрос id:1746205
Дополните предложение: In many modern societies the nuclear family
?) received a bone marrow transplant from her younger sister.
?) transplant had already failed, there was little chance of a cure.
?) Is identical to the typical household unit.
?) if his behaviour is like that of a majority of his fellows.
Вопрос id:1746206
Дополните предложение: In many societies the custom is for young people in the early stages of adolescence to spend time in same-sex groups. Boys may
?) if his behaviour is like that of a majority of his fellows.
?) attend sporting events, and girls, overnight parties.
?) just one of many that are possible, has its drawbacks.
?) the latter practice generally being followed also by business organizations.
Вопрос id:1746207
Дополните предложение: In many societies, grandparents are indulgent toward their grandchildren, while the parents themselves may
?) her local health authority has refused to pay for it.
?) be required by convention, and some would say by necessity, to be stricter.
?) of winter and the heralding of the rebirth of spring and summer.
?) if his behaviour is like that of a majority of his fellows.
Вопрос id:1746208
Дополните предложение: In many traditional cultures an unmarried mother is encouraged or even forced to marry, or else she is required to
?) pathogen the next time it is encountered.
?) from leukaemia since she was only six years old.
?) give up her child for adoption by another family.
?) adopted at the University of Cambridge, has become widely popular.
Вопрос id:1746209
Дополните предложение: In many Western industrialized societies, the one-parent (especially the single-mother) family
?) from leukaemia since she was only six years old.
?) is becoming more common and tolerated.
?) pathogen the next time it is encountered.
?) of winter and the heralding of the rebirth of spring and summer.
Вопрос id:1746210
Дополните предложение: In modern Islāmic societies and in modern India, as in some other parts of the world, parents have the duty
?) to ensure that their children find suitable wives or husbands, and even the children recognize this.
?) caused considerable debate over priorities in the health service.
?) the conception of good health must involve some allowance for change in the environment.
?) to include substantial parts of the metropolitan county of Greater London, which was formed in 1965.
Вопрос id:1746211
Дополните предложение: In most extended families, the marital bonds between spouses are stronger than the kinship bonds between, for example,
?) would cost £75,000.
?) her father took her and her sister on holiday to Disneyland.
?) the brothers who are the focal people in Indian joint families.
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