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Английский язык. Базовый курс для лингвистов (курс 1)

Вопрос id:1659729
The system of higher education in the United States is complex. It comprises three categories of institutions:
Левая частьПравая часть
the technical training institution
students may enter many professions or transfer to four-year colleges
the university
high school graduates may take courses raging from six months to four years in duration and learn a wide variety of technical skills
community college
undergraduate students may seek a bachelor’s degree or continue in specialised studies beyond the bachelor’s degree to obtain a master’s or a doctoral degree
Вопрос id:1659730
The term ___ is not used much today, but it is a useful way of describing this group of universities, many of which were built in the favourite buildings material of the time – red brick.
Вопрос id:1659731
The thick white ___rolls in from the sea all over London and the cities, and then mixes with smoke from a million chimneys.
Вопрос id:1659732
The three holidays which were first observed in the U.S. but have now spread elsewhere are
?) Halloween
?) Columbus Day
?) Thanksgiving Day
?) Labor Day
?) Mother’s Day
Вопрос id:1659733
The trade union movement, which founded the ___, remains influential in the evolution of the party policy.
?) Scottish National Party
?) Labour Party
?) Conservative Party
?) Welsh National Party
Вопрос id:1659734
The two main islands are Great Britain (in which are England, Wales and Scotland) to the east and ___ (in which are Northern Ireland and the independent Irish Republic) to the
Вопрос id:1659735
The U.K. is inhabited by
?) the English
?) the Scots
?) the Normans
?) the Picts
?) the Welsh
Вопрос id:1659736
The UK consists of ___ main parts.
?) six
?) five
?) four
?) three
Вопрос id:1659737
The UK is an ___ state: it is composed of some 5.500 islands, large and small.
Вопрос id:1659738
The UK is situated off the west coast of Europe between the Atlantic Ocean on the north-west and the ___ on the east.
Вопрос id:1659739
The United Kingdom is a ___, which means that the powers of the monarch are limited by the country’s constitution.
Вопрос id:1659740
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the UK) occupies most of the territory of the ___.
Вопрос id:1659741
The usual phrase to use when you leave is “Good-bye,” but there are a number of other less formal ways of parting, such as:
?) See you later!
?) Good morning!
?) Cheerio!
?) Bye-bye!
?) Bon trip!
Вопрос id:1659742
The usual response to an introduction is “How do you do,” which is a sort of greeting and not a question (about your health) and the best answer to it is: ___.
?) “How do you do”
?) “Hi”
?) “I’m glad to meet you”
?) “Hello”
Вопрос id:1659743
The Victorian Prime Minister, Gladstone remarked: “If you are cold, ___will warm you, if you are heated it will cool you, if you are depressed it will cheer you, if you are excited it will calm you.”
Вопрос id:1659744
The woolsack is
?) a seat in the form of a large cushion
?) stuffed with wool from England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
?) stuffed with wool from several Commonwealth countries
Вопрос id:1659745
The word “___” expresses the idea that the schools in question take all the children in a given area, without selection.
Вопрос id:1659746
The ___ is a great help to his students: he decides what lectures they must attend, recommends them books for reading, discusses and criticizes their written works and knows all about their discipline inside and outside the college.
Вопрос id:1659747
The ___ that we know today came into being during the eighteenth century when the expensive gifts of earlier years had gone out of fashion.
?) Valentine Card
?) Valentine Letter
?) Valentine Bun
?) Valentine Parcel
Вопрос id:1659748
The ___ is another British institution, where alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks and, usually, snacks or meals are sold.
Вопрос id:1659749
The ___ promotes knowledge of British culture and literature overseas. It organizes British participation in international exhibitions and encourages professional interchange in all cultural fields between Britain and other countries.
Вопрос id:1659750
The ___ was crowded and noisy, and smelt warm dough and the almonds that had gone into the morning’s cakes.
?) butcher shop
?) chemist's shop
?) bakery
?) grocery
Вопрос id:1659751
The ___ is a relic of the time when the clan system existed in the Highlands.
?) kilt
?) whisky
?) hunting
?) the pipe of peace
Вопрос id:1659752
The ___ is responsible for putting laws into effect and directing national policy and acts formally in the name of the monarch in the UK.
?) Lord Chancellor
?) President
?) government
?) Prime Minister
Вопрос id:1659753
The ___ who performed the operation visited the patient soon after she came round.
Вопрос id:1659754
The ___, which was brought to England in 1585 by Sir Walter Raleigh, is so popular today that it is eaten, in a variety of ways, at almost every meal.
?) parsley
?) potato
?) tomato
?) cabbage
Вопрос id:1659755
The ___, with their style of singing new and exciting, their wonderful sense of humour became the most successful pop group the world has ever known. Many of the famous songs written by John Lennon and Paul McCartney are still popular.
Вопрос id:1659756
The ___are lucky, because their country is in the west and is warmer than most of England.
?) Irish
?) Welsh
?) Celts
?) Scots
Вопрос id:1659757
The ___of this student magazine is a friend of ours.
?) commander
?) boss
?) headmaster
?) editor
Вопрос id:1659758
There are about 90 universities in Britain. They are divided into
?) the 16th century universities
?) the new universities
?) the 18th century universities
?) the 19th century universities
?) the old universities
Вопрос id:1659759
There are eight ___ holidays a year in Great Britain, they are the days on which people need not go in to work. They are: Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year’s Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Spring Bank Holiday and Late Summer Bank Holiday.
Вопрос id:1659760
There are eleven players on each team, and they are dressed in padded uniforms and ___because American football is a rough game and injuries are likely to occur in.
?) hats
?) caps
?) helmets
?) bowlers
Вопрос id:1659761
There are many threats to wildlife and ecological balance around the coast in the UK. The biggest threat to the coastline is ___.
Вопрос id:1659762
There are security check points before the ___ in British airports.
?) gates
?) gangways
?) passes
?) aisles
Вопрос id:1659763
There are thousands of Americans who prefer the music and ___ of musicals.
?) words
?) lyrics
?) libretto
?) text
Вопрос id:1659764
There are ___ years of elementary education in the USA, not including the kindergarten, which is a part of the public school system of nursery education.
?) five
?) four
?) eight
?) three
Вопрос id:1659765
There are ___ and sixty-five days in a year.
Вопрос id:1659766
There is quite a lot of___ of the media in some countries, especially during times of conflict.
Вопрос id:1659767
There is the international trend to ___ which sell pizza, hamburgers, Mexican foods, chicken, salads and sandwiches, sea-foods, and various ice creams.
?) “quick food” chains
?) “best food” chains
?) “fast food” chains
?) “cheap food” chains
Вопрос id:1659768
There was no ___ in the weather.
?) variety
?) break
?) interval
?) alternation
Вопрос id:1659769
There’s a ___ in the air.
?) pinch
?) nip
?) bite
?) sting
Вопрос id:1659770
There’s been a ___ in the temperature.
?) spill
?) drop
?) fall
?) break
Вопрос id:1659771
These days there are very few ___broadcasts on TV. They usually record them and show them much later.
Вопрос id:1659772
This game, ice ___, the national sport of Canada, is very fast, and can be dangerous.
Вопрос id:1659773
This ten-minute television broadcast on ___is normally the only time in the year when the monarch speaks directly to ‘her’ people on television.
?) Halloween
?) Mother’s Day
?) Christmas Day
?) St. Valentine’s Day
Вопрос id:1659774
This ___ in the Chronicle writes very well, doesn't she? I enjoy reading what she has to say every Saturday,
?) columnist
?) newsreader
?) commentator
?) interpreter
Вопрос id:1659775
To get a Master’s degree a ___ is required for all students.
?) article
?) composition
?) thesis
?) diploma
Вопрос id:1659776
To purchase items such as jewelry, perfume, clothing, shoes, appliances, televisions, radios, bicycles, furniture, etc., you go to a ___
?) supermarket
?) convenience store
?) grocery store
?) department store
Вопрос id:1659777
Today I’m ___ a busy day.
?) afraid
?) facing
?) looking
?) waiting
Вопрос id:1659778
Together with the National Curriculum, a programme of Records of Achievements was introduced. This programme contains a system of new ___ for pupils at the ages of 7, 11, 13 and 16.
?) textbooks
?) homeworks
?) tests
?) quizzes
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