Тесты онлайн, бесплатный конструктор тестов. Психологические тестирования, тесты на проверку знаний.

Список вопросов базы знаний

Английский язык. Базовый курс для нелингвистов

Вопрос id:981991
?) охрана
?) ценные бумаги
?) хранилище
?) охранники
Вопрос id:981992
She (never, receive) a card from a secret admirer.
?) have never to receive
?) have never received
?) never have received
?) has never received
Вопрос id:981993
She has not met him ___ Christmas.
?) for
?) in
?) by
?) since
Вопрос id:981994
She just ___ this letter and now she ___ her son is all right.
?) has getting - has know
?) has got - knows
?) have got - know
?) has get - have knew
Вопрос id:981995
single ticket
?) отдельный билет
?) единый билет
?) билет в один конец
?) один билет
Вопрос id:981996
The Central Bank oversees the stability of national ___.
?) currency
?) money
?) losus
?) gains
Вопрос id:981997
The doctor says my brother ___ give up smoking.
?) must
?) to must
?) musts
?) have to
Вопрос id:981998
The man ___ and put into prison.
?) was found guilty
?) was innocent
?) was a judge
?) finding a guilty
Вопрос id:981999
The service at the store ___ be fast.
?) must
?) musts to
?) must to
?) musts
Вопрос id:982000
The victim of a road accident ___ against the driver.
?) brought in case
?) brought a case
?) made a case
?) brings in case of
Вопрос id:982001
There have been fires ___ three months.
?) since
?) for
?) at
?) on
Вопрос id:982002
They have been absent ___ two days.
?) for
?) since
?) at
?) from
Вопрос id:982003
They ___ to a new house and now they ___ in the country
?) has moved - lives
?) have moved - have lived
?) have moved - have live
?) have moved - live
Вопрос id:982004
This camera is ___ pictures with.
?) taken
?) for taking
?) take
?) taking
Вопрос id:982005
This dress is made ___ silk.
?) with
?) by
?) from
?) of
Вопрос id:982006
This enterprise is ___ private hands.
?) on
?) at
?) in
?) with
Вопрос id:982007
To be a success in business you ___ know the market situation in details.
?) must
?) to muts
?) can
Вопрос id:982008
to be in fashion
?) выйти из моды
?) модель
?) мода
?) быть в моде
Вопрос id:982009
to be interested ___ smth.
?) on
?) in
?) by
?) of
Вопрос id:982010
to be ___ control of smb.
?) at
?) with
?) under
?) on
Вопрос id:982011
to break the law
?) узаконить
?) незаконный
?) создать закон
?) нарушать закон
Вопрос id:982012
to decorate ___ flags
?) in
?) with
?) on
?) by
Вопрос id:982013
to draw a conclusion
?) сделать вывод
?) вывести
?) вывести из себя
?) найти выход
Вопрос id:982014
to give up smoking
?) курить
?) бросить курить
?) дать прикурить
?) закурить
Вопрос id:982015
to give ___ smoking
?) up
?) at
?) in
?) on
Вопрос id:982016
to go bankrupt
?) банкомат
?) идти в банк
?) вход в банк
?) обанкротиться
Вопрос id:982017
to pay in advance
?) первая зарплата
?) делать предоплату
?) прогрессивная оплата
?) опережать платеж
Вопрос id:982018
to pay ___ advance
?) with
?) at
?) in
?) on
Вопрос id:982019
to sale goods ___ credit
?) at
?) in
?) on
?) with
Вопрос id:982020
to settel the difference
?) прийти к разногласиям
?) признать разногласия
?) привело к разногласиям
?) устранить разногласия
Вопрос id:982021
to take care of smb.
?) забирать кого-то
?) убрать кого-то
?) взять что-то у кого-то
?) заботиться о ком-то
Вопрос id:982022
to take care ___ smb.
?) for
?) in
?) of
?) with
Вопрос id:982023
to take medicine
?) изучать медицину
?) интересоваться медициной
?) забирать лекарство
?) принимать лекарство
Вопрос id:982024
Under ___ all economic decisions are taken by the government.
?) market economy
?) communism
?) mixed capitalism
?) pure capitalism
Вопрос id:982025
Under ___ the government controls factors of production
?) pure capitalism
?) socialism
?) mixed capitalism
?) communism
Вопрос id:982026
?) работодатель
?) безработица
?) безработный
?) найм на работу
Вопрос id:982027
We shall pay ___ installments.
?) with
?) at
?) in
?) by
Вопрос id:982028
We ___ (never, celebrate) Christmas.
?) have never celebrated
?) has never celebrated
?) has never celebrate
?) never has celebrated
Вопрос id:982029
We ___ the Victory Day since 1945.
?) have celebrated
?) has celebrated
?) have celebrate
?) have to celebrate
Вопрос id:982030
We've had this holiday ___ 1991.
?) in
?) since
?) at
?) for
Вопрос id:982031
wholesale trade
?) оптовая торговля
?) торговля вообще
?) вся торговля
?) общая торговля
Вопрос id:982032
You must pay ___ cash.
?) by
?) on
?) with
?) in
Вопрос id:982033
You ___ eat less to lose the weight.
?) has to
?) must to
?) musting
?) must
Вопрос id:982034
You ___ make a decision without delay.
?) has to
?) must to
?) has
?) have to
Вопрос id:982035
___ dealers purchase their goods from wholesalers.
?) merchandise
?) clientele
?) retail
?) wholesale dealers
Вопрос id:982036
___ is a mechanims for reducing financial risk.
?) financing
?) retailer
?) wholesaler
?) insurance
Вопрос id:982037
___ is an important branch of marketing.
?) store
?) market
?) advertisement
?) society
Вопрос id:982038
- consists of individuals who buy products for their personal use.
?) a general market
?) the market of industrial goods
?) the consumer market
?) marketing
Вопрос id:982039
- deals with the funcitoning of individual industries.
?) marcoeconomics
?) economics
?) microeconomics
?) management
Вопрос id:982040
- deals with the functioning of national economic complex.
?) marcoeconomics
?) managing
?) economy
?) microeconomics
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