Тесты онлайн, бесплатный конструктор тестов. Психологические тестирования, тесты на проверку знаний.

Список вопросов базы знаний

Английский язык (8 кл.)

Вопрос id:959310
The English for "заразная болезнь" is infectious (catching) disease
?) no
?) yes
Вопрос id:959311
The English for "корь" is thermometer.
?) no
?) yes
Вопрос id:959312
The English for "лечить от" is to treat for
?) no
?) yes
Вопрос id:959313
The English for "микстура" is mixture
?) no
?) yes
Вопрос id:959314
The English for "неизлечимая болезнь" is incurable disease
?) yes
?) no
Вопрос id:959315
The English for "таблетки" is tablets
?) no
?) yes
Вопрос id:959316
The English for "у меня заложен нос" is my nose is clogged
?) yes
?) no
Вопрос id:959317
"Мейфлауэр" - название судна, на борту которого, в 1620 году в Северную Америку прибыла одна из первых групп английских колонистов
?) да
?) нет
Вопрос id:959318
The English for "Декларация независимости" is Commander-in-Chief
?) yes
?) no
Вопрос id:959319
The English for "мятеж, восстание, бунт" is multitude
?) no
?) yes
Вопрос id:959320
The English for "нашей эры" is A.D.
?) no
?) yes
Вопрос id:959321
The English for "порабощать; покорять, подчинять; делать рабом" is to enslave
?) yes
?) no
Вопрос id:959322
The English for "предок" is forefather
?) yes
?) no
Вопрос id:959323
The English for "разбойник" is an outlaw
?) yes
?) no
Вопрос id:959324
The English for "снабдить" is to fit out
?) yes
?) no
Вопрос id:959325
Washington, D. C. - Столица Соединенных Штатов Америки на востоке США в пределах специально созданного Федерального округа Колумбия (District of Columbia)
?) да
?) нет
Вопрос id:959326
Англы - древнегерманское племя. В V-VI вв. англы участвовали в англосаксонском завоевании Британии:
?) no
?) yes
Вопрос id:959327
Норманны завоевали Англию в 1078 году
?) да
?) нет
Вопрос id:959328
The English for "блузка" is blouse
?) yes
?) no
Вопрос id:959329
The English for "буханка" is loaf (loaves)
?) yes
?) no
Вопрос id:959330
The English for "в булочной" is at the baker's
?) no
?) yes
Вопрос id:959331
The English for "в кондитерской" is at the fishmonger's
?) yes
?) no
Вопрос id:959332
The English for "в мясном магазине" is a the butcher's
?) yes
?) no
Вопрос id:959333
The English for "в овощном магазине" is at the greengrocer's
?) no
?) yes
Вопрос id:959334
The English for "иссякать, кончаться" is to run out of
?) no
?) yes
Вопрос id:959335
The English for "кафе" is fruiterer's
?) yes
?) no
Вопрос id:959336
The English for "кружево" is zipper
?) no
?) yes
Вопрос id:959337
The English for "овощной магазин" is greengrocer's
?) yes
?) no
Вопрос id:959338
The English for "примерять" is to try on
?) yes
?) no
Вопрос id:959339
The English for "пряность, приправа" is spice
?) yes
?) no
Вопрос id:959340
The English for "смотреть на витрины" is window shopping
?) no
?) yes
Вопрос id:959341

Вставьте модальные глаголы may или can.

Be careful: you ... spill the milk if you carry it like that.

Вопрос id:959342

Вставьте модальные глаголы may или can.

I don't think I ... be here by eleven o'clock tomorrow, but I ... be.

Вопрос id:959343

Вставьте модальные глаголы may или can.

Most children ... slide on the ice very well.

Вопрос id:959344

Вставьте модальные глаголы may или can.

What shall we do if the train is late? It ... be late, you know, after the terrible snowstorms we've had.

Вопрос id:959345

Вставьте модальные глаголы may или can.

When ... you come and see me? – Let me see: I ... not come tomorrow, for I must be at the meeting, but on Sunday I'll find time.

Вопрос id:959346

Вставьте модальные глаголы may или can.

You ... come in when you have taken off your boots.

Вопрос id:959347

Вставьте модальные глаголы may или can.

You ... go when you have finished your compositions.

Вопрос id:959348

Вставьте модальные глаголы may или can.

___ you see anything in this inky darkness?

Вопрос id:959349

Вставьте пропущенное слово:

There was no necessity ___ her to do it herself.

?) on
?) in
?) for
?) at
Вопрос id:959350

Дополните мини-диалог:

- Can I have some of this material, please?

- How much do you want?

- Enough for a skirt, please.

?) That's nice material.
?) Thank you, doctor. Good-bye.
?) Aunt Liza is very fond of it.
?) There are silk, straw, felt hats with fascinating bows, ribbons or buckles.
Вопрос id:959351

Дополните мини-диалог:

- Do you like the dress Jane has on today?

- No, I don't think it's becoming to her.

- You don't? Why?

?) Well, as a rule, she's dressed in good taste, but...
?) Aunt Liza is very fond of it.
?) I'll ask Mike to help you.
?) You must keep him warm and give him lots of hot tea with lemon.
Вопрос id:959352

Дополните мини-диалог:

- How long did you buy the suit you are wearing?

- Last summer. Why?

- It seems to be a bit too tight for you.

?) - I'm afraid it seems really small.
?) Aunt Liza is very fond of it.
?) There are silk, straw, felt hats with fascinating bows, ribbons or buckles.
?) I'll ask Mike to help you.
Вопрос id:959353

Дополните мини-диалог:

- I remember you wanted to buy a hat to match your new coat.

- I'd love to.

- Here is the hat shop window with beautiful hats of the latest models. There are silk, straw, felt hats with fascinating bows, ribbons or buckles. Which of them would you like to buy?

?) I'll ask Mike to help you.
?) You must keep him warm and give him lots of hot tea with lemon.
?) - Oh, I can't really say...
?) Aunt Liza is very fond of it.
Вопрос id:959354

Дополните мини-диалог:

Customer: I'd like a summer frock.

Shop-girl: Certainly. What size?

Customer: 46. I'm stock size.

Shop-girl: The dresses on that rail are all size 46. Look at them and you may find something to your taste.

Customer: May I try on this cotton dress? Does it fit me?


?) Thank you, doctor. Good-bye.
?) There are silk, straw, felt hats with fascinating bows, ribbons or buckles.
?) It fits you perfectly.
?) Aunt Liza is very fond of it.
Вопрос id:959355

Дополните мини-диалог:

Customer: Will you give me a shoe for the left foot, please? It's a perfect fit. How much are they?

Shop-girl: 3000 roubles.

Customer: Will you wrap them up, please? Where is the cash-desk?

Shop-girl: It's at the end of the department. Thank you.


?) Thank you, doctor. Good-bye.
?) There are silk, straw, felt hats with fascinating bows, ribbons or buckles.
?) Thank you. Good-bye.
?) Aunt Liza is very fond of it.
Вопрос id:959356

Дополните мини-диалог:

Doctor: I'll give you some sleeping pills.

Take them for a week. But I've already said that the best remedy for you will be a good rest somewhere in the country.


?) You must keep him warm and give him lots of hot tea with lemon.
?) This is the right size.
?) I'll ask Mike to help you.
?) Thank you, doctor. I'm sure to follow your advice. Good-bye.
Вопрос id:959357

Дополните мини-диалог:

Doctor: Well, strip to the waist, please. I'll sound you. (Sounds his chest). Your heart is very good. Let me feel your pulse. It's quite normal. I think you must have a good rest. Do you smoke, by the way?


?) Sorry to say, but I do. About twenty cigarettes a day.
?) You must keep him warm and give him lots of hot tea with lemon.
?) I'll ask Mike to help you.
?) It's at the end of the department.
Вопрос id:959358

Дополните мини-диалог:

Doctor: What's the trouble?

Patient: Well, I don't know what's the matter with me, but I've been sleeping very badly lately and I've lost three kilos during this week.

Doctor: Have you been working very hard?


?) I've had some very urgent work to do and I had to keep late hours as I was short of time.
?) This is the right size.
?) It's at the end of the department.
?) What size, sir?
Вопрос id:959359

Дополните мини-диалог:

Doctor: What's wrong with you?

Patient: Oh, doctor, I have a splitting headache, a running nose and a bad cough. My temperature was 38, 2 in the morning.


?) What size, sir?
?) It's at the end of the department.
?) Let me feel your pulse and sound your chest. Now, open your mouth. Yes, the tongue is furred and the throat is sore.
?) You must keep him warm and give him lots of hot tea with lemon.
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