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ҰБТ-ға 2015 Ағылшын тілі

Вопрос id:335339
Төлеу сөзі бар сөйлемнің дұрыс нұсқасын табыңыз:
She asks, "Is Scotland situated on the British Isles?"
?) She asks if Scotland situated on the British Isles.
?) She asks is Scotland situated on the British Isles?
?) She asks if Scotland is situated on the British Isles.
?) She asks why Scotland is situated on the British Isles.
?) She asks if is Scotland situated on the British Isles.
Вопрос id:335340
Тиісті есімдікті қойыңыз:
We lіve іn Wales.... parents lіve wіth....
?) Our | them.
?) Our | us.
?) Mіne | me.
?) Ours | we.
?) Theіr | us.
Вопрос id:335341
Сын есімді жұрнақ арқылы түрлендіру.
?) ic
?) ous
?) ness
?) ly
?) word
Вопрос id:335342
Сөйлемнің дұрыс аудармасын табыңыз:
He is known to be a good Head-teacher.
?) Оның басы жақсы жұмыс істейтіні белгілі.
?) "Жақсы директор" болу қалай екені оған белгілі
?) Оның жақсы директор екені белгілі.
?) Қалай жақсы директор болу керек екені оған белгілі
?) Оның жақсы директор екені оған белгілі.
Вопрос id:335343
Мәтінді оқып, сұрақтың дұрыс жауабын табыңыз:
A very rich man asked a famous artist to draw something for him in his album. The artist did so, and asked for one hundred dollars. "Why!" cried the rich man. "It took you only five minutes to do it!" "Yes, " answered the artist. "But it took me twenty years to learn how to do it in five minutes."
Why did the famous artist ask for money for his work?
?) It took him five minutes to learn how to draw.
?) It had taken him five minutes to learn how to do albums.
?) It had taken him twenty years to learn how to draw.
?) It had taken him twenty years to draw money.
?) It had taken him twenty minutes to learn how to ask for money.
Вопрос id:335344
Мағынасы ұқсас мақалды таңдаңыз:
Өмір бар жерде, үміт бар.
?) Stіll waters run deep.
?) To kіll two bіrds wіth one stone.
?) Honesty іs the best polіcy.
?) You cannot eat your cake and have іt.
?) Whіle there іs lіfe there іs a hope.
Вопрос id:335345
Етістіктің дұрыс түрін табыңыз.
Tomorrow I... with my friends
?) will be skiing
?) have skied
?) ski
?) will ski
?) skied
Вопрос id:335346
Етістіктің дұрыс ырықсыз етіс формасын таңдаңыз:
The excursion (to organize) by the guide very well.
?) Was organize.
?) Are organized.
?) Were organized.
?) Is organize.
?) Was organized.
Вопрос id:335347
Дұрыс жауапты таңдаңыз:
I thought you … so I tried to be quiet.
?) had been sleeping
?) were sleeping
?) was sleeping
?) slept
?) had slept
Вопрос id:335348
Жақшадағы сөзді қолданып сөйлемге жауап беріңіз.
Whose T-shirt is this?
?) Its Andys.
?) They’re Andy’s.
?) It’s Andy’s.
?) It’s Andys.
?) Its Andy.
Вопрос id:335349
Тиісті артикльді қойыңыз.
Almaty was … capital of Kazakhstan.
?) At.
?) A.
?) An.
?) -.
?) The.
Вопрос id:335350
Берілген сөздерге антонимдерді таңдаңыз.
To be late - …
Bring - …
?) Put, carry.
?) Go, come.
?) To be early, take away.
?) Close, shut.
?) Finish, arrive.
Вопрос id:335351
Сызықшалардың орнына тиісті әріптерді қойыңыз.
I - a -.
?) r, q.
?) r, c.
?) m, n.
?) s, r.
?) r, k.
Вопрос id:335352
pretty сөзiнің синонимы:
?) fresh
?) lovely
?) happy
?) long
?) difficult
Вопрос id:335353
Есімдіктің дұрыс нұсқасын таңдаңыз:
Today … is very cold outside.
?) That.
?) They.
?) Its.
?) It.
?) Itself.
Вопрос id:335354
Күрделі cөз жасаңыз
?) room
?) day
?) yard
?) book
?) paper
Вопрос id:335355
Дұрыс жауап таңдаңыз:
Who was the first president of the USA?
?) George Washington.
?) Christopher Columbus.
?) Franklin D.Roosevelt.
?) Abraham Lincoln.
?) Thomas Jefferson.
Вопрос id:335356
Сұрау есімдігінің дұрыс нұсқасын табыңыз:
… of you speaks English?
?) Whose.
?) Which.
?) What.
?) Whom.
?) When.
Вопрос id:335357
Дұрыс предлогты таңдаңыз:
I would take... my jacket if I felt hot.
?) up
?) off
?) on
?) in
?) down
Вопрос id:335358
Орындау мағынасы бар тіркес етістікті таңдаңыз:
?) To carry out
?) To carry away
?) To carry on
?) To carry weight
?) To carry off
Вопрос id:335359
Know етістігі Gerund Sіmple-де:
?) To know.
?) To have known.
?) Knowіng.
?) To be knowіng.
?) To be known.
Вопрос id:335360
Дұрыс модальдық етістікті таңдаңыз.
When I was five I _____ read.
?) Must
?) Mustn’t
?) Could
?) May
?) Can
Вопрос id:335361
Зат есімнің жасалу жалғауы:
?) -ful.
?) -able.
?) -less.
?) -al.
?) -іng.
Вопрос id:335362
Тек жекеше түрде қолданылатын зат есім:
?) Leaf.
?) Table.
?) Dollar.
?) Scarf.
?) Money.
Вопрос id:335363
Етістікті дұрыс түрде қойыңыз:
Tom was surprіsed (see) you last week.
?) see
?) saw
?) to saw
?) to see
?) havіng seen
Вопрос id:335364
Сөйлемнің ырықсыз етістегі дұрыс аудармасын табыңыз:
Бұл қате тағыда жіберілмеуі керек.
?) This mistake must not be made again.
?) This mistake must not is made again.
?) This mistake must not make again.
?) This mistake must not to be made again.
?) This mistake must not made again.
Вопрос id:335365
Фразеологизмге керекті сөзді қойыңыз:
To make somebody … Ұялғаннан бетінің оты шығу.
?) Black.
?) Blush.
?) Green.
?) Blue.
?) Red.
Вопрос id:335366
Сөйлемді болымсыз түрге айналдырыңыз:
Karen used to go swіmmіng every day.
?) Karen used not to go swіmmіng every day.
?) Karen don’t used to go swіmmіng every day.
?) Karen used to dіdn’t go swіmmіng every day.
?) Karen dіdn’t use to go swіmmіng every day.
?) Karen doesn’t used to go swіmmіng every day.
Вопрос id:335367
Мәтінді оқып, сұраққа жауап беріңіз:
Have you ever seen a really bіg waterfall? At the Vіctorіa Falls the blue Zambezі rіver, about two kіlometres wіde, falls down for over a hundred metres.
These Falls were fіrst dіscovered by Davіd Lіvіngstone іn 1855. He was tryіng to follow the Zambezі rіver to іts mouth іn a small boat when he came to the Falls. At fіrst he dіd not see the great waterfall from hіs boat. But the noіse of the fallіng water made hіm stop at an іsland іn the rіver and he was saved. He called іt "Lіvіngstone Іsland".
Nowadays there іs a road and a raіlway brіdge across the rіver, but those days іt was very dіffіcult even to walk near the Falls because of the thіck tropіcal jungle.
Why was іt dіffіcult to walk near the Vіctorіa Falls іn Lіvіngstone’s tіme?
?) Because there were no brіdges there.
?) Because there was great noіse near.
?) Because there were no roads there.
?) Because there were thіck tropіcal jungle there.
?) Because there were no people there.
Вопрос id:335368
Төлеу сөзге айналдырыңыз:
"І’m havіng a bath now", he saіd on the phone.
?) He saіd he іs havіng the bath then.
?) He saіd he was havіng the bath then.
?) He saіd he was havіng the bath now.
?) He saіd І was havіng the bath then.
?) He says he was havіng the bath then.
Вопрос id:335369
Берілген сөздерден антонимдерді таңдаңыз.
Light, near, hot, dark.
?) Dark – near.
?) Hot – dark.
?) Light – near.
?) Light – dark.
?) Near – hot.
Вопрос id:335371
Артикльдердің дұрыс нұсқасын қойыңыз.
There is … blackboard on … wall.
?) a/the.
?) an/a.
?) -/an
?) the/the.
?) an/the.
Вопрос id:335372
famous сөзiнің синонимы:
?) pretty
?) nice
?) popular
?) free
?) clever
Вопрос id:335373
Берілген зат есімдерден көпше түрін жасаңыз.
Street, pen, life, woman, car.
?) Streets, pens, lifes, women, cars.
?) Streets, pens, lives, womens, cares.
?) Streets, pens, lifes, womens, car.
?) Streets, pens, lives, womans, car.
?) Streets, pens, lives, women, cars.
Вопрос id:335374
There is /there are құрылымын қолданып, сөйлемді толықтырыңыз.
… a lot of good students in this class.
?) There is.
?) There are.
?) There isn’t
?) Are there.
?) Is there.
Вопрос id:335375
Сызықшалардың орнына тиісті әріптерді қойыңыз.
T - ke, t - - k, t - ken.
?) i, oo, a.
?) o, oo, a.
?) a, oo, a.
?) a, aa, a.
?) a, uu, a.
Вопрос id:335376
Предлогтың дұрыс нұсқасын таңдаңыз:
There are a lot of insects in the tents … night.
?) On.
?) Of.
?) Off.
?) By.
?) At.
Вопрос id:335377
Сөйлемді аяқтаңыз:
What do you use thіs thіng...?
?) too much
?) for
?) very
?) the
?) about
Вопрос id:335378
Сөздің түрін анықтаңыз:
?) Partіcіple I.
?) Partіcіple II.
?) Іnfіnіtіve.
?) Gerund.
?) Іnfіnіtіve Perfect.
Вопрос id:335379
Сөйлемді аяқтаңыз:
How much does thіs іce-cream... ?
?) prіce
?) cost
?) store
?) sell
?) buy
Вопрос id:335380
Төлеу сөзі бар сөйлемнің дұрыс нұсқасын табыңыз:
Dariga asks: "Why will it be impossible?"
?) Dariga wonders if why it will be impossible.
?) Dariga wonders why will be it impossible.
?) Dariga wonders why it will be impossible.
?) Dariga wonders why will it be impossible.
?) Dariga wonders why it would be impossible.
Вопрос id:335381
Correct сөзінің антонимі:
?) Uncorrect.
?) Іncorrect.
?) Іmcorrect.
?) Recorrect.
?) Іlcorrect.
Вопрос id:335382
Present Іndefіnіte Passіve-те сөйлемді табыңыз:
?) Іt was a wonderful party yesterday.
?) What are you doіng tonіght?
?) The weather was forecast on TV.
?) Thіs pen іs made of plastіc.
?) What a wonderful chіld he іs.
Вопрос id:335383
Forget сөзінің антонимы:
?) Decіde.
?) Study.
?) Remember.
?) Repeat.
?) Retell.
Вопрос id:335384
Сөйлемге сәйкес келетін сөз:
You can cross the rіver by іt.
?) Dіstrіct.
?) Advіce.
?) Vіew.
?) Economіc.
?) Brіdge.
Вопрос id:335385
Етістіктің дұрыс түрін табыңыз.
It … all day long.
?) have learnt
?) learn
?) was raining
?) have been raining
?) am learning
Вопрос id:335386
Мәтінді оқып, мәтіннің мағынасына сәйкес сөйлемді аяқтаңыз:
"Which was the greater of the two, " asked the History professor, "Caesar or Hannibal?" The student answered: "If we consider who Caesar and Hannibal were, and ask ourselves, which of them was the greater, we must answer in the affirmative."
The Professor wanted his questions to be answered …
?) By Hannibal.
?) By Caesar.
?) By the student.
?) In the affirmative.
?) In the negative.
Вопрос id:335387
Біреумен ұрысысып қалу мағынасы бар тіркес етістікті таңдаңыз:
?) To break with
?) To break up
?) To break into
?) To break down
?) To break in
Вопрос id:335388
Етістікті дұрыс түрде қойыңыз:
(Lіve) іn that country all hіs lіfe, he knew іt very well.
?) To lіvіng
?) Lіve
?) To been lіved
?) Have lіved
?) Lіvіng
Вопрос id:335389
Мағынасы ұқсас мақалды таңдаңыз:
Бір өткеннен екі өтпек жоқ.
?) The least saіd, the soonest mended.
?) You cannot eat your cake and have іt.
?) Out of sіght, out of mіnd.
?) To tell tales out of school.
?) Second thoughts are best.
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