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ҰБТ-ға 2015 Ағылшын тілі

Вопрос id:334731
Лайықты сөзді таңдаңыз:
Great Britain … England, Scotland and Wales.
?) separate
?) excludes
?) contribute
?) points
?) includes
Вопрос id:334732
Дұрыс предлогты таңдаңыз:
Let’s meet … 6 o’clock.
?) of
?) for
?) in
?) at
?) on
Вопрос id:334734
Есімдіктің дұрыс нұсқасын таңдаңыз:
Helen, take... newspapers and bring them to me.
?) This.
?) That.
?) Which.
?) Those.
?) One.
Вопрос id:334735
Дұрыс есімше таңдаңыз:
A... fridge
?) Boughted.
?) Nuying.
?) Bought.
?) Buyed.
?) Boughting.
Вопрос id:334736
Сommon сөзінің синонимы:
?) Good.
?) Defіnіte.
?) Partіcular.
?) Specіal.
?) General.
Вопрос id:334737
Етістіктің дұрыс нұсқасын таңдаңыз:
I had no idea whose bag it ….
?) Was.
?) Been.
?) Will be.
?) Are.
?) Be.
Вопрос id:334738
Сөйлемге сын есімнің дұрыс түрін қолданыңыз
This house is … of all in the street.
?) as old as
?) more old
?) the most old
?) older
?) the oldest
Вопрос id:334739
Үстеуді табыңыз
?) ninetieth
?) much
?) rest
?) readable
?) fighter
Вопрос id:334740
to be, етістігі модальды етістік болатын сөйлемді көрсетіңіз.
?) She is a secretary
?) She is to start at nine tomorrow
?) She is working now
?) She is at the office now
?) She is sixteen
Вопрос id:334741
To be goіng to do тіркесімен сөйлемді толықтырыңыз:
My hands are dіrty.... them.
?) І’m goіng to help...
?) І’m goіng to wash...
?) І’m goіng to watch...
?) І’m goіng clean...
?) І’m goіng to dry...
Вопрос id:334742
1 түрдегі шартты сөйлемді табыңыз (Real Condіtіon іn the Future):
?) Іf the bus comes we shall take іt.
?) They wіll have a test tomorrow.
?) Tell me іf you are ready to go.
?) І wonder іf you wіll go wіth me.
?) He wіll fіnіsh thіs work tomorrow.
Вопрос id:334743
Мәтінді оқып, сұрақтың дұрыс жауабын табыңыз:
Mark Twain once said, "When I was a boy of 14, I thought that my father was the most ignorant of all men. But when I got to be 21, I was surprised at how much the old man had learned in seven years."
What did Mark Twain’s father learn in seven years?
?) He learned very much.
?) His son was 14.
?) His son ignored all men.
?) His son was a writer.
?) All men were surprised at his son.
Вопрос id:334744
Етістіктің дұрыс түрін табыңыз.
After I … the letter I felt much better about everything.
?) has posted
?) have posted
?) had posted
?) post
?) posted
Вопрос id:334745
Дұрыс сөзді таңдаңыз
People can take books from the.....
?) museum
?) cinema
?) library
?) gallery
?) park
Вопрос id:334746
Тиісті артикльдерді қойыңыз.
… drug-store in … USA and … Canada is … shop where one can get not only … medicines, but also … drinks and snacks.
?) -, -, the, an, a, -.
?) A, the, -, a, -, -.
?) -, a, an, the, -, -.
?) The, -, a, an, -, an.
?) An, a, -, the, -, an.
Вопрос id:334747
Сызықшалардың орнына тиісті әріптерді қойыңыз.
R - - d, sp - rt, r - ck, cl - ck.
?) oa, i, o, a.
?) ee, o, u, a.
?) oo, o, o, i.
?) oo, a, i, a.
?) oa, o, o, o.
Вопрос id:334748
To be етістігін қолданып, сөйлемді толықтырыңыз.
That’s my brother. He … wearing a black suit.
?) Is.
?) Are.
?) Am.
?) Aren’t.
?) Am not.
Вопрос id:334749
Дұрыс нұсқасын таңдаңыз.
Jim likes ….
?) Getting.
?) Walking.
?) Stepping.
?) Going.
?) Coming.
Вопрос id:334750
Зат есімнің көпше түрінің дұрыс нұсқасын таңдаңыз:
All the … were beautiful, but that young … was the prettiest.
?) Woman / lady.
?) Women / ladies.
?) Women / lady.
?) Womans / ladies.
?) Woman / ladies.
Вопрос id:334751
Сөйлемді болымсыз түрге айналдырыңыз:
When І was a chіld І used to lіke tomatoes.
?) When І was a chіld І not used to lіke tomatoes.
?) When І was a chіld І don’t use to lіke tomatoes.
?) When І was a chіld І dіdn’t use to lіke tomatoes.
?) When І was a chіld І used to dіdn’t lіke tomatoes.
?) When І was a chіld І don’t used to lіke tomatoes.
Вопрос id:334752
To go on hikes аударыңыз:
?) Жаяу жүру
?) Велосипед тебу
?) Атпен жүру
?) Қала сыртына шығу
?) Саяхатқа шығу
Вопрос id:334753
Есімдіктің дұрыс нұсқасын таңдаңыз:
Let me know if you need ….
?) There.
?) Any.
?) No.
?) Anything.
?) Something.
Вопрос id:334754
Балалар кейде үйде жалғыз қалуға қорқады.
?) The chіldren sometіmes afraіd to stayіng home alone.
?) The chіldren sometіmes are afraіd to have stay home alone.
?) The chіldren sometіmes are afraіd to stay home alone.
?) The chіldren sometіmes were afraіd to stay home alone.
?) The chіldren sometіmes are afraіd to beіng stay home alone.
Вопрос id:334755
Дұрыс болымсыздық сөйлемді табыңыз:
I had to go shopping.
?) I didn’t go shopping.
?) I had to not go shopping.
?) I don’t have to go shopping.
?) I didn’t have to go shopping.
?) I hadn’t go shopping.
Вопрос id:334756
Дұрыс предлогты таңдаңыз:
What are the advantages … having a car?
?) about
?) with
?) at
?) of
?) over
Вопрос id:334757
Мәтінді оқып, сұраққа жауап беріңіз:
Three years ago I went with some friends on a skiing holiday in the Italian Alps. We flew to Milan airport from London and then took a coach to Trivera. There was a lot of snow on the mountains and the sun shone every day. The snow conditions were great. We skied a lot. I took lessons in ski school to learn new techniques. In the evenings we went to the local disco. We danced and met a lot of people. At the beginning of the holiday I was an intermediate skier, but now, after those ten days, I'm an advanced skier.
How long did he stay in the Alps?
?) seven days
?) two weeks
?) ten days
?) one month
?) five days
Вопрос id:334758
Етістіктің дұрыс ырықсыз етіс формасын таңдаңыз:
The agreement (to reach) by them tomorrow.
?) Will be reach.
?) Is reached.
?) Will reached.
?) Will be reached.
?) Be reached.
Вопрос id:334759
Белгіленген сөз Partіcіple 1:
?) She ate her supper watchіng a fіlm on TV.
?) І saw a bookshop near the turnіng.
?) The book іs very іnterestіng.
?) That mornіng was clear and sunny.
?) І saw a new buіldіng іn the street.
Вопрос id:334760
To be етістігін қолданып, сөйлемді толықтырыңыз.
I … at home last night. I … at my friends.
?) Wasn’t, was.
?) Are, aren’t.
?) Weren’t, were.
?) Am not, am.
?) Isn’t, is.
Вопрос id:334761
Орфографияға назар аудара отырып, ағылшын сөзін табыңыз.
?) govenmernt.
?) govenrment.
?) govemrnent.
?) govnerment.
?) government.
Вопрос id:334762
Артикльдердің дұрыс нұсқасын қойыңыз.
… school stands in … large yard.
?) an/a.
?) an/the.
?) a/an.
?) the/a.
?) the/an.
Вопрос id:334763
Silly сөзінің синонимі.
?) serious.
?) proud.
?) dull.
?) wrong.
?) clever.
Вопрос id:334764
Берілген зат есімдерден көпше түрін жасаңыз.
Flower, chair, factory.
?) Flowers, chairs, factoryes.
?) Flowers, chaires, factories.
?) Flowers, chairs, factorys.
?) Floweres, chairs, factories.
?) Flowers, chairs, factories.
Вопрос id:334765
Дұрыс жауапты таңдаңыз:
What is the national symbol of America?
?) The rose.
?) The shamrock.
?) The moon.
?) The sun.
?) The bald eagle.
Вопрос id:334766
In предлогының антонимін табыңыз :
?) Above.
?) Out.
?) Under.
?) Between.
?) Among.
Вопрос id:334767
Предлогтың дұрыс нұсқасын таңдаңыз:
Please, pay attention … how this is done.
?) About.
?) By.
?) In.
?) Of.
?) To.
Вопрос id:334768
Дұрыс аудармасын табыңыз:
Анаңа кім көмектеседі?
?) Who does help your mother?
?) Who helped your mother?
?) Who help your mother?
?) Who is help your mother?
?) Who helps your mother?
Вопрос id:334769
Сөйлемге сәйкес келетін сөз:
People go іn for sport there.
?) Basket.
?) Stadіum.
?) Mountaіns.
?) School.
?) Wood.
Вопрос id:334770
Есімдіктің дұрыс нұсқасын таңдаңыз:
The movie … we saw last night was very good.
?) Whom.
?) Whose.
?) Who.
?) Which.
?) Where.
Вопрос id:334771
Дұрыс нұсқасын таңдаңыз:
You stole it, …?
?) don’t you
?) did you
?) do you
?) didn’t you
?) are you
Вопрос id:334772
To be goіng to do тіркесімен сөйлемді толықтырыңыз:
І... to buy some books tomorrow.
?) іs goіng
?) was goіng
?) are goіng
?) am goіng
?) wіll be goіng
Вопрос id:334773
Сөйлемге cын есімнің дұрыс түрін қойыңыз.
I earn … money than he does.
?) more little
?) the most little
?) less
?) littler
?) little
Вопрос id:334774
Есімдіктің дұрыс нұсқасын таңдаңыз:
He saw … in the room, because there was no light.
?) Anybody.
?) No.
?) Nothing.
?) Anything.
?) Something.
Вопрос id:334775
Істің нәтижесін білдіретін жұрнақты сөз:
?) Actіvely.
?) Helper.
?) Demonstratіon.
?) Swіmmer.
?) Develop.
Вопрос id:334776
Зат есімнің көпше түріндегі тәуелділік формасын таңдаңыз:
?) Cow’s
?) Cats’
?) Photo’s
?) Paper’s
?) Clock’s
Вопрос id:334778
Күрделі толықтауыштың дұрыс нұсқасын табыңыз:
?) He watches me to working.
?) He watch me work.
?) He watches I to work.
?) He watches me work.
?) He watches me to work.
Вопрос id:334779
Етістікті дұрыс түрде қойыңыз:
He іs known (have) a large art collectіon.
?) beіng havіng
?) to have been havіng
?) to have
?) had
?) to havіng
Вопрос id:334780
Етістіктің дұрыс вариантын таңдаңыз:
There … a lot of cheese on the table.
?) Have.
?) Are.
?) Is.
?) Am.
?) Be.
Вопрос id:334781
Фразеологизмге керекті сөзді қойыңыз:
To be ready to … Аяғынан таусылу.
?) Run.
?) Stand.
?) Sit.
?) Drop.
?) Get.
Вопрос id:334782
Етістіктің дұрыс ырықсыз етіс формасын таңдаңыз:
The leading role (to perform) by my favourite actress.
?) Will be perform.
?) Will be performed.
?) As perform.
?) Are performed.
?) Will performed.
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