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Английский язык. Базовый курс для лингвистов

Вопрос id:1549043
Определите слова, относящиеся к образованию
?) Criminal Investigation Department (CID)
?) postgraduate degree
?) Ph. D. (Doctor of Philosophy)
?) Metropolitan Police Force
Вопрос id:1549044
Определите слова, относящиеся к образованию
?) M.A. (Master of Arts)
?) to make amends to aggrieved person
?) to hand over
?) M.Sc. (Master of Science)
Вопрос id:1549045
Определите слова, относящиеся к образованию
?) to hand over
?) embezzlement
?) Bachelor of Science
?) faculty
Вопрос id:1549046
Определите слова, относящиеся к образованию
?) to work on research projects
?) systematic approach to learning
?) Department of Justice
?) the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Вопрос id:1549047
Определите слова, относящиеся к образованию
?) Chief Constable
?) tax evasion
?) research staff
?) a sound command
Вопрос id:1549048
Определите слова, относящиеся к образованию
?) systematic approach to learning
?) to work on research projects
?) to be on the look-out (for)
?) to burrow
Вопрос id:1549049
Определите слова, относящиеся к образованию
?) hit-and-run
?) assets
?) to award a degree
?) full-time study
Вопрос id:1549050
Определите слова, относящиеся к образованию
?) to trigger
?) flexibility
?) the Redbrick Universities
?) ground zero
Вопрос id:1549051
Определите слова, относящиеся к образованию
?) assassin
?) Open University
?) polytechnic school
?) cold blood
Вопрос id:1549052
Определите слова, относящиеся к образованию
?) bachelor's degree
?) bullet-proof
?) to take a degree in history
?) juvenile delinquent
Вопрос id:1549053
Определите слова, относящиеся к образованию
?) aggrieved
?) master's degree
?) postgraduate degree
?) to hold up
Вопрос id:1549054
Раскройте скобки: A number of students near where Arthur was (sit) appeared to be taking notes, so Arthur pretended to do the same
Вопрос id:1549055
Раскройте скобки: Another important feature of schooling in Britain is the variety of opportunities (offer) to schoolchildren
Вопрос id:1549056
Раскройте скобки: At 9.30 precisely the Principal (hurry) into the hall and on to the platform
Вопрос id:1549057
Раскройте скобки: But most secondary schools in Britain which are called comprehensive schools (be) not selective – you don’t have to pass an exam to go there
Вопрос id:1549058
Раскройте скобки: Dr Gibson then (introduce) Mike Robinson, the President of the Students' Union, and sat down
Вопрос id:1549059
Раскройте скобки: Education in Britain mirrors the country’s social system: it (be) class-divided and selective
Вопрос id:1549060
Раскройте скобки: He (get) behind the group in Phonetics this term
Вопрос id:1549061
Раскройте скобки: He (have) a good command of Spanish now
Вопрос id:1549062
Раскройте скобки: He proceeded to give a brief outline of the history and organization of the Polytechnic and then (go) on to give some general advice concerning their studies
Вопрос id:1549063
Раскройте скобки: He said that he (be) delighted to see so many intelligent looking students and that he hoped that they would all manage to profit from their various courses of study
Вопрос id:1549064
Раскройте скобки: In some parts of Britain they still keep the old system of grammar schools, which (be) selective.
Вопрос id:1549065
Раскройте скобки: Mike Robinson told them all about the activities of the Union and (announce) that there was to be a meeting the following day
Вопрос id:1549066
Раскройте скобки: Much work and no play never (make) people gay
Вопрос id:1549067
Раскройте скобки: Parents have to pay fees to (send) their children to these schools
Вопрос id:1549068
Раскройте скобки: She (be) a part-time student now
Вопрос id:1549069
Раскройте скобки: She has (do) well in her exams
Вопрос id:1549070
Раскройте скобки: She never (miss) classes
Вопрос id:1549071
Раскройте скобки: The English school syllabus is divided into Arts (or Humanities) and Sciences, which (determine) the division of the secondary school pupils into study groups
Вопрос id:1549072
Раскройте скобки: The fees (be) high nowadays
Вопрос id:1549073
Раскройте скобки: The majority of schools in Britain are (support) by public funds
Вопрос id:1549074
Раскройте скобки: Their course usually (run) for five years
Вопрос id:1549075
Раскройте скобки: They are (maintain) schools, but there is also a considerable number of public schools
Вопрос id:1549076
Раскройте скобки: What (be) the Russian for "graduate"?
Вопрос id:1549077
Соедините части предложений
Левая частьПравая часть
They include art, pottery, graphics, home economies, textiles,
during the first three years
The creative studies are an essential part of education
receive careers guidance
Аll third, fourth and fifth year pupils
woodwork, metalwork, plastics, etc.
Вопрос id:1549078
Соедините части предложений
Левая частьПравая часть
Аll third, fourth and fifth year pupils
in a work experience scheme
Fourth year pupils have the opportunity to take part
woodwork, metalwork, plastics, etc.
They include art, pottery, graphics, home economies, textiles,
receive careers guidance
Вопрос id:1549079
Соедините части предложений
Левая частьПравая часть
Fifth year pupils are given guidance when they start job seeking
or applying to college
Аll third, fourth and fifth year pupils
find writing very difficult
Some children, for example,
receive careers guidance
Вопрос id:1549080
Соедините части предложений
Левая частьПравая часть
There are children who can barely write a few lines in half an hour,
of the brightest and most able children
The future of any society depends upon some
and there are other children who write three pages
They have all done their best, but often bright children fall down,
they lower their expectation
Вопрос id:1549081
Соедините части предложений
Левая частьПравая часть
In Britain comprehensive schools differ from town
to town and even within the town
The atmosphere of the school
because of the freedom of teachers to devise a curriculum
You could walk through the front door totally different from the next one down the road
is entirely down to the personnel and the personality of those teachers
Вопрос id:1549082
Соедините части предложений
Левая частьПравая часть
An essential part of the curriculum of all British schools proposed by D. E. S.
they want their children to go to
The children's parents can choose the state school
that is get their children to and from the school each day by a hired school bus
If they don't want them to go to the nearest state school, they will have to pay for the transport –
(Department of Education and Science) is English and mathematics
Вопрос id:1549083
Соедините части предложений
Левая частьПравая часть
The atmosphere of the school
because of the freedom of teachers to devise a curriculum
These subjects should form part of every pupil's course
is entirely down to the personnel and the personality of those teachers
You could walk through the front door totally different from the next one down the road
for the first five years of compulsory secondary education
Вопрос id:1549084
Соедините части предложений
Левая частьПравая часть
On modern languages the proposal is "minimum of two
chemistry, biology and their practical applications
The atmosphere of the school
and preferably three years of foreign language teaching"
On "science" the emphasis is on a broad course embracing elements of physics,
is entirely down to the personnel and the personality of those teachers
Вопрос id:1549085
Соедините части предложений
Левая частьПравая часть
Out-of-class study, or homework, is an integral
that is get their children to and from the school each day by a hired school bus
If they don't want them to go to the nearest state school, they will have to pay for the transport –
and essential part of the curriculum
An essential part of the curriculum of all British schools proposed by D. E. S.
(Department of Education and Science) is English and mathematics
Вопрос id:1549086
Соедините части предложений
Левая частьПравая часть
If they don't want them to go to the nearest state school, they will have to pay for the transport –
for the first five years of compulsory secondary education
The atmosphere of the school
is entirely down to the personnel and the personality of those teachers
These subjects should form part of every pupil's course
that is get their children to and from the school each day by a hired school bus
Вопрос id:1549087
Соедините части предложений
Левая частьПравая часть
In Britain comprehensive schools differ from town
to town and even within the town
On "science" the emphasis is on a broad course embracing elements of physics,
is entirely down to the personnel and the personality of those teachers
The atmosphere of the school
chemistry, biology and their practical applications
Вопрос id:1549088
Соедините части предложений
Левая частьПравая часть
The children are not selected when they arrive,
whether the brightest or the least able, an education which will take them as far as they can go
The comprehensive school is a school that offers to all children in the area,
but within the school the teachers do look carefully at their potentials and every child is taken to its full potentials
Because there are children of all abilities coming to school the teachers have to devise
tests very carefully not to upset the children
Вопрос id:1549089
Соедините части предложений
Левая частьПравая часть
There are different kinds of schools in Great Britain and most common
is a state comprehensive school
The comprehensive school is a school that offers to all children in the area,
whether the brightest or the least able, an education which will take them as far as they can go
The children are not selected when they arrive,
but within the school the teachers do look carefully at their potentials and every child is taken to its full potentials
Вопрос id:1549090
Соедините части предложений
Левая частьПравая часть
Great Britain does not have a written constitution, so there
is determined by the National Education Acts
The system of education
to the local education authorities
Schools in England are supported from public funds paid
are no constitutional provisions for education
Вопрос id:1549091
Соедините части предложений
Левая частьПравая часть
These local education authorities are responsible
public education in Britain
Firstly, there are wide variations between
for organising the schools in their areas
Let’s outline the basic features of
one part of the country and another
Вопрос id:1549092
Соедините части предложений
Левая частьПравая часть
For most educational purposes England and Wales are treated as one unit,
though the system in Wales is a little different from that of England
Scotland and Northern Ireland
have their own education systems
The system of education
is determined by the National Education Acts
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