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Список вопросов базы знаний

Англ.яз. (профессиональный для направления `Экономика`)

Вопрос id:854921
“briefly” means …
?) shortly
?) delinquently
?) essentially
?) completely
Вопрос id:854922
“challenge” is
?) a loan or advance of money, as from government funds
?) the state or quality of being important; significance, consequence
?) anything, as a demanding task, that calls for special effort or dedication
?) a resolution, determination
Вопрос id:854923
“contraction” is …
?) a condition in which things tend to be contrary to each other
?) a period of decrease in business activity
?) a decrease in force, activity, amount, etc.
?) good fortune, wealth, success, etc.
Вопрос id:854924
“demand” is
?) the amount of money, time etc. expended
?) the sum remaining after all costs
?) the desire for a commodity together with the ability to pay for it
?) the amount of a commodity available for purchase at a given price
Вопрос id:854925
“depression” is …
?) a decrease in force, activity, amount, etc.
?) good fortune, wealth, success, etc.
?) an imitation or mimicking intended as a caricature or amusing impersonation
?) a result or effect of impressing
Вопрос id:854926
“dividend” is …
?) the sum remaining after all costs
?) the rate of producing or amount produced
?) a sum or quantity, usually of money, to be divided among stockholders, creditors, members of cooperative, etc.
?) payment asked or given for professional services, admissions, licenses, tuition, etc; charge
Вопрос id:854927
“equitable” means
?) disloyal, deceitful
?) false, untruthful, dishonest
?) fair, just
?) friendly, informal or intimate
Вопрос id:854928
“eventually” means …
?) in any way; by any chance
?) forever; constantly
?) finally; ultimately; in the end
?) at any time
Вопрос id:854929
“expectation or prospect; mental view or attitude” is …
?) projection
?) outlook
?) public deficit
?) treaty
Вопрос id:854930
“fee” is …
?) the amount of money, time etc. expended
?) the sum remaining after all costs
?) payment asked or given for professional services, admissions, licenses, tuition, etc; charge
?) a remark, question, offer, etc. made to feel out another
Вопрос id:854931
“foggy, misty or smoky” is …
?) hazy
?) bygone
?) nutty
?) strange
Вопрос id:854932
“hence” means …
?) by or through this; by this means
?) about or near here
?) after this; from now on; in the future
?) for this reason; as a result; therefore
Вопрос id:854933
“idle” means …
?) unemployed, not busy
?) not definite; containing doubtful elements
?) an image of a god used as an object or instrument of worship
?) dependent upon varying conditions
Вопрос id:854934
“income” is
?) the money or other gain received by an individual, corporation, etc. for labour or services or from property, investments, operations etc.
?) a compulsory payment, usually a percentage, levied on income
?) the sum remaining after all costs
?) the rate of producing or amount produced
Вопрос id:854935
“insurmountable” means …
?) necessary for completeness; essential
?) that cannot be past over or overcome; insuperable
?) that cannot be easily defined, formulated
?) with nothing missing or injured
Вопрос id:854936
“invention” is …
?) a temporary falling off of business activity during a period when such activity has been generally increasing
?) the investing of money
?) a careful search or examination
?) something originated by experiment; new device or contrivance
Вопрос id:854937
“never ceasing, continuing or being repeated without stopping or in a way that seems endless” is …
?) nutty
?) hazy
?) incessant
?) bygone
Вопрос id:854938
“normal and healthy; not weak” is …
?) sound
?) tall
?) strong
?) ill
Вопрос id:854939
“prosperity” is …
?) the art and science of combining vocal or instrumental sounds
?) a mental view or examination
?) good fortune, wealth, success, etc.
?) the act of doing good or helping others, esp. by giving money for charitable purposes
Вопрос id:854940
“recession” is …
?) a period of decrease in business activity
?) a result or effect of impressing
?) a temporary falling off of business activity during a period when such activity has been generally increasing
?) a decrease in force, activity, amount, etc.
Вопрос id:854941
“regulation” is
?) a tax or duty on the manufacture, sale or consumption of various commodities within a country
?) a treasury, as of a country or organization
?) a fee paid for a license to carry on certain occupations, sports, etc
?) a rule, ordinance or law by which conduct, etc. is regulated
Вопрос id:854942
“scarce” means
?) sufficient or more than enough; abundant
?) not plentiful; not sufficient to meet the demand; hard to get
?) lacking refinement, elegance, polish or sophistication
?) holy; sacred; hallowed
Вопрос id:854943
“similarly” means
?) in a simple manner; with simplicity
?) nearly but not exactly the same or alike; having a resemblance
?) having only one part; not complex or compounded
?) easy to do, solve or understand
Вопрос id:854944
“solution” is
?) the answer to a problem; an explanation, clarification, etc.
?) mental image; creation of the mind; fancy
?) a false idea or conception; belief or opinion not in accord with the facts
?) decoration with lights
Вопрос id:854945
“stabilization; strengthening” is …
?) guideline
?) situation
?) balance
?) consolidation
Вопрос id:854946
“stable prices” are
?) shaky, changeable, inconstant prices
?) high prices
?) firm, steady prices
?) low prices
Вопрос id:854947
“that has or have gone by; past; farmer” is …
?) fast
?) hazy
?) future
?) bygone
Вопрос id:854948
“to adjust” means …
?) to change so as to fit, conform, make suitable, etc.
?) to put off or suspend until a future time
?) to permit to enter or use; let in
?) to acknowledge or confess
Вопрос id:854949
“to affect” means
?) to have an effect on; influence; produce a change in
?) to avoid expense, loss, waste etc.; be economical
?) to frighten; terrify
?) to behave or conduct (oneself) in a specified manner
Вопрос id:854950
“to afford” means
?) to have an effect on; influence
?) to insult openly or purposely; offend
?) to say positively; declare firmly
?) to manage (to do something) without risking serious consequences
Вопрос id:854951
“to apply” means
?) to come forth; be visible
?) to take into custody; capture or arrest
?) to apply to a person or thing with (an epithet or suitable term)
?) to think well of; understand and enjoy
Вопрос id:854952
“to attack with arguments, questions, doubts, etc.” is …
?) to assail
?) to assemble
?) to assess
?) to assert
Вопрос id:854953
“to cause to be thoroughly soaked, imbued or penetrated” is …
?) to erase
?) to stock
?) to blur
?) to saturate
Вопрос id:854954
“to compete (with)” means
?) to end, finish, conclude
?) to behave or conduct (oneself) in a specified manner
?) to make or become intricate, difficult or involved
?) to enter into or be in rivalry;
Вопрос id:854955
“to consume” means
?) to enter into or be in rivalry
?) to buy goods and services for one’s personal needs
?) to use up or spend without real need, gain or purpose
?) to seek an opinion from; ask an advice
Вопрос id:854956
“to deposit” means …
?) to remove from political influence
?) to reduce the population of, esp. by violence
?) to put money in the bank as for safekeeping or to earn interest
?) to deprive of individuality
Вопрос id:854957
“to encourage” means
?) to try, often by imitating or coping, to equal or surpass
?) to fill with love and desire; charm
?) to hold back the motion or action of; hinder; hamper
?) to give hope or confidence to; to give support to; foster help
Вопрос id:854958
“to entail” means …
?) to place in a tomb or grave; bury
?) to give a title or name to
?) to start upon; begin
?) to cause or require as a necessary consequence; involve; necessitate
Вопрос id:854959
“to exceed” means
?) to think, speak or write of as greater than is really so, magnify beyond the fact
?) to be greater or better than, or superior toto give or receive (equivalent or similar things)
?) to go or be beyond ( a limit, limiting regulation, measure, etc.)
?) to avoid or escape from by deceit or cleverness
Вопрос id:854960
“to insure” means …
?) to contract to be paid or pay money in the case of loss of (life, property, etc.)
?) to give facts or information to on a particular matter
?) to put or use in place of another
?) to give hope or confidence to; to give support to; foster help
Вопрос id:854961
“to keep from moving or acting freely; impede” is …
?) to give in
?) to hamper
?) to move
?) to reduce
Вопрос id:854962
“to outstrip” means …
?) to set the nominal value of the capital of (a corporation) higher than is lawful or justifiable
?) to go at a faster pace than, get ahead of; surpass
?) to charge too high a price (to)
?) to cover with something blown, as sand
Вопрос id:854963
“to participate” means …
?) to have or take a part or share with others (in some activity, enterprise, etc.)
?) to exploit (an asset) successfully
?) to behave or conduct (oneself) in a specified manner
?) to make or become intricate, difficult or involved
Вопрос id:854964
“to pose” means …
?) to behave or conduct (oneself) in a specified manner
?) to make an abrupt sound; glow
?) to leave hastily
?) to put forward or propose (a question, problem, etc.)
Вопрос id:854965
“to predict” means …
?) to make an affirmation or statement
?) to say in advance; to foretell ( a future event or events)
?) to form in advance
?) to replace ( a regularly scheduled program)
Вопрос id:854966
“to print or publish” is …
?) to issue
?) to give in
?) to give way to
?) to hinder
Вопрос id:854967
“to put (a quality, idea, etc. into), as if by pouring” is …
?) to fill
?) to infuse
?) to collaborate
?) to erase
Вопрос id:854968
“to reduce drastically (i.e. prices)” is …
?) to hamper
?) to exchange
?) to slash
?) to relax
Вопрос id:854969
“to rely upon” means
?) to have confidence; trust
?) to stay while others go
?) to back out of an arrangement; to go back on a promise
?) to notice; observe; perceive
Вопрос id:854970
“to rub, scrape or wipe out; remove” is …
?) to erase
?) to collaborate
?) to evacuate
?) to build
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