Тесты онлайн, бесплатный конструктор тестов. Психологические тестирования, тесты на проверку знаний.
Список вопросов базы знанийАнгл. яз. Профессиональный язык для экономистовВопрос id:798470 Choose the correct translation of the phrase: аккредитив револьверный, автоматически возобновляемый ?) accepted letter of credit ?) irrevocable letter of credit ?) revolving letter of credit ?) confirmed invoice Вопрос id:798471 Choose the correct translation of the phrase: акт осмотра ?) survey notification ?) survey report ?) survey act ?) checking report Вопрос id:798472 Choose the correct translation of the phrase: акцептовать тратту ?) to honor a draft ?) to honor an invoice ?) to accept invoice ?) to accept a draft Вопрос id:798473 Choose the correct translation of the phrase: безотзывный аккредитив ?) confirmed letter of credit ?) irrevocable bill of lading ?) irrevocable letter of credit ?) accepted letter of credit Вопрос id:798474 Choose the correct translation of the phrase: выполнять обязательства ?) to fulfill obligations ?) to fulfill maturities ?) to make obligations ?) to complete obligations Вопрос id:798475 Choose the correct translation of the phrase: делать оговорки ?) to make amendments ?) to fulfill obligations ?) to make qualifications ?) to make changes Вопрос id:798476 Choose the correct translation of the phrase: держать активы, владеть активами ?) to hold actives ?) to owe actives ?) to owe assets ?) to hold assets Вопрос id:798477 Choose the correct translation of the phrase: заключить сделку ?) to make a deal ?) to strike a deal ?) to quote a deal ?) to make business Вопрос id:798478 Choose the correct translation of the phrase: заявление о приеме на работу ?) resume ?) application note ?) application form ?) curriculum vitae Вопрос id:798479 Choose the correct translation of the phrase: идти навстречу, идти на уступки ?) to make a concession ?) to meet the demand ?) to go to concessions ?) to meet the requirements Вопрос id:798480 Choose the correct translation of the phrase: инкассовая форма расчетов ?) collected form of payment ?) payment on collection form ?) incased form of payment ?) payment on collection terms Вопрос id:798481 Choose the correct translation of the phrase: компенсация за убыток ?) allowance for damage ?) allowance for losses ?) compensation for losses ?) compensation for damage Вопрос id:798482 Choose the correct translation of the phrase: морское страхование ?) insurance premium ?) sea insurance ?) insurance at sea ?) marine insurance Вопрос id:798483 Choose the correct translation of the phrase: назначать цену ?) to make the price ?) to quote a price ?) to stand a price ?) to quite the cost Вопрос id:798484 Choose the correct translation of the phrase: нарушение контракта ?) canceling of a contract ?) tolerance from a contract ?) deviation from a contract ?) breach of contract Вопрос id:798485 Choose the correct translation of the phrase: некоммерческая организация ?) not commerce institution ?) non profit-making organization ?) non-commerce organization ?) profit-making institution Вопрос id:798486 Choose the correct translation of the phrase: неограниченная ответственность ?) unlimited liability ?) unlimited responsibility ?) limited liability ?) sole responsibility Вопрос id:798487 Choose the correct translation of the phrase: нести личную ответственность ?) to be in the sole charge ?) to be in the private charge ?) to hold sole responsibility ?) to hold the sole charge Вопрос id:798488 Choose the correct translation of the phrase: оставлять у себя товар ?) to retain the cargo ?) to retain the consignment ?) to retain the goods ?) to leave the goods Вопрос id:798489 Choose the correct translation of the phrase: отклонить претензию ?) to settle the claim ?) to meet the claim ?) to make a claim on somebody ?) to decline the claim Вопрос id:798490 Choose the correct translation of the phrase: очищать товары от пошлин ?) to refund the goods ?) to clear the goods ?) to retain the goods ?) to clear the taxes Вопрос id:798491 Choose the correct translation of the phrase: переводной вексель, тратта ?) letter of credit ?) bill of lading ?) invoice ?) bill of exchange Вопрос id:798492 Choose the correct translation of the phrase: платежный баланс ?) payment balance ?) bill of sale ?) balance check ?) balance of payments Вопрос id:798493 Choose the correct translation of the phrase: подтвержденный аккредитив ?) confirmed bill of lading ?) irrevocable letter of credit ?) confirmed bill of exchange ?) confirmed letter of credit Вопрос id:798494 Choose the correct translation of the phrase: помещать заказ ?) to touch upon ?) to give an order ?) to place an order ?) to order consignment Вопрос id:798495 Choose the correct translation of the phrase: поставлено на границе ?) delivered abroad ?) delivered duty paid ?) delivered at frontier ?) dispatched at frontier Вопрос id:798496 Choose the correct translation of the phrase: почтовый перевод ?) mail remittance ?) mail transfer ?) telegraphic transfer ?) telegraphic remittance Вопрос id:798497 Choose the correct translation of the phrase: предъявить иск к кому-либо ?) to write statement of claim ?) to make statement of claim ?) to settle the claim ?) to make a claim on somebody Вопрос id:798498 Choose the correct translation of the phrase: провоз оплачен ?) carriage paid to ?) freight paid to ?) dispatch paid to ?) cable transfer paid to Вопрос id:798499 Choose the correct translation of the phrase: расчетное время прибытия ?) estimated time of departure ?) liquidated time of arrival ?) estimated time of dispatch ?) estimated time of arrival Вопрос id:798500 Choose the correct translation of the phrase: розничная торговля ?) market business ?) market trade ?) retailing trade ?) retailing business Вопрос id:798501 Choose the correct translation of the phrase: свободно вдоль борта судна ?) free alongside ship ?) free on rail ?) free on board the ship ?) free alongside the vessel Вопрос id:798502 Choose the correct translation of the phrase: своевременное получение оплаты ?) timely receipt of payment ?) receipt of payment in time ?) payment in time ?) timely reception of payment Вопрос id:798503 Choose the correct translation of the phrase: сертификат соответствия ?) certificate of solvency ?) certificate of origin ?) original certificate ?) real certificate Вопрос id:798504 Choose the correct translation of the phrase: совместное предприятие ?) joint enterprise ?) joint venture ?) combined venture ?) merged enterprise Вопрос id:798505 Choose the correct translation of the phrase: согласованные и заранее оцененные убытки ?) agreed and liquidated beforehand damaged ?) agreed and estimated losses ?) agreed and liquidated damages ?) agreed and liquidated losses Вопрос id:798506 Choose the correct translation of the phrase: составлять документ ?) to make a document ?) to combine a document ?) to strike a deal ?) to make a contract Вопрос id:798507 Choose the correct translation of the phrase: срок оплаты ?) due date ?) last time ?) time due ?) deadline Вопрос id:798508 Choose the correct translation of the phrase: сроки поставки ?) terms of delivery ?) terms of dispatch ?) cutting of the materials ?) terms of the contract Вопрос id:798509 Choose the correct translation of the phrase: страховое возмещение ?) insurance costs ?) insurance premium ?) insurance maturity ?) insurance indemnity Вопрос id:798510 Choose the correct translation of the phrase: существенные условия контракта ?) main terms of a contract ?) contract terms ?) essential clauses of a contract ?) essential terms of a contract Вопрос id:798511 Choose the correct translation of the phrase: терпеть убытки ?) to incur losses ?) to incur leakages ?) to suffer losses ?) to suffer leakages Вопрос id:798512 Choose the correct translation of the phrase: тратта с оплатой в конце обусловленного периода ?) term draft ?) bill of lading ?) sight draft ?) invoice Вопрос id:798513 Choose the correct translation of the phrase: тратта «на предъявителя» ?) sight draft ?) letter of credit ?) term draft ?) sight bill of lading Вопрос id:798514 Choose the correct translation of the phrase: удовлетворить претензию ?) to fulfill the claim ?) to meet the claim ?) to settle the claim amicably ?) to make a claim on somebody Вопрос id:798515 Choose the correct translation of the phrase: удовлетворять требования, обеспечить потребности ?) to fulfill the requirements ?) to meet the needs ?) to fulfill the needs ?) to meet the requirements Вопрос id:798516 Choose the correct translation of the phrase: финансовый год ?) facsimile year ?) financial year ?) fiscal year end ?) fiscal year Вопрос id:798517 Choose the correct translation of the phrase: фондовая биржа ?) stock exchange ?) holding company ?) fund exchange ?) stock office Вопрос id:798518 Choose the correct translation of the phrase: частная собственность ?) the sole charge property ?) individual property ?) individual proprietorship ?) private proprietorship Вопрос id:798519 Choose the correct translation of the phrase: чистый коносамент ?) clean bill of lading ?) clean invoice ?) clean letter of credit ?) clean bill of exchange |
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