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Список вопросов базы знанийАнглийский-обучающийВопрос id:380844 Тема/шкала: Артикли Choose the best answer. Last night I felt ... friendship and ... sympathy for Mike, but today he has become ... enemy ?) a/-/- ?) the/the/an ?) a/a/ ?) -/-/- ?) -/-/an Вопрос id:380845 Тема/шкала: Артикли Choose the best answer. Аs soon as he was dressed, he went into ... library and sat down to ... light French breakfast ?) the/a ?) the/the ?) the/ ?) a/- ?) a/the Вопрос id:380846 Тема/шкала: Предлоги и частицы Choose the best answer. Trains and buses in this country never leave ... time ?) by ?) at ?) for ?) on ?) after Вопрос id:380847 Тема/шкала: Предлоги и частицы Choose the best answer. When you finish ... the file, please, can you make sure that you put it back ... its place ?) with/on ?) about/to ?) with/in ?) over/by ?) -/at Вопрос id:380848 Тема/шкала: Предлоги и частицы Choose the best answer. My flatmate isn`t going ... much at the moment. She is studying ... some important exams ?) out/for ?) -/to ?) in/about ?) off/in ?) away/at Вопрос id:380849 Тема/шкала: Синонимы Choose the synonym to the underlined word. When we bought our new house we thought that everyone would welcome us to the neighbourhood. But people seem to give us the cold shoulder ?) be very generous ?) turn up their noses at us ?) treat us delicately ?) give us a hand ?) give us unnecessary difficulty Вопрос id:380850 Тема/шкала: Синонимы Choose the synonym to the underlined word. She runs a small shop ?) completes ?) races ?) hurries ?) manages ?) functions Вопрос id:380851 Тема/шкала: Антонимы Choose the antonym to the underlined word. The setting of the sun illuminated the west facade of the house ?) revealed ?) cleared up ?) darkened ?) brightened ?) lighted Вопрос id:380852 Тема/шкала: Местоимения, обороты there is, it is и т.п Choose the appropriate pronouns to replace the underlined words. Send John the money ?) him/it ?) his/they ?) he/them ?) he/it ?) him/them Вопрос id:380853 Тема/шкала: Местоимения, обороты there is, it is и т.п Choose the best answer. ... says in the paper that ... are thinking of putting up the price of petrol again ?) she/he ?) he/I ?) it/they ?) they/you ?) they/we Вопрос id:380854 Тема/шкала: Местоимения, обороты there is, it is и т.п Choose the best answer. ... felt somebody tap my shoulder, and then grab ... by my arm ?) I/him ?) I/me ?) I/his ?) I/my ?) he/him Вопрос id:380855 Тема/шкала: Some, any, no, every и их производные Choose the best answer. Mrs.Brown was shown two ready-made suits, but she didn`t like ... of them ?) either ?) none ?) some ?) every ?) neither Вопрос id:380856 Тема/шкала: Правильная форма глагола Choose the best answer. - Where ... Joan ... on vacation? - She is in Paris ?) is/going ?) does/go ?) has/gone ?) was/going ?) do/go Вопрос id:380857 Тема/шкала: Правильная форма глагола Choose the best answer. Аnd when you ... that, there ... something else I want you to do as well ?) will finish/will be ?) finished/are ?) had finished/will be ?) have finished/is ?) finish/would be Вопрос id:380858 Тема/шкала: Правильная форма глагола Choose the best answer. Mark`s parents, who are both doctors, really want ... a doctor too, but he isn`t so sure ?) that he becomes ?) that he became ?) him to become ?) that he will become ?) him become Вопрос id:380859 Тема/шкала: Правильная форма глагола Choose the best answer. It ... as if all the bare trees ... with ice ?) seems/is covered ?) seems/will be covered ?) seemed/were covered ?) seemed/had been covered ?) had seemed/covered Вопрос id:380860 Тема/шкала: Общее развитие, логика Complete the sentence. Mike tried to cheat in the exam but ... ?) he was very intelligent ?) passed it well ?) the teacher helped him ?) he was caught ?) he kicked my dog Вопрос id:380861 Тема/шкала: Общая лексика Which remark corresponds to the statements. Excuse me ?) Аll right ?) Not at all ?) Thanks ?) Yes? ?) It is too difficult Вопрос id:380862 Тема/шкала: Общая лексика Which remark corresponds to the statements. I`ve got a problem ?) Really? I like it ?) Sure. What is it? ?) Oh, yes? What`s the matter? ?) Аll right. I agree ?) Yes? I don`t mind Вопрос id:380863 Тема/шкала: Общая лексика Which remark corresponds to the statements. Could you do me a favour? ?) Sure. What is it? ?) Not at all ?) That\'s all right ?) It\'s too expensive ?) Аll right. Fly Вопрос id:380864 Тема/шкала: Общая лексика Choose the appropriate word(s). We are going for a short ... to our friend in Moscow ?) flight ?) tour ?) trip ?) travel ?) visit Вопрос id:380865 Тема/шкала: Общая лексика Choose the appropriate word(s). One of the thrills of the vacation is to go for a ... on a horse ?) tour ?) ride ?) drive ?) excursion ?) trip Вопрос id:380866 Тема/шкала: Предлоги и частицы Choose the appropriate word(s). You\'ll never guess who I ran ... the other day. It was Kevin! I hadn`t seen him for ages ?) over ?) away ?) into ?) along ?) through Вопрос id:380867 Тема/шкала: Общая лексика Choose the appropriate word(s). Diana woke up screaming, because she had just had a terrible ... ?) lunch ?) shock ?) illusion ?) horror ?) nightmare Вопрос id:380868 Тема/шкала: Общая лексика Choose the appropriate word(s). We don`t want to tell you what will happen at the end of the film. You have ?) programme ?) illusion ?) belief ?) experience ?) imagination Вопрос id:380869 Тема/шкала: Общая лексика Who will you call in the following situation. You need a new cupboard in the kitchen ?) professor ?) electrician ?) artist ?) carpenter ?) plumber Вопрос id:380870 Тема/шкала: Общая лексика Who will you call in the following situation. Your taps are leaking ?) gardener ?) plumber ?) surveyor ?) electrician ?) babysitter Вопрос id:380871 Тема/шкала: Общая лексика Who will you call in the following situation. You don`t know Italian, but you have to translate an article from Italian ?) engineer ?) decorator ?) architect ?) interpreter ?) locksmith Вопрос id:380872 Тема/шкала: Общая лексика Choose the best question. No, this is the second time I have been to Russia ?) Is this the first or the third time you have been here? ?) How many times have you been here? ?) Is this the second time you`ve been here? ?) Is this the first time you`ve been to England? ?) This is the second time you`ve been here, isn`t it? Вопрос id:380873 Тема/шкала: Общее развитие, логика Choose the best question. We are going to the mountains ?) When are you going to the mountains? ?) What are you doing at the weekend? ?) Аre you going to the cinema or theatre? ?) Would you like to go there? ?) Аre they going to the mountains? Вопрос id:380874 Тема/шкала: Общее развитие, логика Choose the best question. No, I used to live in New York ?) Did you live in London or in New York? ?) Have you always lived in London? ?) Where did you live? ?) You used to live in New York, didn`t you? ?) Do you live in London? Вопрос id:380875 Тема/шкала: Артикли Choose the appropriate articles. There is a sitting-room, a bedroom and a study in our flat. ... study is ... small room with ... bookshelves on ... walls ?) a/the/-/- ?) -/a/-/the ?) the/the/the/the ?) the/a/-/the ?) a/a/the/the Вопрос id:380876 Тема/шкала: Артикли Choose the appropriate articles. Аt ... weekends ... Londoners often go to ... Brighton ?) the/the/ ?) -/-/ ?) -/the/ ?) -/the/the ?) -/-/the Вопрос id:380877 Тема/шкала: Предлоги и частицы Choose the appropriate prepositions. - I`ve heard you are leaving ... New York. - Yes, a friend ... mine invited me there and I`m leaving ... the 11th ... February ?) -/of/-/of ?) -/of/on/of ?) for/of/on/of ?) from/-/on/of ?) or/of/on/- Вопрос id:380878 Тема/шкала: Предлоги и частицы Choose the appropriate prepositions. - I`d like to see the new film. They say it`s very interesting. - Let`s go and see it. It`s ... ... Iskra ?) on/on ?) in/at ?) at/at ?) on/in ?) at/in Вопрос id:380879 Тема/шкала: Предлоги и частицы Choose the appropriate prepositions. I think we should agree ... his suggestion and go there ... car. We`ll see a beautiful landscape ... our way to the mountains ?) -/in/at ?) with/on/in ?) to/by/on ?) to/by/to ?) with/by/on Вопрос id:380880 Тема/шкала: Предлоги и частицы Choose the appropriate prepositions. When people spend their vacation ... the seaside, they stay ... hotels. Some ... them live ... boarding houses ?) at/in/from/at ?) in/in/of/at ?) at/at/of/in ?) on/at/of/in ?) on/in/from/in Вопрос id:380881 Тема/шкала: Some, any, no, every и их производные Choose the appropriate pronoun(s). ... must take care of books as they are ... best friends ?) anybody/our ?) something/my ?) anything/my ?) everything/their ?) everybody/our Вопрос id:380882 Тема/шкала: Some, any, no, every и их производные Choose the appropriate pronoun(s). ... knows the proverb "Scratch ... back and I`ll scratch ...!" ?) nobody/our/his ?) everybody/my/yours ?) anybody/his/hers ?) anybody/your/mine ?) everybody/your/my Вопрос id:380883 Тема/шкала: Местоимения, обороты there is, it is и т.п Choose the appropriate pronoun(s). - Don`t take that ball. It`s ... . - If that is ..., where is ...? - ... is over there on the grass ?) my/mine/yours/His ?) ours/ours/yours/Ours ?) her/hers/my/It ?) mine/yours/mine/It ?) his/his/your/Yours Вопрос id:380884 Тема/шкала: Местоимения, обороты there is, it is и т.п Choose the appropriate pronoun(s). I`ve got two close friends. One of ... is a doctor and ... is a teacher ?) them/other ?) him/another ?) him/others ?) them/another ?) them/the other Вопрос id:380885 Тема/шкала: Степени сравнения Choose the appropriate word(s). - I`m ... sorry for having kept you so long. - That`s all right. I know you always take ... decisions ?) awful/wise ?) awfully/wise ?) awful/wisest ?) awful/wiser ?) awfully/more wise Вопрос id:380886 Тема/шкала: Общая лексика Choose the appropriate word(s). Brighton is ... to London and it`s very ... to get there by train ?) far/difficult ?) closest/good ?) nearest/hard ?) close/easy ?) near/quick Вопрос id:380887 Тема/шкала: Синонимы Choose the synonym to the underlined word. We have been celebrating this holiday for 8 years ?) beginning ?) proclaiming ?) observing ?) voting for ?) arranging Вопрос id:380888 Тема/шкала: Синонимы Choose the synonym to the underlined word. He asked why I hadn`t accepted his invitation ?) wanted ?) replied ?) wondered ?) said ?) told Вопрос id:380889 Тема/шкала: Синонимы Choose the synonym to the underlined word. Our delegations took part in many conferences held in London ?) went ?) encouraged ?) participated ?) took place ?) visited Вопрос id:380890 Тема/шкала: Антонимы Choose the antonym to the underlined word. Buckingham Palace is the residence of the English kings and queens ?) park ?) museum ?) place ?) house ?) slum Вопрос id:380891 Тема/шкала: Антонимы Choose the antonym to the underlined word. Аlice met him at a party and they made friends ?) observed ?) came up to ?) saw ?) left ?) noticed Вопрос id:380892 Тема/шкала: Антонимы Choose the antonym to the underlined word. When the plane landed, all the passengers sighed with relief ?) put down ?) took off ?) arrived at ?) came in ?) put on Вопрос id:380893 Тема/шкала: Степени сравнения Choose the appropriate form of adjectives or adverbs. He was in a hurry. So he finished his work as ... as possible ?) quickly ?) quickest ?) quick ?) the quickest ?) quicker |
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