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Список вопросов базы знанийТестирование ЕНТ 2015 по английскому языкуВопрос id:309588 Образуйте прилагательное с противоположным значением от слова "definite": ?) Ildefinite. ?) Imdefinite. ?) Redefinite. ?) Indefinite. ?) Undefinite. Вопрос id:309589 Выберите определение к слову 'reply': ?) To translate from one language to another. ?) To ask somebody about something. ?) To give an answer to a question. ?) To make a report at the lecture. ?) To give an explanation. Вопрос id:309590 Прочитайте текст и выполните задание. There was a time when the people of Greece were not united but instead there were several states each of which had its own ruler. Some of the people in the southern part of the country were called Spartans and they were famous for their simple habits and their bravery. The name of the land was Laconia, so they were sometimes called Lacons. Their rule was to speak briefly and never use more words than were needed. From that time a short answer as a Lacon would give we call a laconic answer. Завершите предложение согласно содержания текста. Lacons... ?) lived in the northern part of Greece. ?) didn't like to work. ?) was the name of the river. ?) were very greedy people. ?) was another name of Spartans. Вопрос id:309591 Закончите предложение : When I was younger, I … play tennis quite well. ?) Used ?) Used to ?) Am used to ?) To be used to ?) To get used to Вопрос id:309592 Закончите диалог. - Could you pass me this salt, please. - Yes, ... - ... - Of course. Help yourself. ?) ... Why not?/ Can you help me? ?) ... Of course./ Take some more soup. ?) ... don't mention it./ May I have a plate? ?) ... here you are./ May I have more soup? ?) ... thank you./ Do you like soup? Вопрос id:309593 Найдите правильное местоимение: If you find … mistakes, please tell me. ?) Something. ?) Anything. ?) Any. ?) Somebody. ?) Nothing. Вопрос id:309594 Выберите предложение, в котором инфинитив использован в функции определения: ?) He was happy to learn the truth. ?) The film to be shown is not very interesting. ?) I can read since I was five. ?) I know him well enough to ask for help. ?) She likes to sing. Вопрос id:309595 Выберите подходящий английский эквивалент: Моя сестра собиралась сходить в театр вчера. ?) My sister will buy a ticket for "Spartacus". ?) My sister used to go to the theatre. ?) My sister often visits her mother on Sundays. ?) My sister was going to pay a visit to the theatre yesterday. ?) Yesterday my sister visited a theatre. Вопрос id:309596 Вставьте необходимое по смыслу слово в предложении: Her only great ... was to become a filmstar. ?) suit ?) family ?) lesson ?) dream ?) exercise Вопрос id:309597 Выберите правильный вариант ответа или вопроса в диалоге: - Do you know the way to hotel N3? - No, I don't. - ... . ?) With pleasure. ?) Thank you for the information. ?) Thank you, anyway. ?) Not at all. ?) Thanks a lot. Вопрос id:309598 Выберите исчисляемое существительное: ?) Bottle ?) Health ?) Butter ?) Sugar ?) Time Вопрос id:309599 Прочтите текст и ответьте на вопрос после текста: The famous composer Rakhmaninov was also a very good pianist. When he was a small boy he was asked to play at a home party at their friends' place. Though he was only eight he was quite experienced in playing the piano and did it well. At that concert he was to play one of Beethoven's sonatas. It must be mentioned that there are several very long intervals in that sonata. In each of these intervals the boy took his hands off the keyboard and waited. During one of these intervals the old mother of the hostess came up to him and said, "My boy, why don't you play anything that you know very well?" Why did the boy stop playing several times? ?) because he didn't remember the sonata ?) because the sonata had some long intervals ?) because he was mistaken ?) because he was tired ?) because the sonata had some short intervals Вопрос id:309600 Выберите правильный английский эквивалент данной пословицы: Минута час бережет. ?) Appetite comes with eating. ?) No pains, no gains. ?) A stitch in time saves nine. ?) Better late than never. ?) Bad news travels fast. Вопрос id:309601 Дополните предложение: We … home, when the rain began. ?) are leaving ?) were leaving ?) was leaving ?) to be leaving ?) to leaving Вопрос id:309602 Выберите глагол в форме Future Simple: ?) Will goes. ?) Will went. ?) Will gone. ?) Will goed. ?) Will go. Вопрос id:309603 Выберите правильный вариант сказуемого. Не ... to write a letter. ?) Am going ?) Is going ?) Were going ?) Are going ?) Be going Вопрос id:309604 Образуйте новое слово от "real" c помощью следующих суффиксов. ?) Al. ?) Tion. ?) Ment. ?) Ic. ?) Ist. Вопрос id:309605 Дополните предложение существительным в притяжательном падеже It is his...car ?) Brother ?) Brother's ?) Brothers's ?) Brothers ?) Brother' Вопрос id:309606 Выберите предложение с Герундием: ?) He was fond of reading books about travels. ?) She is sitting in the armchair reading a newspaper. ?) What are you reading? ?) He is reading an interesting book. ?) His reading was very poor. Вопрос id:309607 Переведите: Придя домой, он сразу позвонил Джейн. ?) Have come home, he called Jane immediately ?) Coming home, he called Jane immediately ?) Having come home, he called Jane immediately ?) Having coming home, he called Jane immediately ?) Come home, he called Jane immediately Вопрос id:309608 Выберите фразовый глагол со значением 'просматривать': ?) Look on. ?) Look at. ?) Look in. ?) Look through. ?) Look for. Вопрос id:309609 Прочитайте текст, выберите завершение предложения, соответствующее содержанию текста: Jane came home after her first day at school. "Well, dear", asked her mother, "what did they teach you?" "Not much," answered the child. "I have to go again." Jane has … . ?) A lot of things for school. ?) A nice school dress. ?) To go to the kindergarten. ?) To take her mother to school. ?) To attend school again. Вопрос id:309610 Вставьте нужный артикль: I read … book with … great interest. ?) -- / the ?) -- / -- ?) a / the ?) the / the ?) the / a Вопрос id:309611 Выберите правильный вариант ответа. Who was the first president of the USA? ?) Christopher Columbus. ?) Abraham Lincoln. ?) Thomas Jefferson. ?) Franklin Roosevelt ?) George Washington. Вопрос id:309612 Найдите лишнее слово в данном ряду слов: ?) Important. ?) Favourite. ?) Happy. ?) Wonderful. ?) Award. Вопрос id:309613 Выберите правильный вариант местоимения: "… is absent"-said Kate to the teacher. ?) some. ?) nobody. ?) anybody. ?) any. ?) anything. Вопрос id:309614 Произношение буквосочетания 'ear' отличается от остальных в слове ?) hearsay. ?) fear. ?) beard. ?) ear. ?) search. Вопрос id:309615 Выберите правильное слово Pass me … salt, please. ?) an ?) the ?) those ?) a ?) - Вопрос id:309616 Выберите правильно написанное слово: ?) Breikfast. ?) Braekfast. ?) Breakfact. ?) Breakfast. ?) Breakvast. Вопрос id:309617 Выберите верное местоимение: Look! …is downstairs. ?) some. ?) any. ?) anywhere. ?) anybody. ?) somebody. Вопрос id:309618 Выберите слово, в котором выделенная буква читается отлично от других. ?) Garden ?) Gate ?) Gaze ?) Geese ?) Gentle Вопрос id:309619 Лишним в данной группе числительных является: ?) Two hundred ?) Thousand ?) Thirty-five ?) Twelve ?) Twentieth Вопрос id:309620 Составьте словосочетание: an empty. ?) cucumber. ?) sea. ?) bottle. ?) blouse. ?) garden. Вопрос id:309621 Закончите предложение: White and light things in the sky which bring rain are the ... ?) clouds. ?) planes. ?) birds. ?) storm. ?) leaves. Вопрос id:309622 Прочитайте текст и выполните задание. A hundred years ago people knew how to entertain themselves much better than they do now. When a group of people gathered together, they talked, played cards or other games, read aloud to each other, or went out shooting or walking together. Most people could sing a little or play a musical instrument, so at a party the guests entertained each other. Conversation was an art, amusing conversation could keep people happy for hours. As for games, such as football, tennis, people played them more often than they do now. Most of them didn't play very well, but they could amuse themselves and their friends. Завершите предложение согласно содержания текста. When a group of people gathered together they ... . ?) didn't take part in conversation. ?) didn't want to see each other . ?) quarelled with each other. ?) worked. ?) talked, played cards or other games. Вопрос id:309623 Выберите правильный вариант. В феврале 29 дней. ?) February has twenty nine days. ?) February has twenty nine day. ?) February has the twenty nine days. ?) February has the twentieth nine days. ?) February has twenty of nine day. Вопрос id:309624 Найдите множественное число слова "A Knife": ?) Knifses ?) Knifes ?) Kniveses ?) Knifs ?) Knives Вопрос id:309625 Составьте слово. T, у, s, е, i, r, с, u. ?) securiet ?) curityes. ?) security. ?) secuiryt. ?) sicurety. Вопрос id:309626 Выберите верное причастие: A ... fridge ?) Boughting. ?) Buyed. ?) Bought. ?) Buying. ?) Boughted. Вопрос id:309627 Вставьте пропущенное местоимение: All sentences consist of words and … of letters. ?) this ?) they ?) that ?) them ?) these Вопрос id:309628 Поставьте слова в алфавитном порядке: ?) Sad, sail, salt, save, satirical. ?) Sail, salt, satirical, sad, save. ?) Sad, sail, salt, satirical, save. ?) Satirical, save, sad, sail, salt. ?) Salt, sad, sail, satirical, save. Вопрос id:309629 Закончите предложение. You must ... for at least two hours a day if you want to play the piano well. ?) practise. ?) listen. ?) speak. ?) hear. ?) practice. Вопрос id:309630 Выберите правильный вариант вопроса для следующего ответа. Just to the post office. I want to post these letters. I'll be back in a few minutes. ?) Where have you gone? ?) Where were you going? ?) Where are you going? ?) Where have you been? ?) Where did you go? Вопрос id:309631 Переведите: Интересно, где Сью? Она обещала не опаздывать. ?) I wonder where Sue is. She promised not to be late. ?) I wonder where Sue was. She promised to be not late. ?) I wonder where Sue. She promised not be late. ?) I wonder where is Sue. She promises not to be late. ?) I wonder where Sue is. She promised not to being late. Вопрос id:309632 Выберите правильный вариант предлога: She is fond … pop music. ?) with ?) after ?) of ?) for ?) in Вопрос id:309633 Найдите прилагательное, имеющее отрицательное значение: ?) indefinite ?) dependent ?) useful ?) regular ?) understandable Вопрос id:309634 Выберите правильный вариант сложного дополнения: I would like you… to bed early. ?) is going ?) to go ?) went ?) goes ?) go Вопрос id:309635 Выберите подходящий эквивалент для словосочетания: to be ill ?) to be healthy. ?) to try to be healthy. ?) to speak about health. ?) to stay at work ?) to be unwell. Вопрос id:309636 Выберите правильный вариант глагола. I have to study, so I ought... in the reading hall. ?) stayed. ?) to stay. ?) stay. ?) to be stayed. ?) staying. Вопрос id:309637 Выберите необходимый вспомогательный глагол: Who advised you to choose this profession? My father.... ?) does. ?) had. ?) has done. ?) is. ?) did. |
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