Тесты онлайн, бесплатный конструктор тестов. Психологические тестирования, тесты на проверку знаний.

Список вопросов базы знаний

Английский язык (9 кл.)

Вопрос id:853306
The English for "рискованное предприятие" is adventure
?) no
?) yes
Вопрос id:853307
The English for "Рождественский пудинг" is Christmas pudding
?) no
?) yes
Вопрос id:853308
The English for "Рождество" is Christmas Day
?) no
?) yes
Вопрос id:853309
The English for "свет факела" is torchlight
?) yes
?) no
Вопрос id:853310
The English for "сольный концерт (даваемый одним исполнителем)" is recital
?) yes
?) no
Вопрос id:853311
Если в словах, вводящих прямую речь, употреблен глагол to say без дополнения, обозначающего лицо, to say сохраняется
?) нет
?) да
Вопрос id:853312
Если глагол в главном предложении стоит в Present Simple Tense, Present Perfect Tense, Future Simple Tense, то глагол в косвенной речи остается в том же времени, в каком он был в прямой речи
?) да
?) нет
Вопрос id:853313
Если сказуемое главного предложения выражено глаголом в одной из форм прошедшего времени, то глагол-сказуемое придаточного предложения не может употребляться в форме настоящего или будущего времени
?) нет
?) да
Вопрос id:853314
Если сказуемое глагольного предложения выражено глаголом в одной из форм настоящего времени, то глагол-сказуемое придаточного предложения может употребляться в форме настоящего, прошедшего или будущего времени
?) нет
?) да
Вопрос id:853315
Запятая, стоящая после слов, вводящих прямую речь, а также кавычки, в которые заключена прямая речь, опускаются
?) да
?) нет
Вопрос id:853316
Личные и притяжательные местоимения прямой речи заменяются по смыслу
?) нет
?) да
Вопрос id:853317
Прямая речь - речь какого-либо лица, передаваемая буквально так, как она была произнесена
?) нет
?) да
Вопрос id:853318
Речь, передаваемая не слово в слово, а только по содержанию, в виде дополнительных придаточных предложений, называется прямой речью
?) нет
?) да
Вопрос id:853319
Указательные местоимения и наречия времени и места в косвенной речи всегда совпадают с теми, которые были в прямой речи
?) нет
?) да
Вопрос id:853320
The English for "быть названным в честь" is to be named after
?) no
?) yes
Вопрос id:853321
The English for "в честь кого-либо" is in honour of
?) no
?) yes
Вопрос id:853322
The English for "день благодарения" is Thanksgiving Day
?) yes
?) no
Вопрос id:853323
The English for "День всех влюбленных" is All Souls' Day
?) no
?) yes
Вопрос id:853324
The English for "День памяти конфедератов" is Confederate Memorial Day
?) no
?) yes
Вопрос id:853325
The English for "День сурка" is Groundhog Day
?) yes
?) no
Вопрос id:853326
The English for "домовой" is bogy
?) no
?) yes
Вопрос id:853327
The English for "друид" is Druid
?) yes
?) no
Вопрос id:853328
The English for "злой дух" is an evil spirit
?) no
?) yes
Вопрос id:853329
The English for "рисоваться" is to paint magic signs
?) yes
?) no
Вопрос id:853330
The English for "торжественный день" is a native celebration
?) yes
?) no
Вопрос id:853331
The English for "фонарь из тыквы" is jack-o'-lantern
?) no
?) yes
Вопрос id:853332
В вопросительных предложениях порядок слов обратный
?) нет
?) да
Вопрос id:853333
В косвенном вопросе порядок слов обратный
?) нет
?) да
Вопрос id:853334
В повествовательном английском предложении порядок слов прямой
?) да
?) нет
Вопрос id:853335
В придаточных предложениях времени и условия будущее время не употребляется
?) нет
?) да
Вопрос id:853336
Все глаголы должны иметь при себе дополнение
?) да
?) нет
Вопрос id:853337
Пассивный залог образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола "to have"
?) да
?) нет
Вопрос id:853338
При переводе из прямой речи в косвенную необходимо соблюдать правило согласования времен
?) да
?) нет
Вопрос id:853339
Разделительный вопрос состоит их двух частей
?) нет
?) да
Вопрос id:853340
Согласование времен указывает на последовательность совершения действий
?) да
?) нет
Вопрос id:853341

Вставьте глагол по смыслу (to have, to do, to take, to make):

He ___ a few mistakes in the exam.

Вопрос id:853342

Дополните мини-диалог подходящей репликой: - And what do they do with them then?

- Then the children put the pumpkin on the porch of their house. And after that they take a big empty bag and walk around every house and knock at the door.

- And so what?

-Then they ask a traditional question: “Trick or treat?”

- What does it mean?


?) It means “Give me a treat - an apple, a sweet, some candies or I’ll play a trick on you.”
?) I hear the Frick Museum and the famous Metropolitan Museum are there.
?) The only thing I know is that Fifth Avenue is the place where very rich people live.
?) Is it your first visit to the U.S.?
Вопрос id:853343

Дополните мини-диалог подходящей репликой: - Were there many people there?

- Oh, yes! The streets were full of people and in the field there was a large crowd round a circle of big stones with an “altar stone” in the middle.

- What is this altar stone used for?


?) Is it your first visit to the U.S.?
?) The only thing I know is that Fifth Avenue is the place where very rich people live.
?) The Chief Druid stepped on the altar stone and made a long speech in Welsh. I didn’t understand a word of it but the audience loved it.
?) I hear the Frick Museum and the famous Metropolitan Museum are there.
Вопрос id:853344

Дополните мини-диалог подходящей репликой: -Have you ever attended Eisteddfod?

- No, I haven’t. What is it?

-It’s the most exciting Welsh traditional festival devoted to music and poetry.

- When is it held?


?) Yes, I do.
?) Annually early in August.
?) Well, Washington is a great city. It’s so different from New York. It is more quiet, the air is fresh and I love the architecture. And it isn’t so big as New York, though it’s the capital.
?) I am looking forward to visiting those places.
Вопрос id:853345

Дополните мини-диалог подходящей репликой: -When is Halloween celebrated?

- On the last night in October.

- How is it celebrated?


?) Yes, I do.
?) I am looking forward to visiting those places.
?) The children cut holes in a pumpkin to imitate a nose, mouth and eyes and put a lighted candle inside.
?) Well, Washington is a great city. It’s so different from New York. It is more quiet, the air is fresh and I love the architecture. And it isn’t so big as New York, though it’s the capital.
Вопрос id:853346

Дополните мини-диалог подходящей репликой: BOB: Mm... Well, OK. I wonder what's on the menu.

MARY: I'm starving.

BOB: We don't have a menu. There's not one on this table. Mary, do you think you could ask those people over there...

MARY: Oh sure, honey. Just a minute. Excuse me, I wonder if we could ... oh, I'm sorry... honey, they don't have one either. I'll ask the waitress. Waitress! Um, we'd like a menu, please. WAITRESS: Oh, I'm sorry. Yes, of course, here you are.


?) Well, Washington is a great city. It’s so different from New York. It is more quiet, the air is fresh and I love the architecture. And it isn’t so big as New York, though it’s the capital.
?) Yes, I do.
?) Oh, no, not at all.
?) Thank you.
Вопрос id:853347

Дополните мини-диалог подходящей репликой: - Could you tell me what you think of New York?


?) Well, Washington is a great city. It’s so different from New York. It is more quiet, the air is fresh and I love the architecture. And it isn’t so big as New York, though it’s the capital.
?) Oh, yes, certainly. I love the atmosphere, the music in the streets, the noise, colours. But the architecture is the worst I have ever seen.
?) Is it your first visit to the U.S.?
?) The only thing I know is that Fifth Avenue is the place where very rich people live.
Вопрос id:853348

Дополните мини-диалог подходящей репликой: - Do you know any holidays which are popular with children?


?) The only thing I know is that Fifth Avenue is the place where very rich people live.
?) I believe, Christmas with its Christmas tree and presents, perhaps, and Halloween are especially popular.
?) I hear the Frick Museum and the famous Metropolitan Museum are there.
?) Is it your first visit to the U.S.?
Вопрос id:853349

Дополните мини-диалог подходящей репликой: - Is it an old custom to hold this festival?

-Oh, yes. This tradition dates back to early history, and there are records of competitions for Welsh poets and musicians in the 12th century.

-When did you attend it last?


?) Yes, I do.
?) This year when my uncle invited me to stay at his house in Caernarvon. We got up early in the morning and went to a large grassy field just outside the town.
?) Well, Washington is a great city. It’s so different from New York. It is more quiet, the air is fresh and I love the architecture. And it isn’t so big as New York, though it’s the capital.
?) Oh, no, not at all.
Вопрос id:853350

Дополните мини-диалог подходящей репликой: - Were there any songs or poems performed?

- Yes, there were. A great number of songs and poems. And at the end of the festival there was a very interesting ceremony of awarding the bard of the year.

- You mean the winner of the competition?

-Yes. He was awarded the prize. It was the Crown, specially made for the occasion.


?) I think I should go there next year. I like ancient traditions, besides I’ve never been to Wales.
?) I am looking forward to visiting those places.
?) Yes, I do.
?) Well, Washington is a great city. It’s so different from New York. It is more quiet, the air is fresh and I love the architecture. And it isn’t so big as New York, though it’s the capital.
Вопрос id:853351

Дополните мини-диалог подходящей репликой: BOB:Ah, miss, could you tell me, what's the "soup of the day"?

WAITRESS: Well, the "soup of the day" is cream of asparagus.


BOB: Ah. Well, could you tell me the ... about your "specials"?

WAITRESS: Mm... I'd recommend the steak. We also have really good beef here, yeah...

MARY: OK. Well, give me a couple of minutes to think about it, OK?

WAITRESS: OK. I'll be right back.



?) Well, Washington is a great city. It’s so different from New York. It is more quiet, the air is fresh and I love the architecture. And it isn’t so big as New York, though it’s the capital.
?) Thanks.
?) Yes, I do.
?) Oh, no, not at all.
Вопрос id:853352

Дополните мини-диалог подходящей репликой: “Now I want you to see Park Avenue which is a fashionable residential section of the city. It's on the opposite side of Central Park from Broadway."

"I hear the Frick Museum and the famous Metropolitan Museum are there."

"That's right. Do you want to watch a game of baseball?"

"Yes, I do."

?) "In that case I'll take you to the Stadium.
?) The only thing I know is that Fifth Avenue is the place where very rich people live.
?) Well, Washington is a great city. It’s so different from New York. It is more quiet, the air is fresh and I love the architecture. And it isn’t so big as New York, though it’s the capital.
?) Oh, no, not at all.
Вопрос id:853353

Употребите нужный фразовый глагол:

The price of petrol may ___(= increase) again next week.

?) take off
?) go up
?) get off
?) get in
Вопрос id:853354

Употребите нужный фразовый глагол:

I don't think I'll ___ (= finish) this report before five o'clock.

?) get off
?) get through
?) take in
?) get in
Вопрос id:853355
Вставьте глагол по смыслу (to have, to do, to take, to make): Could you ___ me a favour and lend me some?
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