Тесты онлайн, бесплатный конструктор тестов. Психологические тестирования, тесты на проверку знаний.
Список вопросов базы знанийАнгл. яз. Аналитическое чтениеВопрос id:839193 Выберите выражение, которое не относится к теме: Advantages of small apartments ?) easy to clean ?) good school facilities ?) relatively inexpensive ?) cheaper to furnish Вопрос id:839194 Выберите выражение, которое не относится к теме: Characteristics of a good restaurant ?) jacket and tie required ?) pleasant atmosphere ?) efficient waiters ?) tasty food Вопрос id:839195 Выберите выражение, которое не относится к теме: Reasons for car accidents ?) giving signals ?) drinking and driving ?) not following traffic regulations ?) fast driving Вопрос id:839196 Выберите выражение, которое не относится к теме: Steps for planning a trip ?) reserving a ticket ?) working late ?) making an itinerary ?) purchasing a map Вопрос id:839197 Выберите выражение, которое не относится к теме: Ways to get rid of hiccups ?) hold your breath to the count of 10 ?) breath into a paper bag ?) have someone frighten you ?) make an appointment with your doctor Вопрос id:839198 Выберите правильное определение понятия analysis ?) The ability to put together pieces in order to see a structure that was nit obvious before. ?) The ability to recall specific information and universal concepts, methods, and processes. ?) A type of understanding so that the individual knows what is being communicated. ?) The ability to see the organization of a communication and the relationship between ideas. Вопрос id:839199 Выберите правильное определение понятия application ?) The ability to put together pieces in order to see a structure that was nit obvious before. ?) A type of understanding so that the individual knows what is being communicated. ?) The ability to recall specific information and universal concepts, methods, and processes. ?) The transfer of information or concepts discussed in one context to another context. Вопрос id:839200 Выберите правильное определение понятия comprehension ?) A type of understanding so that the individual knows what is being communicated. ?) The ability to recall specific information and universal concepts, methods, and processes. ?) The transfer of information or concepts discussed in one context to another context. ?) The ability to put together pieces in order to see a structure that was nit obvious before. Вопрос id:839201 Выберите правильное определение понятия evaluation ?) The ability to consider and judge the value of the materials in a given context for a specific purpose. ?) The ability to see the organization of a communication and the relationship between ideas. ?) A type of understanding so that the individual knows what is being communicated. ?) The ability to put together pieces in order to see a structure that was nit obvious before. Вопрос id:839202 Выберите правильное определение понятия knowledge ?) A type of understanding so that the individual knows what is being communicated. ?) The ability to put together pieces in order to see a structure that was nit obvious before. ?) The ability to recall specific information and universal concepts, methods, and processes. ?) The transfer of information or concepts discussed in one context to another context. Вопрос id:839203 Выберите правильное определение понятия synthesis ?) The transfer of information or concepts discussed in one context to another context. ?) A type of understanding so that the individual knows what is being communicated. ?) The ability to recall specific information and universal concepts, methods, and processes. ?) The ability to put together pieces in order to see a structure that was nit obvious before. Вопрос id:839204 Выберите определение, подходящее по контексту к выделенному слову: Some congressmen during negotiations on the 1990 farm bill came away with cuts of 15 % in the amount of acreage receiving government subsidies from 1991 to 1995ю ?) an old age ?) devastated lands ?) old farms ?) the area of a piece of land measured in acres Вопрос id:839205 Выберите определение, подходящее по контексту к выделенному слову: A report by the congressional Office of Technology Assessment in 1986 concluded that most big farms “do not need direct government payments and subsidies to complete and survive. ?) to continue to nourish ?) to continue to live or exist ?) to have problems ?) to win Вопрос id:839206 Выберите определение, подходящее по контексту к выделенному слову: In the meantime the government will introduce a bill in the autumn for “stage one” reform, which will simply remove the voting rights of hereditary peers. ?) instead of this ?) at the same time ?) before this ?) after this Вопрос id:839207 Выберите определение, подходящее по контексту к выделенному слову: In the meantime the government will introduce a bill in the autumn for “stage one” reform, which will simply remove the voting rights of hereditary peers. ?) new ?) some ?) honorable ?) passed down from parent to child Вопрос id:839208 Выберите определение, подходящее по контексту к выделенному слову: Senior members of Labour and the Liberal Democrats favour a hybrid system for the chamber, where some members are elected and some are appointed. ?) passed down from parent to child ?) old ?) all the ?) honorable Вопрос id:839209 Выберите определение, подходящее по контексту к выделенному слову: Senior members of Labour and the Liberal Democrats favour a hybrid system for the chamber, where some members are elected and some are appointed. ?) old ?) new ?) some ?) mixed Вопрос id:839210 Выберите определение, подходящее по контексту к выделенному слову: A revolutionary improvement in the efficiency of transport was an essential element in the achievement of great productive expansion. ?) minor ?) crucial ?) new ?) not necessary Вопрос id:839211 Выберите определение, подходящее по контексту к выделенному слову: A revolutionary improvement in the efficiency of transport was an essential element in the achievement of great productive expansion. ?) increasing in size, number, degree, etc. ?) activity ?) painful reduce ?) chaos Вопрос id:839212 Выберите определение, подходящее по контексту к выделенному слову: We became a great power because of our ability to invent and our skills at manufacturing and marketing our inventions. ?) chaos ?) experience ?) century ?) activity Вопрос id:839213 Выберите определение, подходящее по контексту к выделенному слову: We became a great power because of our ability to invent and our skills at manufacturing and marketing our inventions. ?) care ?) attention ?) empire ?) help Вопрос id:839214 Выберите определение, подходящее по контексту к выделенному слову: We became a great power because of our ability to invent and our skills at manufacturing and marketing our inventions. ?) developing manufactories and plants ?) collecting and analyzing facts ?) producing by industrial processes ?) building manufactories Вопрос id:839215 Выберите определение, подходящее по контексту к выделенному слову: We became a great power because of our ability to invent and our skills at manufacturing and marketing our inventions. ?) discovueries ?) ability ?) promoting ?) activity Вопрос id:839216 Выберите определение, подходящее по контексту к выделенному слову: We became a great power because of our ability to invent and our skills at manufacturing and marketing our inventions. ?) reserching ?) defying ?) buying or selling ?) fixing Вопрос id:839217 Выберите продолжение текста: Many companies have now computerized their accounting procedures because computers can do the work more quickly and more accurately than people. ?) Computers are very important in modern life. ?) The work the computer does is called data processing. ?) The mistake made by a person, not by the computer is called GIGO. ?) When computers go wrong, it si usually because there is something wrong with input. Вопрос id:839218 Выберите слово, подходящее по контексту к выделенному: A recent survey by the authorities of Spain’s Basque region found that 47% of the population felt more Basque than Spanish, including 32% who regarded themselves only Basques. ?) increasing ?) important ?) research ?) textile Вопрос id:839219 Выберите слово, подходящее по контексту к выделенному: A recent survey by the authorities of Spain’s Basque region found that 47% of the population felt more Basque than Spanish, including 32% who regarded themselves only Basques. ?) considered ?) made ?) do ?) think Вопрос id:839220 Выберите слово, подходящее по контексту к выделенному: A recent survey by the authorities of Spain’s Basque region found that 47% of the population felt more Basque than Spanish, including 32% who regarded themselves only Basques. ?) solely ?) increasingly ?) just ?) for Вопрос id:839221 Выберите слово, подходящее по контексту к выделенному: In 1933 there were nearly 7 mln full-time commercial farms in America, most of them barely surviving. ?) hardly ?) intensively ?) well ?) constantly Вопрос id:839222 Выберите слово, подходящее по контексту к выделенному: Conservatives will fiercely oppose the bill, arguing that they cannot agree to the removal of hereditary peers without knowing what will replace them. ?) saying ?) disagreeing ?) thinking ?) believing Вопрос id:839223 Выберите слово, подходящее по контексту к выделенному: Conservatives will fiercely oppose the bill, arguing that they cannot agree to the removal of hereditary peers without knowing what will replace them. ?) barely ?) increasingly ?) hardly ?) impetuously Вопрос id:839224 Из перечисленных- к обязательным аспектам чтения относятся ?) understanding, respond, meaning ?) decode, decipher, identify; ?) articulate, speak, pronounce; Вопрос id:839225 Из перечисленных- к нетекстовым элементам текста относятся ?) карикатуры, ?) иллюстрации, ?) картины ?) символы, Вопрос id:839226 Навык опережающего охвата содержания текста ?) затрудняет чтение ?) является одним из методов изучения текста ?) позволяет уже при первом, поверхностном знакомстве с текстом предсказать, очем в нем будет идти речь ?) не может помочь определить жанр, структуру, стилистику текста Вопрос id:839227 Одним из методов изучения текста, который позволяет наиболее полно рассмотреть его на разных уровнях с целью получения необходимой информации и совершенствования навыков чтения и говорения на иностранном языке, является ?) аналитическое чтение ?) реферирование ?) аннотирование ?) иллюстрация Вопрос id:839228 Определите жанр текста по заголовоку: “A classification of Money” ?) fiction ?) newspaper article ?) advertisment ?) science Вопрос id:839229 Определите жанр текста по заголовоку: “Agent makes three. Triple Killer Search” ?) advertisment ?) newspaper article ?) science ?) fiction Вопрос id:839230 Определите жанр текста по заголовоку: “Drink Coca-Cola!” ?) science ?) newspaper article ?) advertisment ?) fiction Вопрос id:839231 Определите жанр текста по заголовоку: “Hamilton Fiance Hopes for future happiness” ?) science ?) newspaper article ?) advertisment ?) text book Вопрос id:839232 Определите жанр текста по заголовоку: “Major Changes Raise Concerns on Pension Bill <http://www.times.com/2006/03/19/business/19pension.html?hp&ex=1142830800&en=0e0f6f1b696f3337&ei=5094&partner=homepage>” ?) advertisment ?) fiction ?) newspaper article ?) science Вопрос id:839233 Определите жанр текста по заголовоку: “Return to Paradise” ?) newspaper article ?) advertisment ?) science ?) fiction Вопрос id:839234 Определите жанр текста по заголовоку: “The Gold Bags” ?) newspaper article ?) text book ?) advertisment ?) science Вопрос id:839235 Определите жанр текста по заголовоку: “Greenhouse gas Emission” ?) science ?) fiction ?) newspaper article ?) advertisment Вопрос id:839236 Определите жанр текста по предложению: At a time when one in three American babies is born to unwed parents, birth fathers' rights remain an unsettled area. ?) newspaper article ?) science ?) fiction ?) advertisment Вопрос id:839237 Определите жанр текста по предложению: He remained silent, and kept his eyes on each bowl as he carefully wiped the towel through them. ?) fiction ?) newspaper article ?) advertisment ?) science Вопрос id:839238 Определите жанр текста по предложению: He waited a week before going back up to the Montgomery place, and even then, it was after eleven, and the house was dark and silent except for the kitchen, where Mrs. M always kept a light on. At first, he intended to stand beneath Jenna’s bedroom window and maybe toss a pebble at it to get her attention. ?) advertisment ?) fiction ?) newspaper article ?) science Вопрос id:839239 Определите жанр текста по предложению: Hoping to replicate the 2004 uprising in Ukraine, opposition candidates are calling for protests of Sunday's presidential vote. ?) newspaper article ?) fiction ?) advertisment ?) science Вопрос id:839240 Определите жанр текста по предложению: Lawmakers have modified the bill to the point of weakening the pension system rather than strengthening it. ?) fiction ?) newspaper article ?) advertisment ?) science Вопрос id:839241 Определите жанр текста по предложению: She’s carrying her woven wicker bag like the ones the Umpqua tribe sells out along the hot August highway, a bag shape of a tool box with a hemp handle. ?) science ?) advertisment ?) fiction ?) newspaper article Вопрос id:839242 Определите жанр текста по предложению: Years ago, I came upon the god during a storm of late November, a frozen, bitter storm, in which I had gotten caught down at the caverns, taking a dinghy out to look for the famous buried pirate treasure. ?) fiction ?) science ?) advertisment ?) newspaper article |
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