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Список вопросов базы знаний

Англ.язык: профессиональная терминология и основы перевода научных текстов (магистр)

Вопрос id:880916
By conducting a review of the literature, researchers refine the problem ___study, clarify possible techniques to be used in collecting data and may avoid making unnecessary mistakes.
?) at
?) in
?) on
?) under
Вопрос id:880917
By using the random sampling techniques, sociologists do not need to question___ in a population.
?) one
?) nobody
?) everyone
?) noone
Вопрос id:880918
General sociology is an attempt to discover the general social laws which may be derived from ___specialized social processes.
?) -
?) a
?) the
?) an
Вопрос id:880919
General sociology is an attempt to discover the general social laws which may___ derived from the specialized social processes.
?) been
?) be
?) -
?) were
Вопрос id:880920
How do sociologists study human___(поведение) and institutions?
?) behavior
?) behaviur
?) behaviour
?) behavour
Вопрос id:880921
Human societies are characterized by patterns of relationships (social relations) between individuals who ___a distinctive culture and institutions; a given society may be described as the sum total of such relationships among its constituent members.
?) has shared
?) share
?) shall share
?) shares
Вопрос id:880922
In formulating a hypothesis, we do not imply that it is correct. We merely suggest that it is ___of study, that the hypothesis should be scientifically tested and confirmed, refuted or revised, depending on the outcome of the study.
?) worth
?) worst
?) worthy
?) worse
Вопрос id:880923
In many instances, a hypothesis is refuted, and researchers___ reformulate their conclusions, to reexamine their methodology and to make changes in the research design.
?) has to
?) have
?) have had
?) have to
Вопрос id:880924
In order to test a hypothesis and to determine if it is___ or refuted, researchers need to collect information.
?) supporting
?) supports
?) support
?) supported
Вопрос id:880925
In the classic method of conducting an experiment, two groups of people are selected and compared: the experimental group which is exposed to the experiment and the control group which is___.
?) no
?) none
?) -
?) not
Вопрос id:880926
In the social sciences, a larger society often evinces stratification and/or dominance patterns___ subgroups.
?) from
?) on
?) at
?) in
Вопрос id:880927
It is important ___that research designs need not be viewed as mutually exclusive.
?) have realized
?) to realize
?) realizing
?) realize
Вопрос id:880928
It is through the study of sociology that the truly scientific study of the society has___ possible.
?) was
?) be
?) been
?) had
Вопрос id:880929
Max Weber combines two schools of thought – i.e. historical and systematic and he adds something___.
?) most
?) much
?) more
?) least
Вопрос id:880930
Max Weber combines two schools of thought – i.e. historical and systematic and he ___ something more.
?) have added
?) adds
?) adding
?) add
Вопрос id:880931
Scientific studies do not aim to answer all the questions that can be raised about___ particular object.
?) the
?) -
?) a
?) an
Вопрос id:880932
Should a sociologist engaged in participant-observation research always___ the confidentiality of subjects?
?) protecting
?) protect
?) protected
?) protects
Вопрос id:880933
Social physiology is concerned with such dynamics processes as religion, morals, law, economic and political aspects, each of which may___ the subject matter of a special discipline.
?) are
?) were
?) was
?) be
Вопрос id:880934
Social physiology is concerned with such dynamics processes as religion, morals, law, economic and political aspects, each of___ may be the subject matter of a special discipline.
?) that
?) this
?) which
?) what
Вопрос id:880935
Society is___ vast and complex phenomenon and therefore it is generally debatable that which part of society should be studied by sociology.
?) an
?) a
?) -
?) these
Вопрос id:880936
Sociological studies do not always confirm ___original hypothesis.
?) these
?) a
?) an
?) the
Вопрос id:880937
Sociologists regularly use experiments, participant observations, surveys and unobtrusive techniques to generate data___ their research.
?) on
?) to
?) -
?) for
Вопрос id:880939
Sociology has a strong appeal to all types of mind___ its direct bearing upon many of the initial problems of the present world.
?) thorough
?) thought
?) though
?) through
Вопрос id:880940
Sociology involves scientific study of human social life, groups and societies, identifying the importance of social forces for understanding our individual___ and their social contexts.
?) to live
?) life
?) live
?) lives
Вопрос id:880941
Sociology is broadly ___as the study of human society.
?) to define
?) define
?) defined
?) defining
Вопрос id:880942
Sociology studies___ role of the institutions in the development of the individuals.
?) the
?) an
?) these
?) -
Вопрос id:880943
Sorokin has ___to the main currents of recent sociological thoughts in the following four branches of sociology-cosmo-sociology, bio-sociology, general sociology and special sociologies.
?) refered
?) referred
?) referring
?) referre
Вопрос id:880944
Special sociologies study a specific socio-cultural phenomenon which is selected ___a detailed study.
?) at
?) like
?) for
?) on
Вопрос id:880945
The Code of Professional Ethics expects sociologists___ all funding sources.
?) disclose
?) shall disclose
?) to disclose
?) disclosing
Вопрос id:880946
The conclusion of a research study represents both an end and a beginning. It terminates a specific phase of investigation, but it should also___ ideas for future study.
?) generated
?) generating
?) generate
?) generates
Вопрос id:880947
The home and family, the school and education, the church and religion, the state and government, industry and work, the community and association, ___are institutions through which society functions.
?) these
?) this
?) that
?) -
Вопрос id:880948
The late origin of sociology does not mean that its standing as ___with other social sciences is very weak.
?) compare
?) compared
?) is comparing
?) compares
Вопрос id:880949
There are five basic steps in a scientific method that researchers follow ___developing useful research.
?) on
?) at
?) in
?) into
Вопрос id:880950
There are many kinds of samples, of which the random sample is frequently used ___social scientists.
?) in
?) with
?) by
?) -
Вопрос id:880951
There is a great degree of difference of opinion___ vast and complex phenomenon, scope and subject matter of sociology.
?) regards
?) regard
?) regarded
?) regarding
Вопрос id:880952
What are the advantages ___a questionnaire?
?) at
?) on
?) -
?) of
Вопрос id:880953
What must sociologists abide___ while conducting research?
?) with
?) on
?) in
?) by
Вопрос id:880954
When sociologists wish to study a possible cause-and-effect relationship, they may___ experiments.
?) to conduct
?) conducted
?) conducting
?) conduct
Вопрос id:880955
Evaluative actions: In terms of rational orientation to an absolute value; involving a conscious belief in the absolute value of some ethical, aesthetic, religious or other form of behaviour entirely for its own sake and independently ___of external success.
?) some prospects
?) of any prospects
?) any prospects
?) of some prospects
Вопрос id:880956
Personality system: This aspect of the system of social action is responsible for the needs for fulfillment of which the man makes effort and performs certain actions. But once man makes efforts he ___meet certain conditions.
?) has
?) has to
?) has been
?) have to
Вопрос id:880957
A discovery involves making known or sharing the existence___ an aspect of reality.
Вопрос id:880958
A discovery involves making known or sharing ___existence of an aspect of reality.
Вопрос id:880959
A discovery___ making known or sharing the existence of an aspect of reality. The identification of a new moon of Saturn is an act of discovery.
?) include
?) includes
?) involves
?) involve
Вопрос id:880960
According Talcott Parsons a social action is a process in the actor-situation system which has motivational significance to the individual actor or in the case of collectivity, its component individuals ___
Вопрос id:880961
According to Pareto sociology ___the logical and illogical aspects of actions.
?) tries to deal
?) tries to deal with
?) tries to study
?) tries studying
Вопрос id:880962
According to Talcott Parsons a social action is a process in the actor-situation system which has motivational significance to the individual actor or in the case___ collectivity, its component individuals.
Вопрос id:880963
According to Talcott Parsons a social action is a process in the actor-situation system which has motivational significance___ the individual actor or in the case of collectivity, its component individuals.
Вопрос id:880964
According to Talcott Parsons a social action is a process in the actor-situation___ to the individual actor or in the case of collectivity, its component individuals.
?) systems which has motivational significance
?) system that has motivational significance
?) system which have motivational significance
?) system which has motivational significance
Вопрос id:880965
An innovation is the process of introducing an idea or object ___to culture. There are two forms of innovation: a discovery and an invention.
?) is new
?) to be new
?) be new
?) that is new
Вопрос id:880966
Cultural system: Once the process of the social action develops the symbols and the signs acquire general meaning. They also develop as a result of ___and ultimately when different actors under a particular cultural system perform various social interactions, special situation develops.
?) systematize system
?) systematized system
?) systematizing system
?) having systematized system
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