Тесты онлайн, бесплатный конструктор тестов. Психологические тестирования, тесты на проверку знаний.

Список вопросов базы знаний

Английский язык

Вопрос id:98717
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Effective, efficient, skilled, experienced
The teacher was looking for ..... grammar exercises.
?) effective
?) efficient
?) skilled
?) experienced
Вопрос id:98718
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Effective, efficient, skilled, experienced
She looked a picture perfect and she knew it. Her hairdo and her makeup were strikingly ..... .
?) effective
?) efficient
?) experienced
?) skilled
Вопрос id:98719
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Effective, efficient, skilled, experienced
..... measures ought to be taken to improve the work of the city transport.
?) Efficient
?) Effective
?) Skilled
?) Experienced
Вопрос id:98720
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Effective, efficient, skilled, experienced
The government should take ..... measures to cure unemployment.
?) efficient
?) effective
?) experienced
?) skilled
Вопрос id:98721
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Effective, efficient, skilled, experienced
The school had an ..... staff of teachers.
?) experienced
?) effective
?) efficient
?) skilled
Вопрос id:98722
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Effective, efficient, skilled, experienced
I don’t think Millie is ..... enough to work with small children.
?) effective
?) efficient
?) skilled
?) experienced
Вопрос id:98723
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Effective, efficient, skilled, experienced
She was making good progress under the guidance of an ..... instructor.
?) skilled
?) experienced
?) effective
?) efficient
Вопрос id:98724
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Effective, efficient, skilled, experienced
Heidi was very ..... in making new friends.
?) skilled
?) experienced
?) efficient
?) effective
Вопрос id:98725
Тема/шкала: intermediate,Effective, efficient, skilled, experienced
If I were you, I’d employ a ..... architect to design the house.
?) effective
?) experienced
?) efficient
?) skilled
Вопрос id:98726
Тема/шкала: advanced,Earn, gain, acquire, receive
An experienced surgeon can ..... $20,000 a year.
?) receive
?) earn
?) gain
?) acquire
Вопрос id:98727
Тема/шкала: advanced,Earn, gain, acquire, receive
Being a plumber, I do not ..... much money.
?) earn
?) acquire
?) gain
?) receive
Вопрос id:98728
Тема/шкала: advanced,Earn, gain, acquire, receive
Jack does not really like his job but he must ..... a living.
?) earn
?) receive
?) gain
?) acquire
Вопрос id:98729
Тема/шкала: advanced,Earn, gain, acquire, receive
Jane is ..... good money at the bank.
?) acquiring
?) gaining
?) earning
?) receiving
Вопрос id:98730
Тема/шкала: advanced,Earn, gain, acquire, receive
Let Sam pay the bill – he's ..... a fortune at his new job.
?) gaining
?) earning
?) receiving
?) acquiring
Вопрос id:98731
Тема/шкала: advanced,Earn, gain, acquire, receive
His scientific works have ..... him huge respect in academic society.
?) acquire
?) received
?) gain
?) earned
Вопрос id:98732
Тема/шкала: advanced,Earn, gain, acquire, receive
His hard work has ..... him reputation of a true expert.
?) gained
?) acquired
?) received
?) earned
Вопрос id:98733
Тема/шкала: advanced,Earn, gain, acquire, receive
His struggle for human rights has ..... a name in the Eastern world.
?) acquired
?) gained
?) earned
?) received
Вопрос id:98734
Тема/шкала: advanced,Earn, gain, acquire, receive
I heard Ann ..... good money in America.
?) acquires
?) receives
?) earns
?) gains
Вопрос id:98735
Тема/шкала: advanced,Earn, gain, acquire, receive
I do not ..... enough money to afford such a car.
?) acquire
?) gain
?) receive
?) earn
Вопрос id:98736
Тема/шкала: advanced,Earn, gain, acquire, receive
She has ..... some cheap popularity thanks to the yellow press.
?) gained
?) received
?) earned
?) acquire
Вопрос id:98737
Тема/шкала: advanced,Earn, gain, acquire, receive
I have ..... a lot of useful experience just watching him work.
?) acquire
?) earned
?) gained
?) received
Вопрос id:98738
Тема/шкала: advanced,Earn, gain, acquire, receive
Our company has ..... $50,000 on this deal.
?) earn
?) gained
?) receive
?) acquired
Вопрос id:98739
Тема/шкала: advanced,Earn, gain, acquire, receive
Because of my huge glasses I’ve ..... a nickname “foureyed.”
?) gained
?) acquired
?) receive
?) earn
Вопрос id:98740
Тема/шкала: advanced,Earn, gain, acquire, receive
Scandals are often just an attempt to ..... everyone’s attention.
?) receive
?) gain
?) earn
?) acquire
Вопрос id:98741
Тема/шкала: advanced,Earn, gain, acquire, receive
A scandalous document has ..... publicity yesterday.
?) acquires
?) earned
?) gained
?) receive
Вопрос id:98742
Тема/шкала: advanced,Earn, gain, acquire, receive
No pains, no ..... .
?) earnings
?) acquisitions
?) gains
?) receipts
Вопрос id:98743
Тема/шкала: advanced,Earn, gain, acquire, receive
He is such a good debater he always ..... the upper hand in all discussions.
?) gains
?) receives
?) earns
?) acquires
Вопрос id:98744
Тема/шкала: advanced,Earn, gain, acquire, receive
He has ..... a notorious reputation after that scandal.
?) earned
?) acquire
?) receives
?) gained
Вопрос id:98745
Тема/шкала: advanced,Earn, gain, acquire, receive
Children ..... many social skills at school.
?) receive
?) earn
?) gain
?) acquire
Вопрос id:98746
Тема/шкала: advanced,Earn, gain, acquire, receive
I’ve ..... many useful skills thanks to your guidance.
?) acquired
?) received
?) gain
?) earned
Вопрос id:98747
Тема/шкала: advanced,Earn, gain, acquire, receive
In June our corporation ..... Lakeside Television, the largest media company in the region.
?) acquired
?) received
?) earned
?) gained
Вопрос id:98748
Тема/шкала: advanced,Earn, gain, acquire, receive
Foreigners cannot ..... real estate in this country.
?) earn
?) acquire
?) gain
?) receive
Вопрос id:98749
Тема/шкала: advanced,Earn, gain, acquire, receive
In 1994 BMW ..... British brand Rover and owned it for 6 years.
?) received
?) gained
?) earned
?) acquired
Вопрос id:98750
Тема/шкала: advanced,Earn, gain, acquire, receive
Local plant has ..... a large patch of land to build a new workshop.
?) gained
?) earned
?) acquired
?) received
Вопрос id:98751
Тема/шкала: advanced,Earn, gain, acquire, receive
Often companies ..... their competitors to avoid the price wars.
?) earn
?) receive
?) acquire
?) gain
Вопрос id:98752
Тема/шкала: advanced,Earn, gain, acquire, receive
Our school not only teaches children to read, write and count, but also helps them to ..... some computer skills.
?) acquire
?) earn
?) receive
?) gain
Вопрос id:98753
Тема/шкала: advanced,Earn, gain, acquire, receive
Last year Mr. Jones ..... a large mansion near Paris.
?) received
?) acquired
?) gained
?) earned
Вопрос id:98754
Тема/шкала: advanced,Earn, gain, acquire, receive
Attention to the pupils is one of the most important skills that a teacher needs to ..... .
?) earn
?) receive
?) gain
?) acquire
Вопрос id:98755
Тема/шкала: advanced,Earn, gain, acquire, receive
Contrary to popular belief, knights rarely ..... dangerous wounds on medieval tournaments.
?) acquired
?) earned
?) gained
?) received
Вопрос id:98756
Тема/шкала: advanced,Earn, gain, acquire, receive
Have you ever ..... a letter or phone call asking you to pay a debt that you had never heard about?
?) acquired
?) gained
?) earned
?) received
Вопрос id:98757
Тема/шкала: advanced,Earn, gain, acquire, receive
Have you ..... the parcel with my Christmas presents?
?) received
?) acquired
?) gained
?) earned
Вопрос id:98758
Тема/шкала: advanced,Earn, gain, acquire, receive
I’ve just ..... a letter from my uncle.
?) acquired
?) received
?) gained
?) earned
Вопрос id:98759
Тема/шкала: advanced,Earn, gain, acquire, receive
I’ve ..... an e-mail asking for my credit card number, do you think it’s a scam?
?) received
?) gained
?) acquired
?) earned
Вопрос id:98760
Тема/шкала: advanced,Earn, gain, acquire, receive
One in five children in the UK has never ..... a handwritten letter.
?) received
?) gained
?) earned
?) acquired
Вопрос id:98761
Тема/шкала: advanced,Earn, gain, acquire, receive
This company has ..... a $50,000 fine for hiring illegal immigrants.
?) received
?) earned
?) acquired
?) gained
Вопрос id:98762
Тема/шкала: advanced,Earn, gain, acquire, receive
In this state you can ..... a very high fine for speeding.
?) acquire
?) earn
?) receive
?) gain
Вопрос id:98763
Тема/шкала: advanced,Earn, gain, acquire, receive
My son has ..... an injury during training in the U.S. Army, will he be compensated for this?
?) acquired
?) received
?) gained
?) earned
Вопрос id:98764
Тема/шкала: advanced,Earn, gain, acquire, receive
He was unable to continue this sport career when he ..... an injury.
?) earned
?) received
?) gained
?) acquired
Вопрос id:98765
Тема/шкала: advanced,Earn, gain, acquire, receive
It’s not the first time I ..... a letter with death threats.
?) gain
?) receive
?) earn
?) acquire
Вопрос id:98766
Тема/шкала: advanced,Earn, gain, acquire, receive
I was stunned when I ..... my first royalty cheque.
?) acquired
?) earned
?) received
?) gained
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